According to Rosalind, the village of Crimson Wood was occupied by a lot of dangerous guys.

They only dared to quietly avoid all sight and live in this house that didn’t even have a roof.

When Rosalyn said these words, she smiled, and instead of feeling hard, she felt lucky to have a place to sleep.

It’s so pathetic…

“There is a very clear river next door, wait a while, the samurai stationed there will go out to find passers-by who can attack, and when they are gone, I will take you to catch fish.”

“Catch fish?”

Yang Cheng was stunned, and after making trouble for a long time, the fish had to be caught now!

Rosalyn’s face turned red,

“I’m sorry, obviously you are a benefactor, but I don’t have a better way to repay it…”

“No, nothing…”

Seeing that lady really fell to such a pitiful and cautious state, Yang Cheng was also quite shocked. There are people who, just by living, have already done their best…

Without waiting for a few minutes, Rosalyn pulled Yang Cheng and the three children to cross over a small miscanthus full of miscanthus grass.

After waiting for the position, she led the child to lie on the ground, carefully probed to look at the river, and then returned to Yang Cheng with a bitter face.

“Whew… They didn’t go out today. ”


Seeing that Rosalind almost didn’t cry out, with a helpless expression, Yang Cheng felt a little funny.

“If they don’t leave today, are you going to go hungry for a day?”

Rosalyn and the three children nodded tearfully…

“I’ll help you solve them so that you can catch fish every day in the future.”


As soon as they heard that they were catching fish every day, the three little girls suddenly showed a bright smile.

These children may also have been wandering outside for a long time, unusually honest and quiet, and Rosalyn never took the initiative to speak up when she was not talking to them.

The vicinity of Scarlet Wood Village is full of dangers, they are equivalent to living in the pile of bad guys, they may be found at any time, and then do something cruel…

Unexpectedly, they were able to survive until now, Yang Cheng pinched a sweat for them when he heard it. Yang Cheng came to the vicinity of Xiaohe and saw something that made him even more angry.

Three samurai with swords, sitting under the tree next to the river, talking and laughing, with several boxes of loot on the side, seemingly snatched from others, as for the original owner of the item, it is estimated that he no longer knows where it is buried.

The moment Yang Cheng stood up, someone got up and shouted,

“What for?”

Wandering in the land of extrajudicial land for a long time, these people are extremely vigilant.

“Hey, look at that woman!”

“Lying groove, living so big for the first time to see such a superb product, brother has committed peach blossom luck these days, right?”

To Yang Cheng’s surprise, as soon as these guys stood up, they actually stared directly at Rosalind.

Rosalyn covered her thighs with the hem of her clothes in fear.

“You call this Peach Blossom Luck?”

Yang Cheng pointed to the large amount of blood stains on the ground and the clothes of some civilians, and couldn’t help sighing…

There are really too many things in the game that are not shown, how many of these rogues with martial arts have no life on their hands?

“Women can always be used.”

“Kill this man!”

Without saying a word, the group of guys rushed over with knives, and Rosalyn and the three children hugged together again in fear.

Their life has always been to find ways to hide, how dare they take the initiative to provoke?

This time, Yang Cheng was already angry and pulled out his knife with anger.

Just listen to the smack.

Everyone only felt a gust of wind and waves blowing overhead… Thump.

The samurai who rushed to the front separated on the spot and knelt on the ground.

This is not the end, the other two samurai who did not catch up heard a creaking sound behind them… When I turned around, I found that the giant tree that several people had been hiding from the rain collapsed to the ground with a boom, and the cut was neat. The scene was instantly silent…

This knife is extremely sharp, and the range is even greater.

The two looked at each other with a frightened look, and the next second they directly threw down the knife in their hands, turned around and ran… Yang Cheng withdrew the Yan Demon Dao at this time, and at the same time, two seemingly illusory blue long swords appeared in the void beside him, and quickly chased out.

With two pops, the samurai didn’t wait to run far before he was penetrated by the phantom sword and died on the spot. Going under the tree, Yang Cheng saw a worn-out box.

Inside it should have been snatched from someone else.

“It seems that there is no food, but there is a dress you can wear, much better than your one, and it is the style of your hometown!”

“Huh? My hometown? ”

“Well, you’re from Mond…”

Hearing Yang Cheng say her origin in an affirmative tone, Rosalyn couldn’t help but look dark.

“You, do you know me too?”

“I’ve dealt with fools, so naturally I know…”

“Thank you, I owe you favors again!”

Rosalyn held the neatly stacked clean clothes, and did not speak, not knowing what she was thinking.

When it was time to catch the fish, Rosalyn took her three children to carry their skirts as if she wanted to go directly into the water…

Yang Cheng quickly stopped them and pointed to the belongings of the rogues,

“Wait, isn’t there a fishing rod over here?”

“I’m not very good at fishing…”

“It’s okay, you guys come up, I’ll fish!”

Rosalyn and the three children sat obediently on the side, and then watched in amazement as Yang Cheng directly threw out the fishing rod…

“Wait, big brother, you didn’t put bait!”

Yang Cheng’s face suddenly showed an embarrassed look, he had never fished, and he didn’t even think about it for a while.

“Huh… Forgot! ”

Looking at Yang Cheng’s rare appearance, Rosalyn and the three children suddenly laughed.

Although it is a quiet river, it is rare enough to see such a harmonious scene on Yashima Island.

Yang Cheng hurriedly lifted the fishing rod, but in the next second, everyone was stunned again.

“Wow, how did a fish take the bait?”

A little sister pointed to the hook in amazement, and sure enough, a large fish bit the hook without bait. Yang Cheng himself was also confused, is [Fishing Protection] so exaggerated?

“Hehe, it seems that the fish here should not be very smart…”

Yang Cheng didn’t bother to put the bait, and after putting the fish on the ground, he directly threw out the hook.

In the next few minutes, Rosalyn and the three children stood side by side next to Yang Cheng and saw a magical scene.

Obviously, Yang Cheng hit the fish when he dropped the hook, but he didn’t scare these fish away, but they frantically rushed to the hook, scrambling to bite Yang Cheng’s hook… Is this the willing to take the bait?

Rosalyn blinked and looked at Yang Cheng.

“Is it because you look good, so the fish like you too?”

“How is it possible, the aesthetics of fish are different from people…”

Yang Cheng was a little speechless.

However, the fish in the water did not think so, they saw that Yang Cheng seemed to have caught enough, and one by one they were anxious, frantically rushing to the shore and constantly probing small mouths by the small river, as if they couldn’t bear Yang Cheng.

If they could speak, Yang Cheng felt that he must be saying: Eat me, eat me, eat me, I have a lot of meat!!! This picture made Yang Cheng and Rosalyn feel a pain in their hearts.

Baby, you’re sending death!

“The fish is so cute.”

Yang Cheng thought that the child was suddenly reluctant to eat, but when he turned around, the three little girls and Rosalyn looked at the live fish, and tears of grief flowed from the corners of their mouths…


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