In the South Heavenly Gate area, the moment the Ruoda Dragon King appeared on the land of Liyue, the standing battle began. The first shot was naturally fired on the Fengshen side, which was responsible for dealing with it.

Twalin flew at an altitude of fifteen hundred meters in the air, and at the dragon head of Radha, he breathed out a wind element. Its own strength must have little effect, but it also depends on who he has on his back!

The Wind God, as well as the three immortals under the Liyue Rock God, have all paid the blessing of demon power, elemental power, and immortal power.

This breath element cannon was directly enhanced to a huge ball of light with a diameter of more than one hundred meters. Yang Cheng couldn’t help but shout when he saw it, the vitality egg is awesome!

Boom one!

After thousands of years of fat, the first thing I saw when I just climbed out was not the sun, not the sky, but the dismount of the wind god Barbatos!

The dragon’s head was swept by the concentrated wind element, and it was unscathed? Only evil thoughts remained, and Ruoda was furious at the blow.

Although the memory is eroded, it still recognizes the blow.

“Do you dare to govern the world?”


The Dragon King roared, emitting a deafening sound, and suddenly detonated countless giant mountains around him. At the same time, an even larger ball of elemental light rose from the ground and pushed towards Twalin.

This ball of light emitted by Ruotuo is formed by the convergence of various elements, seven colors converge, and finally it bears a pure white color, and the energy is extremely strong.

Although Twalin dodged with his superb flying skills, he was still almost swept away by the elemental light ball…

After the ball of light hit the air, when it flew to a height of about 10,000 meters above everyone’s heads, it suddenly exploded, and the light suddenly illuminated almost half of Liyue!

The dazzling light has a brightness comparable to that of the sun….

“Oh my God!”

Twalin and Wendy were stunned.

“It seems that Lord Ruotuo’s power is far beyond our imagination, and it is not wise to confront head-on…”

Although Ah Ping was the first group of immortals to follow the emperor to fight, he had never seen such a battle. Thundered!

The sound of the South Heavenly Gate was huge, but the land of Liyue was far wider than in the game, and Rao still alarmed many people in the wild villages and towns.

At this time, there happened to be a few young people in Qingcezhuang who went home after a long time to help their father and mother do farm work.

“Look, what’s going on in the southwest?”

“What happened?”

Some of the old people in the house were frightened by the sound and ran out to ask the young people who were working outside.

“There was a huge explosion just now, and then the sky suddenly exploded, almost blinding my eyes.”

“I just heard a particularly loud roar, is there a demon god coming?”

“Don’t, stop talking nonsense…”

The common people began to be afraid, and the Emperor of Yan and his old man had just returned to the high heavens for a few months, and then this file came out.

If there really is a demon god coming, what will Liyue do?

“It’s okay….. Although there are very few people who have seen it, we have immortals in Liyue! ”

“Yes, yes, the three-eyed five-manifest immortals will definitely protect us…”

The people still trust the immortals, and it is usually difficult to see, but it is said that the last time there was a demon god revival in the Liyue Sea, it was with the help of the immortals to repel the other party, what they didn’t know was that even the immortals still had a certain gap compared with the orthodox powerful demon gods. Otherwise, it would not have sacrificed a rich woman’s group of jade pavilions at that time… Moisture.

At this moment, a cross crack suddenly appeared in the space around several farmers. Frightened, they quickly hid aside.

“What’s the situation, has that space been cut?”

A group of peasants gathered together, suddenly lost interest in the sound of the northwest, and looked at the crack in front of them in horror.

There are daring people who want to get closer to see what this crack means. Click!

The cross crack suddenly opened, and the few daring people were scared away again.


Out of the crack came a handsome young man in white clothes, with two weapons collapsed around his waist. The young man’s face was extremely handsome, and he glanced up at the northern sky with an indifferent expression.

“Has it already begun?”

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, he couldn’t imagine that everything happened so quickly.

Although the farmers did not know who he was, they always felt that he was a master… A mysterious master with mysterious powers.

