
Dulin’s huge claw bones bombarded the ground without warning, and at the same time produced a large amount of highly toxic black fog. A group of abyss mages were smashed to death on the spot, and those who did not smash to death were directly smoked to death!

Not to mention the shogunate army, even the abyss mage who was helping to make trouble on the side was terrified, and did not know how to control this violent calamity.

“No, leave it alone, open the portal and continue to summon monsters out!”

“We can’t control this dragon at all, and it doesn’t have the qualifications to become a dragon god, so it would be best if we could let it destroy Inazuma…”

“But the summoned chuchu people will also be poisoned!”

“What kind of monster have we resurrected…”

The Abyss Mage looked at the bone dragon with a constant flow of black venom, and was evoked with primitive fear…

They tried to resurrect the Duolin corpse of the Dragon’s Back Snow Mountain, but this demon dragon was a Genesis Dragon before he died, and they don’t know what went wrong, and the final effect was like this.

After the resurrection of the demon dragon Dulin, it has no skin and flesh, but it can still reactivate with only its skeleton, and its strength and toxins are only stronger than five hundred years ago…

It seems to have no soul, only knows how to wander around, and even where it will fly is completely unpredictable, but as long as it passes through, it will be destroyed, and it is simply an existence born to destroy everything.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the most horrific scourge in the world!

The bone dragon Durin roared up to the sky again, but there was no other movement, just hovering in place, no one knew what it would do in the next second, so no one dared to provoke.

“It seems that even Thor can’t stop it, maybe this is a good opportunity to take revenge on Thor, then release those heavy machines and make this land more chaotic!”

The Abyss Mage said fiercely.

So, the shogunate army, who was still in a daze, suddenly saw a strange large teleportation formation lit up in the sky. A whole thirty tall cultivators appeared out of thin air.

The shogunate army was even more desperate…

“Hehehe, if it’s a cultivator, it won’t be poisoned, right?”

After the Abyss Mage finished using the teleportation array, he smiled grimly, and then flew to the top of the mountain on the side to observe quietly.

“That is, an armored relic guard?”

Each relic guard is extremely tall, and has been equipped with a metal fist and an additional energy core on the feet.

Their forms looked huge and distorted, and thirty huge eyes emitted an eerie light in the fog.

These relics were directly shaken after landing on the ground. Bang!

Thirty behemoth ancient humanoid combat machines stepped together, which suddenly made the small shogunate army feel unstable.

They couldn’t help but tremble.

“The magic dragon alone is enough, and there are so many mechanical guards…”


“Run, that’s a whole thirty, missiles alone will raze this mountain to the ground!”

Someone sat on the ground with his eyes full of despair.

However, in the next second, something that made everyone even more desperate happened, and one of the relic guards actually showed a missile, only to hear the boom, and the missile came directly towards the crowd.

Everyone closed their eyes in fright, the huge missile was not an attack they could escape.

Boom, just when everyone thought they would be killed, the explosion sounded, but no one was injured.

And the bold man opened his eyes and saw an exciting picture…

Only a huge arm appeared in the void in front of the meeting, perfectly blocking the explosion, and no one in the shogunate army was harmed.

——The arm seems to be a purple phantom, holding a huge taisword.

If it was before, the shogunate might not have known, but today, everyone knows that this giant hand belongs to Raiden Shogun.

“Look, it’s Lord General!”

Someone pointed to the top of a mountain in the distance.

Sure enough, the extremely beautiful purple twisted braid fluttered in the air, and the figure of the Raiden General stood quietly on the top of the mountain.

Looking down on all living beings with an indifferent look, whether it was the heavy machine guards or the demon dragon Dulin, she did not put it in her eyes!

“Lord General is here!”

“But that’s thirty ruins guards!”

A young soldier couldn’t help but suspect, in his opinion, the ruins guard was so terrifying tracking missiles, Lord General’s arm could not block thirty simultaneous launches, right?

“What nonsense are you talking about, are you crazy?”

A veteran smacked him on the head, and then said excitedly: “That’s Inazuma’s god!” ”

The veteran’s voice just fell.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed.

They saw the Raiden General fall from the top of the mountain, and suddenly turned into a ray of thunder on the way down. Fall to the ground like lightning!

At the same time, the appearance of the general seemed to trigger the ruins guard, and a full thirty huge bodies rotated their bodies one hundred and eighteen degrees, revealing the fort.

Everyone tensed their nerves, although they knew that the general’s thoughtless sword could be called the strongest in the world, but they did not know whether the slender Raiden General could retreat in the hundreds of tracking shells.

However, in the next second, everyone opened their mouths wide.

I saw that after the general landed, he turned into a purple thunder again, and it was difficult to capture the speed shuttling on the battlefield. Swish.

After a few back and forth, Raiden General appeared in front of all the shogunate troops, showing his dreams and hearts. On the battlefield, only an extremely dazzling serpentine lightning bolt was left before it came and dissipated.


Before the shogunate could react, the light of serpentine lightning suddenly burst out again, and all the heavy guards shattered and exploded in the thunder at the same time.

“In the face of the most terrifying thunder and lightning in this world, seemingly amazingly huge machinery, fragile and vulnerable. All the shogunate soldiers looked at the white jade-like face in front of the firelight, and they couldn’t help but kneel to the ground. Lord Ogosho! ”

“Lord Emperor Mingjin…”

Looking at the shogunate army kneeling in front of him, General Raiden raised his eyelids slightly.

Those purple eyes did not have any fluctuations from beginning to end, as if the moment just now was just a trivial thing…

“Everyone, stand down.”


Under the order of Lord General, all the soldiers got up as soon as possible and quickly evacuated to a farther place to give General Raiden more space to exert himself.

General Raiden turned around again, and his beautiful eyes stared coldly at the demon dragon Dulin, who had not moved much from beginning to end.

The huge bone dragon is still looking around on the distant hillside, as if everything that happened just now has nothing to do with it.

“No intelligence, miserable life!”

General Raiden said indifferently, and suddenly raised his jade hand.

A strange purple glow instantly covered the whole body, and the form of the Raiden General changed dramatically. The purple hair that was originally braided spread out again like a waterfall…

Her outfit also became the handsome armor she wore during battle.

At the same time, many arm-shaped shadows of different sizes appeared around the body, the largest of which held a huge taidao, and the whole person was full of divine aura.

“That’s the form that the General and Shadow used when fighting in the consciousness space before!”

Paimon’s small hand at the top of the mountain pointed excitedly at the general’s new form.

“How handsome!”

“It seems that it is called Woe Tsu Imperial Ken Naruto God Order…”

Ying Mei reminded, also because she saw this picture again, she felt rare.

Paimon clapped his hands excitedly,

“Now it feels like even the Demon Dragon Durin can be easily defeated.”

Before everyone could react, they only listened to the cold voice of the Raiden General, raised the huge phantom hand and directly cut out a knife man.

The stepping sand was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

After the huge blade fell, it brought a hurricane, and the thunder and lightning elements in the air suddenly rioted. The shogunate army suddenly widened his eyes in horror!

“Could it be that Lord General wants to create another Thoughtless Blade?”


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