Suddenly, he was really stunned, and Yang Cheng’s whole person was stunned.

No, but these four people were stunned, including Yae Miko…

“Miss Miko, I don’t think you need to sacrifice so much.”

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but blush, after all, the feeling that Lord Yae Miyaji gave him was too wonderful.

Seeing Yang Cheng, who looked confused, and Ying, who had a bloodless face, Yae Miko’s heartbeat couldn’t stop accelerating.

“No, I…”

She wanted to explain, but found that no matter how she explained it, it paled.

I couldn’t control myself, and then kissed Yang Cheng, who believed this? In any case, he was the first to speak.

Moreover, it is still in front of Ying Mei, just now the little girl said that she liked Yang Cheng, and she snatched it in front of her, and I became a bad woman.

“Hehe, a few adults, it seems that the game of the small shop can’t enter your eyes at all, in fact, there is a VIP area in this store, how many of you want to take a look?”

It also happened that at this time, the owner couldn’t stand it, and quickly came over and rubbed his hands. If you don’t come, the store will lose money in a while.

“Ahem, let’s get down to business first, Ying, Paimon, it’s not what you think, I’ll explain it to you later!”

After that, Yang Cheng went to the hidden VIP area under the envious and jealous gaze of all gamblers.

Although she usually always has the posture of a big sister, Yae Miko suddenly felt guilty about Sister Yingmei at this time.

Her tone couldn’t help but weaken a little.

“Ying, you have to believe my sister, just now, it really wasn’t of my own free will…”

“Huh? Son of God, you are too much, can you say that you are still uncontrolled? ”

“Little fellow, I know how to say that you don’t believe it, but, this is the case, after Yang Cheng said that sentence just now, my body was completely out of control as if it was not my own.”

Ying pouted, and a pair of beautiful eyes glowed with sadness.


“Don’t believe her, traveler, she is a bad woman, obviously knowing that you like Yang Aotian and have been hooking him up.”

Little Paimon shouted in the air, not meaning to lower his voice at all. One sentence made both Ying and Yae Miko blush.

Yae Miko smiled and gently pinched Paimon’s little face,

“Little one, don’t stir up discord, be careful that my sister turns you into a fox spirit and locks you up all the time!”


Paimon quickly threw off her hand and flew to the other side of Yingmei, watching her warily.

“Originally, what is uncontrollable, does Yang Aotian’s face look delicious?”


Yae Miko was speechless for a while, but Sister Ying took the lead in solving the siege: “Okay, Paimon, I, believe Sister Miko…”


This time, Yae Miko finally found some balance and lovingly took Eimei’s hand. She doesn’t want to be mistaken for a riotous fox!

“It’s enough for you to believe in me, but this matter is very strange, when the business is done, we are in…”

At this moment, Yang Cheng’s voice interrupted their conversation.

“Son of God, hold me tight!”

“Huh? How is it possible, you think I still will. ”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yae Miko found that there was a sudden urge in his brain to carry out the order.

Once again, under the surprised gaze of Ying and Paimon, she desperately pounced on Yang Cheng and directly hugged his waist…

Shenzi’s whole person was stunned, and he put his head on Yang Cheng’s waist with a dull expression, and his hands wrapped around him deadly.


“Why can’t I control it?”

Yang Cheng put his hand on her head, speechless.

“Ahem, don’t hold it so tight!”

Yae Miko, on the other hand, pouted in dissatisfaction, feeling that he had never suffered such humiliation in his life.

“I just want to take you guys to jump on, and Yingmei will also come…”

Everyone saw that Yang Cheng unknowingly led them to the open-air cave entrance vertically on the edge of the underground casino, and outside it turned out to be the starry sky at night.

“Oops, the prisoner ran away from here!”

Coming back to her senses, Yae Miko found that her fox spirit had already sent a signal, but she didn’t pay attention.

“I know, you guys hold on to me…”

As soon as the words fell, Yingmei was sandwiched by Yang Cheng’s arm, Yae Miko put his arm around his waist, and Paimon could grab anyone’s clothes because of his small size.

“Are you going to jump on it?”

Paimon looked at the cave entrance tens of meters high, and before she could get ready, suddenly Yang Cheng flew directly out of the cave mouth with amazing bouncing power.

“Guest, aren’t you playing?”

“Lie down and jump so high?”

The owner of the gambling house was stunned when he saw them flying out.

However, since Yang Cheng did not plan to change those stones, he was relieved, and he originally planned to use a small means to return the book!

From then on, all of Inazuma’s gambling houses made Yang Cheng the number one dangerous person, characterized by being handsome, dressed in white, and with two swords at his waist.

And there are rumors that as long as this gambler is willing, he can win any gambling house in five minutes…

On the other end, Yang Cheng jumped directly from the gambling house to the outside and saw the back that was running wildly. If it weren’t for his sudden run, Yang Cheng wouldn’t have guessed!

Originally, Ying and Yae Miko wanted to catch up, but Yang Cheng stopped them and touched his hand towards the Yan Demon Dao.

“Son of God, do you want to capture it alive?”

Seeing Yae Miko nodding, Yang Cheng raised his right foot and mobilized the elemental power stored by the dragon sword under the surprised gazes of several people.

The moment he stepped on the ground, the pressing ice extended into the distance, directly freezing the criminals who were running wildly.

Yae Miko couldn’t help but be surprised, it stands to reason that the water element in the air is not enough to freeze like this! Moreover, she heard that the Sword Saint can’t use elemental power?

Sure enough, even Paimon and Yingmei couldn’t help but ask.

“Brother Yang Cheng, when did you learn elemental power?”

“Just the other day…”

“Damn, who are you?”

“It has nothing to do with me, it really has nothing to do with me, let me go, it’s all done by the ghost Akin alone, we are just forced…”

The fleeing people were frozen halfway through their legs, found that they had not melted for a long time, and fell into despair.

This guy’s mouth is not strict, he asked a few words casually, and he made all moves.

The guy named Akin was a wanted criminal a long time ago, and he was said to have superb swordsmanship and the ability to repel thirteen shogunate officers and soldiers with a single hand, which Yang Cheng knew, and he had encountered when he was on a crusade mission in the game.

It’s a sea chaotic ghost Leiteng, but I didn’t expect to cross over and really run into it!

This time, Akin coerced two samurai and infiltrated Inazuma with their help, killing the characters of the big family is also a vendetta, and he did not choose to be targeted.

Sneaking into Flower Street is also because I heard that the eldest lady of the Kamisato family today has business and will pass by here once. The Kamisato family is one of the targets of revenge for the ghost killer Akin!

“Oops traveler, Ayaka is in danger…”

“The target is the little girl of the social adept, no wonder Ah Jin will lurk in Flower Street for so long.”

Yae Miko couldn’t help but be a little angry, she still liked the little girl.

“When will she come to this street, and where will Akin ambush her?”

Yingmei has a good relationship with Kamisato Ayaka, and when she hears that she may encounter danger, she can’t help but worry.

“My fox spirit is still tracking two targets, and I don’t know which one is the ghost slaying Akin, but it sounds like he has become stronger than the legend…”

“Let’s go quickly, rest assured, I won’t put your friends in danger!”

Yang Cheng smiled calmly, but when he mentioned Kamisato Ayaka, he couldn’t help but think of something happy! Like what…

Kamisato Ayaka: Faux pas, box after box:


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