After a long time of education, Kelly calmed down.

She was so excited to get strength and convenient body again!

“Remember, you’re not allowed to have contact with any guys right now, got it?”

“You know, it’s not allowed to talk to boys other than your brother, Sister Lisa said, this is called jealousy, because my brother likes Keli, hee-hee…”

After getting dressed again, Kelly once again became a beautiful and beautiful girl, standing in the room.

“This, do you really understand my words…”

Yang Cheng held his forehead and couldn’t help but be speechless.

Is that what you mean?

It is clear that she is not allowed to contact other men to protect her, and now Kelly will definitely make others have evil thoughts, but after saying it, she becomes jealous?

“Forget it, if you say you are jealous, be jealous, in short, remember my words.”

“Remember, remember, Kelly can’t wait to try the power of the bungee nuclear bomb!”

“Bungy nuclear bomb?”

Yang Cheng was a little helpless, of course, it was impossible for Ke Li to create a real nuclear weapon, it is estimated that he expressed his yearning for what he said, so he changed the name of Hopping.

But I really don’t know how fierce her improved bouncing is, and she can’t ignite it without growing..

“You come back early, I’m not home tonight, you’re going to Lisa or Jean’s room, you know?”

“Ah, okay, Cider Lake, Creek!”

It seems that she really can’t wait to blow up something…….

I really don’t know what the cider lake will become after that, but Yang Cheng is really not particularly worried, after all, the lake is not as small as in the game, and it is boundless to look at in the city.

After that, Yang Cheng simply packed up the synthetic materials purchased today, intending to take them to the new house.

Half of the Knights of the Order now go home on vacation, and the other half are all sent out into the wild to find clues to Durin, which seems somewhat empty.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the Knights, Yang Cheng saw Amber, who was saying goodbye to the traveler.

“Are you really not staying for a few days?”

“No, we still have to continue to look for this guy’s relatives, and she has taken on a lot of tasks in Inazuma that have not been completed!”

Amber looks a little reluctant, and the relationship with Yingmei is as good as in the game. Paimon also likes to speak for travelers.

“Ah, Brother Yang Cheng!”

When he saw Yang Cheng come out, Ying couldn’t help but feel happy.

“Ying, is your injury completely healed?”


As soon as Paimon wanted to mention the traveler’s answer, he was covered by Ying,

“Thank you Brother Yang Cheng for your concern, I’m already fine, and besides, thanks to you coming to save me this time, I will definitely come back to thank you in the future!”

The smile on Ying’s face was very sweet, but it was not as crumbs as Yang Cheng saw in the second creation.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Yang Cheng knew that the lockdown order had not been completely lifted, and it seemed that when she played with the general in normal times, she could often listen to the movie and mention that although the concept of Lei Movie was changed, the general’s laws could not be easily changed.

There was a disagreement between Kage and the general’s philosophy, and although the Eye Hunting Order was lifted, the General hesitated in the matter of the Lockdown Order…

Yang Cheng immediately understood that it seemed that the timeline had not yet reached the general vs shadow, that is, it had not reached the plot of the second act of the chapter of the world’s people.

After seeing the battle of the gods of this world, Yang Cheng couldn’t help but sigh how this Ying singled out the God of Thunder.

Obviously in the wind, she was so weak when the dragon was in ruins…

The traveler left without saying goodbye to everyone, only because he was bumped into by Amber and stopped for a while. Yang Cheng and Amber sent them all the way to the street.

“Amber, see you Brother Yang Cheng, I will come back to see you!”

Seeing the girl leave, Yang Cheng sighed back.

This world teleportation is not as easy as in the game, even travelers have to go to the wild to find the Seven Heavens Gods, which is very troublesome, and according to me, it seems that you can’t bring people without the Eye of God, but you can bring Paimon She herself doesn’t know why.

And there are not so many anchors in the big map of this world, only a portable anchor created by alchemy synthesis technology, the teleportation distance is very short and it can’t be put for even seven days, at most it will be a day.

This further highlights how powerful his Yan Demon Knife is.

“Amber, do you want to come to my new home, my new house is quite big!”

