
After discovering the blue sky, the Dragon King began to doubt the state of life.

It obviously didn’t see any giants that could match itself, why would it be pushed back by a mysterious force?

Full of doubts, let it turn the dragon’s eye in the direction of humans.

The wind and waves were countless sands and dust, and the ant-like mortals were shaken by the impact of their own fall. This is the norm, and it makes sense.

But the next moment, Ruoda’s eyes widened…

It saw a human man dressed in white walking towards him without thinking. The pace is calm and unwavering!

The man has a beautiful face and a slender figure, and walks towards it without any obstacles, but he is obviously a human being, but there is an invisible pressure on his body.


Half a step will advance to the Dragon God Ruoda Dragon King, and a trace of vigilance rises in his heart. However, it was this momentary vigilance that made it furious!

Am I actually afraid?

“Human beings, why is it putting pressure on me?”

“Human, did you do this?”

If the Dragon King’s limbs were facing the sky, everyone thought that it could not be turned over.

In the next second, something even more terrifying happened, and the angry Ruoda suddenly turned over delicately. The earth was once shaken by a huge weight.

The mountain that had been stubborn to this point before also collapsed in this shock.


The severely injured Lishui Diesan Zhenjun fell on the top of the mountain in the distance, and suddenly collapsed. He thought that he would be lucky enough to avoid this calamity…

“Master, Gan Yu, how are you injured?”

Shen He seemed a little concerned…

“No problem!”

Liuyun Zhenjun looked at Yang Cheng’s figure and was amazed in his heart.

It turned out that the discussion between the Wind God and the emperor earlier turned out to be this kid? Sure enough, isn’t he an ordinary human…

“Shen He, how do you feel about him, do you mean that?”

The sudden inquiry made the immortals suddenly look confused.

“At this time, Liuyun, you still care about this?”

“What’s wrong with Care?”

Liuyunhe’s head was crooked, tougher than them.

Lishui Dieshan, and Cutting Moon Zhuyang, were simply stunned and speechless. However, they know Shen He’s nature, how can they be emotional towards people?

Whether she understands those things or not is not certain, I am afraid that even if the other party is the peak of combat effectiveness, it will not easily make this girl with indifferent feelings move…

However, the next second, they were slapped in the face again.

I saw Shen He suddenly bowed his head and nodded shyly,

“Disciple, I am very satisfied with him…”

Shen He, who usually rarely even sees a smile, is as shy as a little daughter at this time? Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and nodded happily.

“Great, hahaha, watch the play!”

Lishui stacking mountains and cutting the moon and building the sun are speechless again, this Liuyun, it is really too fast to change, and I am watching the play again.

But the two of them couldn’t help but ponder, how strong was that man with a human appearance?

Grandma Ping trusted him so much even the two gods?

Wendy and the others, who were a little farther away, did not notice Shen He’s conversation with the three immortals, and stared closely at the figure below the mountain from beginning to end.

Only Zhong Li was in good shape, and when he saw Yang Cheng appear and overthrow the Ruoda Dragon King, he was horrified in his heart……. She fell to Yang Cheng’s side and said sincerely: “I can’t thank you enough!” ”

“Raise your hand, Miss Zhongli, what are your plans for the Ruoda Dragon King?”

Zhong Li heard Yang Cheng’s indifferent voice, and thought that he wanted to discuss countermeasures!

So Zhong Li said: “Fang Cai has already formed a sealing array, but at this time, Ruotuo’s strength is too strong to seal it, at least weaken its strength by three percent. ”

“Do you want to seal?”

“I know, you go and prepare the seal, leave it to me here!”

Zhong Liying’s lips moved slightly, and he glanced at the tall Ruotuo, and then at Yang Cheng0, who was extremely small in front of it

In the end, nothing was said.

Yang Cheng’s moment just now was enough to show his ability!

It is estimated that the two sides will fight with all their strength, and it will not be difficult to weaken the Ruoda Dragon King… So Zhongli jumped to the top of the mountain again, always ready to seal the great array!

“Mortal, are you going to be my enemy?”

The Ruoda Dragon King looked at Yang Cheng and roared.

“Are you really trying to kill me?”

A question, anger raged, and Ruotuo’s voice resounded in the sky. The human in the rear covered his ears with a heaven-shaking roar.

“Yang Aotian, come on, come on!”

Paimon suddenly circled the front, not knowing who gave her the courage, and shouted in the direction of Radha as if to fight back

“Immortal and immortal?”

