“Come in, little handsome!”

Hearing Lisa’s call, Yang Cheng walked into his room.

Kelly had already changed into the pajamas that Lisa brought, which were wide and comfortable enough and looked quite fitting.


“Miss Lisa, isn’t this dress too early for Kelly?”

Light gauze in pink and purple style with a somewhat translucent effect.

“Well, didn’t you say, be lenient, I…”

Lisa definitely couldn’t say it, normal pajamas she didn’t have.

However, she originally thought that she was going to wear it herself, so…

“Big brother, is Kelly good-looking!”

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but tilt his head, not daring to open his eyes to look at Kelly.

Kelly found that his eyes were empty, and ran back to Lisa sadly, squeezing out tears with grievance.

“Oh, Lisaa… Sister Lisa, Kelly doesn’t continue like this, the big brother doesn’t like Kelly, he doesn’t talk to Kelly anymore…”

“Can you make an antidote?”

Lisa shook her head helplessly, “This depends on your big brother, and besides, big brother doesn’t dislike Keli!” ”

She quietly lay on her stomach and whispered in Keli’s ear: “Big brother will be shy when he sees beautiful women, because now Keli is too beautiful, he is like this.” ”


Watching the two super beauties Kelly and Lisa sitting on his bed and whispering, Yang Cheng was a little dizzy.

Unexpectedly, ten years later, Kelly would be even greater than Lisa…

“Ahem, Lisa, I don’t have a clue about the antidote to the ten-year potion for the time being, this is the medicine I made casually, but the duration is only three days.”

“Looks like I’m going to trouble you, let her live in your room!”

“Well… Really, this strange potion was developed…”

Lisa also heard the whole course of events.

It was Kelly who took Yang Cheng’s things without permission, which can be said to be a complete accident.

And now that the Knights are busy, it’s better to hide this matter from the piano, and can’t let her worry about it.

After a long discussion, Lisa finally left with a reluctant Kelly.

The time was not early, and Yang Cheng felt a little sleepy because of the sudden mental exhaustion.

After going to bed, the residual temperature of the quilt made him blush.

And on the one hand, it is milky sweet, and on the other hand, it is floral …

Knock knock!

I don’t know what time it is at night, Yang Cheng only felt that he didn’t sleep long before someone came knocking on the door.

Just as he was about to get up and open the door, with a bang, the door was pushed open vigorously.

“Hee-hee, big brother, Spark Knight Keli, come to report !!!”

“I’m sorry Yang Cheng, Kelly is so energetic, I’m really…”

“Well, brother, please, let Kelly stay, Kelly has another disease that requires listening to the story of nuclear weapons to fall asleep…”

Kelly stood by the door delicately, a pair of slender and slender legs, not only a first-class beautiful girl, but also coquettish and cute when she was coquettish because of the child’s heart, making people unable to ruthlessly refuse.

Yang Cheng knew that tonight was uncomfortable.

But that’s Kelly, and that’s what it looks like.

“Lisa, trouble you together, I’m really alone…”


Although Lisa hesitated, she also knew what Yang Cheng was concerned about.

In the end, she nodded and agreed.

At night, Yang Cheng leaned on the head of the bed, holding a drawing board in his arms, and the things painted on it made even Lisa couldn’t help but marvel.

Tanks, fighters, anti-aircraft guns, armored vehicles ….

“That’s what Kelly said, the story you brought?”

“With such a small barrel, the ammunition fired out can be so powerful?”

“It’s true Sister Lisa, my brother said that if something called a nuclear weapon is detonated, Mondstadt will be blown away in an instant!”

Lisa came over curiously and looked at the drawing board in Yang Cheng’s hand curiously.

“Miss Lisa, quilt…”

“Ah, I’m sorry!”

Lisa smiled awkwardly, and suddenly saw that the quilt seemed to move.

Combined with the embarrassed expression on Yang Cheng’s face, she understood in seconds.

I snickered in my heart.

It turned out that such a serious sword saint would also be overwhelmed in this situation.

Hmph, just now in the corridor made people’s hearts beat.

It’s your turn this time, right?


“Okay now, my sister will definitely not be able to get married, I want you to be responsible!”

Yang Cheng did not answer, but said to Kelly: “It’s not early, I slept at this time yesterday, you should also be sleepy, right?” ”

“Well, go to sleep!”

Lisa didn’t get a response and didn’t continue to tease him.

Instead, he went to sleep in the other direction, after all, Mond has not been peaceful lately, and there will be extra work tomorrow.

“If you really can’t get married, you can come to me…”

Just as Lisa closed her eyes, a gentle and responsible male voice came from behind her.

At first, Lisa was startled, and then turned around, only to find that Yang Cheng had closed his eyes as if nothing had happened.

Sultry, Lisa was confused by Yang Cheng, who answered seriously.

That tone doesn’t seem like a joke.

“What a bad brother…”

Early the next morning, when Yang Cheng got up, Lisa was not there, I thought she was going out to be busy, but I didn’t expect that she appeared again when she was about to go out after dressing.

When Lisa reappeared, she had two more bags in her hand.

“Naw, my sister woke up hours in advance in order to save time!”

Opening the bag, Yang Cheng saw that there were two sets of clothes inside.

“This one is for Corly, the kid likes the red one, and the other bag is two hooded capes.”


“Well, I think you will also use it, isn’t it very noticeable every time you appear on the street, just wear this one, rest assured that you must be very handsome in it!”

“I chose this specifically for you!”

She was indeed a gentle woman, and she thought so thoughtfully.

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but be moved.

“Thank you, Lisa.”

Seeing Yang Cheng showing a smile that was gentler and cleaner than usual, Lisa’s heart beat wildly again.

“You, don’t like your sister~”

“Already like it!”

Yang Cheng’s smile is still the same, and he looks like a pure handsome big boy.

At this moment, Yang Cheng’s door was knocked again, and after opening the door, Lisa subconsciously hid in the house.

“Mr. Yang Cheng, something happened again, just now the branch president of the Adventurers Association came, saying that a group of adventurers had been missing for two days.”

“Among them is the sister of the head of the piano, Miss Barbara…”

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