The disappearance of the keel can only be reported to the Knights, so that everyone can discuss and discuss together, and the three people are in vain no matter how they guess.

However, after Yang Cheng’s consideration, the probability is that he is alive, and then he doesn’t know where to fly in the dead of night.

This Tivat, Dikalabian have all been resurrected, and Master Lu has lost his treasure, what else is impossible?

Yang Cheng took the two girls over a hill.

Under the stunned eyes of the two of them, they directly killed the phaseless ice two hundred meters away.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, defeat the seventh-order powerhouse, reward 1000 protection points]


Yang Cheng’s thousands of drops were low-level monsters, listening to the point reports of more than ten or twenty, blood pressure all came up, and Amber and Youying looked at the large-scale ultra-long-distance dimensional slash that was very ornamental, and fell into a deep shock.

Looking at Yang Cheng’s big brother-like smile next door, they felt that the atmosphere and strength of this man were simply too contrasting.

Humans and animals are harmless and invincible, how did this setting fit on a person? This man is really strong enough to make people feel sad Yu sighed, feeling that it was no wonder that Amber had such a strong affection for him. Seeing this kind of boy, it’s really hard to feel that there is anything good about other boys.

“Brother Yang Cheng, you are too powerful, you are so handsome just now!”

Amber felt that he was so happy, and the fighting posture of his favorite man was maddeningly handsome.

And her favorite woman, Youying, is as elegant and beautiful as dancing when talking about the big sword, how can she be so lucky?

Just when Amber hung on Yang Cheng and sold cute, Youyun looked grim.

“Wait, look at the mountain rock over there, something seems to be wrong.”

“What’s wrong Yura, the most powerful creatures here have been killed by Brother Yang Cheng in seconds, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?”

“No, I always feel that the rock is moving.”

Amber and Yang Cheng stood at the entrance of the Phaseless Ice Platform and looked at the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, Yang Cheng seemed to vaguely see a huge, shaped wheel corridor on the mountain rock covered by ice and snow. That round gallery, like.

Just when Yang Cheng had a guess, something that frightened Amber happened.

I saw that on the big mountain of Longji Snow Mountain, a huge rock originally attached to the mountain body moved, countless snowflakes slipped from the boulder, and its wheel corridor gradually became clear.

When the boulder stood up completely, all three were shocked.

A terrifying huge face appeared, and a pair of blood-red huge eyes emitted a strange red light.

“Ah, it’s the Lord of Extreme Cold!”

Amber suddenly exclaimed.

“This can’t be.”


Although Yura was very interested before, when he saw the real thing, he couldn’t help but be scared and couldn’t move.

Hilly mob, how could it grow so huge?

I saw a huge body standing upright above the snowy mountain, shaking off the white snow covered by the body. A behemoth appeared on the mountainside, and Yang Cheng couldn’t help but marvel at this spectacular sight. What a chuchu.

It’s clearly a monster.

The body of this mob is covered with hard ice armor, and the fur is snow-white, no wonder it can hide its figure in the snowy mountains.

Moreover, it is not ten meters at all, it looks at least twelve or three meters.

With a powerful and violent muscle, and a violent breath, it is no wonder that it will be called the strongest creature in the snow mountain…

Yang Chenggang put his hand on the sword, the monster’s huge head turned to the three, and the vicious gaze made Amber and Youra couldn’t help but get close to Yang Cheng.


The giant beast raised its head to the sky with a long roar, suddenly jumped up on the mountain, and skillfully controlled its huge body to jump from the mountain?

This stunned Yang Cheng.

Because it jumped down from the mountain, the mob disappeared in the wind and snow in an instant, and there was no shadow at all.


At this moment, Yang Cheng looked back and saw that the avalanche had flooded the entire platform of Phaseless Ice. This monster is actually delaying time?

Yang Cheng recalled the look in his eyes just now, which seemed to contain a little fear… However, there was not much time to think about it, and the avalanche caused by the monster was in front of him in an instant.

In a hurry, Yang Cheng opened a million shields, and although he blocked the impact of the avalanche, there was still a lot of snow pouring in from all around instantly.

And the overwhelming snow was still too fierce, and the three people were submerged in it in an instant… A moment later, the avalanche stopped, and a shadow instantly jumped out of the pile of snow.

Yang Cheng carried Amber and Youra safely off the side rock.


The two girls seemed to have fainted because they were instantly blocked by a large amount of snow and caused their airways to suffocate. Yang Cheng picked up the two and instantly jumped into the cave on the mountainside on the side.

As an earthling, Yang Cheng has many ways to respond to this kind of emergency, but it seems that artificial respiration is required.


Yang Cheng adjusted the position of Yura and Amber to lie flat on the ground, then unfastened their necklines and began to clear the obstructions in the two people.

Most of it melted away, but it still made a lot of white snow.

As the temperature in the cave gradually melted the snow on their bodies, Amber and Yura’s clothes were naturally soaked.

The two are pale, and the cherry small mouth has its own characteristics, both of them are delicate. Yang Cheng looked at Amber, who kept having water droplets sliding down his face, and began to have a little heartbeat.

After all, he is also engaged in artificial respiration for the first time, and it is nonsense to say that he does not think indiscriminately and the benevolence of the doctor. He couldn’t even tell exactly if he really needed to do this, though.

This kind of small cave conventional plot, the whole thing is right.


Taking the lead in lifting Amber’s cute little face, Yang Cheng calmed down and pasted his mouth up. The feeling at that moment almost made Yang Cheng irrational.

It wasn’t until Amber under him snorted that Yang Cheng found that artificial respiration was not needed at all.


Amber’s cute eyes suddenly widened, and he found the boy he dreamed of lying on top of him. My heart was suddenly filled with sweetness and shyness.

Yang Cheng separated from her a little embarrassed, and explained,

“I’m saving you…”

Amber did not speak, nodded obediently, like a shy rabbit is very cute. When she came to Yura again, she was relieved to find that her breathing was smooth and her heart was beating normally.

“Amber, I’ll go out!”

Saying that, Yang Cheng was about to catch up with the giant beast with a knife. However, Amber pulled Yang Cheng’s hem with his small hand.

“Brother Yang Cheng, don’t leave us, I’m afraid…”

Looking back, Amber’s eyes at this time were misty and hazy, and he was lovely.

As the first character in the game besides Traveler, Amber has a special bonus in Yang Cheng’s heart no matter what!

Want to spoil her…

Yang Cheng only felt that his cute heart was quickened. Don’t go, say nothing goes!

Now be sure to accompany her, the monster is killing for a while.

“Brother Yang Cheng…”

Suddenly, the little girl blushed and lowered her head and gently exhaled.

“What’s wrong?”

Yang Cheng had a spoiled smile.

The next second, Amber’s question surprised him.

“Do you like Amber?”


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