But isn't it, this big royal sister in front of me is actually that big immortal bird, that woman, Liuyun borrows the wind true monarch!

It's just that this person in front of him is the human form of Liuyun borrowing the wind true monarch.

Since it was Liuyun, she could explain why she kicked the door of the house directly, instead of kicking the door outside the yard first.

Because Liuyun can fly by the wind true monarch, it is estimated that Liuyun landed directly from the air and flew into the courtyard of Raiden Shuo, and then turned into a human form, and then came to kick the door of the house directly.

And since it is Liuyun, it can also explain why she dares to kick the door of Lei Dian Shuo directly.

It's nothing, Liuyun is such a character, and with her friendship with Lei Dian Shuo, she just dares to directly kick Lei Dian Shuo's door!

No, after discovering that it was Liuyun who kicked the door of his house, Lei Dian Shuo suddenly couldn't help but not be angry.

If you are not angry, you will still be confused.

How could Liuyun come to him? Who revealed his presence in Liyue to Liuyun?

With such doubts, Lei Dian Shuo was puzzled.

And the big royal sister who kicked open the door of the house, with a very strong body and momentum, naturally walked into the living room of Lei Dian Shuo.

Liuyun stood in the living room, automatically ignoring Connor in the corner, she seriously looked at Lei Dian Shuo, and then suddenly gritted her teeth:

"Shuo, it's really you!" Sure enough, it's you! For

Liuyun's reaction, Lei Dian Shuo was a little embarrassed.

"That's right, it's me.

However, Liuyun, why did you run over to me? How did you know I was in Liyue? Glaring

at Lei Dian Shuo indignantly, Liuyun hugged his arm and said

, "Originally, I didn't know that you were in Liyue, but I learned the news of this guy of yours thanks to my apprentice."

"Your apprentice? Shen He?

No, I didn't meet her in Liyue Port.

"It's not Shen He, it's Ganyu!"

"Oh, Ganyu."

Lei Dian Shuo seemed to be clear all of a sudden, and then after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly collapsed again:

"It's not right, Gan Yu, this kid is so decent, why would he tell you about my coming to Liyue?"

Such a big thing happened, Liyue Port became more and more chaotic, as the secretary of Liyue Qixing, shouldn't Gan Yu be very busy? How can she have time to go back to you?

From these words, you can also see the brain circuit of Lei Dian Shuo.

In Lei Dian Shuo's subconscious thoughts, Gan Yu should not tell Liuyun about his presence in Liyue Port, because Gan Yu is usually too busy and rarely refuses to turn back to Yunjian.

This also caused Lei Dian Shuo to appear in front of Gan Yu without any scruples when he invited Immortal Dianyi, and now he did not expect that Liuyun would come to the door.

For Lei Dianshuo's doubts, Liuyun explained angrily:

"Hmph, you guessed well, Gan Yu's child's nature, as long as she feels unnecessary, there is no need to tell me about this."

The reason why I was able to learn about you from Gan Yu was thanks to Ning Guang. "

Starze?" Lei Dian Shuo was even more puzzled: "How can this matter still be related to the Liyue Seven Stars?" It stands to reason that in the current situation in Liyue, you immortals and the seven stars of Liyue should be on the verge of triggering, right?

Liuyun glared at Lei Dian Shuo even more resentfully:

"You also know that the situation in Liyue is not good now?"

Hmph, here's the thing.

The emperor was killed in such a big matter, not only our immortals were very sad, it is estimated that Liyue Qixing also panicked.

Although the Liyue Seven Stars were not handled properly on the Immortal Ceremony, the subsequent performance of the Liyue Seven Stars was acceptable, especially that condensing light.

Not long ago, because Ning Guang was afraid that their Liyue Seven Stars would have a conflict with our immortals, he asked Gan Yu as a bridge of communication, and through Gan Yu, he told us what happened to invite the Immortal Dian Yi.

