Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke snorted, and their knees plopped down on the tatami mat and knelt down!

Fortunately, the tatami mat underneath does not hurt this time.

Since they are all on their knees, then there is nothing to say.

Coupled with the fact that they could not bear the eyes of their former colleagues at this time, Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke simply knelt here, bowed their heads, and did not say a word.

Among the people present at this time, the only two who felt sorry for these two old guys were Kujo Kamaji and Hiiragi Chiri.

The two of them looked at their father like this now, and their hearts ached, and they couldn't bear to continue watching.

Kujo Kamaji is slightly better, after all, he is tough-willed and has made a lot of mental preparations in advance.

But Hiiragi Chiri, he really couldn't help it.

On the one hand, she is a girl, easy to be soft-hearted, on the other hand, no matter what, her father loves him very much after all!

Now that the father has fallen to this point, he has to watch and can't be saved at all, how painful this is for a daughter.

So much so that Hiiragi Chiri, who was sitting there, had tears in his eyes at this time, trying hard not to let these tears overflow his eyes.

In the hall of the majestic castle tower, life is varied.

The thunder and lightning on the royal throne are majestic, making people dare not look up.

Looking at the two prisoners below, Raiden Shuo spoke ruthlessly:

"Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke."

You two are really sinners of my Inazuma.

What did the whole Inazuma, the entire shogunate, become of the scourge of you two?

In the past, when I traveled to the mainland and left Inazuma, Inazuma was not prosperous, but it was also stable and peaceful, and it was quite like ruling the world.

But now that I have returned, Inazuma has frequent internal chaos, internal and external troubles, wailing everywhere, and the people are destitute. Saying

that, Thunder and Lightning Shuo surged with anger, and unparalleled divine power filled the air.

The air pressure in the entire main hall became extremely low, and the hearts of everyone present seemed to be pressed on a big stone.

Raiden's awe-inspiring and cold words resounded throughout the hall:

"I've only been away from Inazuma for a few years?

In a few years, Inazuma has been messed up to this point? Decay to this point?

I also understand that it is not only you two old fellows who have caused such chaos, but also some other people, as well as external troubles such as fools.

But you two are the culprits! It's the biggest moth! It is a cancer of the worst crime!

Inazuma is like this now, and a large part of the reason is because of the two of you.

Especially the Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order!

Lei Dianshuo's voice suddenly raised, and his expression became stern:

"These two decrees are really a recipe for calamity for the country and the people!"

In the name of maintaining eternity, the two of you presented the Lord General with the Order of Locking the Country and the Order of Eye Hunting, blinding the General Holy Listen.

After that, he even borrowed the order of Lord General to implement the order of locking the country and the order of eye hunting throughout the country.

Implement the decree of locking up the country, so that the two of you will be alone in the Inazuma family, and there will be no outside forces threatening the two of you, and the two of you can enjoy the monstrous power above the ten thousand people under this person.

You have also taken advantage of this decree to lock up the country, wantonly accumulate wealth, rebel and tyranny, and monopolize layer after layer of interests.

And the implementation of the eye hunting order makes it convenient for the two of you to eliminate dissidents and eliminate hidden dangers that may be unfavorable to you.

Maybe in the eyes of the two of you, people with the Eye of God and people with stronger combat power are hidden dangers that are not conducive to you, right?

Therefore, you simply do not do one thing or the other, and in the name of eternity, eliminate all these so-called hidden dangers and threats!

These two policies that brought calamity to the country and the people caused the people in Inazuma to be resentful and wail everywhere!

It makes people's lives more and more difficult! What a disaster for the country and the people! Damn it! These

four words were condemned by Thunder and Lightning.

His thunder power was scattered throughout the main hall of the castle tower.

Intimidated by divine power, all the high-ranking officials and nobles present bowed their heads and breathed hard.

After all, there are many nobles who are also vested interests in this hunting order and the lockdown order.

