Yuanshin: I Sell Pots On The Tivat Continent

Chapter 989: Di Luke: Well Done, Bennett, The Son Has A Headache (1 More, 3,500 Words)

"How is the evil eye research of you fools? Can it be mass-produced?"

Di Luke looked at the young master with a cold face, and said calmly: "Why didn't you see that you put the evil eye on Liyue, didn't you dare?"

Hearing Di Luke's words, the son's eyes narrowed immediately.

Who is this one and why does he know the evil eyes of the fools.

In Liyue, and even in some other places, no one would know about the evil eyes.

This one would know.


Seeing the young man with narrowed eyes, Di Luke said calmly: "Or, the fools have not exposed too much evil eyes now? I can help you publicize it."

Diluque really didn't expect that there would be an executive of fools here.

And this Bennett next to him seems to know this fool executive, how much friendship is there?

I have always heard that Liyue's foolish executives were suppressed by Liyue's seven stars, and it was difficult to move an inch in Liyue, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Being able to meet this one, Diluc doesn't mind helping the fools start a fire.

"Evil eye? What's that?"

Hearing Di Luke's words, Bennett scratched his head and looked at Grandpa Di Luke: "Grandpa Di Luke, I actually feel pretty good, my son. It's different from those fools in Mond City in "047."

"Dogs can't change eating shit, fools are fools."

Hearing Bennett's words, Di Luke was expressionless: "I have traveled to the seven countries, visited various places, and gradually approached the secret I have been pursuing. The fools secretly imitated the "Eye of God" to make the "Evil Eye". The device can amplify the user's ability to the limit, but it also brings the danger of backlash. "I'm curious about where the power of this evil eye comes from."

"It's a pity that it only destroyed a lot of Fools' strongholds, forcing the Fools' Executive Officer to act personally. You can't underestimate the person who can become the Fool's Executive Officer. Don't think that if he treats you well for a while, he will treat you well. They all serve a purpose."

"You are still young, don't be misled by this evil organization."

"It's a pity that this is Liyue, otherwise."

Di Luke sighed softly, turned around and left, without looking at the young master again, he walked towards the jar shop.

"It's him."

When the son heard Di Luke's words, his eyes narrowed, and he instantly remembered what happened a few years ago.

At this moment, the son finally knew why Di Luke hated them fools.

"That guy, Doctor, likes to make trouble."

The young master cursed and cursed in a low voice, doctor.

In the next second, the young master had a headache.

Trouble, being targeted by a holder of the Fire God's Eye, and also holding some secrets of fools, this is very passive for fools.

But this is still Liyue, even if Liyue has three executive officers, they dare not destroy it in Liyue, violating the regulations set by the seven stars of Liyue.

The Queen of Ice even signed a contract with Liyue. His son and lady are in Liyue. Isn't it a different kind of hostage?

For a moment, the young master only felt a headache.

"Ah, that, son, I'm sorry."

At this time, even Bennett, no matter how nervous he was, noticed that there was a conflict between Diluc and the young master, and immediately looked embarrassed.

When I first came to Liyue, the son took good care of him, but Grandpa Di Luke also took care of him when he was in Mond, so he had a headache for a while and didn't know what to do.

"It's okay, this is a conflict between us and him, and it won't involve you."

The young master chuckled: "I said, we are friends, aren't we?"

"So complicated."

Seeing the chuckling young master, Bennett scratched his head: "Then I'll go first, young master."

With that said, Bennett left and hurriedly ran in the direction where Di Luke left.


Looking at Bennett who left, the young master sighed: "I know Bennett, the holder of the God's Eye in Mond City, it's time to talk to the lady, if I apologize, I don't know if I can accept it , what a headache."

Thinking of Di Luke's reaction to him just now, the young master felt an unprecedented headache, and immediately he didn't want to hang out any more, and walked towards Beizi Bank.

"Give you a piece of advice, stay away from that guy in the future."

Looking at Bennett who was following up, Diluc who was walking did not stop, but put his hands behind his back, and calmly said: "Fools are not good things. If there is no profit, it will not be early. They just want to use you, and they will set you up without knowing it, so pay attention to yourself."

"You are still young, and you have time to witness more things. If you have time, go out for a walk, go to Sumeru, Fontaine, Daozu, and get to know the Fools well."

"I, I see."

Hearing Di Luke's words, Bennett wanted to say something, but finally nodded to show that he understood.

Grandpa Diluque will definitely not harm him.

Seeing Bennett listen to his own words, Di Luke smiled on his face, just listen to it.

"Tell me all about how you met him.

Diluque said calmly, "I'll analyze it for you."

