Lei Dian Shuo slowly shook his head:

"I'm not from Liyue, but I traveled in Liyue for a while a few years ago, and I can't be your tour guide."

However, with your physique that easily attracts trouble, and the physique that easily attracts people, there is no worry about no tour guide, and there is no worry about no trouble.

When the time comes, you can do whatever you want, and solve whatever you encounter. Lei

Dian Shuo's words were a bit ambiguous, and Ying also seemed to hear some hidden meaning.

She looked at Lei Dian Shuo hesitantly:

"You... Is this hinting at me for something? Hinting that my trip to Liyue will not go well? Lei

Dian smiled meaningfully:

"I didn't say that, I just think that dignified travelers, no matter what country they go to, will stir up the wind and rain, right?"

In short, we will talk about the future later, let's take care of the present.

Ying, it's not time to leave, tell me whenever you plan to leave, let's just go together.

Ying nodded, indicating understanding.

In this way, after telling Ying about this, Lei Dian Shuo left.

Next Ying and Wendy and Paimon have to go through them, and Raiden Shuo is not involved.

After all, Lei Dian Shuo already knew how things would develop, and Lei Dian Shuo could feel that this time things would develop step by step, and there would be no unexpected circumstances.

There was nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about, and Lei Dian Shuo simply left.

Stanley's side, just leave it to Wendy, he's fine.

With this thought, Raiden Shuo left here, and he went straight to the headquarters of the Knights and went to the library to find Lisa.

Entering the library, Lei Dian Shuo subconsciously looked at the counter in the borrowing area.

To his surprise, Lisa wasn't there.

It's really strange, where did she go to fish?

With such doubts, Lei Dian Shuo stood above, holding the railing in front of him, looking down at the library area below.

Just a little look, Lei Dian Shuo saw Lisa's figure at a corner table.

Big Sister Purple Rose was sitting there gracefully, holding a cup of black tea in her hand and a book at the same time, just watching there.

It turns out that Lisa ran underneath, which is really a bit strange.

After finding Lisa, Raiden Shuo stepped down the steps of the stairs, came to Lisa's side, and sat unceremoniously in front of her.

"Lisa, is it really good to fish in such an upright way during working hours?"

Putting down the book in her hand, Lisa looked at Lei Dian Shuo in front of her, her expression soft and casual:

"What does it matter?" There are not many people who borrow books today, what is wrong with touching it casually? Hearing

Lisa say this, Lei Dian Shuo looked around the entire book area.

But no, there are very few people reading books between the shelves in this library, and there are even fewer people who borrow books.

It's rare to relax, what's wrong with touching the fish a little?

Smiling, when Lei Dian Shuo just wanted to say something, Lisa spoke first:

"Shuo, I know you too well, you guy is not in the Imperial Court for anything, is there something wrong with coming to me?"

Hearing Lisa's words that nothing happened to the Imperial Academy, Lei Dian Shuo was stunned, and then he couldn't help but laugh a little.

After laughing, Lei Dian Shuo looked at Lisa seriously: "Lisa

, I'm leaving Mond, I'm going to Liyue."

When Lisa heard this, her expression suddenly became solemn.

Of course, she understood, Lei Dianshuo left Mond this time, not temporarily, but officially left.

When he next comes to Mond to find himself, or the next time he comes to Mond to live for a long time, I don't know when.

In other words, he is going to be temporarily separated from Shuo.

Thinking of her life with Shuo Mi Li mixing oil during this time, Lisa was really reluctant in her heart.

After all, the man in front of him is his lover, a person who is willing to give his life, even if he can't reach a formal and proper relationship with him.

It was precisely because they all understood that Lisa's expression was a little low and sad for a moment.

Looking at Lisa like this, Lei Dian Shuo also felt bad in his heart.

But reality is reality, and the reality is that Raidenzo can't stay in Mond all the time, and Lisa can't leave her country.

Maybe when everything is over, maybe after Lisa has fulfilled her duties, maybe when Lisa retires, she can leave Mond and go to Inazuma to stay with Raiden Shuo.

But that was a long time later, not now.

The current situation is that after two people have been tired of being crooked for so long, they must separate.

Lisa understood it all, and Lisa was also very knowledgeable.

She didn't make a fuss or lose her temper, just sighed and asked relatively calmly:

"When do you leave?"

Lei Dian Shuo replied:

"It's not sure when exactly I will leave, I plan to go to Liyue with Ying, probably less than a week away."

Hearing this news, Lisa couldn't be indifferent, and Purple Rose Big Sister looked at Lei

Dian Shuo with some danger: "It turns out that I didn't leave alone, it turned out to be accompanied by beauty, no wonder..." A

few black lines appeared on Lei Dian Shuo's head:

"No wonder what?" Lisa, don't think about it, Ying and I are just on the way, and I have Connor by my side, and Paimon next to Ying, and it's not just the two of us!

Lisa nodded solemnly:

"Well, if it weren't for these two little tow oil bottles, you two would have flown together."

"This is getting more and more outrageous, where does the double go and fly together? It's really just a smooth ride, and we can take care of each other when we rush together. "

Is it really just a drop-by-step?" I don't believe it.

Lisa said categorically, while looking at Lei Dianshuo's eyes seriously.

Being watched so seriously by Lisa, Lei Dian Shuo groaned for a long time, but was still weakly defeated:

"Well, I admit, going to Liyue with Ying, my motives are indeed not simple.

But it's not the kind of no-no-brainer you think, I said it before, I have a request for this traveler!

If I don't take good care of her by her side, if I don't go to Liyue to help her, how can I ask her to do things in the future?

Lisa was still half-convinced:

"Is it really just as simple as asking for someone?" No other bad thoughts?


Lei Dian Shuo's head shook like a rattle, and his expression was quite firm, which was simply righteous words.

Looking at his performance, Lisa raised her eyebrows:

"Okay, I believe you for the time being, just believe that you have nothing else to think about for the time being."

Speaking of this, Lisa suddenly changed her head:

"That is, soon you will be going to Liyue with travelers, right?"

Raiden Shuo nodded.

"So when will the next time you come to me?"

Lei Dian Shuo thought for a moment, and he felt that he was not very easy to answer this question:

"Hmm... It's really not good to say when to come to you again, it is possible that I will come back to you in a few days when I miss you, or I may be stumbled by something troublesome and can't come back to you for a long time.

But anyway, you don't know my means, as long as time permits, I can come to you anytime, anywhere.

Lisa thought about it, and thought to herself.

This guy is not an ordinary person, but God, he has the ability to shuttle through space, and if he wants to reach any place in the world, he can just draw a space door at will.

Thinking about it like this, Lisa suddenly felt that no matter how far Raiden Shuo ran, he could return to him at any time.

This feeling made Lisa feel a lot relieved, and it also slowed down Lisa's reluctance a lot.

Lisa finally sighed and was completely relieved:

"Well, it seems that I can't keep you, you go."

It seems that Lisa is still a little angry with Lei Dianshuo's departure, otherwise she wouldn't directly say you go.

Of course, Lei Dian Shuo saw Lisa's anger, this guy shook his head helplessly, and comforted him softly:

"No hurry, no hurry, there is still about a week, this week, I will accompany Lisa well."

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