“Okay, let your Sword Saint come out, this guy, how many good things have broken us, hum!”

The Abyss Mage did not give Jean more time to think.

“Hehe, that’s a pity, Sword Saint, it’s not here…”

Qin picked up the knight’s sword from the ground and silently vowed that even if Yang Cheng returned, he would try to help him buy time to evacuate.

Taking advantage of this time, Kaia and Yura also rushed to Koto’s side, and everyone with the Eye of God decided to face the demon dragon Usa in front of them together.

“Hahaha, laugh at me, do you think you can hit this thing?”

The Abyss Mage knocked on the head of the demon dragon Usa, and the huge demon dragon did not react at all.

“This thing, not only has it been transformed by us, but also eaten the dead branches of the earth vein, and finally used the power of four evil eyes, it can be said to be the strongest monster in the entire Teyvat continent, what are you fighting?”

“It not only has immunity from the elements of ice, fire, and thunder, but also has skin made of pure rock elements, which can be said to be the hardest substance.”

“Not only that, but it can also freely use these four elemental forces, I ask again, do you want to fight the current Demon Dragon Wusa?”

The Abyss Mage floated in the sky, and the extremely beaten laughter resounded throughout the battlefield.

Hearing this, the knights and adventurers suddenly fell into despair.

There are four elements, and the hardest skin.

Isn’t that full of defensive attacks?

How to deal with this?

Wendy, who had just arrived in the crowd, also gasped…

“How can there be any reason to surrender before you fight?”

Although Kaiya used up his elemental power and was surprised half to death in his heart, he always stood up and inspired people whenever he fell into despair.

“Okay, then I’ll let you see its strength…”


The Abyss Mage swung his staff forward.

The huge Demon Dragon Usa was even bigger than the tallest tree in the forest, and it suddenly collapsed a step forward, while blowing out extremely strong wind elemental power.

Just listening to the boom, just taking a step forward, it instantly blew countless people away.

Kaiya and the others instantly fell to the ground, leaving only Captain Qin still standing.


The claw of the magic dragon Usa was raised upwards and hit the piano with precision.

However, with all his strength, Qin was still lifted into the sky by a powerful force…

“Captain Qin!”

The head of the acting regiment was hit and flew and rose to a height of more than ten meters.

This blow suddenly dispersed everyone’s enthusiasm, whether it was the Knights or the Adventurers’ Association, there was only endless fear and despair left in their hearts…


“It’s going to be over…”

With the oppressive sky full of dark clouds, everyone’s panic and despair are getting deeper and deeper!

Wendy frowned and flew into the air, intending to catch the piano, however, there was still a shadow that was almost past him!

“Look, what is that?”

I saw a small shadow flying out of the whispering forest in the sky, and instantly flew to Captain Qin’s side, dragging her down.


“Jean, Captain Jean, I, Kelly saved you…”

In the sky, Kelly held the piano in both hands, with stars in her eyes, and her little head swayed.

“This, tone… You, you’re Kori??? ”

Jean was stunned suddenly, but she still recognized it at that time, this young girl who was not much shorter than herself in front of her was really a real thing!

“How could you…”

Before Qin finished speaking, Kelly subconsciously turned on the Wind Wings given by Yang Cheng.

Just listen to the poof.

The wings of the wind were completely unfolded, and the pure white angel wings, exuding a holy brilliance, immediately attracted everyone’s attention.


“Just now… Brother, he moves so fast and fast under Keli, Keli is so disgusting, his head is so dizzy…”

Although Ke Li caught the piano, her eyes were groggy, and Yang Cheng’s speed could not make her adapt at all.


“Just now?”

Jean was directly confused, what does this mean?

“Well, just on the opposite side of the forest, my brother said that I would defeat all the chuchu people, and then Kelly fainted, and then, my brother threw Kelly out, and then Kelly saw the leader of the piano in the sky and caught you…”

Jean gradually understood what Kelly said, and she seemed to have caught something in her heart.

“Kelly, what you just said, when did Yang Cheng say that he would kill all the Qiuqiu people?”

“Just now, like a few seconds ago?”

The impact of this sentence instantly made Jean fall into surprise.

A few seconds ago, across the forest?

The Whispering Forest is not big, but its trail is more than five kilometers long….

“Kelly? Yang Cheng, back? ”

Youra and Amber, who were blown down by the wind just now, widened their eyes.

That kind of wind wing, no one has ever seen it….

Just when everyone was confused, a familiar voice walked out leisurely from behind the huge body of the demon dragon Wusa.

“I heard, you’re looking for me?”

