But even if you are unwilling, what can you do?

The collar has been put on the neck, and the pattern has been printed on the lower abdomen.

With these two things going hand in hand, the lady has to obediently listen to Lei Dian Shuo's words sooner or later, which is nothing more than a matter of time sooner or later, nothing more than a question of how much patience Lei Dian Shuo has.

Looking at the lady's uncooperative look, Lei Dian Shuo knew that he was not suitable to deal with this woman in the past few days.

Give her some time, let her recognize reality, and let her adjust her psychology.

When the troublesome matter is over, Lei Dian Shuo concocts the lady again to let her know who is the master and who is the servant.

With a meaningful glance at the lady, Lei Dian Shuo left here and disappeared.

These things that happened at the Goethe Grand Hotel were unknown to anyone except the three parties of Lei Dian Shuo, Ice God, and Madame.

Even Wendy did not notice the abnormal movement in the Goethe Hotel, who let Lei Dian Shuo use the enchantment to isolate the surroundings before it happened.

A few days passed after this matter, and the time to completely solve the Wind Demon Dragon finally came.

News came from the Château Dawn that Diluc had gathered enough intelligence and that it was time for them to act.

So, Raiden, Ying, Paimon, Wendy, Jean, the five of them set off from Mondstadt together to the Morning Light Winery.

Everyone is looking forward to the intelligence that Diluc collected during this time, and hopes that this time he can complete the battle and completely end the dragon plague.

With various moods of anticipation or apprehension, the five people rushed to the Morning Light Winery.

They were also received by Adeline, the head maid of the Château Sunrise, who welcomed them to Diluc's second-floor study.

Climb up to the second floor of the Morning Light Winery and enter Diluc's study, and sure enough, Diluc is already waiting for everyone there.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Diluc stood up unhurriedly and welcomed everyone with a calm expression:

"You are here."

Well, Diluc is this character, but don't mind, everyone doesn't care.

The current business is still the wind demon dragon Twalin.

The gathered Twalin Rescue Association sat together, and everyone began to discuss this matter in a serious and solemn manner.

Lei Dian Shuo was the first to ask

Diluc: "Diluc, how did the Abyss Mage catch?" What happened to intelligence gathering?

But we got the news that you came after gathering enough intelligence, Diluc must not let us down, right?

Diluc sat across from Raiden, his expression calm:

"Of course I won't disappoint you."

During this time, I personally dispatched and captured several Abyssal Mages around the Morning Light Winery.

Mr. Shuo, I would also like to thank you and Lisa for capturing and sending the Abyss Mage before, and this batch of Abyssal Mages also includes him.

Through torture to extract confessions and interrogate this group of Abyssal Mages, I finally got enough information.

At this point, Wendy couldn't wait:

"What is the intelligence?" How is Twalin doing? How do we save Twalin?

Even knowing that Wendy's identity is the god of wind, Diluc's attitude towards Wendy is still unceremonious:

"Calm down, singer."

The information provided by the Abyss Mages showed that the wind demon dragon Twalin was entrenched in the ruins of the wind dragon after going berserk, and seemed to use it as its lair. "

It turned out to be the

ruins of the wind dragon..." Jean fell into thought and began to think about the situation of the ancient ruins.

Several Monds present knew the general situation of the Wind Dragon Ruins, and Lei Dian Shuo was also Menqing'er because of the prophet's foresight, and only Ying and Paimon, the two foreigners, were a little unclear.

Paimon covered his head, very puzzled:

"Wind Dragon Ruins? It seems like...... Heard of this place. Ying

also began to think:

"It seems to be some ancient ruins of Mond."

Lei Dian Shuo next to him kindly explained to Ying:

"That's right, it's a super large ancient ruin, many times larger than the Thousand Winds Temple we explored before."

After listening to it, Paimon seemed a little frightened:

"Huh!? Such a large area of ruins? I didn't expect that there was still such a place in Mond.

Ying thoughtfully:

"Ancient ruins with a large area....

