Robinska is a Mafia soldier.

Robinska, who will be 25 this year, has served as an intermediary in many countries, from north to south, having served as a mafia forerunner for more than 10 years from the age of 12 (suppose).

Robinska, whose impression of being a serious hard-worker, works well enough to get up to his mouth around him, is treasured to work anywhere, and thanks to this, he has carried out perfectly fine undercover assignments and continued to make good promotions within the organization so far.

To be precise, it cannot be said that Robinska, who was in a hurry to do his work and failed, has been erased, thus leaving no difficulty.

Fifteen years of age were given the title of quasi-soldier, and eighteen years of age (assuming) became soldier without major handles.

Currently, Robinska, who did not benefit from his physical abilities, specializes in poisoning by oral intake mixed with food and beverages as an assassination poison, poison arrows in hand throws, and assassinations by poison needles.

This time, he was hired as a servant of a royal villa in Bokovo Harbor, where he hid his identity and lurked until today.

At the time, the latency of Robinska and the others was meant for the Mafia, such as the further insurance of the insurance, but Robinska's presence closes up greatly in the trivial phase of the top beast man secretly bobbing down due to repeated failures.

Finally, yesterday, because His Highness entered the port of Bokovo and came within the range of the Robinskas.

The ultimate goal imposed on Robinska is, of course, the assassination of His Highness.

However, although it was not the official announcement, it was his Royal Highness, who was supposed to have crept through a rather remarkable place of death so far.

At first glance, it seems that those around us who seem to be relaxed by the festivities in Bokovo must still be rigorously consolidating their protection.

Robinska waited for the perfect time, showing Soldier, Bummeller, a direct subordinate of the assassination blade, who was diving in as an interlocutor with him.

But the mafia commands, their work is changed to a weakening of the guards surrounding them.

It would not be the personal power of His Highness to think that assassinations have always ended in failure so far.

I can't deny being a pretty strong lucky owner, but I have to assume that the guards around me are pretty solid.

So the tissue prepared the myth that the ferocious poison, which comes out late in effect, is to be planted in the food that also surrounds him, and that after the effect appears, he calls his companions to wipe out His Highness.

For the sake of its performance, if anything is to be an obstacle, the two undercover soldiers must be eliminated.

The day after His Royal Highness entered the villa, an excellent opportunity soon came.

It was selfish of His Royal Highness, and it was not the exclusive chef of the villa, it was brought from the Wang capital, and he gave the edge to the instruction to make a meal to the cook who said Yusukalio.

Because of this, the dedicated chef doesn't come out in the kitchen at all, with his daughter, who's always letting her cook aid, while he's prebuilt that he cared.

In fact, he bent his navel and pushed everything against Yuscario.

Not knowing where anything was, Yuscario decided to let us put ourselves in the kitchen to help.

Usually, Robinska and the others go in to help, whether it's the kitchen or the cleaning, but the chef, who is asking Margaretta about how his Royal Highness poisoned him, can't be in the kitchen except for his own daughter since his Royal Highness came to the villa.

Today's opportunity for Robinska, who has been instructed to mix poison into the food of everyone around her, was a one-of-a-kind opportunity.

"Thank you for letting me cook this evening's meal at Your Highness's behest today.

It seems casual, but unlike people in the harbour town, I could see at a glance that the language was polite and not that of the North Hall, even in appearance.

Yuscario puts an unusual form of lizard on the table, which he keeps from His Highness, and cooks a rare dish in front of him.

I know it smells good, but she seems to be asleep for the most part.

"Is this the dish that's popular in Wangdu?

Unusual, unprecedented dishes are becoming available for Robinska.

"Hey, I was in King's Capital for short notice. Besides, I am not the official cook of the royal castle.


Then I just want to know why you were recruited to this visiting mission.

From something like Robinska, which struggles with false infiltration, that is the most useful information.

"It's embarrassing, but until the Demon King crusade in the meantime, he was captured by the Demon King Castle. There, after all, they were cooking for the Demons.

"Well, that's...

Though, to the extent that you worked as a slave at Demon King Castle, it's not often unusual in Bokovo's harbor.

The admiration is a professional surprise for Robinska, who often found himself in a job with His Highness on such a background.

In this city, close to Demon King Castle, he was captured and liberated as a slave, but when I went back to the village where he formerly lived, things like the Demon King Army was discrete for fear of passing, or the village itself was missing, were pouring in like this.

Even as a State, such persons were treated as refugees and preferential measures for employment were taken as a remedy.

In fact, Robinska, too, pretended to be one of those refugees and got hired here.