“Is it because someone else tried to kill you, but you didn’t get killed, that you felt that way?”

Hearing Ruotuo’s words, Yang Cheng showed a gentle smile and directly pulled out the dragon sword in his hand! I don’t know why, Yang Cheng’s rhetorical question was not domineering at all, but it made Ruotuo’s heart extremely shaken: Why did he say that?

What does this mean?

Why is a mortal so calm in front of me? Is it because of his extreme power?

Ruotuo did not feel any elemental aura on Yang Cheng, nor did he feel that he had the courage of other races. But I don’t know why, Ruoda’s vigilance is getting stronger and stronger!

All the humans stood outside the South Heavenly Gate, staring at the human who was confronting the Dragon King. Can’t take your eyes off.

As if in the blink of an eye, something will be missed…

“The Eye of God…”

Hu Tao suddenly found that his divine eye flickered for some unknown reason.

Other God Eye holders also discovered this phenomenon, and after opening the elemental vision, everyone gasped. Whether it was in the atmosphere or in the eyes of the gods of everyone, the colorful elemental aura continued to frantically rush in the same direction…

The target was that the man that all of them were watching seemed to be the elemental aura of the whole world, frantically flowing into his gorgeous sword body!

“This is…”

“Little sister-in-law, are you gathering strength?”

Yang Cheng also found out, but he found that the speed at which the Dragon King’s elemental power was taken away was very slow, because the amount it held was too much?

Sure enough, the Ruoda Dragon King angrily opened his blood basin and concentrated the power of several pure elements….

The Dragon King gathered seven elements in his mouth, and the huge amount of elements turned the gathered elemental light ball into pure white brilliance. Yang Cheng knew that the energy contained in this glowing ball was enough to blast the entire Wind Dragon Ruins… Bang!

The Ruoda Dragon King did not hesitate and directly sprayed the ball of light towards Yang Cheng. Everywhere the huge ball of light passed, it turned into dust and ashes.

While everyone was holding their breath and staring, Yang Cheng was still in place without making the slightest movement. Why?

Why not dodge?

The Thousand Rock Army was stupid, the size of that ball of light exceeded the Jade Pavilion, this was the attack prepared by the Dragon King for a single human?

Is it so serious?


The reversal was staged again, and only a clanging sound was heard, and almost everyone heard the abnormal noise.

After touching Yang Cheng, the ball of light suddenly bounced back at an extremely fast speed and bounced towards the Ruoda Dragon King. Ruoda was shocked.

How is this possible?

“It’s bigger than just now, and it’s getting bigger!!!”

There was a thousand rock army pointing at the elemental shell and shouting in horror. Bang……

It was supposed to hit Yang Cheng, and the elemental attack from the Ruoda Dragon King actually rebounded back several times the power, and a huge explosion occurred in Ruotuo’s head.

After a roar, Ruoda found that rocks began to fall from his face… Injured!!!

“Damn, what the hell did you do?”

Ruoto was furious, but his defensive power was really no joke, and in the face of this level of power, he could still guarantee only minor injuries.

However, in the next second, it looked at the sword in Yang Cheng’s hand that emitted a strange light, and the pair of eyes that were different from those just now.

Yang Cheng took a pose, his face did not change, and the eyes of the Straight Death Demon Exuded a deep and strange shimmer.

“Since no one can kill you and make you mistakenly think that you are immortal, let me tell you what is real…”


The onlookers looked at Yang Cheng in amazement, and found that his pure white knight’s uniform gradually faded into a pure black color. Majinization!

Yang Cheng’s face did not change significantly, most of it was reflected in his clothes.

Seeing this situation, the Ruoda Dragon King finally panicked, and sprayed several more elemental enrichment cannons, each time it was comparable to the power just now…

However, this time, Yang Cheng did not choose to rebound.

The evolved Full Counterattack retains these attacks for a short period of time, accumulating together and popping them in any direction.

Zhong Li was stunned to look at the Dragon King’s element, which was actually strengthening Yang Cheng’s sword…

“How powerful will this blow be?”

“Zhongli, this, is it still sealed…”

Wendy, who floated over, asked with some shame. Yang Cheng suddenly swung out his dragon sword!

The sword light broke through the clouds and slashed straight at Ruotuo’s huge body… Zhong Li also understood that the sealing array was probably prepared in vain!

Where are you just trying to weaken?

It is clear that he planned to take Ruota’s life on the spot, right?


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