What furiates Lei Movie the most is not the essence of Lei Dian Shuo, but...

The righteous brother who has been with him for thousands of years is so deeply hidden!

One of the strongest forces in the universe, the sun, turned out to be the essence of Shuo!

This guy hides so deeply!

This guy is so strong!

While holding a knife to resist the rolling terrifying heat wave, Lei Movie showed a complicated expression:

"Shuo, why... Are you hiding so deeply?

Why...... Not showing up until today?

Did you decide to hide it from the time you met me and the truth?

Have you considered rebelling against me ever since?

Could it be that this deception has been deceived for thousands of years!? Lei

Dian Shuo in mid-air looked serious:

"No, Ying, this is not a deception, it is a concealment."

"So what's the difference!?" The shadow suddenly showed irritability and anger, and even gritted his teeth: "Why did you hide me for so long!?" Aren't we loved ones!?

Raiden Shuo was slightly startled, but still firm:

"Sorry, Shadow.

Concealment was not my intention.

I had to keep hiding, even you and Makoto.

No way, I'm afraid!

The fate of the three goddesses of the moon, you don't know.

And I, who is stronger than the power of the moon, if I am rashly exposed, if I emerge early...

I won't end up much better than the three of them!

So I can only sit still, keep concealing, use golden thunder as a disguise, and slowly become stronger, until today!

If it weren't for the fact that the Pure Land had the effect of avoiding wear and tear and covering up heavenly reason, if it weren't for the fact that conventional means couldn't deal with you, I wouldn't have shown the power of my sun!"

Ray's originally angry expression fell silent, as if accepting this explanation:

"So it is.

So today, are you having a showdown with me? In

an instant, Lei Dian Shuo saw loneliness and a trace of vulnerability from Lei Movie's face!

This loneliness and a trace of fragility made Lei Dianshuo's heart soften.

But the heart was soft for only a moment, and in the next second, Lei Dian Shuo's heart hardened again!


For the sake of Inazuma, for everyone, for the sake of truth, for you, I must correct your eternal way! Lei

Movie suddenly opened his eyes, and the purple light in his eyes flashed!

The ends of her long twisted braid on her back also glow purple!

This is exactly the performance of Ying's use of divine power and full strength!

In the endless roaring purple thunder, Lei Movie raised his dream, and his voice was angry and unwilling:

"Shuo! On what basis do you deny my eternity!?

Inamitsu! It's also eternal! "

Infused with the ultimate of full strength, a knife burst out of endless thunder!

This knife slashed out towards the thunder and lightning, this knife poured out all the thunder movie, and this knife was enough to burst out beyond this body!

The roaring purple thunder condensed into a peerless slash!

That unimaginable sword of the pinnacle martial art is brilliantly displayed here!

Looking at the incomparable purple thunder slash that slashed in the air, Lei Dian Shuo sighed slightly, and also activated his own solar power.

Endless light and heat, burning all the power of the sun that annihilates everything, condensed in the hand under the extreme control of thunder and lightning, forming a sun divine gun that emits golden light!

At the same time, a burning hot eye appeared behind Raiden Shuo, and terrifying flames were attached to the spear of light in his hand!

This is the power that condenses the sun, enough to defeat the god-killing spear of the gods!

Lei Dian Shuo's body arched back violently, mobilized his whole body strength, and struggled to throw this Sun God Gun towards Lei Movie!

"O Nikki, obey death!"

The spear of light that emits bursting golden light breaks through everything and moves forward with the power of burning destruction!

The thoughtlessness of the Lei movie is extremely brilliant, and no one can deny the power of this knife.

But unfortunately, in the face of the more brilliant and splendid Sun God Gun, this knife is still slightly inferior!

The thoughtless knife flashing with a surging purple thunder light collided with the spear of light that burst with golden light and flames!

This time it is no longer evenly matched, this time it is to rush and destroy the sharp, invincible!

