Kamisato Ayato finally reacted, quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up, with a respectful attitude:

"Sorry, Lord Shuo, it's rude!"

"Where? The faux pas is obviously me.

The sudden return to disturb you at this time is because I am concerned about Inazuma's situation.

What happened to the three things I was thinking about when I left?

Kamisato Ayato quickly adjusted himself from a state of life to a state of work, and he seriously reported his official duties to Raiden Shuo:

"Lord Gosho, the first thing is the negotiation with Sutofuyu, and I am responsible for this matter."

Raiden Shuo nodded and didn't say anything, motioning for Kamisato Ayato to continue.

"Not long after you left, the newly dispatched diplomat from the winter side arrived in Inazuma by boat.

This man, as we expected, is the executive of the fools, Rooster Pucciniera.

Raiden Shuo was slightly interested:

"Oh? Rooster Pucciniera?

The mayor of Solstice is also the highest official in the administrative system of Solstice, a cunning and calculating politician.

This little old man is difficult to deal with, right?

Kamisato Ayato showed a wry smile:

"Yes, this winter mayor-sir is difficult to deal with.

The negotiations with Solstice Winter clearly lost them, but under Puccinera's operation, I did not have much advantage.

Speaking of this, Kamisato Ayato expressed gratitude:

"Fortunately, Lord Gosho, you gave me the heart of God, when the negotiations reached an impasse, the heart of God that I suddenly punched had a great effect on the negotiations.

After seeing the heart of God, Pucciniera, a sophisticated guy, could not remain calm, he lost his mind for a while, and there were flaws in the negotiations later, and he was chased by me with victory.

In this way, we finally won this negotiation. Hearing

the four words of great victory, Lei Dian Shuo nodded with satisfaction:

"Very good, how much blood came out of the winter?"

"In addition to the perfect Mikage hearth technique that you specified to be desired, as well as the space technology, we also asked for it from Solsuto..."

Kamisato Ayato then reported a lot of technology and a large number of supplies.

Lei Dian Shuo calculated in his heart and found that there were indeed a lot of good things.

The technical materials compensated for in the winter are enough to make up for the loss of Inazuma in the past few years due to the turmoil.

Not only can Inazuma make up for the losses, but with these materials and technologies, Inazuma can accelerate its development next.

It is worthy of the winter solstice, and a little blood is enough for Inazuma to digest.

However, this also shows that Inazuma is really poor and really lagging behind.

After thinking about it, Raiden Shuo said to Kamisato Aya

: "Good job.

These technologies and supplies, when will they be sent in winter?

"Because of the big problem, I plan to send it over batch by winter."

"Well, you will follow up on this matter, don't let the winter side delay, and remember that only what we take in our hands and eat in our mouths is our own."

Kamisato Ayato nodded approvingly.

The results of the negotiations with Soltoku were satisfactory, and Raiden Shuo smiled and asked Kamisato

Ayato, "Ayato, when you were at the negotiating table and used the Heart of God fox to fake tiger power, what was Puciniera's reaction?"

Kamisato Ayato also smiled:

"At that time, Puccinera almost lost her soul after seeing the heart of God.

After the negotiations, Puccinera did not relent much.

Think about it, who would come up with such a thing as the Heart of God in the process of negotiation?

"And what about the Puccinerans? Already gone?

"Not really, after the negotiations, Puccinera stayed in Inazuma for a while, saying that he wanted to visit exotic landscapes."

"Hmph, I guess he just wants to check my Inazuma.

This time the negotiations were a big win for us, but he was a failure relative to Puccinera.

The number one figure in the political circles himself failed, which must be a big blow to his prestige and political career.

I guess Puccinera must have planned to break the guilt, which is why Inazuma does not leave.

Kamisato Ayato nodded, and he thought the same.

Lei Dian Shuo didn't care about Puccinera's whereabouts:

"Don't worry about him, Pucciniera is usually so busy, he doesn't have much time to stay in Inazuma to see the scenery, and when he finds that he has no chance, he can only leave."

Speaking of this, Kamisato Ayato's expression was a little sad:

"Lord Gosho, but I'm worried that Puccinera has an opportunity."

"What do you say?"

Kamisato Ayato pulled out the heart of God from his sleeve, and raised his trembling hands to Raiden:

"Lord Gosho, because of the display of God's heart at the negotiating table, I think that the fools have focused their attention on me."

Looking at Kamisato Ayato's unlucky expression, and the God Heart he held in both hands, Raiden Shuo did not answer, but asked:

"Ayato, what did you say at that time?"

"At that time, during the negotiations, I told them that this heart of God was given to me by Lord Misho-sama, and after the negotiation was over, I would immediately return the heart of God to Lord Gosho.

Even in order to prevent flaws, after the negotiations, I went to the castle tower and stayed in it for a long time before coming out, so as to confuse those who have intentions.

Lei Dian Shuo listened, a little puzzled:

"Don't the fools believe this set of rhetoric? Do they think the Heart of God is still in your hands? Could it be that the fools have been staring at you lately?

"Not really." Kamisato Ayato explained, "According to the ninja report of the end of the end, when I came out of the castle tower, few people continued to pay attention to me.

The fools set more attention on the castle tower, of course, they could not and did not have the courage to sneak into the castle tower.

Raiden Shuo looked right:

"That's it."

Such an important thing as the heart of God must be kept by the gods themselves, and the seven gods have done this, except for me... And Lord General.

Before, Lord General entrusted the heart of God to the Son of God, and if I hadn't said this matter myself, I guess you wouldn't have believed it.

In the same way, I have entrusted you with the heart of God, who would have thought of this? Who would have thought that I would entrust something as important as the Heart of God to a mortal?

The fools will not think that you still have the heart of God after the negotiations.

They will only subconsciously think that after you go to the castle tower, you will return the heart of God to me.

This is people's inherent thinking habit, no one knows that I am not usually in Inazuma, and no one expects you to continue to keep the heart of God.

Kamisato Ayato was about to cry:

"Lord Gosho, that's right, and the fools didn't continue to stare at me.

However, I really don't feel at ease that something as important as the Heart of God is placed here for me.

In recent days, I have cherished the heart of God, but I can't eat well or sleep well, and I am afraid that the heart of God will be lost.

If something really goes wrong with the heart of God, my subordinates will have to die to apologize!

Raiden Shuo looked at Kamisato Ayato expressionlessly, and then at the large bowl of rice and many dishes on the table over there.

Can't eat well or sleep well?

Kamisato Ayato, whether this kid slept well or not, Raiden Shuo didn't know, but he definitely ate well!

Kamisato Ayato also noticed Raiden's gaze, as well as his own food over there.

It's a little embarrassing.

What should I do if I open my eyes and say nonsense and I am broken by Lord Gosho?

So, Lei Dian Shuo said to Kamisato Aya expressionlessly:

"Don't talk nonsense, the heart of God continues to be kept by you, there must be no mistake!"

"Yes! Your subordinates obey! "

What can Kamisato do besides obedience? I can only honestly take back the heart of God.

Seeing that Ayato in the gods was obedient, Lei Dian Shuo instructed again:

"You can usually collect the heart of God, and you should behave naturally outside, so that people can't notice that something is wrong..."

Forget it, you are a good acting, the drum does not need to be hammered, these things do not need me to tell you more.

Let's talk about the next thing, how is diplomacy? Speaking

of business, Kamisato Ayato became rigorous again:

"Gosho-sama, Toma and Ayaka, as diplomats of the Inazuma Society, have already set off.

The two of them took boats to Mond and Liyue respectively, and should have arrived. "

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