"The gods... Helper? Lei Movie was stunned suddenly, staring at Wang Xuan stunned, are you serious? Is the god a cabbage in the hands of a vegetable market vendor? Just look for it?

How are you so powerful?

Lei's gaze is gradually not good, this so-called Liyue diplomatic envoy Wang Xuan, every word, can make her mood ups and downs!

Is this to tell the dream the truth, or is it to deliberately wear down her mental will?

If it weren't for the fact that my sister's news was really too important, Lei Movie didn't want to say it anymore, so he could only repeat his previous words: "I'm asking you to show evidence." "

"Prove to me that dreams are in your heart, and there is evidence of my sister, and not that you are going to find some help."

Wang Xuan originally had no way to prove it, but when he moved, he suddenly remembered that there was indeed a "seven zero" person who could help with this.

So he seemed very confident: "Please rest assured, I am ten percent sure of this matter, please wait two days, I will bring another god to help you sisters reunite." "

“!" Ray Movie's heart trembled, reunited with his sister?

Today's Lei movie is obviously just a conscious existence, there is no clear body, let alone a heartbeat.

But god-level consciousness can almost perfectly replicate everything about itself, even if it is only a conscious body, there is no difference from the body, and you can feel the violent beating of the heart!

It was as if, in longing, in prayer, the conscious heart seemed to attempt to remind Ray of the movie through this intense activity.

Even if this thing sounds unreliable, ridiculous, ninety-nine percent is a lie, but as long as there is a one in ten thousand possibility, she must try to believe and try!

Therefore, the thunder movie, which has always been tough as thunder, can't help but loosen his fist, and the thunder light in the sky is gradually being restrained by a will.

The originally rumbling thunder, instantly silent, like the sky full of thunder, all have to shut up in front of this will.

Lei Movie looked at Wang Xu again, this was the first time she looked at a person in such a serious detail, trying to see something from Wang Xuan.

Wang Xu will not be weak at all, he is indeed sure, he seems very confident, and let Lei Movie look at him.

I don't know... How can Ray watch people in movies? After looking at it for a long time, I can see that Wang Xu is quite confident!

You know, Lei Movie was just a shadow warrior before, and her sister Lei Dian was really the original Thunder God, and she was the real reader of countless people and governed Inazuma.

What about Ray movies? Usually responsible for refining martial arts, controlling thunder, at most, after the end of practice, accompany my sister to go out to play, meet friends, or lead troops to battle with the same face as my sister.

Finally, after taking over the position of the second-generation Thunder God from his sister Raiden Jin, he hid in the pure land because of sadness, and was known as pursuing the eternity of Inazuma.

For thousands of years, she has never had much contact with outsiders' Lei movies, let her watch people? What can she see?

Therefore, after seeing Wang Xuan's confidence, Lei Movie drummed in his heart, and he trusted Wang Xu's words more and more.

The only thing to worry about is that according to Wang Xuan's request, after letting Wang Xu leave, will Wang Xu come back on time?

What if it's gone? Does she have to think about her sister day and night? Will it cause mental wear and tear?

As long as this problem is solved, then everything is good to say: "Wang Xu, right? This body remembers this name. "

"Give you two, no, three days, bring a god over, can you do it?"

"No, just two days." Wang Xu was overjoyed in his heart, this is to agree? That's great, it's a win-win.

Lei Movie was able to reunite with his sister, and he himself could dig out the layout of the seven gods from Lei Dian Zhen's side, and learned many secrets from five hundred years ago.

Not to mention, Wang Xu only needed two days of efficiency and attitude, so that Lei Ying's face was further relaxed, and he no longer lost his initial cold arrogance: "Two days, can I really return on time?" "

"If I don't return, I won't be able to chase down the Pure Land. Perhaps, because of this incident, there will be a little wear. "

Hearing this, Wang Xu understood it, this is to guarantee, Lei Movie is this afraid that he will slap his ass and run away directly? Don't come back and end up with mental wear?

Wang Xu can still understand this, why did Lei Movie abandon the divine body, leave only consciousness, and retreat into this pure land that is only scorched earth?

Isn't it the fear of wearing out again? In order to pursue unwavering eternity, hide from self-closure 0...

He also asked the entire Inazuma to follow her to close himself, which can be seen from the lockdown order.

In this way, from the gods to the Buddha-figures, down to the Inazuma people, there will be no change, because they are isolated from the world, and there are puppets of the Raiden General inside to suppress everything.

Then, Inazuma can freeze at this moment.

Society, people, technology, culture, everything, everything will not continue to step forward, but it will not go backwards, like a world that has been pressed to completely stand still.

It is a deformed and imperfect eternity.

Sure enough, the two sides had only met for the first time, and it was difficult to trust each other right away.

From Wang Xuan's point of view, he is helping the Thor sisters and pursuing a win-win situation; If he is from the perspective of Lei Movie, Wang Xu may really help, or he may pretend to lie to create wear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Considering this, comparing his heart to his heart, Wang Xuanda can throw Ruoda in the castle tower for guarantee, or to put it ugly, leave Ruoda as a hostage, just this hostage... A bit strong.

Even powerful enough to be equal to gangsters. At most, listen to Ruoda scolding, it may not be human, but you are a real drop dog or something.

But Wang Xuan thought about it, or don't want it, this hurts Ruotuo's heart too much, anyway, Lei Movie, it seems to be quite easy to speak: "This matter, please consider carefully, trust or not, between your thoughts." "

Lei Movie couldn't help frowning, she just wanted a guarantee from Wang Xuan, and it wasn't a difficult request, such as 0.9 Wang Xuan to leave some valuables, and return it to Wang Xuan when she came back, is this not okay?

Lei movies that have little experience, and really can't take Wang Xuan! Since she can't think of more ideas herself, will the stalemate continue? It's even more pointless.

It's better to release Wang Xu early and find another god so that he can reunite with his sister.

In the end, Lei Movie's expression became cold again: "This body is known, and go, then two days later, come and visit again." "

She promised, it was tough, it was too hard to give a stranger trust. I can't help but feel a sadness in my heart, if I don't expect it, won't I be disappointed?

If you are not disappointed by then, you will not wear out, right?

Really, it's so difficult, it turns out that the gods, if they can't look at people, do they have to think so much? .

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