Yang Cheng is still dressed in a white knight’s suit, handsome and tall, with a calm smile that has remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

“Sorry guys, I’m late…”

Seeing Yang Cheng’s smile, those knights who had acted with the Sword Saint suddenly went crazy.

“Sword Saint, Lord Sword Saint, it’s the Sword Saint who is back!!!”

The knights who were still quite strong shouted excitedly….

“Sword Saint?”

The adventurers present are often out and about, and some have not heard of this title!

They looked confused, and came back alone, as for being so excited?

That’s Demon Dragon Wusa, didn’t you hear what that Mage B said just now?

A collection of four elements, has a person’s combat effectiveness been fought in high energy?

Wendy, who was arriving in the distance, stopped instantly.

“It’s good that I’m a little late, otherwise I’ll expose the posture of the Wind God in front of everyone, hee-hee, leave it to you Sword Saint!”

With that, Wendy disappeared in a flash.

The Raiden General, who was hiding in a safe area, lowered his hand from his chest.

“Who is the Sword Saint?”

“No, I don’t know, Mond, is there such a person?”

“Why is everyone expecting him so much, can he defeat that Demon Dragon Wusa?”

Paimon was also confused….

Yang Cheng’s sentence that I came late, gentle and good-sounding, like a reliable big brother, instantly healed everyone present, both men and women.

Many knights even wanted to throw themselves at Yang Cheng’s feet, telling how they had just been bullied by the Qiuqiu people…

“Also, it’s not too late, ahem… Sword Saint, my lord, we have bought you a lot of time! ”

With a smile on her face, Kaiya struggled to get up from the ground, covering her chest with one hand, looking seriously injured.

Lisa and Albedo, who had never seen Yang Cheng’s strength, were also instantly aroused by curiosity.

How strong would this man be, so that Kaia and those knights could still feel at ease in this desperate situation?

Seeing that many people were confused, Kaiya’s smile became even stronger.

“Hehe, be careful, that Demon Dragon Wusa, it is said that his body is extremely strong, Lord Sword Saint, let everyone see your strongest sword strike


The corners of Yang Cheng’s mouth rose, bypassing the Demon Dragon Wusa and coming to everyone.

“Sorry, the strongest sword strikes don’t work, and besides, even ordinary sword strikes, you won’t have a chance to see it…”

“After all, I’m already chopped!”


Hearing Yang Cheng smile gently and say such strange words, everyone was stunned.

Even Kaiya was a little confused.

At this moment, the Abyss Mage floating in the sky became angry.

“Is this guy of yours a Sword Saint, are you blind?”

“I’m so angry that you dare to ignore us, Usa…”

As if in response to the Abyss Mage, countless Qiuqiu people on the side also began to roar loudly.

It was then that Kaiya finally sensed that something was wrong….

In Yang Cheng’s hand, there was an extra knife that he had never seen before.

He held the scabbard in his left hand, and the blade he held in his right hand was attached to a force that he had never felt before, and there were many blue auras attached to it…

Yang Cheng didn’t pay attention to the abyss mage jumping in the sky, he was facing the knights, behind him were the demon dragon Wusa, and hundreds of hills and hills scattered over the mountains.

He flicked the Yan Demon Dao indifferently, and the blue aura suddenly dissipated.

Slowly put the knife into its sheath, only to hear the clang

A knife mark suddenly appeared on the huge body of the demon dragon Wusa…


Everyone who saw this picture was stunned!

Not only that, but the densely packed and black-pressed Qiuqiu people on the side also suddenly stopped roaring, and there were more traces of swords on their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, there was another roar, and under everyone’s stunned, the demon dragon Usa split in two from the middle and collapsed with a bang.

The picture in front of them was enough shock for everyone to stand out.

However, the next moment, there was an even louder noise from the whispering forest behind Yang Cheng.

The sound of countless hills in the forest falling to the bottom at the same time caused the land in front of Mondstadt City to shake strongly.

Everyone saw that countless light spots rose in the Whispering Forest, which was a manifestation of the corpses of the Qiuqiu people turning into elemental particles after they died…

“Hard, do you say ????”

Kaia only felt that her snot was about to flow out.

“Well, it’s all over!”

Yang Cheng carried the Yan Demon Dao in one hand and walked towards everyone without even looking back.

At this moment, everyone finally reacted.

The bosses with their eyes wide open, couldn’t believe the picture in front of them.

Even Wendy, who was watching the play from afar, was stunned.

“Lying down… No way? ”

“This is too exaggerated?”

“Too, too much…”

Wendy’s position was relatively high, and he witnessed the moment Yang Cheng withdrew his scabbard, and countless hills in the forest instantly fell to the ground.

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