With such an idea, Ying, who burst into Lei Dian Shuo's side, planned to attack him fiercely while Lei Dian Shuo didn't have time to take a bow and open an arrow!

However, what Ying didn't expect at all was that Lei Dian Shuo saw that he rushed into the past, and he was actually unhurried.

Instead of raising the bow and aiming at himself, he lowered the bow in his hand and twisted the bow and separated it from the middle.

Immediately afterwards, under Ying's shocked gaze, Lei Dian Shuo pressed the mechanism of this bow, and sharp blades appeared at both ends of the separated bow, forming a double blade held in both hands on the left and right hands!

Seeing this scene, Ying immediately recalled Gongzi!

This is not... What kind of techniques and weapons did Gongzi use?

The weapon is connected as a bow, and separated as a two-handed blade! This...... What the hell is going on with Shuo!?

However, now the situation has no time to shock Ying, taking advantage of Ying's surprise, Lei Dian Shuo has raised his double blade and attacked Ying head-on.

Ying was caught off guard, and could only hurry against the enemy, and just like that, he fought with Raiden Shuo Ping-Pong.

Today's entire actual combat training officially began with such a stimulating situation.

And the next training is worthy of the name of actual combat, and the whole process of Lei Dian Shuo is not polite at all, not soft at all, and he practiced Ying hard, and beat Ying quite miserably.

What about Ying?

She gritted her teeth to support the whole process, full of tenacity, even if she was beaten down more than once, she never admitted defeat, and each time she stood up again after being beaten down, and rushed to Raiden Shuo again.

For such a resilient fluorescence, Lei Dian Shuo is very satisfied.

And Raiden Shuo's reward for Ying is that next time he will only beat Ying worse, rather than keep his hand a little.

In this way, today's whole day of training, on the two sides of the fight, Ying was beaten down, beaten down to stand up and continue to fight, and continued to be beaten down... And so on.

This process sounds simple, but it's actually not that simple.

Because in the process of actual combat training to beat Ying down, Lei Dian Shuo can keenly feel Ying's rapid progress.

At the very least, the next screen that is beaten down must be slightly stronger than the last time it was beaten down.

Even if the degree of strength is very limited, Lei Dian Shuo can clearly feel it.

Correspondingly, Raiden Shuo is also invisibly improving the combat strength he shows, which leads to the fact that although Ying has improved after being beaten down every time, he will still be beaten down every time, and the interval between being beaten is basically the same.

It seems that Ying has not improved, but this is not the case at all, but in fact, Lei Dian Shuo is completely controlling Ying.

In addition to squeezing Ying's potential and making Ying continue to improve, Raiden Shuo is constantly changing his moves.

For example, sometimes the lightning bow and arrow are boring, so they use a double-edged one.

When the double-edged is bored, use a double-pointed spear.

When the double-pointed spear was tired of use, he simply suddenly increased his combat power sharply, and used that kind of big open and indomitable move to defeat Ying.

And just like that, gradually, the whole day passed, and the time came to this evening.

In the evening, Ying finally couldn't hold on.

No way, this is not a problem of a person's perseverance, this is a physical problem of a person's substance.

Anyone who endlessly fights with the enemy all day, I don't know how many times he has been beaten down in the middle, he has not been given food at noon, and his body cannot survive the iron beating.

Although Ying's body is from outside the sky, there are many mysteries, but now her strength is not strong enough, and she is obviously a little unable to support a full day of actual combat.

At this time, Ying's clothes were dirty and torn, her face was either bloodstained or black, she was holding the Wufeng sword in both hands, panting, half-kneeling on the ground, supporting and trying to stand up.

However, at this time, Yingshuang's eyes were a little sluggish, and no matter how he wanted to stand up, he couldn't support it.

There is really no way, Ying has reached the limit.

Realizing that Ying had been pushed to the extreme by himself, Raiden Shuo did not go any further, he put away his weapon and came to Ying's face.