The golden spear of light representing the sun defeated the purple thunder light's thoughtless sword!

In Lei Movie's unwilling eyes, the golden light is getting brighter and brighter!

Boom, boom, boom... The sky is shaking, the sun and the moon are sad!

The magma lake under the sinkhole was directly destroyed by the explosion!

Where the terrifying light and heat go, no matter can exist!

Whether it is rock, crust or magma, it is all gasified and destroyed in the face of this destructive force!

The bright explosion begins with a center, overwhelmingly destroying everything in front of it!

The huge sinkhole, which was originally round, was further destroyed to the other side!

With the destruction of the high-temperature explosion, the circular sinkhole was expanded and destroyed into an oval sinkhole, and the depth area was doubled!

There is no doubt that Shadow was defeated by the devastation and decay!

Outside the castle tower, above Narugami Island, the celestial phenomena began to change as the people of Inazuma looked up.

Originally, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the golden thunder and purple thunder collided with each other, and the two sides were evenly matched.

But suddenly, Jin Lei and Zi Lei disappeared together!

The thick dark clouds in the sky also dissipated, and the brilliant sun reappeared, shining on Narugami Island.

The people of Inazuma Castle looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke outside the castle tower couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this celestial change.

What happened?

How did Golden Thunder and Purple Thunder disappear at the same time? Have the clouds dissipated?

What the hell is going on here?

Kujo Takayuki's face was ugly, and he now had a bad guess:

"Should it be... Losing both?

Shinsuke Hiiragi next to him was also frightened:

"Impossible, right?

Lord General's martial arts are excellent, and the thoughtless sword is even more unmatched, how can both lose!? "

The two old guys are most worried about the result is the defeat of Raiden General and the victory of Raiden Shuo.

The result they most hope for is that Raiden General defeats Raiden Shuo, and it is best to kill him!

And now this kind of speculation that both sides are defeated, they cannot accept.

Why do these two old dogs dare to brazenly implement the order of locking up the country and the order of eye hunting?

Why dare to boldly collude with fools?

Why dare to persecute the people of Inazuma, so that internal and external troubles are troubled, and the people have no livelihood?

In the end, it still relies on the absolute strength of the thunder and lightning general on their heads!

In their opinion, with such a powerful god as the last resort, the situation could not be worse.

But if both loses and the gods are unable to protect Inazuma, what will happen to the two of them? What about the two families?

If there really were no gods to rely on as shelter, would their soldiers obey?

Isn't colluding with fools fighting with tigers?

Will the winter side bite back or even take the opportunity to swallow them?

Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke were anxious and worried.

Ayato Kamisato next to him watched coldly.

For the inner calculations of these two old guys, Kamisato Ayato can be described as very clear.

However, the current situation is unknown, and it is difficult for Ayato Kamisato as a practitioner to say anything.

He could only continue to wait, while being wary of any change in the two old guys.

In the Pure Land, the terrifying aftermath of the explosion slowly stopped and slowly dissipated after a long time.

In the huge sinkhole that has been enlarged into an oval shape, the temperature is extremely hot, and the hot air is twisted!

No way, the residual energy of Raiden Shuo's shot is still there, which is enough to bake people dry for a while and a half The high temperature cannot be lowered.

After the battle, Raiden Shuo and Lei Movie did not continue to stay in this difficult place.

I don't know when, Lei Dian Shuo helped Lei Movie far away.

He helped Ying run out of tens of kilometers in an instant, and came to the edge of the Pure Land of Yixin, a relatively cool and peaceful place.

Raiden Shuo gently landed on the ground and gently put down the thunder movie.

Even if she loses the battle, Shadow is not a squeamish little girl.

Calming her breath, she stood steadily in front of Lei Dian Shuo.

At the edge of this pure land of heart, the two people stood face to face like this.

Looking closely, Lei Ying's body was damaged and scorched in many places, and his face was slightly embarrassed, but the knife in his hand was still tightly held.

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