"What else do you have on that kid?

"The young lady looked just like His Highness Millian Rune when she was a little girl, Viscount Cyber said, as confirmed...

Aradia is chewing on that information.

Also, you're thinking about reaching the truth of the abyss, which you can't find in just humans.

"Right! That must be Sir Leold's hider. That would mean the last few years after His Highness was born. Since Sir Leold was laid down somewhere by a woman with his hands, and he could no longer hide what had been secretly raised, or since His Highness was old enough to complete the ritual of adulthood, I would first introduce His Highness to him as my sister and ask His Majesty King Lillianloon for forgiveness after getting along.

"I see, that's the witch!

The difficulty with such a relationship is that it is not something that comes to mind very much for a brain-muscle beast.

"That's going to help, too. Well done.

"There he is. Shima Shaw?

Aradia seems to have lost interest in Euskalio, but on the other hand, if he caught Sir Leold, he seemed to think that this would be a good ingredient for the royal family.

Besides, if it is Sir Leold, it comes with a concealer that scratches the shin.

And just by coincidence, the concealer involves a beautiful woman fox who has been forged from a young age into the Yuscario for a honeytrap, a woman she may know who says Mitsu.

Since it is a report that the appearance changes only slightly above His Highness and at about one year of age, it is not likely that she is the mother of the young girl, but if, for example, she was raising the child in her care, she says that she must also be in a mood.

If someone grabbed him, he would definitely come out looking for him. That's the sex of a human - a woman.

In the meantime, Sir Leold should go and ask Mitsu if he has any idea where the missing child has gone.

That way, Aradia will teach you the plan of knowing where that mite is.

"If you grab that kid, the Mafia men who were coming to Bokovo for an example say the three of them brought in beauties, leave a trail so they can go look for him at the tavern.

"When the master of the tavern comes out..., it will be evening.

That way, I can get my husband to face the mite that jumped in there.

On top of that, if he's in person, if he catches you, he'll know what's behind it.

Exactly. The witch's brain is impressed by the executives who are gathered when they go beyond their intelligence.

"Already, from me to the Titans, I used the demon to form an army and leave the kingdom soon, but I'll connect you to Uncle Borderline next. You will now turn to the warships attacking the Republic. I wonder when I can get there.

"I'll be in touch with you right now, Node, as soon as I hear from you, as early as this afternoon in Kara, at the latest at sunset, we believe you can enter the port of Moritz, Mass.

"More or less effective at the same time. Then it would be nice to reclaim the prince after sundown tonight. You don't think that ship can be targeted. There's an important lord in the inn, so we should concentrate on you. You won't be on a lot of alert, so you just have to attack them in the shade of the night.

"But it's a pretty big ship, so I know if you need a number of people to control it.

"Then you should also take a human to attack tomorrow's signing ceremony. In any case, there will be no significant force left in the ship. You must be spending most of that to guard the Viscounts and King's mates in the Inn. Drug enhancement humans are going to remodel further, so you're going to take up to three people and then pour in the soldier who's back from another plan as much as you can.

"Ha ha. Thank you, Happy Se.

"Sir Leold's stash will take him out by evening and bring him in once before the tavern opens to the public. And when it gets dark, you put him to sleep, and now you take him out the back door to keep him out of sight and locked him up in a safe house. Just in case, you can set the assassination level in the tavern and take one or two drug-enhancing humans. Even if Viscount Cyber's soldiers come, we can manage to counter them. Because the drug enhancement humans I took will be modified when I get back.

"Ha ha. Say mamani.

When that happens, it's hard to get things to happen at the same time.

Euskalio's operation is fine because it's noon, but after the kidnapping is over and the soldier is in place, it will be a step toward assembling again, communicating the plan and attacking the ship.

Sir Leold tells me to take out Mitsu and plot to come with me to find him. It's quite a difficult task.

But what is a drug enhancement human modification? They haven't heard the details, but they seem pretty horrible.

The only countermeasure to Margaretta's special attack was that Shockeya knew.