When there were only two left, Yang Cheng initiated an invitation.


The new house is renovated, it is much easier to move in with a bag, and it is quite luxurious.

There were more than ten rooms up and downstairs, and in the corner of the second floor, Yang Cheng actually found an alchemy room.

Yang Cheng was very relieved that he didn’t have to worry too much about moving his residence, and now he could choose to live on both sides at any time.

It’s just that the house is a bit big, and it should be a hassle to clean.

Fortunately, the Knights have the universal little maid Noelle, and this guy cleans the entire Knights very quickly and cleanly.

After settling in, Yang Cheng personally made a delicious meal to entertain this little girlfriend Amber, who didn’t understand anything… After the meal, Amber looked satisfied.

“Wow, what a happiness, brother Yang Cheng used to cook so well, it’s not early, I should go home, don’t bother you!”

“Wait, because you’re my girlfriend, stay here too!”

“Eh… Is that? ”

Amber looked stunned after hearing Yang Cheng’s words.

“Amber, you confessed to me, do you know what the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is?”

“Dang, of course you know…”

Amber blushed and lowered her head and said, “That’s it, like each other, and then always have a family with a baby…”

“Then do you know you should sleep in a bed?”


Amber’s cute little face was completely stupid, and it felt like her brain was dead. Sleep in the same bed, why not?

In the end, she fell on the bed half-understood, and the close proximity was Yang Cheng’s gentle handsome face. Amber was directly stunned, I don’t know why, the heartbeat is fast…

“That, me, I…”

“What’s wrong Amber, aren’t you used to it?”

“No, no, I just don’t quite understand, but if it’s a boyfriend and girlfriend, everyone will be like this, right?”

Yang Cheng shook his head with a smile,

“It’s definitely more than that, but it’s still too early for you, just stay here, or do you want to know more?”

“I’m sorry brother, I confessed without understanding anything…”

Amber finally realized that she judged that liking Yang Cheng was only because her heart would beat faster when she saw him, and there would be a wonderful sense of happiness around him.

As for the rest, I don’t understand anything…

“Then do you regret it, if you regret it, then there should be no such thing!”

Yang Cheng asked with a smile, I couldn’t see such a pure and lovely girl in my previous life, she was simply a treasure girl.

“No… Amber has no regrets. ”

Amber shook her head quickly, and she found that Yang Cheng’s eyes were gentler and her voice was gentler when she looked at her today.

Is this the exclusive treatment of girlfriends?

If it was, she couldn’t bear it, and even wanted to let Eura experience it too, but she felt that something was wrong, and she had a selfish psychology that she couldn’t help but want to exclude.

Such a flustered, ignorant cute and ignorant girl, Yang Cheng couldn’t help but approach her face and kissed it.


So suddenly, but Amber found that she could not refuse, and even felt addicted to this happiness.

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng only felt that he had fallen asleep holding the most comfortable pillow in the world.

Unlike the day before yesterday and Lisa Corlie, he didn’t dare to hug him at that time. But now, this is his serious girlfriend.

At breakfast, Amber blushed and asked in a cute whisper: “That, will there be, baby?” ”


Yang Cheng only felt too funny, she seemed to still think that kissing would get pregnant…

“I, I have a task today, go first!”

After the meal, Amber quickly found a reason to flee the mansion.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get new protection]

Amber just left, and the system arrived as promised.

Because yesterday he got a total of more than 2,900 points, and he allocated 1,900 points to become a god. So today there will be a plus protection.

[Instantaneous Protection: The high-speed movement of the instantaneous burst produces an effect similar to teleportation]

“Have you got lucky?”

Looking at this new protection, Yang Cheng was in a happy mood.

He has always needed this, he runs fast, but each acceleration needs to go through up to 100 meters of acceleration, and this time it is good, it sounds like standing in place can move explosively at high speed.

After dressing neatly, Yang Cheng directly used the Yan Demon Knife to open a mobile passage in the room. Since I experimented with the teleportation function, I don’t have to walk through it myself.

Although he has not been to Liyue yet, he can teleport to the place closest to Liyue that he has walked to.


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