It was about the return journey when Cross accompanied the True King and visited the Suburban Cathedral, located on the outskirts of the royal jurisdiction of the streets from the King's Capital following Cyber Street.

"Behind this cathedral, beyond the great forest is the meadow zone, isn't it?

"Right, this isn't that big of a meadow area, but we hear there's a pretty big monster walking wide. In fact, my son, Alessandro, fought against various monsters here and built up his training as a swordsman.

"Yes, I'm asking you. As an immortal kingdom swordsman, I heard you were left with a prestigious result.

"Cross would've heard that already, but anyway, that kid's just been trying a monster far above his own arm, and he's been hurt all the time. Thank you so much to the Holy Spirit for recommending you every time.

"I heard a little bit about that, too. But it doesn't change the track record of being defeated by a monster. You should be more proud to have had your son the best swordsman in the kingdom.

"Is that so? Still, don't be like that.

I guess the true king will think of Alessandro for a long time. And even considering how Millin feels saddening it, her eyeballs seem to be getting hot.

Perhaps Milin also realizes that no definite result has been given in her journey.

"Sire True King, there is a place near here where someone I know does beekeeping. They collect honey that bees collect from flowers such as meadow areas under a person named Tao, who is entrusted with the management of what is called a buffer area in the kingdom. I didn't generally sell it or anything because I almost used it for stationary purposes, but since its stationary use will disappear, they seem to be thinking about selling it to the market shortly. And apart from that, I'm also experimenting with the capture of monsters that get in the way of beekeeping and meatling, would you like to take a look at them once?

"Although I have had more time to carry it smoothly thanks to the cross, I don't really prefer to change the itinerary because there are incidents like the last one, but I've heard that story from the cross before, so let me show you that it's not a sudden change.

The appointment was rescheduled after confirming that the accompanying deputy captain of the Kingsguard, Calabre, would also agree.

I couldn't even go between the roads in the woods with a carriage dedicated to True King, but I went somewhat far. We finally reach the beekeeping ground by following a newly followed pavement road from the clubhouse in Platochal.

"Here it is.

"Sire True King, be careful. It hurts when a bee stabs you.

"That's how much I know. The area is covered, right?

"It's quite a bug thing, so it doesn't mean absolutely. If the bees don't like His Majesty the True King so much, they won't leave flowers and honey to go towards His Majesty the True King.

"I see. Does that mean you don't get as stabbed as the insect dislikes you?

As I get off the carriage joking, several women are on to work in boxes collecting lots of honey in lighter attire than I thought comparatively.

The true king also approached him safely because he didn't seem particularly worried about being stabbed.

"Honey is gathered in this.

When I open the lid, a lot of honey does solidify and form the shape of the box.

"I see it looks delicious honey. And the meat of a monster is.

"That's right here.

Cross takes one of the beekeepers and walks to the slightly open side of the forest.

"Oh rare, Sire Lillian Rune.

The old man there seemed to know His Majesty.

"You are!

"Long time no see, Lord Leold's acquaintance, I am Tao. I've greeted you several times before with Sir Leold.

"I understand. Sir seems to have a great deal of faith in you. What are you doing here?

"I actually caught it here and started selling the broken meat on our route as well, so I'm just here to see how it's processed.

"Was I? It's actually like being taken here for the first time today by something called this cross, too.

"That was an odd thing to do. So, would you like to join us for a tour?

"It would be very comforting to be with you.

"No, that being said, it's a nest of monsters ahead of us, so if it's dangerous, please turn around behind these people and keep them small. That's what they say about me, too.

"Even Lord Tao, who was once said to have this man in the kingdom, can't beat the monster?

"If you can seem to beat that one, I'm a monster, haha.

So here we are, what do you think of those who go out before the Taos?

Sure, the man is all about that muscle when it comes to the ex, and he has all the guttering humans, but now he's in Whipley's enslavement, and he's just going to look hectic.

Women have all the beauties, but they don't have such good people in Gatai. It is none other than the accumulated trust of Cross that it is believed that we can protect the True King even with all this.

Where the forest is coming to an end is a cliff, and even a pretty giant monster wouldn't want it here.

"Beyond this will already be the meadow zone, so I'd like you two to see it from within this forest.

"Are these people going out there?

True King says, referring to the meadow zone far below worrying.

"Because we've already set a trap.

With that said, Cross walks out of the woods.

That's when I heard loud footsteps from far away, about six men running this way from the edge of the woods in the meadow area.

From behind it, a huge monster, apparently thought to be Cobain, was advancing.

"Dangerous! You'll be jumped like that.

and the true king shouted at the same time the six split into two hands. The moment Coburn tried to change his leg to one of them, a large weight applied to the ground and Coburn, whose leg had been taken because of it, dived into a pit that seemed to have been prepared under it.

Even the six of them went back to the hole, and when they somehow took out the tools, the sound of pampering and pampering echoed into the meadow.

"That one!

Tao answers that.

"That was a magic gun that the Unitota humans had, that attacked our Platochar. This official says he wants to exorcise the monster, so we're lending him what we had.

"That's the way to use it.

"Because I say poison and magic depend on how you use it.

"I see. So, what do you do after this?

Cross brought it in, the official Musashi here explains.