"Don't let one of these members get hurt. Tomorrow's the day, so it's hard to lose a little bit of your strength. Tomorrow you're going to confront the other main player.

"I was wondering if Margaretta was the only one who could handle this battle force.

Notarine says so, but there are still many unconfirmed parts.

It is certain that Godfrey left the land with his main troops.

Some of the troops left behind are also missing their deputy, Yosel High.

But there are still a few Yin Yi, at least two of them.

Not all the other troops that Viscount Cyber brought in, or those that came in with the mission from the Republic, were strong enough to capture Lady Denim's abridged team in Viscount territory, or the area bosses who followed the last remaining drug-enhancing humans in Moritz, or the monsters who then repelled the assassination class troops trying to break in.

Of course, as Aladia said, there's no problem if they stay local.

"Then you're not going to bump into Margaretta today. Because the plan is leaking or this one is just going to go down. Tomorrow we will gather our forces together...

"It's wasps and asahakarians, Temo, who replaced their lives.

"That's how ready I am! I'll never lose because I'm here, too. ─ ─ This time, I don't know what's coming out.

"Dear Aradia, what if the woman was different from what my father in the tavern saw as a result of the face-to-face appearance?

"Is there such a thing as an extinct beauty in the name of Mitsu? Wouldn't it be convenient for a woman like that to be all over the place? That's why the Beast Man says no. I don't understand the microscopic nature of human society. That's why, like next time, it's a way of fighting to waste information. Ah, that's pathetic, you can't win with power alone.

"Sorry Ashima Sen.

"Fair enough. But... in case there's a different woman that the owner of that tavern remembers.... Nevertheless, I don't mind, the woman holding Lord Leold's root. I don't think she's a mother, but it's not entirely unlikely. Grab it with Sir Leold.

"Ha-ha-ha. Kidnapping led me to a specialty soldier. Mass.

Those whom Notarin said also have shockers in mind. There are soldiers who specialize in kidnapping, but also in abridging and abducting women.

But if the woman named Mitsu were a beauty technician, she'd be pretty anxious to put him and another less feminine thing in there.

Of the assassination class, a man known as an assassination gun who specializes in handling multiple guns has no prospect when viewed as a woman. However, it is a scene where a large number of soldiers are likely to rush. The only remaining assassination blades and assassination fists are too comfortable.

But it won't be easy, it won't be something that can be inferred by the Beastman, it won't be something that can be persuaded.

"Look, don't ever divulge information other than your own plans.

"Understand, Sita. Deja, apart from what we are here to know about tomorrow's plan, we will put everything individually into today's plan, Mass.

"So, for starters, from now on, what group confronts Yuscario?

"That's a witch, we've already made her stand by in the restaurant of examples. There were only six opponents, so...

"So, there?

"We have placed one assassination, and 12 soldiers, and two pre-remodeling drug-enhancing humans.

"You don't need that much. First, we need to identify the power of the opponent, and if we need to do everything in our power to destroy him, we need to call him up there. You just need to grasp the restaurant at the venue and seven or eight soldiers at the stall.

"How about a witch? There seems to have been a message that we will see Lady Aradia again.

"I'm not going. Oh, my God, it's horrible. I don't want to see that man again. Properly tell me why you're not coming. Anyway, we're just gonna figure out who we are today. If the man makes a case around His Highness more poorly than he hasn't roughed things up, he'll be in trouble if he doesn't show up for tomorrow's signing ceremony. If it's just a color mess, don't put your hands on it.

"Ha-ha-ha. Understandable sitter.

"Dear Aladia, but then, I can't attach anything that can be judged.

"Well, then I'll prepare whoever orders you to.

"Thank you. This one, then, turns the sole soldier on his hands and feet.

"Well, if you're going to do it, at the end of the day, why don't you plant the same rupture bomb that you used in Moritz in the building where that guy is. I think this should be just before the signing ceremony. Anyway, whatever you hear about the whole thing here, don't put your face on any plan until the signing ceremony!

The witch, who heated up quite a bit, had changed her language from usual.

I'm sure this is the nature of the witch.

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