Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

characters and place names and other unique nouns that have appeared in Chapter II # 125

[Existing Continuous Stars of the Halun War Journal]

Largo: The protagonist, a rare beast lizard hatched from an egg that was considered an ingredient at Demon King's Castle in the kingdom. While receiving the Demon Proclamation, or being mistaken for the inheritance of the Demon King, I would have worked hard to maintain the good fortune of being the Princess's pet until her death. Born self and reign, he works hard, supported by only a few special abilities and memories of his previous life.

His Royal Highness Milian Rune/Milin: His Highness the Princess of the Kingdom. Unmatched cold-blooded beast (reptile) lover. I'm 12 years old as an adult this year (16 if I convert 365 days a year), but I haven't done my adult ritual yet. The kingdom is the next queen because it is a female hereditary system. There are rumors that my mother is the true king Lilyn, my father is Sir Marquis Leold, and my brother Alessandro, the son of my father's ex-wife, is not the real son of Sir Leold, but I consider myself my real brother.

His Majesty the True King/Lillianloon/Lillin: A famous lord who has relived the kingdom of North Harun with the help of the Church, following the trail of the frenzied politics of Milin's mother and sister, the Predecessor. I have the absolute trust of the people. Whether the rise of the Demon King had become a stopper from around to the kingdom, I have had my head in a pile of problems since the Demon King crusade. I place absolute trust in the Holy Spirit and because of this I am firmly deceived by Cross.

Margaretta: After the change of government, a former nun was seconded by the Church, together with the Archbishop of Ondoria, as the Kingsguard captain of the Kingdom. Because he has lived for hundreds of years with the power of the devil, he wears it constantly, given a cross from the Church that seals the power of his devil and protects himself from the repentance of the Holy Springs. Superman class jihadists who use the physical arts they put on themselves during hundreds of years of confinement.

Godfroy: This time, a brave man who has led an expedition from southbound Harun to exterminate Galenos, the demon king who has been abandoned for years and has become too mighty. It has a holy sword and holy armor, and, like Margaretta, it has the arms of a superhuman sword. I ride a rare horse in this world.

Yosel High: Godfroy's men, with arms that can turn narcotics reinforced humans into enemies and fight each other. Except normal people.

Tao: The face behind the kingdom. It has a wide face in the country, it has a wide face to nobles such as Sir Leold and Viscount Cyber, it manages a golf (called Platochar) field, it is being targeted for life by Unitota, and in anticipation of an arm helped by Lagon from a force of drug-enhancing humans, it asks for the rescue of its friend Orton, who is being abducted from the mafia in the Republic.

Camilla: Tao's right arm.

Krasabi: The fall of the hasty vampire Whipley, who determined Largo to be the heir to the Demon King, from circumstantial evidence alone that he hatched from an egg that came out of Demon King's Castle. Love and loyalty to Largo, who saved me until I drilled a hole in my body where I was nearly killed by the repellence of Holy Springs. I have a lot of ways to talk, and when I'm called one of Largo's good guys, I get to the top. Ever since I've traveled, I've hidden my identity with a Largo collar, and I've always stumbad as a substitute for Milin.

Mitsu: Enlisted after being spotted companion-friendly by Largo's Thousand Eyes in an interview with SS formation and bought vast magic retention and magic transfer capabilities. The first Whipley then gave the Devil's supreme oath, for example by having the wounds caused by the Holy Sword directly bled and treated. Actually, the first of 10,000 Whipleys. Use your psychic abilities to boast SS's best physical attack capability.

Lagon: On Automaton 12, presented to Satan by alchemist Jamon, Lago added programming, implanted multiple biological programming such as Lago and Margaretta, and added a data library to make it a complete homunculus. Usually Largo is moving in semi-operated mode.