Liyue’s fantasy novels often see that this mysterious character who often appears suddenly when the world is in chaos, and the way of appearance is extremely pulling.

Most of them are the main characters later in the novel, either the final boss or the indispensable strong characters in the protagonist group.

Just now, the northwest direction was bright and loud, isn’t this the chaos in the world? They didn’t know which kind Yang Cheng belonged to, they only knew to be careful in everything.

But if he is a villain, one who is not happy that everyone here will fall to the ground…

“A few big brothers, may I ask, did you just see a white-haired girl passing by here?”

Yang Cheng showed his trademark smile and asked politely.

The young farmers’ hearts suddenly cooled.

It’s over, just like in the novel, handsome guys with a smile and harmless humans and animals are often the most brutal and dangerous guys who appear in the novel!

Iron villain!

Don’t dare to say…

Everyone was so frightened by Yang Cheng that they trembled and did not dare to move.

After all, Yang Cheng’s appearance was too bizarre, two lines appeared in the air, and then came out of the cracked space.

What kind of evil force is this?

Seeing the fearful people, Yang Cheng couldn’t help sighing and looked at the little girl not far away…

Seeing the little flower on her head, Yang Cheng remembered that the girl’s name was Ayou, a cute child who was always chasing his shadow.

Yang Cheng opened [Wrist Hao’s Extra Protection] this time for the sake of safety.

At the beginning, this plus protection seemed to Yang Cheng to have the meaning of insulting Ji Hao, and he never wanted to use it, but he could also use it when necessary……….

“Ah, hello big brother!”

Sure enough, after opening this extra protection, the girl’s eyes looking at him suddenly changed from the same fear as everyone else to surprise and shyness.

Ayou suddenly found that this big brother is not simply good-looking, but extremely good-looking!

To what extent, it was as if his smiling face was constantly exuding divine light, seeing Yang Chengxiao, Ayou seemed to see the picture of hundreds of flowers blooming all over the mountains…

All in all, it’s very happy and very enjoyable!

“Hello little friend, big brother has some questions for you.”

Seeing Ayou showing an innocent smile, Yang Cheng’s mood was also very happy.

But he swore to use this extra protection on the little girl, just to gain trust and ask for information!

“Have you ever seen a white-haired sister passing by here, she looks beautiful, like a fairy.”


Ayou’s voice is childish, nodding smartly, and he is particularly well-behaved. Much stronger than those adults…

And those adults, seeing Yang Chengben Ayou, several old men were so frightened that they almost cried. They all gave Ayou a look, signaling her not to say, she would definitely be clicked if she said it!

Because this is how Liyue’s novels are written.

If Yang Cheng knew that those people thought so, he would definitely turn them into corpses on the spot. Then feed them the Soul Returning Pill…

“That pretty sister went in that direction!”

Ayou’s tender little finger pointed to the mountains and forests on the other side of the terraces. Finished!

On the other side, several old men hugged together, feeling that the “villain” in front of him who had been smiling would reveal his true colors in the next second and brutally kill Ayou.

Seeing Yang Cheng stretching out his hand, some people even planned to carry the hoe up desperately.

Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng showed a more gentle smile, and his big hand gently covered the little girl’s head.

“Well, thank you, kind little girl!”

“No, you’re welcome, will Ayou see Big Brother next time?”

“Of course, I’ll come to see you…”

Yang Cheng didn’t look at the speechless adults, and disappeared from everyone’s field of vision like a jump.

“What’s wrong?”

After Yang Cheng left, a white-haired old lady came out and looked at a group of old men hugging together and scared into dogs, and she was a little puzzled.

“Just now, a big brother asked for directions, but uncle they don’t tell people…”

Ayou angrily accused these adults of being rude.

The old man suddenly became angry, and immediately raised his crutches and ran to smash the heads of the young men and old men.

“Wow, not as sensible as a little girl?”

“No, according to the development in fantasy novels, that handsome young guy just now was designated as a bad person!”

When the old lady heard this, she smashed it even harder.

“I’ll let you guys Xuan…”


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