"oh oh."

Hearing Di Luke's words, Bennett hurriedly told about how he came to Liyue from the Wangshu Inn to meet the young master. When he mentioned that he invited the young master to join the adventure group, and the young master had all kinds of bad luck, Bennett also had a look on his face. Excuse me.


When Di Luke heard about the young master's misfortune, he also showed a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "You did well, Bennett."


"His purpose is to make friends with you. When you have the opportunity to go to Mond in the future, it will facilitate the actions of their fools."

Diluque calmly said: "Whether it's Mond, Fontaine, or Sumeru, fools are very active. They create evil eyes and deliberately guide the world to use them. You have never seen the end of people who use evil eyes. They deceive People are going to be the test subjects of the evil eye, and their minds are very vicious."

"This place in Liyue prevents the Fools from taking any action. Even the research left by an executive officer at the beginning was destroyed and fled under Liyue's cleaning, so you think the Fools' executive officer may not be too bad. But if you go out to Liyue and Mond to have a look, you will know how evil the fools are."

"This is a group of deeply hidden evil people. Even though everyone's thoughts are different, they finally know that they are serving Zhidong. As long as they are Zhidong's enemies, they will mercilessly hunt down and kill each other. When I was If it wasn't for help, he would be dead."

"However, I didn't have the Eye of God at that time. If I had the Eye of God, I could indeed kill the opponent back."

Speaking of which, Dick was lost in memory.

If he hadn't abandoned the Eye of God when he left Mond, he would have had a good chance of killing him back when the executive officers of the Fools chased him down, and he wouldn't be so embarrassed.


Hearing Di Luke's words, Bennett's eyes widened with disbelief...

Grandpa Di Luke, was almost chased and killed by the executive of the Fools?

"Forget it, I don't bother to recall some past events. What I told you today, you will know after paying attention to it."

Diluc shook his head, not wanting to think about those things any more.


Seeing that Di Luke was feeling a little heavy, Bennett nodded and didn't speak anymore, but kept in his heart what Di Luke had said to him today.

Soon, the two came to the jar shop.

"The door was not opened."

Seeing the small pot shop with the gate closed, Diluc was taken aback.

Even now, isn't the door open?

"The owner may have been out hanging out."

Bennett, who watched this scene, quickly said: "When I passed by there before, I must have been shopping, and I will definitely come back later, the owner will come out with the Walnut hall master and the others every night, and I will come back when I come back." Open the door for a while, we will come later, we will definitely be able to use the jar."

"I see."

Hearing Bennett's words, Di Luke suddenly realized that this was the case.

Immediately nodded: "Then let's do this first, find a nearby teahouse and sit down, and when we see the owner come back, we will come over again.

With that said, Di Luke turned and left, and walked towards the surrounding teahouses, and Bennett hurriedly followed.

As Diluc and Bennett leave the pot shop.

In the movie theater.

Ayaka Kansato looked at her surroundings curiously.

It was something she had never seen before, and it was amazing.

Next to it, Paimon and Walnut are briefly introducing the role of some things to Ayaka Kamisato.


The next second, a sound suddenly came from the movie theater, the huge screen lit up, and the picture appeared. What caught the eye was a towering mountain. Tang Seng, his master and his disciples were walking, when suddenly a gust of wind blew through the sky, and the dust was flying.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately ordered Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to protect the master, and he rode a cloud into the sky and looked down.

"Well, it's amazing."

Looking at this scene, Linghua in God 1.2 didn't dare to blink her eyes, for fear of missing any exciting part.

It turned out that this was a movie, which really shocked Ayaka Kamisato. It was a movie that Inazuma didn't have.

Whether it is sound, music, or behavior, if there are no people around, Ayaka Kamisato feels that she may not be in the movie theater, which is too immersive.

"This clip is a bit bloody."

Lin Mo, who has been watching the movie, felt that the clip played today was somewhat familiar, and thought of something instantly.


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Hu Tao immediately grabbed Lin Mo's hand subconsciously: "Shopkeeper, shrink."

The owner's words reminded her of the plot of the movie she saw back then.

Fischer's complexion changed drastically, and he grabbed Ozzy tightly with both hands, and Ozzy rolled his eyes: "Let go, let go, Your Majesty, Your Highness."

"How bloody?"

Ying looked hesitant and whispered: "How does it compare with Tuoling?"

"It's not as bloody as Shituoling."

Lin Mo shook his head: "Compared to that, it's far behind."

"Huh, that's okay."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Pymon took a long breath: "This is not unacceptable.

It would have been nice to not have the gore of Camel Ridge. .

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