Active SS members: Cross (Ability: Divine Immunity, Character of being good at fraud and doing it, Rumors of being intelligent in most of the fabrications common in SS, Young looking but best doing because of the small amount of magic retention, True King's trust thick), Nagar (Ability: Voice, Sedation, Looking Baby), Hanako (Ability: Rigidity, Adult Beauty, Externally Lagon squire), Heiji (Ability: Animal domination, He manipulated monsters and wiped out evil tissues in naval warfare off the coast of Moritz), Clay (ability: clay craftsmanship, switched by building the same Mafia ship that was in the port of Moritz, commonly used to plug building holes), Quorre (ability: memory manipulation, face seen from around during honeytraps in Bokovo), Yachiyo (ability: Transformation grant, taking part in Operation Millin's Changeball along with Krasabi, changing Millin's appearance), Krenay (Ability: Blood diving technique, pseudonymous Camilla, strained on the offense of Anya and Zorgel in Taduka), Naomi (Ability: Blood healing), Natsumi (Ability: Strong, stationed in Taduka for protection and guidance because he kept Anya under his command), Nazm (Ability: Phantom, camouflaged Astleto's army like God's army at the request of Cross), Yayoi (Ability: Summoned family members, launched breast massage service upstairs in a coffee shop and discovered Ronowell, remotely manipulated to repel intruders into Moritz), Cumiko (Ability: Temporary domination, active during ronower retrieval)

[Unique nouns such as characters and place names] Appearance order ◇ ◆ is place name, * reappearance

◇ Beekeeping farms in the buffer area forest (started by Whipley to ensure energy for survival)

Musashi, Kozillow (Demon Race/Whipley: Loser of SS Interviews with Human Hatred/Fellow of Krasabi)

* Mesopota (your Dwarf, liquor lover, Largo asked me to create a cross weapon on the cross)

◇ Tool bridge

◆ Cyber streets (safe streets in the new Viscount Cyber territory connected from Wang Du)

Unitota Returned From Western Territories (Eight: Fighting Mitsu Near Tool Bridge, 30: Lake Chiyomi in Mount Miyo Ken, Safehouse Manager)

Homma and several other soldiers (cyber-distributed guards)

Denim (Cyber Lady, Duke of Hahnnan's eldest daughter, sister of Crim and Graris)

* Kagay (Kingdom: Head of the Royal Guard Ninjas "Shadow Squad," by the way, a woman)

◇ Thornan (Inn Town on Cyber Street)

◇ Koreya (the largest lodging town on Cyber Street)

Gourmen (Wang Nationals: Cyber Territorial Street/Koreya Face, Tao's Knowledgeable/Friendly Peer)

Brichard iii (nile dense forest country/half fish Gilman tribe: newborn baby in prince, kidnapped by mafia and abducted by unita in mountains in kingdom new cyber territory)

Sabutler (Nile Forest Nation/Half-Fish Gilman Nation: Royal Deacon, Heavy Town)

Viscount Cyber (Kingdom nobility: the central figure of the Eight Nobles of the Kingdom, benefactor of His Majesty the True King and Sir Leold, Swordhawk)

* Yuscario (cook who took Largo's eggs out of Demon King's Castle and introduced them to Millin via Margaretta, real name Yuda)

* Klim (Kingdom: To be succeeded by eight Duchess of Hahnnan, to the first chapter by Largo and the breeders of the Cold-Blooded Beast)

* Gralis (Kingdom: Five Duchess of Hahnnan, fiancée of Viscount Kaeva's eldest son)

Clerk Metobese (Kingdom: official, inspection team)

Gasparn (Wizard: under Sir Leold, integrated into the inspection team)

Female Soldier 2 (Kingdom: Your Highness Escort, Inspection Team)

◇ First night camp (Wangdu - Hakenyar road, adjacent to small lodging)

Soldiers Dorgan and Macros (Church Army: Godfroy's men)

◇ Thai Island (Pottery Island, opposite Moyette Harbor)

◇ Port of Moyette (Moyette, Republic)

