Lisa nodded, feeling the same way:

"That's right, the piano was too busy before, she herself ignored her birthday, and it was even more difficult for others to remember."

When Qin celebrated her birthday before, only a few of our friends who knew Qin gave her gifts, and she couldn't even participate in a birthday party, which was a pity.

However, this year is different!

Lisa's green eyes suddenly shone with a strange brilliance:

"This year, our Knights have added a new consultant.

Under the guidance of this consultant, the entire Order realized its mistake and took the initiative to help Jean share the heavy work, so that Jean could get a respite from the work.

After all, Qin is not busy before, and this year finally has such an opportunity, we feel that we should help Qin have a birthday! Lei

Dian Shuo nodded seriously:

"Well, it should be.

Captain Qin has always been an omnipotent existence in everyone's eyes, but the duties and positions make everyone ignore that Captain Qin is actually an ordinary girl.

In the past, Qin himself ignored enough, everyone ignored more, now is the opportunity to make up for it!

So...... What day is Jean's birthday?

Lisa rolled her eyes wordlessly:

"The day after tomorrow."

Lei Dian Shuo nodded:

"The day after tomorrow, I know, I won't forget it."

Does Lisa have any plans for Captain Jean's birthday?

Lisa began to narrate enthusiastically:

"Of course, there are plans, we all plan to help the piano for a birthday this time and surprise the piano."

Jean's birthday celebration dinner, set for the night after tomorrow, was set at the Angel's gift, and Diluc himself had agreed, and the angel's gift would close early that night. Lei

Dian Shuo nodded and chuckled:

"It seems that Diluc, the cold-faced guy, also attaches great importance to Jean's birthday, otherwise he would not have closed early."

By the way, who attends this birthday party?

Lisa snapped her fingers and counted them one by one:

"Me, you, Kaia, Diluc, Amber, Curly, Barbara, Wendy, Noelle, Honor Knight, and Paimon."

Well...... Probably these are the people.

"There are a lot of people.

So who came up with the idea of celebrating Jean's birthday? Is it Lisa you?

Lisa slowly shook her head with a smile:

"No, it's Barbara's idea, and it's also Barbara's contact with everyone who wants to help Jean celebrate a birthday."

Raiden suddenly realized, and thoughtfully:

"It turned out to be Barbara, for the sake of her dear sister, no wonder."

The birthday dinner is the night after tomorrow, right? I want to think... Well, it should be no problem, I have full time these days and will definitely participate.

By the way, we are going to hold a birthday party for Jean, and Jean himself should not know about it, right?

"Of course, we're going to surprise Jean."

"That's good, Captain Qin has a rare birthday, and he really has to give her a big surprise."

Is there anything I need help with this birthday party?

Lisa sat opposite Lei Dian Shuo, thought for a while, and shook her head slightly:

"There is nothing you need to help, the birthday banquet matter, others will definitely be able to take care of it."

There are just two things you need to be aware of.

"Which two things?"

"The first thing is to prepare a birthday present for Jean.

We've all discussed that everyone will give Jean a birthday present, and you can't be an exception.

"Of course, going to someone's birthday party empty-handed, this is not my style, it's just a gift, I will think about what to give."

What about the other thing?

Speaking of another thing, Lisa's expression became solemn:

"The other thing is Barbara."

Lei Dian Shuo was a little puzzled:

"What happened to Barbara?" Didn't she come up with the idea of giving Jean a birthday?

"Yes, it is, and this birthday party was also hosted by Barbara herself.

But Barbara lately... Some doppelgangers lack. "

Doppelgänger lacks skills? How to tell? Has the church been busy lately? Barbara, the prayer priest, is too busy to keep her feet on the ground?

"No, Barbara's troubles and obstacles don't come from inside the church, but from outside the church."

From the door of the church, to be exact.

Lei Dian Shuo completely drank the drink in the cup, subconsciously still a little puzzled:

"What trouble and hindrance can there be at the door of the church?" In addition to the fools, what bastard dares to blatantly trouble the people of the church at the door of the church?

Lisa held her face and looked at Raiden Shuo with a somewhat confused expression:

"It's a group of creatures called fans.

The fanatics in this group of creatures, in the name of supporting Barbara, caused Barbara a lot of trouble and trouble on the grounds of being good to Barbara. "

Fans?" Lei Dian Shuo thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Barbara Fan Support Association? Fan Support Club President Albert? That powderhead?

Lisa nodded helplessly, indicating that it was him.

Lei Dianshuo put down the cup, frowned, and his face was a little gloomy:

"The trouble actually comes from this group of fans, this is really... Not easy to handle. "

Barbara is known not only the prayer pastor of the Zephyr Church, but also the idol of the entire Mondstadt!

The origin of this idol is also quite complicated.

On the one hand, Barbara has a sweet smile and treats people gently, and anyone in Mondstadt who is injured or sick will be treated by Barbara, and this treatment is also a kind of healing.

People who are healed by treatment are basically attracted to Barbara's smile and gentleness, so as to fall in love with Barbara and develop a good impression of Barbara.

If it is only to generate good feelings, it will not reach the level of fans, and there will be no organized fan support clubs.

In addition to daily work therapy, the cheerful Barbara will also sing and dance to everyone in Mondstadt to cheer everyone up.

The beautiful girl's performance is very exciting, and the cuteness of the beautiful girl also makes everyone's heart yearn for it, plus everyone already has a good impression of Barbara, and they are organized together....

Fans are organized together, isn't this a fan support club?

And Albert, the most fanatical of them, became the president of the Barbara Fan Support Association!

Hi! The president of the fan support association of the fart, to put it ugly, is a harasser who does not know the severity!

In the name of supporting Barbara, this guy often blocked the church door all day long.

The reason why it is so rude, the reason why it is done, is to be able to see Barbara with my own eyes and personally support Barbara.

In addition, this Albert also injured himself every three or five times, in order to take advantage of the name and opportunity of the injury, ask Barbara to treat himself, so as to get the opportunity to get along with Barbara.

This person is no longer as simple as fanaticism, and has begun to develop in a radical direction.

As everyone knows, his actions have caused trouble to Barbara, and a good powder head has become an illegitimate powder that makes people change, which is really annoying!

Remembering this general situation of Albert, Lei Dianshuo's face remained unswerving:

"It turns out that this guy caused trouble to Barbara, no wonder, it's really a nasty guy."

Lisa, listen to you, Barbara has been harassed by Albert quite badly recently? Has it affected normal work and life? "

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