At that time, there was also the hand-working of Unitota, who had great influence in the city, which allowed him to enter the lower workings of this villa as a matter of priority.

Royal and provincial authorities took the initiative in trying to secure employment for such refugees, so it was easier to get out-of-country employment here, which is usually a narrow gate.

The public sector is stable, but it is difficult to say that it is favoured. There's just a guarantee of food and shelter, which equals no pay. However, although it is not well known, those who have been employed in the public sector for a certain period of time will receive a transfer grant only if the following jobs are found and they leave:

But not if you're putting your mind to that. Yuscario demanded ingredients, seasonings, dishes, etc., and Robinska waited for the best opportunity in it.

"Robinska, bring me a vinegar next time.

said to be.

Probably going to make the original sauce or the kind of dressing.

Robinska had a hunch that this would go into everyone's food and transferred the required amount from the vinegar jar to another vessel to mix in half the contents of the vial she had hidden. Made from a special kind of hamster manure, which of course is a slow acting fierce poison.

Take that in front of Yuscario, 'It's Vinegar'.

"I'm sorry, that's sweet.

Leaving the scene with a light thank you, the lizard, which should have been asleep by now, soaked up as soon as possible, what a poisonous vessel of vinegar he went to and peed with char inside.

"Come on, do what!

"Ah, I'm sorry. This kid has a little bit of this habit, and I've had a little water in people's liquor bottles before. This kid is your favorite pet, so take a good look at him.

Yuscario dumped the vinegar gently, and the vessel was also dusted by the wash bucket.

Because I found out where it is, I put it in a new cup from the jar myself.

"Yuscario, that's me.

"That's okay, I'm sorry I did the same thing over and over again." When I was uncertain and confused as to whether that meant Robinska was already suspicious, I gave the following instructions. "Will you just bring me the same amount of booze?

Maybe this is being tried, but now it's time to fail. Failure in the mafia means instant death.

He got up so far with this weak flesh, or just didn't make a single mistake.

The liquor is in the same jar, but this time I tried to put it in a long water drain, like a lizard can't pee.

When I poured the liquor and removed the vial from my pocket, that abominable lizard jumped and puckered down to the ground the poisoned vial I removed from my pocket when it came.

"What is this guy doing!

Robinska screamed. Yuscario is looking at this one.

Could this guy be some kind of Yuscario user demon or something?

I don't care what you think, lizard, but you can't think for yourself and do this.

The lizard, who folds the vial, rushes over to Yuscario and tries to give him the vial.

Again, no doubt, this is the one who's manipulating it.

As soon as they check the contents, they'll see who this one is.

Even worse if they make a scene, all the plans ahead could be grandpa.

That way, of course, we don't have our own lives.

(Never again, kill him.

Later he thinks he manages to delude himself, and when he looks at Bummeler, the Bummeler he feels takes out his unique weapon, bent in the shade of a tease.

He threw a throwing weapon back at Yuscario, said to be used by a distant exotic barbarian.

But it plays, bouncing back with tremendous momentum at the thrown Bummeller.

Normally, a thrown Bummeller would receive it by hand, but in a move too fast, when Bummeller realized, the throwing weapon had stabbed him in the throat and was doomed.

It was so instantaneous that Robinska didn't know what had happened either, but what was in his eyes at that instant was the sight of a snake with two heads, from a glowing gold collar on Yuskario's neck, bouncing off that Bummeler.

It was a painting that I thought was illusory, but it was definitely real when I saw the results.

Is this man, even if he was truly a human being, also capable of manipulating the Demon Nation as he wishes by being in Demon King's Castle, or a human being with special abilities who is free to summon the demon of use, or isn't this himself a Demon Nation?

Then, among the mafias, it seemed that there was no winning chance for Robinska, who had no handle on his physical abilities.

For the Mafia, the end of the loser means death, but I don't think you'll be treated badly if you take all this information home.

In a hurry, Robinska left the scene and ran to Azito, a place where she could connect with everything she could.

Robinska realized.

Probably for sure. That Yuscario has blocked all repeated assassinations.

Back where Azito is said to be, Robinska reports everything to his boss, Assassination Poison.

With that report, I can give Captain Notarine the first glimpse of being bogged down. Except for three special soldiers directly from the top, it seemed highly regarded that a lower end soldier like the Robinskas would make the glimpse come true for the top beast man.

He often looks at the value of the information he brings home.

"Why, Noda, who looks like that? This loser (Luther).

But even though he should have brought back useful information and reported it, the beast man who cows the mafia dropped his neck without forgiving Robinska.

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