It was also through Gan Yu that I learned that you also appeared on the Immortal Invitation Ceremony at that time.

"Oh, so it is."

Lei Dian Shuo suddenly realized, but he didn't expect that now there was another accident outside the plot of the original book.

In the original plot, the most important reason why the immortals and Liyue Seven Stars almost clashed was the lack of communication.

And now, this is made up for by condensation.

Perhaps sensing that Ying had gone to find the immortals, or perhaps worried that Ying would play right and wrong in front of the immortals, Ning Guang communicated with the immortals through Ganyu.

It was precisely because Gan Yu communicated with her master Liuyun that Liuyun knew from Gan Yu that Lei Dian Shuo had actually come to Liyue, and also appeared on the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

This situation was really unexpected by Lei Dian Shuo.

Lei Dian Shuo scratched his head helplessly, and asked Liuyun in front of him:

"Then... Liuyun, have you ever seen Ying? "


Looking at Liuyun's puzzled expression, Lei Dian Shuo continued to explain:

"It's the traveler, the one who went to you with a hundred taboo hoops, and there is a little white guy floating beside him."

As soon as Lei Dian Shuo said this, Liuyun immediately understood:

"Oh, it turned out to be a traveler."

The traveler had already gone to meet our three old fellows in turn with the Hundred Forbidden Basket, and at our suggestion, she had already gone to find the Great Sage of Demons.

Lei Dian Shuo nodded, thoughtful: "That is to say, you only learned about my incident in Liyue from Gan Yu after you met Ying, right?"

Liuyun nodded in affirmation:

"That's right, as soon as that traveler left, I received a communication from Gan Yu, and learned from that Ning Guang the specific situation of the assassination of the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, I learned that you actually came to Liyue, and even appeared on the emperor's immortal invitation ceremony!

Speaking of this, Liuyun suddenly became excited, took a step forward, and glared angrily at Lei Dian

Shuo: "Shuo! I ask you! What the hell is going on here!?

How could the emperor be killed by someone in his own Immortal Invitation Ceremony? Why did you happen to appear in Liyue again?

Facing this big royal sister in front of her, as well as her aggressive eyes, Lei Dian Shuo was really a little distressed.

Just by Liuyun borrowing this character of the Wind Zhenjun, it is impossible for you to prevaricate her, she must ask the bottom line.

But to tell the truth directly to Liuyun... Zhongli definitely didn't want to.

Calculate it, how long has it been since the beginning of this rock god death drama, and how many people have already noticed that their emperor may have suspended animation.

The first is the fish who is slightly spoiled by Raiden.

Then there is Yelan, who is hinted at by Raiden.

Finally, through the investigation, they have already been aware of the Liyue Seven Stars.

Originally, the big drama that Zhong Li brewed to change Liyue was seamless, but under the interference of Lei Dian Shuo now, this big drama is already in danger of wearing gangs.

It may not reach the level of wearing gangs, but it seems to be a little tacit.

Whether it is acted or played, everyone has a bit of a tacit feeling, except for Gongzi and Ying, these two parties are really stupid and don't know anything, and they have been played.

Originally, the immortal side should have been completely kept in the dark, but now it was directly found by Liuyun... Or just knock on the door? What does this make Raiden Shuo?

Looking at Lei Dianshuo's hesitant and distressed expression, Liuyun held his arm, and his eyes suddenly sharpened:

"Oh, you actually hesitated.

Looking at your expression, the murder of the emperor is really not simple.

Say, how much do you know exactly! Give me one fifty and ten! Lei

Dian Shuo's expression at this time was embarrassed, and he said to Liuyun almost bitterly: "I said Liuyun

, it's bad that I am now the thunder god of the Eight Classics, and the status of the personality theory is equal to your emperor, can you... Respect me a little?

Well, even if our relationship doesn't need that kind of friendship, you don't have to force me too much.

"Persecuting you too much?"

Staring at Lei Dian Shuo, Liuyun suddenly smiled angrily.

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