Crouching down and looking at Ying at eye level, Lei Dian Shuo's expression no longer had the coldness of training, but became gentle and spoiled.

He stretched out his hand, wiped the stains on Ying's face, and said with a smile:

"Ying, you did a good job today, today's actual combat training is very complete."

It seems that you have reached the limit, and if you continue to squeeze and overdraft like this, it will cause irreversible damage to your body.

What's more, your progress today is already very obvious, so let's stop the training. Her

gaze regained a certain radiance, and she raised her head hard, looking at Lei Dian Shuo seriously, and her voice was a little hoarse:

"So... Is the third part of the training complete?

Lei Dian Shuo looked at Ying seriously, and his tone was also very serious:

"It's done, it's very complete."

Still a little unsure, she continued to ask,

"All the training is complete?" How did I finish? Can you handle the trouble that comes next? Lei

Dianshuo touched Ying's head gently:

"Don't worry, all the training is completed, it is done well, and you will definitely be able to deal with the next trouble."

Hearing Lei Dian Shuo's earnestly affirmative words, looking at Lei Dian Shuo's agreeing gaze, Ying finally relaxed completely.

She smiled slightly, and although there were stains on her face, she smiled quite beautifully:

"That's it, that's it... Okay..." As

soon as the mood was relaxed, the body reached the limit of Ying finally did not support it, the eyes closed and the head was crooked, the whole body relaxed, and the whole person fainted!

Lei Dian Shuo had expected it, his eyes were quick, and under the setting sun, when Ying was about to fall into the dust, he caught her first and held her in his arms.

Although the way of holding it in his arms is still a princess hug, the small details of Lei Dian Shuo are the same as last night, and a pair of hands are still in a fist posture, which does not offend Ying.

Over there, after watching the battle all day, Paimon, who was already distressed to the point of not being able to do it, could no longer bear it, and she quickly floated over.

Paimon, who floated over, saw Ying's tragic situation at this time, and saw the bad situation of Ying in Raiden Shuo's arms, she finally couldn't help it, and indignantly accused Raiden Shuo, and taught him a lesson with a split face:

"Shuo! You're going too far! It turned out to be like this! Facing

the anger of this little guy Paimon, Lei Dian Shuo's expression was ancient, and his tone was also reasonable:

"Jade is not a weapon, it is not a weapon."

Paimon's tone was still indignant:

"That's right, but there's no need to go so far, right?"

Holding Ying in his arms, Lei Dian Shuo got up steadily, he looked at Paimon and shook his head firmly:

"This kind of training is very necessary."

Paimon, if others don't understand, forget it, as Ying's most loyal travel companion, don't you still understand?

Ying wants to find his brother, and the things to go through can be called a thousand difficulties, which is destined to be an uneasy journey.

If you want to reach the end of the journey, you can't do it without enough strength and a tenacious heart.

I've helped Ying enough, Ying, you have to be self-reliant. This

statement is well-founded, and Paimon has a hard time refuting.

This little guy floated in front of Lei Dian Shuo, picking his white and tender cheeks, a little afraid to look at Lei Dian Shuo, and his tone was very vague:

"That... Well, you have a point, but I'm still so distressed.

"Distress is natural, who doesn't? Not only are you distressed, but I am also distressed. "

Huh? Do you feel sorry for Yingying? I didn't see at all that the weight under my hands was so heavy!

"Of course I have a heartache, to be precise, it should be hit on Ying's body, the pain in my heart, it is simply painful!"

Paimon really couldn't hold back and rolled his eyes:

"I really don't see where you hurt? On the contrary, every time he makes a move, he is particularly ruthless!

Sighing, Paimon didn't know whether to be relieved or self-defeating:

"Forget it, the training has been completed anyway, let's send Ying home quickly, Ying needs to rest and heal his injuries."


Agreed, and Raiden Shuo nodded.

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