It is indeed understandable why the wind demon dragon Twalin used it as a lair, because it is big enough. Lei

Dian Shuo agreed with this speculation:

"That's right, the size of the Wind Demon Dragon, the nest you want to find must not be small, and the size of the Wind Dragon Ruins is very suitable for it."

By the way, I remember that place was not called the Wind Dragon Ruins before, it seemed to be called the Wind Dragon Ruins.

The reason why it turned into the ruins of the wind dragon seems to be because..." Speaking

of this, the three Monds present were a little embarrassed.

When Ying and Paimon heard it, they also reacted.

Especially Paimon, the little guy reacted and was shocked:

"Yes, I remembered! The Wind Dragon Ruins are written in the Tivat guidebook! We learned about the ruins of the wind dragon in that book!

That one...... The author of the tour guide to Tivat seems to be called Alice, if I remember correctly..." Speaking of

this, Paimon looked embarrassed, and his tone was very suspicious:

"If I remember correctly, the reason why the Wind Dragon Ruins became the Wind Dragon Ruins seems to be caused by this author!"

Belch...... That's what the Tivat guidebook says. Ying

also looked strange, and cast an inquiring look at Lei Dian Shuo, who was sitting next to him.

Lei Dianshuo's expression was also a little embarrassed, but he still told the truth and did not hide it for Alice's black history.

"Uh... That Tivat tour guide is credible, and Alice, the author of the Tivat tour guide... There is no bragging either.

This Alice is an immortal witch, especially good at making bombs, and the reason why the Wind Dragon Ruins have become Wind Dragon Ruins is that Alice blew them up! Ying

seemed to be frightened:

"What is written in the Tivat guide is true!?"

This author is really... It's so raw! Forgive

Ying's limited vocabulary, she thought about it for a long time, and she could only think of using the word raw to describe Alice.

In fact, Lei Dian Shuo and everyone present felt that this word was quite suitable for Alice.

Or the head of the piano coughed twice, and the serious piano brought the topic back to the right track:

"Ahem, we're off topic, I'll talk about Ms. Alice's affairs later, now the focus is on the wind demon dragon and the wind dragon ruins."

Wendy nodded hurriedly:

"That's right, that's right, Master Diluc, Twalin is entrenched in the ruins of the wind dragon, is this information accurate?" Those Abyssal Mages won't lie to you, right?

Wendy's questioning seemed to make Diluc a little angry, and he hugged his arms and looked grim:

"There is no need to doubt my ability, especially my interrogation ability."

Against those Abyssal Mages, I used all kinds of punishments that you can't imagine.

And I interrogated them separately, and later compared their confessions.

The information I received was obtained after synthesizing their confessions and is absolutely credible. Lei

Dian Shuo also solved the siege on the side:

"Wendy, there is no doubt, Master Diluc is an expert in this area, and we believe that the information he has obtained can be used."

"Ah, sorry, I'm really a little concerned, after all this time, I'm worried about whether Twalin has been eroded deeper."

The deeper erosion is certain, there is no doubt about that.

Raiden Shuo thought so, but in order not to increase Wendy's worry, he did not say it.

Thinking like this, Lei Dian Shuo looked at the screen next to him again.

With this traveler here, no matter how deep Twalin is eroded, it is no problem, and the glow can always be purified.

If it really didn't work, he dragged Twalin somewhere else and used the power of the sun to treat (wash) Twalin well.

After the treatment, it was guaranteed that Wendy was not eroded and still alive and jumping Twalin.

Well, Raiden Shuo can guarantee.

In addition to Wendy's some anxiety, Jean also had some urgency, and she asked Diluc directly:

"Since the Wind Demon Dragon is entrenched in the Wind Dragon Ruins, then the goal of our trip is the Wind Dragon Ruins."

It's just not clear how the situation is with the ruins of the wind dragon? How much power is there from the Abyss Order? Apart from the Wind Demon Dragon, how many blocks will we receive? "

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