Orton (Republic Nationals: President of Port Street and Chamber of Commerce, Old friend Tao asked Lagon to rescue him)

Yacharoker (had been abducted by Mayor Moritz, Orton and six other city seniors and the Mafia)

* Bat (for Orton to Tao contact)

◇ Hakenyar (Kingdom Shipping Station)

Barmaster (Kingdom: Royal Dedicated River Down Ship Work, Discover the Flavour of Lago's Little Drinks)

Poisonous Man (Mafia: Assassination drug distribution of executives, failed/died assassination of Godfrey and Millin)

Samurai Hamachilda, Martial Arts Guide Katsuotto, Royal Guard Captain Quedward, Fugley, Ajames (Nile Forest Nation/Half-Fish Gilman Nation: Attacking His Highness's ship to rescue a prince but convinced by Largo's persuasion, also working as a water guide for the ship and exploring the waters of Demon King's Island) x Fugley

◇ Parkey (Shipping Station near Taduka)

◆ Taduka (Duke of Hahnnan)

* Duke of Hahnnan (House of Hahnnan: Krim's father of eight daughters, addicted to drugs by Anya)

* Anya (House of the Duke of Hahnnan: Duke Petite, Mafia Between, former whore in the realm)

Zorgel (House of the Duke of Hahnnan: between the mafias, exclusive to Anya)

Klinguer (House of the Duke of Hahnnan: Guardian, Concubine Guard)

Conductor Trimber (Duke of Hahnnan's house: squire)

Kanwa, Chiyoji, Jijiyo, Son (Republic Nationals: Orton Family, Wife, First Daughter, Second Daughter, First Son)

Koidari (Republic: City of New Year, Chairman of the Ship Management Committee)

Taloude (Republic: City Guard Captain, City Senior)

Assassination drug wackind (mafia: top executives)

Clodoxibogmo (poisonous spider)

Mauritian City Hall Official (Republic Nationals)

◇ Piazza Centra (park and relaxing square in the Duke of Hahnnan's province)

Mom (Duke of Hahnnan Territory: The Lady of the Luxury Whorehouse Bal)

Earlier Baron Gongod (Kingdom nobility: deceased made father of Anya)

Baron Gongord (Kingdom Nobility: Suspected of connecting with Mafia, son of an earlier generation)

Whore of An Whorehouse (Duke of Hahnnan, inhabitant: in charge of Diekichi in Taduka)

Regular Woman of Breast Massage (Wang Nation: Daughter of Noriscan, Pharmacist of Wang Du)

Brandle, Zattoo (Wang Nationals: Ganjin is an employee of the owner's help shed for the ill, former slave)

* Ronoweh (Demon Race: Daijitsu, Demon King's Recall Demon, Whipley's Commander in Chief Attack, Grandpa, Surviving SS Hii Grandpa's Settings)

◆ Jamon Lab (on the back of Mount Sieba)

Wizard Jamon Behind the Seaba (Wizard: Alchemist, Magician, Developer of Lagon Matons specializing in Automatons)

No. 14 (Jamon's Automaton, latest, four- to five-year-old toddler, Jamon revamped to speak in independent mode)

Moritz Intrusion Assassination Team (Mafia: Assassination Class x 2 and Soldier 20 seconded to intimidate and subjugate Moritz city seniors)

◇ Kaizu (near dock and West Keeno beach)

* Leviatan (owned by Jamon No. 13, Satan)

* CLASSGORD (Holy Spirit: Silf living with Gnome at Holy Springs Pit Road in Ganima, specializing in pulse management)

Golem (Defender in Demon Castle Warehouse, apparently not Demon Nation)

Buel (Demon Race: Demon King Galenos Summons Demon, Hitode)

Okayadokari (Demon Race: 13 General 2 Pillars of Demons)

◇ Former Demon King Island (Totto Island in Namba Bay, West Keeno Beach across the coast)

