Seeing that Mr. Yun was so firm, the Qianyan Army also hesitated.

It was still Yun Pan who took the initiative to enter the dock and set his sights on a few sea monsters that were besieged by the Thousand Rock Army, but could not be solved for a while and a half.

Throwing out the spear and drinking a flying cloud flag, the strong rock element on Yun Pansy's body directly erupted, and between the shots, when the rock element shocked and clashed, he shot all those sea monsters away.

Seeing this scene, the Qianyan found that the delicate Mr. Yun they thought was actually a good hand.

Although it was a little embarrassing, with so many high-level combat forces joining the battle, the pressure faced by the Thousand Rock Army was indeed much less at once.

Let's count it, who is coming to the dock to help in the battle now?

Xingqiu, Chongyun, Hutao, Xin Yan, Beidou, Baishu, Qiqi, Xiangling, Yaoyao, Yanxiang, Yunpan.

Good guys, basically all the names and surnames are coming!

There are so many powerful combat forces to help, this time, the dock side is stable, absolutely no problem!

Even if there are still many sea monsters lurking in the waves of the clouds and the sea, even if these sea monsters still brutally climb onto the pier, but with so many powerful combat defenses, they will definitely not let any enemy enter Liyue Port!

With so many high-level combat forces combined with so many Thousand Rock Army here, the defense on the pier can basically be said to be foolproof!

And the Thousand Rock Army, their previous momentum of being isolated and looking at death as if they were at home, has also changed.

Since there was so much support, the atmosphere of the Thousand Rock Army suddenly became extremely exciting, they no longer had to die and come to life, they could fight a good fight without scruples and do their best to guard Liyue Port!

In this way, everyone cooperates with each other, forms a formation to defend, and wipes out the sea monsters that land on the pier, basically as many sea monsters land, as many as they want!

For a time, the defense on the pier was extremely strong, even if there were still many sea monsters in the sea, everyone was not daunted at all.

Lei Dian Shuo hid behind everyone behind the pier the whole time, and he watched this scene with such satisfaction.

Good, really good, everyone should come.

This is Liyue, one side is in difficulty, and all sides support.

At this time of crisis, everyone will not sit idly by and watch the Thousand Rock Army on the pier fight to the death and injury, but if there is a bit of courage, they will definitely come to support.

In fact, observing and observing, Lei Dian Shuo found that it seemed that there were still three people who had not come.

These three people are, Shen He, Yelan, and Zhongli.

For these three people did not come, Lei Dian Shuo maintained understanding.

Shen He, because she didn't appear at all, it is estimated that Shen He is still cultivating in the deep mountains and old forests at this time, and he doesn't know that something happened here in Liyue Port.

Yelan, the reason why she didn't come to help at this time must be because there are other important jobs that have stumbled on her hands and feet, and her identity is not suitable for showing her face.

As for Zhongli... Well, that's interesting.

The reason why Zhong Li did not appear here at this time, Lei Dian Shuo had already guessed, it was nothing more than this behind-the-scenes black hand who was controlling the overall situation.

For these people who did not come to the battle, Lei Dian Shuo thought that there was no problem.

However, some people feel that it is not possible.

This person is none other than Walnut.

Originally, Hu Tao fought excitedly today, and he moved his hands and feet well, and the battle was elated.

Hu Tao, who has always been active in the frontline battle, has been observing the battles of others in addition to fighting.

She found that many friends with God's Eye in Liyue Port, especially those with names and surnames, almost all came to help in the war.

Originally, there were some people who came crazy in Hu Tao's nature, and when he saw everyone coming, the fight was so fierce, and there were elemental reactions everywhere on the pier, and this child became more and more excited.

But excited and excited, suddenly, Hu Tao found that there was no one coming!

That's not right! What about my own guest secretary!

While fighting, Walnut suddenly found this blind spot!

His own guest Zhongli also has the eye of the rock god.

How strong Zhong Li's strength is, Hu Tao himself does not know, and even Hu Tao has always felt that Zhong Li is hiding.