And the Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke, who were targeted by Raiden Shuo's terrifying divine power, the two of them were even more terrified.

The two knelt on the ground, shivering.

Being so angrily reprimanded by Lei Dian Shuo, they felt as if their skin had been ripped off, and the ugliest and darkest side below was being exposed to the sun! Exposed to everyone!

This kind of mental torture, this self-shame, is simply unbearable!

And Lei Dian Shuo's angry rebuke is not over:

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there is also the matter of fools."

With the intelligence and vision of the two of you, you can't think of such a way as the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order.

So these two policies of calamity to the country and the people are probably also planned by fools, right?

It is not only the two of you who have benefited from the Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order, but also the fools who are stirring up trouble in Inazuma's territory!

It was precisely because of these two decrees, because Inazuma was tormented by the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, because the domestic resentment was boiling, and because the civil war broke out between Kaijima and the shogunate.

Only fools can take advantage of Inazuma's stormy situation to achieve their ulterior goals!

Collude with other foreign forces to mutilate my native subjects! How unreasonable!

Eating inside and outside, colluding with foreign enemies, mutilating the people, collaborating with the enemy and treason, such heinous crimes are all over the place! Lei

Dian Shuo's angry and cold voice echoed in the ears of all the officials and nobles, making these people dare not come out.

I don't know if it's an illusion, it's clear that Lord Gosho is angry at these two sinners, how do you feel that Lord Gosho still means something? More than just lashing out at the two of them?

Fear, fear, and fear, these people present did not dare to look up to Lei Dian Shuo.

After a long silence, Raiden Shuo calmed down the anger just now, and his voice was once again threatening:

"Because of the selfishness of the two of you, Inazuma is chaotic to this point, what a sinner, an irrefutable sinner!"

The number of sins you have committed is innumerable.

Enrichment of private pockets, corruption, exploitation and exploitation, collusion with foreign enemies, collaboration with the enemy and treason, self-respect, carelessness of human life, exclusion of dissidents, authoritarian power, deception and concealment

... Oh, I can't finish talking for a while!

Fortunately, the specific charges and evidence are listed.

Kamisato Ayato. Raiden

called Kamisato Ayato out again.


Kamisato Ayato got up again to answer.

"Explain the charges, responsibilities, and evidence of the two of them, and explain them in 1510."


Kamisato Ayato faced everyone, and he, who had always been calm, showed a hint of embarrassment.

The reason for the difficulty lies in...

He pulled out a book from his arms.

That's right, there is no doubt that this book is the evidence of guilt that he revised overnight.

Explaining all of this is a challenge.

Because he was afraid that he might go to the toilet halfway, Kamisato Ayato didn't drink much water when he came, and it is estimated that if he couldn't say half of it, his throat would be dry.

There is no way, if you want to judge these two people, these things must be explained clearly, and these formal things must also be walked through, otherwise there is no way to convict these two people.

Kamisato Ayato could only muster up enough courage, swallowed his saliva, and drove the duck to the shelves as if he were generous and righteous.

Raiden's eyes were sharp, and he saw the book in Kamisato Ayato's hand at a glance.

I thought to myself, if I really say this, it will be endless.

So before Kamisato Ayato spoke, Raiden Shuo added:

"Kamisato Ayato, time is limited, you pick the more important of them to say."

Some of the remaining details, just like you did, are published in a book, and a few more copies will be printed later and sent to everyone.

Kamisato Ayato was overjoyed.

Directly pick the more important, then it is easy to say.

"Yes, Lord Gosho, thank you for your understanding."

After thanking Raiden, Kamisato Ayato faced everyone again, he opened the first page, his face was serious and calm:

"Everyone, the sins of Kujo Takashi and Hiiragi Shinsuke can be said to be innumerable!"

I can't finish explaining it for a while, and I hope everyone listens patiently.

I started with a timeline, so I need to start from the beginning.

Back then..."

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