* St. II Cora Mirakilia (Church Army: Saints manipulating Syntaclaus, stationed as observer forces)

* St. Joseph Kupertino (Church Army: Flying Saints, stationed as Observer Army)

◇ Suburban Cathedral (Wangdu Attack Demon King Army Passage Point, Astleto Lurking Place)

Ease (Kingdom: Royal Castle Cathedral Working Witch)

Calabre (kingdom: deputy captain of kingdom Kingsguard, subordinate of Margaretta)

* Archpriest Ondolia

Crow (Witch Demon)

Archduke of Astleto (Demon Race: Nun Possession, Demon King Galenos Summons Demons)

◇ Bokovo Port Town (the Kingdom's only overseas import and export hub)

Head of Brass Province (Kingdom: Head of Government, Bokovo Province, Overseas Trade Port)

* Diekichi (King Nationals: Former apprentice of Jamon, in bankruptcy, stealing automatons from Jamon and living in fraudulent street art)

No. 3 (the whole piece of automaton brought out by Gymon, to be recovered in the face of the Lagon)

Kato (Hayahusa Clan: Using the Hayahusas in a flattery converted by Largo to a dragon pulse, he finally woke up a yake and tried to bring the children of Undine down to eternal prison on the road)

Sea Serpent (Hayahusa's Demon)

Kraken (Hayahusa's Best User Demon)

Hayahusa (Undersea Divine Nation: descendants of dragon men, heartbroken and apprenticeship offer in Largo's guts)

Wattatsumi (Holy Ghost Undine: Take Parisis hostage to Kato for Hayahusa and Largo annihilation)

Parisis undine (Holy Ghost undine: princess)

Children (Holy Spirit Undine: Bearing the next generation of the race, the race interrupts when it is gone)

Undine (Holy Spirit Undine: Holy Spirit of the Fish-style Sea rescued by Largo from the abduction of the Demon King's Castle)

Samidina (Demon Race: Demon King Galenos Summons Demons, Kids Horses)

Seabird Zombies (Demon Nation: Warning Nets Around Demon King Island, summoned by Samijina in the Spiritual Arts)

Ladies and gentlemen of Ninja (Church Army: Subordination of Godfroy)

* Hanakagi, Bearded (Kingdom: Shadow Xu, join the inspection team)

Lucy/Satan (said to be the most powerful demon in the world, but actually a wizard, resurrected by the dragon vein pulled by Largo, living in Jamon Lab, Sky Blue hair)

Lovelin (no. 15, Operated in operating mode of Jamon's automaton, bipedal snake copied of Millin's data)

Golem of Clay Creation (Appointed Administrator of Demon King's Castle Warehouse)

Zombies in Zombie Village (Demon Race: Near West Keeno Beach, Bounded)

Armor User Demon Armaduras, Bookmaking User Demon Pbricasios (Demon Race: Ronoway Summons)

Three Men with Bad Degrees of Bokovo (King Nationals: Passage)

Four kids playing ookoku yusha (Yakun, Nana and others, actually SS)

▼ "Brave Squad Dragon Jar" Fantastic Role Names: Thunder Dragon, Marine Dragon, Forest Dragon

Robinska, Bummeller (Mafia Soldier: infiltrating Royal Villa Bokovo, both of us failing mission, dead)

▼ Exclusive chef of the villa, his daughter (Wang Nationals: Living and working in the villa)

* Notarine (Mafia: Chief Executive No. 1)

No. 16 (Automaton of Gémon copied with Alessandro data)

Erigos (Demon Race: Demon King Galenos Summons Demon, Prophet)

Demonic Kabuto, Demonic Quaga, Demonic Goki (Demonic: rescued by Satan from near the Island of Demons)

* Asahakarian (Mafia: Chief Executive No. 2, Bear Beast Man)

Soldier Shockeya (Mafia: Executive and Records Clerk)

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