Anyway, the trouble was solved, and Raiden left the church with Barbara and began to busy himself in the city about the celebration.

The location has been chosen, in the gift of the angel.

In order to place this matter, Barbara also specially ran a trip to the angel's gift, and confirmed that she could close early tomorrow night to make room for them.

Both Charles and Diluc have long agreed to this matter, so there is no problem with the venue.

Barbara then went to confirm the food of the banquet, after all, it was a birthday party, and it was impossible without food and wine.

Barbara asked the deer hunter for this, where she had ordered tomorrow night's meal in advance, and asked the deer hunter to deliver tomorrow night's meal to the angel's gift on time.

Got confirmation from Sarah that there was no problem with the food for tomorrow's dinner.

After these two important things were confirmed, Barbara was obviously relieved, and then there were some miscellaneous things, such as the decorations in the venue, how many friends needed to come, and how to invite the head of the piano to come and so on...

All in all, these things are small, but they are very tedious, and Barbara took a lot of effort to deal with them, but fortunately there was Raiden Shuo on the side.

Busy and busy, this time came to the evening.

No way, time is a little short.

Whether it is Barbara or the other people who participated in this birthday party, everyone usually has work during the day, and they prepare for these things while they are off work.

Isn't that a bit of a bit of a stretch in the air?

The birthday dinner for Captain Qin is tomorrow night, just after work.

In other words, there is basically not much time left tomorrow, and what can be solved must be solved today.

Fortunately, with the help of Raiden Shuo, Barbara handled things much more efficiently today, and everything she could think of was basically solved.

The only thing that still struggles is the issue of personal gifts.

Raiden Shuo and Barbara walked on the street with the lights on, Barbara breathed a sigh of relief and was also a little worried:

"Although everything is almost ready, but... I haven't thought of giving it to my sister yet... Uh, a birthday gift for Captain Koto, what can I do? Speaking

of which, Barbara held her head and had a little breakdown.

Looking at the bad look of the girl beside him, Lei Dian Shuo was slightly helpless.

Barbara was busy with most of the things, and when it was her turn, she didn't have time to get busy.

Not counting tonight, there is only one day left tomorrow, which is not counting the time occupied by daily work.

It seems that time is really running out, and Barbara needs to solve the matter of her gift in the limited time left.

But what gift should I give to the piano?

For this matter, Barbara is special... Screw up.

That's right, it's screwing.

Lei Dian Shuo, who followed Barbara's side, almost immediately realized Barbara's tangled and twisted feelings for her sister Qin.

Barbara obviously wants to be close to her sister, and this special organization of a birthday party for Jean is the best proof of this.

If she really doesn't care about her sister, why is Barbara so keen to celebrate her sister's birthday? What about surprising your sister?

However, Barbara's too weak character and the experience of their parents' divorce in the past made Barbara unable to easily reveal her heart to her sister Jean.

In the same way, the same is true of Jean as a sister.

Obviously, he wanted to take care of his sister, but due to his duties as the acting head of the Knights, and the identity of the so-called sister, Jean did not dare to show his care to his sister.

What is this pair of sisters not screwing up?

The reason why this pair of sisters, who should obviously have a good relationship, became so screwed, in addition to many practical factors, the most important thing is their parents.

Who let Jean and Barbara's parents divorce so long ago?

Divorced families are prone to cause so many problems.

It is clear that they are sisters with the same father and mother, and it is clear that the relationship between the sisters is very good, but they are gradually estranged because they are separated from their mothers and their fathers after their parents divorced.

This estrangement is only on the surface, whether it is sisters and sisters, they want to be close to each other, but they dare not dare for various reasons.

It's really screwed enough, it's troublesome enough.

Thinking of this, Lei Dian Shuo began to complain about Jean and Barbara's parents somewhat.

Jean and Barbara's father, an adventurer who once became a continent-famous adventurer, later joined the Zephyr Church as the head of the Zephyr Church, and now he follows the Grand Master Falgar on expeditions.

Jean and Barbara's mother, Fredelica, a famous knight of the Zephyr Knights, was the trusted right and left hand of Grand Master Fargasso, and of course followed him on expeditions.

These two people have seen Lei Dian Shuo, they are not ordinary people, they are very capable.

However, two equally capable people may not be so harmonious after entering marriage as partners.

Marriage, there must be progress and retreat.

As a husband and wife, someone must regress for the other, and someone must become the dominant person of the other.

But who makes them both very capable? For one reason or another, the two eventually parted ways and divorced.

Divorce is divorce, the couple also separated Jean and Barbara, who had grown up at the time, and it was fair for the two to raise one by one.

They are fair, but for Jean and Barbara, it is a little cruel.

The two sisters obviously care about each other, but due to many factors, they dare not and cannot get close to each other, so clumsy, which makes people laugh and regret at the same time.

Thinking of this, Lei Dian Shuo began to think.

Barbara can offer to help Qin hold a birthday party this time to surprise her, which shows that Barbara has taken the first step bravely.

The rest depends on the piano.

As a sister, Jean will definitely be pleasantly surprised and will definitely accept her sister's kindness.

But after accepting the kindness, whether Jean is willing to accept the feelings handed over by his sister is another matter.

If Jean was still so stupid and didn't dare to take the initiative to express his feelings to his sister, Lei Dian Shuo would have to push it.

This was Lei Dian Shuo's plan, and he didn't want to see the sisters continue to screw up like this.

Obviously they are sisters with the same father and mother, obviously they care about each other, so close and not far away, what is it for?

This time, you must both understand each other's intentions, and you must reconcile your own sisters.

What if your parents divorced? It's not that if your parents are divorced, you're not sisters.

Lei Dian Shuo made up his mind, and calculated in his heart, thinking about when it was appropriate to push it.

While thinking like this, Lei Dian Shuo chatted with Barbara next to him.

And the topic of conversation is undoubtedly her sister Qin.

At first, Barbara was a little restrained in the face of Raiden.

But after a day of getting along, Barbara gradually got acquainted and began to talk naturally about her sister Qin.

At the beginning, I couldn't stop.

Including his sister's situation, preferences, past experiences, and even anecdotes from her childhood, Barbara said excitedly.

Lei Dian Shuo listened very seriously, some of the things, Lei Dian Shuo laughed when he heard it, and he couldn't imagine that Qin had such a side.

Barbara was also suppressed for a long time, and finally had someone to talk to, so she poured out her thoughts about her sister.

It wasn't until Raiden Shuo looked at Barbara with a smile and a slight pampering look that Barbara reacted, and she seemed to be too enthusiastic and excited.

Lovely Barbara blushed, twisted and shyly walked beside Raidenshuo:

"That... I...... I just care a little about the head of the piano, Mr. Advisor, don't misunderstand. "

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