Wangshu Inn, Gan Yu and Shen He were all in Yang Cheng’s room…

“It turns out that Mr. Yang Cheng also needs to live in the room and eat?”

Gan Yu looked at Yang Cheng enjoying the meal prepared by the Wangshu Inn with a shocked expression.

In her opinion, as the ceiling of the combat effectiveness of Tivat’s entire world, she always felt that Yang Cheng’s life should not be so grounded.

Hearing Gan Yu ask about this kind of topic, Yang Chengton was speechless…

“Of course, and why do you think I don’t need to sleep or eat?”

“But, aren’t you that powerful…”

“Are you content with this kind of life?”

“So how do I live?”

Yang Cheng was a little crying and laughing…

“Should I, as the strongest fighting force of Liyue and Mond, enjoy the life of an emperor, live in a luxurious palace, surrounded by a bunch of beautiful girls?”


Hearing Yang Cheng’s words, Gan Yu understood a little, as a Qilin bloodline, she was often treated special at the beginning when working in Liyue Port, but she didn’t like that.

In fact, except for the Thousand Yan Army and a few people in Liyue, who know about Yang Cheng’s world-level existence, almost no general public understands.

He is also more content with the status quo, even if it will be spread slowly, he will find ways to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

Helplessly, he hugged everywhere he went, and was slapped by a group of impure guys, just like Dikalapian back then…

He didn’t like it.

A calm life is all about sightseeing and getting along with your favorite characters, and that’s it.

“Xianggong, if you try this, I think this dish will be delicious…”

While chatting, Shen He, who was on the other side of the table, picked up a green vegetable and handed it to Yang Cheng’s mouth. Yang Cheng opened her mouth, and she gently sent the dish into his mouth.

“Well, thanks, it tastes good!”

In fact, Yang Cheng was not too prepared for this. Isn’t this too happy?

Although I don’t know what’s going on, Shen He seems to be very infatuated with himself, as long as he is present, Shen He’s gaze will never shift to other places…

Of course he accepted!

Don’t accept it, it’s a bastard!

Looking at the two who were in love, Gan Yu didn’t feel strange at all, she just came to sleep… Originally, there was no work in Yuehai Pavilion today, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime rest.

Instead of accidentally sleeping on the grass while practicing in the wild, it is better to come here…

But the rooms in the Wangshu Inn seem to have guests, and at this time she came to Yang Cheng’s room to take a look, but she didn’t expect that she and Shen He had already returned.

“That, you guys go on, I’ll sleep first…”

Afraid that Shen He would feel that he was in the way of driving her away, Gan Yu quickly lay down on the bed. Yang Cheng was going out in the afternoon, and he had just promised to give her a room to sleep for a day.

Gan Yu, who had a slender waist, fell asleep as soon as she lay on the pillow.

A beautiful tight suit is beautifully displayed, the curves are a little silver-tempting, and I am defenseless… Yang Cheng didn’t dare to look more, so he took Shen He out.

This afternoon, the sun is good, the wind is fine, and the Wangshu Inn is quiet and peaceful. On the way, you can often see people walking leisurely.

Whenever Yang Cheng and Shen He walked by, they could always cause a hundred percent return rate.

Handsome guys and beauties of this level stand together, just by looking at it, people look forward to infinity.

Seeing Yang Cheng’s face a little helpless, Shen Heliu’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his eyes couldn’t help but show a fierce light…

“Xianggong, do you think they are very intrusive?”

“No, no, don’t be impulsive…”

On the way to Yaoguangtan, Yang Cheng and Shen He were in no hurry, and couldn’t help but want to stop more to see the surrounding scenery.

The number of people gradually decreased, Shen He put on a happy expression again, and he couldn’t help but get close to Yang Cheng when walking.

But he was afraid that Yang Cheng would refuse, and did not dare to get too close…

Seeing this scene, how could Yang Cheng not take the initiative as a man? He simply boldly grabbed the slender waist without looking at it… The sudden movement caused Shen He to snort.


The speed of the two walking was even slower, and Yang Cheng couldn’t help but ask, “Shen He, when did you like me?” ”

“I always liked it at first sight!”

Shen He blushed and his gaze dodged.

But in fact, how could this be, Shen He was indeed gradually attracted to him, from that time in the forest, she couldn’t suppress her heart.

At that time, Yang Cheng was by her side, and quickly calmed Shen He down, and from then on, Shen He couldn’t help but pay more attention to this man…

And in his heart, he silently promoted Yang Cheng’s position.

The second time, when she attacked Yang Cheng because of her hallucination, he could easily control the Demon Descent Great Sage and join forces.

The strength is superb, the person is still gentle, at this time, his status has invisibly climbed here, and when he was rescued by Yang Cheng after being defeated by the lash and locked up in the dark dungeon, Shen He had already found that he couldn’t do without him…


“Xianggong, do you like me?”

Yang Cheng nodded calmly, and she happily buried her head in his chest.

Shen He looked happy, and couldn’t help but ask,

“Since then, when did you start liking Shen He?”

“A month ago…”


Hearing this answer, Shen He raised his head with a puzzled expression. How long have the two known each other?

“Ahem, it’s nothing…”

Yang Cheng coughed awkwardly.

But it is true that from a month ago, Shen Heli painting has just been announced…

At that time, he had not yet been killed by a truck, had not yet come to the continent of Tivat, and was still playing games at work. However, everyone is like this, first start with the standing painting and like a person.

Of course, he admits to liking the body first, but after slowly getting to know, the player’s affection for the character is getting deeper and deeper, which is undeniable.


How many people even celebrate the birthday of their favorite characters in Haidilao…

But everyone knows that this kind of feeling, after all, it cannot be conveyed.

How many people can have the opportunity to cross over like Yang Cheng and really hold the beauty?

“Just like it…”

Later, when Yang Cheng was walking slowly, he brought up the system interface and began to view the detailed functions of various eyes and other upgraded descriptions.

While he was studying the skills, Shen He suddenly raised his head and stared at Yang Cheng with a pair of beautiful eyes.

“Xianggong, do you like Gan Yu then?”

This sentence directly confused Yang Cheng.

“What’s wrong, why do you ask that?”

Seeing Yang Cheng’s reaction, Shen He was slightly stunned.


Shen He showed a soft smile and changed the topic.

She saw Yang Cheng looking at Gan Yu in the room before, and there was a sense of appreciation…

Previously, Shen He silently swore that as long as Yang Cheng liked it and wanted it, she would definitely find a way to give it to Yang Cheng.

She wanted to make Yang Cheng happy…

Moreover, the first time he noticed that Yang Cheng appreciated Ganyu, Shen He was measuring the gap between his strength and that of Ganyu.

She is indeed a genius, but there is still a slight gap compared to the real Qilin bloodline. However, Gan Yu trusted her extremely much, if it was a sneak attack…

“As long as Xianggong wants something, I will…”

Shen He’s eyes radiated a strange light.

Her love is a little heavy, but now Yang Cheng has not noticed this point.


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