"I drained blood inside because it is large, and I will do it in that as well. So this is the meat we could do, but let's get back to where we were.

When I walked out, I found myself smelling good.

"I've had a few earlier, but I'm starting to smell good to cook meat.

"Your Majesty the True King's share seems to have been made.

"What is it?

"We baked animals similar to the ones we had earlier.

"Oh, my God, can you eat here?

"It's crude, though, just baked and salted.

"Still, it was pretty good compared to birds.

"Your Majesty, do not take the liberty of serving such a thing.

I've been following you in silence, Deputy Carabre of the Kingsguard panicked. The True King knows why.

"─ Then you eat.

"Is it me? - I get it.

Calabre is nervous and tasting, emitting a rather stomachy odor. The true king, who boiled his fortune, visits him so that he would not say anything but eat in silence.

"What do you think?

"! ─ It's good. This is, no, this is definitely more fat on board than a bird and what do you say, sweet or yummy. So much so that I wonder if there was such a good thing--but when it comes to monster meat, it's hard to get. Waste."

"That seems to be catching it pretty well, and so we decided to put it on our route and sell it.

"Mogmog, is that so! As soon as it's sold out, I'll come and buy it.

"Mr. Tao's sales are coming up, but in a place called reputable made-to-measure coffee in the city, he's already started serving stuff with this meat on the menu, and plans to start cooking classes for free soon.

Cozillow, who was cooking the meat, added softly.

"Mogmog, that's great!

"You haven't eaten all by yourself, and if you're okay, feed me a little too.

Finally, the true king does not stop, but demands his share as well.

"Excuse me. I thought it was inexplicable of such a specialty, but it is well worth it for His Majesty the True King to eat. Make sure you get this.

"Right. If this is accepted and spread as a source of protein for citizens, will we survive this winter?

Looks like Cross asked me a question.

"It seems like you can take a lot of meat from a single monster, so it seems like you can handle quite a bit of food distress.

Tao also PRs to True King that he wants to deploy this beekeeping and monster hunting in other buffer areas of the kingdom where he operates the Platoshire farm. Moreover, it also had the omelet that until now the hairy textiles that had to be made by collecting replacement hairs could be taken from the hunted animal hairs or the fur could be obtained without having to happen to patrol a dead monster. True kings were also interested in this with their eyes round. I got some monster fur that Alessandro defeated in the past, because its warmth was exceptional.

In the meantime, the tour ended with that, and the True King line said goodbye to Tao and boarded Carriage.

"That said, we still won't be able to make it to more than a month's worth of food used in the Demon King measures, will we?

Though I don't think Cross would do that, it doesn't speak and makes other hopes glitch.

"Sire True King, can you also expect the harvest of seafood in the Gulf of Namba, where the Island of the Demon King is located, which has been other news from His Royal Highness?

"As a protein source, well, you can have expectations, albeit less. Later, it became the passage of the Demon King's Army at the same time as it consumed for the army, if the cereals corresponding to the reduction in contribution rents from the villages could be replenished, we would manage to get past the winter.

The High Priest pinched his mouth there for the first time.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, it doesn't mean that only the grain is falling somewhere.

"Hopefully, at least at the point where the Demon King's Army passed, he attacked a food warehouse or something and just came back for what he took away.

"But Sire True King, have all that food really been eaten by the Demon King's Army?

Apart from the Royal Direct Jurisdiction, many grains have disappeared from the two aristocratic territories that were the crossing points. I didn't think it was all eaten while traveling, but it applied to humans. It seems to be thought that Demons might have it.

"Your Majesty!

"Is it sudden? Cross."

"Surely the Demon King's Army has never returned to Demon King's Island, has it?

"It hasn't been confirmed, but it should be. We are told that he came from Demon King Island and disappeared during the King's Capital attack. Some of them seemed to have returned, but it is also said to have disappeared during combat with the Yangtze troops on the beach opposite the shore.

"Then somewhere near this king's capital are hidden grains and so forth taken from its food warehouse?

"That's what I hear, and quite a few military ones looked into it, but after all, we've received reports that they didn't.

"I have a nostril I know who said that. Will you let me look for it once?

"Okay. Is there anything this king can do?

"Give me a search warrant, if you can. I hope you have something authoritative, like searching here in the king's name.

"Okay. Let me get it ready right away. I believe in crosses.

Returning to the royal castle, Cross checks with each location on the wipline and then reports this content to Largo after sundown.

"So, what do you want me to do, Cross?

"So I thought there might be that grain in the food bin that I abridged the other day, because some Demons should have been able to remotely move fixtures. It annoys me, but I wanted the Lord to look for me.

"But there's nothing to hide after you've been searched for.

That's what I have. The abandoned village dots near the cathedral you last encountered with Master Astleto.

"But that's not what I looked for.

"So now we're going to dig a new hole and fill it.

"I see, we're going to build a hidden warehouse.

"We will instruct Astleto to deliver the example magic water machine from someone in the coffee shop. If you have the magic, you will have a concealed warehouse or something made immediately with the demon of use.

So, who wants to find out?


Cross proposed to Largo a plan to relocate Whipley, who is in a beekeeping and dull, to a village abandoned as a stray villager to rebuild and obtain full citizenship.

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