Now in such a critical situation, Liyue Port was almost invaded by sea monsters, and his own hall master and famous people came to help in the battle, but his own guest secretary was gone!?

This line, this is too much!

After realizing this, Hu Tao held up the protective motorcycle and stomped his foot in place angrily:

"Damn wow! Zhongli that guy, why didn't he come!?

Obviously, everyone came, but he was the only one! Could it be that this guy became a deserter!? It's so humiliating for our past life!

Turn back, I'm going to deduct his salary! The

angry Hall Master Hu decided on a strategy to deduct his guest secretary's salary.

After being angry, Walnut couldn't care about continuing to be angry, and with this dissatisfaction, Walnut eyed a new batch of sea monsters on the shore and hit it unceremoniously.

With this emotion, Hu Tao joined the battle again, and his combat power was actually two percent higher than before!

It can only be said that it is worthy of a walnut.

Lei Dian Shuo, who was hiding at the back, heard the movement over there, saw Hu Tao stomping his foot, and also saw Hu Tao complaining about Zhongli.

Hearing that Zhong Li's salary was going to be deducted, Lei Dian Shuo couldn't help but show a schadenfreude smile.

Zhongli, Zhongli, who let you have to control everything behind the scenes? Who told you not to show up at such a critical time?

Therefore, you have your own bitterness, but now here at the pier, everyone who can come to help the war, and you are the only one.

Maybe the other people who helped the war didn't notice this, but your hall master reacted, who is unlucky if you are not unlucky?

So, where is this Yanwangye who is about to be deducted from his salary at this time?

Far away, close at hand.

Zhong Li was actually nowhere else, on the left side of the pier, on a wide cliff on the edge of Liyue Harbor.

Standing on the edge of this cliff, facing the Yunlai Sea and Liyue Port in front of you, you can see the huge battle situation that is rare in front of you now.

It is precisely because the location of this viewing bureau is so good that Zhongli chooses to eat melons and watch the play in this place.

Ah, by the way, the place where Zhong Li was located was on the edge of the training ground where Raiden Shuo was training before, and it was also a relatively familiar venue.

In addition to Zhongli standing on the edge of this cliff, there was another woman who accompanied him.

This woman is none other than Zhong Li's collaborator, a lady who can barely be regarded as one of the masterminds behind the scenes.

I saw Zhong Li standing expressionless on the edge of the cliff, he calmly watched this rare battle, his heart was confident, and the victory in his hand was in his hands, as if everything was in his control.

Compared with Zhong Li, who was as stable as Mount Tai, the lady next to him was not in a good mood.

The defensive battle on the pier, the lady did not care, so many people with the eyes of God were there, and the sea monsters in the sea could not break in anyway.

The main concern of the lady lies in the Jade Pavilion.

Because the lady understands that the final victory or defeat of this battle still depends on the confrontation between Qunyuge and Orcel.

If Qunyu Pavilion was overturned by Orcel, or if the people on Qunyu Pavilion were all defeated by Orcel, then these people on the pier alone would not be able to resist Orcel who wanted to destroy Liyue Port.

In the same way, if Orcel is defeated by the people on the Jade Pavilion, or suppressed again, then Orcel will be out of action, and this war is destined to be a victory for Liyue's side.

Look, how fierce is the Liyue people and Orcel? In order to re-suppress Orcel, and even the final machine on the Jade Pavilion, they all moved out.

Not only did the final machine move out, but this final machine was also an improved version, which was controlled by those immortals injecting immortal power.

The final machine injected with immortal power was not covered, and several ballistae were fired, as if an anti-aircraft missile was fired, causing good damage to the huge Orcel.

If you really continue to fight like this, Orcel, who has not completely broken the seal, is really likely to be re-suppressed by the people in the Jade Pavilion.

Even if Orcel was re-suppressed, the lady felt that it didn't matter, it was their business when the two sides fought.

However, what happened next made the lady scold her mother in her heart!

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