“Yo, isn’t this the Sword Saint of the Knights, is there finally time to relax in the tavern?”

“Do you need the best bard to give you a song, it’s free!”

The gift of the angel, on an inconspicuous wine table in the corner, looking at Wendy, who was dressed in a green style, looked mischievous, Yang Cheng showed a cheerful smile.

“Lord Barbatos, don’t tease me, getting the title of the Knights Sword Saint is just a good chance coincidence, after all, I am just an outsider, and I have not been recognized by everyone for the time being.”

Hearing Yang Cheng actually call his god name, Wendy was stunned for a moment, and her smile became even brighter.

“Looks like you’ve already discovered it, hehe!”

“However, Sword Saint, you are really modest, you have made so many outstanding feats in just one week after arriving in the Knights, you have long been a big hero among the people of Mond, how can you not be recognized?”

“Cleared fifteen camps of the Qiuqiu people, defeated nine suspicious abyssal mages, defeated three ruins guards alone, and personally led the team to clean up the monsters that invaded the temple guarded by the Four Winds…”

“It’s only been seven days, after doing this, and being selected as a sword saint by the head of the acting group, luck and coincidence alone can’t be said!”

Since Yang Cheng entered Mond City, Wendy has noticed this young man who is unusual from beginning to end.

A sunny and handsome beautiful man, wearing a white knight suit with an avant-garde design, always carrying this delicate sword, one meter eighty-two well-proportioned and perfect body, no matter who he smiles, but also is particularly righteous and brave.

The next day in the city, he was praised by many girls as the first beautiful man in the city.

Of course, the most important thing is Yang Cheng’s unfathomable strength.

Mondstadt City suddenly came to such a powerful outsider, Wendy, as the wind god, naturally need to observe.

But I didn’t expect that not only did he not hide and was discovered, but he was also found out his true identity….

Even the fact that he is the wind god Barbatos is known.

Yang Cheng naturally didn’t investigate, he knew about this product at all…

When he was on Earth, he remembered all the characters in Genshin and even many NPCs.

“Lord Barbatos, I know what you are looking at, I can promise not to do anything to harm Mond, I am similar to that legendary knight of honor, and I come from other worlds.”

“Of course, there is no evidence, in order to gain trust, I can show you my most precious secret, and please don’t tell others…”

Yang Cheng put his finger to his mouth and winked at him.

“Hehe, there is no distrust!”

Wendy said, but did not stop Yang Cheng.

His eyes were glued to Yang Cheng’s hand, and he saw that his slender fingers began to stroke in the air.

Wendy didn’t understand what this guy was doing at first, but the next moment he was stunned.

“This is the gift I received when I came into this world, and it is also the source of my strength…”

That’s right, Yang Cheng simply showed the tip of the iceberg of the system to Barbatos.

Because he believed that even if he showed it all, it would not cause him any trouble.

Seven days ago, Yang Cheng was still alive and well on earth, who knew that because he slept lazily on his rest day, he was directly run over by the car that rushed into the house because of the accident…

He swore before he lay on his safest and most comfortable bed, weighed down by the huge car reels.

I can’t live on the first floor in my next life….

Coming to the continent of Tivat, of course, he was happy, but he was worried about what to do without the Eye of God.

Just when he couldn’t find his direction, the system arrived.

The strongest in the heavens, the Sword Saint System!

The system allowed Yang Cheng to directly obtain a template for a character.

Template for Leotian.

“To save you time, I’ve only selected a few key displays, Lord Barbatos, I’ve shown you everything so important, so you should believe me, right?”

Yang Cheng still has a hearty and sunny smile, like a gentle and kind big brother, handsome and harmless to humans and animals.

However, this perverted skill panel made Barbatos look stupid directly.

[Sword Saint’s Protection: Can kill things that cannot be killed, and can pull out the dragon sword “Red”

Shielding of Yao: The opponent’s long-range attack cannot be hit

Arrow protection: Your own long-range attack is sure to hit

Enchantment Protection: Invalidates spells and various debuffs and buff support

Elemental protection: will not be contaminated with unhelpful elemental effects

Drive Protection: Walking speed is dehumanized fast, also suitable for riding animals

Preemptive Protection: No surprise attack, the first active attack will definitely hit

Initial Protection: If it is a visible attack, the opponent’s first attack must not hit

Secondary Protection: If it is a visible attack, the opponent’s second subsequent attack will definitely not hit

Extra protection of the immortal bird: can be resurrected after death and can be reused].

Looking at Wendy, her eyes widened as if she had been suspended.

Yang Cheng thought that he still couldn’t trust himself…

“I only listed ten shelters that have a relatively large impact on strength, in fact, I have nearly forty more shelters, I can reduce 90% of the damage from the seven elemental forces, and the protection of the lake, cloud, and fog allows me to stand on the water, stand on the clouds and not be disturbed by the fog.”

Wendy: “Please, excuse me, Lord Sword Saint, if normal creatures want to defeat you, do you have any feasible suggestions?” ”

Yang Cheng paused, and then seriously pinched his chin and thought.

After a moment, he gave up thinking and instead looked at Wendy strangely.

“This… If Lord Fengshen goes all out, is there nothing he can do? ”

Wendy smiled bitterly, what could he do, if the protection was also effective against the divine power, then he would definitely not move.

The handsome guy with a bright smile and sunshine in front of him is really a little natural.

If it had been before, Wendy would only feel very handsome when she looked at this face, and it would definitely be very sunny and popular.

But now looking at this face, I always feel that two words will appear on the head of this goods.


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