“It’s just casual talk, and I won’t really do it…”

Paimon was speechless, how could this god be like a villain?

However, at this time, General Raiden had already begun to think about how to deal with such an enemy if what Wendy said was true.

“Hmm… If all this is true, then only in the case of close combat, use the first blow to fool his protection, and then directly cut off his head with the second blow! ”

“But people will be resurrected!”

Hearing Wendy’s prompt, General Raiden pondered for a moment.

“Then, there is no solution!”

“Haha, sure enough…”

Wendy burst out laughing.

However, judging from General Raiden’s expression, what Wendy said, she didn’t seem to believe it at all….

However, Ying believed it, “What a powerful and powerful human being, if you really want to compete with him, you will definitely be able to improve your martial arts!” ”

General Raiden: “Oh, don’t be whimsical, after all, it’s just a human being, and the gap with God can’t be shortened no matter what…”

Shadow and Paimon could hear that the puppet general didn’t believe Wendy’s words at all.

But Paimon is willing to believe that who wouldn’t like such an invincible, powerful and good knight?

“Hmm… If it is so powerful, is it better to come up with a more fancy name? ”

Wendy immediately answered, “Hanging Wall Sword Saint!” ”

“By the way, the word wall hanging should be used to describe characters who are so powerful that they are illogical, I saw it in a strange book a long time ago, hehe!”

Paimon quickly shook his hand, “It’s so ugly! ”

At this time, Ying also participated in this topic, “I saw a protagonist named Long Aotian in a novel, well, if the sword saint is called Yang Cheng, just call him Yang Aotian!” ”

“It’s a complete copy, forget it, you guys, let’s think about how to find travelers.”


Most of the Knights were injured, and according to Jean’s instructions, everyone could clean up the battlefield tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

But it was gratifying that the civilians in the city spontaneously organized volunteer teams, and the Knights of the Zephyr sat to deal with the aftermath.

In this way, the reputation of the Knights has long returned to its peak state.

But Jean knew that it was just her luck, not that she did a good job.

Without Yang Cheng, everything would not have gone as smoothly as it is now.

While she was dealing with her work in the office, she couldn’t help but think about how she could repay Yang Cheng…

His strength is beyond imagination, such a role, is willing to be this sword saint, which is a great luck for the Knights and Mond, and it is also Jean’s own honor.

“Wouldn’t it be too simple to pay off financially?”

“I see, you will repay yourself!”

“Lisa, don’t laugh, how can Yang Cheng like a woman who only knows work all day…”

Hearing Qin’s answer, Lisa could basically be sure that she didn’t seem to have that special feeling for Yang Cheng.

So her mind became active, since she doesn’t like women who work all day, what about women like herself who are lazy all day?

The most luxurious room in the headquarters.

Yang Cheng is looking at the system.

Until just now, Kelly was still pestering him, and after a hard discussion, she agreed to wait obediently on the bed….

The little girl seemed to be tired, lying on the bed curled up with her legs, and still holding Yang Cheng’s pillow and talking in her dreams.

“Oh, brother, it’s so fast, Kelly isn’t so fast, if only it were slow…”

Until just now, this girl had been pestering him, not to let him show the powerful move of taking off his pants.

[Adult God Assist has been turned on, now the host can see more panel details].

Yang Cheng still spent 30,000 points to open the Chengshen Assist.

Before he was very concerned about the matter of life, if he became a god, wouldn’t it mean that he could not die or die forever?

Sure enough, more information appeared in his dashboard, for example, he could see values such as strength.

[Host: Yang Cheng


Race: Human

Power: 99999/1500

Spirit: 99999/1500

Stamina: 99999/1500

Agile: 99999/1500

Chengshen Points: 0/100000].

When he saw a bunch of 9s appear, Yang Cheng was not surprised, he felt that he split Mond with a knife and was not surprised that this number should be normal.

But what is the 1500 in the back, he can’t understand.

“System, what is the 1500 in the back?”

[Ding, the upper limit of the four dimensions of the human race is 1500, and extremely powerful individual humans can slightly break through the limit].

“A slight breakthrough…”

Seeing the 99999/1500, Yang Cheng was a little embarrassed.

It’s just a decoration….

He didn’t understand why his human flesh and blood could do five figures, and all nines.

Yang Cheng felt that he didn’t need to understand, in short, strong was over.

Isn’t the original Lai Aotian also unreasonable, and Yang Cheng will not be entangled in these.

However, the number of Chengshen points in the back is a bit of a concern.

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