Clenai, who went out with Yuscario, flew sensory communications to Mitsu, who had been lurking in Yuscario's hair all along the way home.

"The Mitsuzu are now looking for Dirkichi, previously known as the Sorcerer of the Resurrection, which His Highness was looking for in Taduka, right?

Yes, but I have little clue. They did the same thing here weeks ago and made quite a bit of rough money, but once I went south, it seemed like a long time ago to work in the park the other day, and then I'd say I don't see him at all.

"You can't help hiding something, can you? As a matter of fact, do you know Anya, who became one of us in Taduka, discovered his footsteps?

I'm getting a report. It's true that Anya used to work, a network of whorehouses, right?

That's right. They only have a few whore's halls in Taduka, but you can't do it here a bit. Apart from whorehouses, there are many women who work and work like that. Port Town. "

Krenai has a good grasp of the land pattern and the situation here, even though it was later than Mitsu who came into Bokovo, whether he is just complacent about being an intelligence-related professional.

Perhaps, in anticipation of working in the land for a while, he searched for an angla informant who had lived in the city for a long time and grasped that information with his ability to dive blood.

"Right. Quome was brought in as a regular tavern, apparently.

"Yes, a woman who rents a suspicious room upstairs and is half amateur for it goes in and out of there. Of course, using it is the same for the women who work there.

I was listening, and Quorre in crusty reacted.

So how do you expect me to find him? Do you have any hands?

"It's not like I have a decision-maker, but it's inefficient to look around child-centric and grumpy like right now. That man, even Taduka, did, so I figured, you know, you were going to buy a woman.

"But there are a lot of stores, too, where you can buy them.

"But, you know, women who do business like that tend to get loose, so I think it's pretty much up to them to live there.

How do you find it?

"Well, I guess if you ask someone, you'll see.

Isn't there someone you know and someone you don't? Who do you think knows?

If you're the owner of that tavern.

"Well, where do you live?

"If you ask someone nearby, you'll see. Let's go with Kuole and the three of us. Because if I remember my face, they think I'm a woman who does that kind of work. Where they don't point backwards, as opposed to where they live. You'll tell me where all those women are.

From this conversation, the three of them followed and went near the example tavern.

Transformation by Yachiyo was done, and instead Quorre had dresses like those of a merchant woman, and the mites had their outfits changed to qualitative but elegant ones, like those worn by the servants of the manor farmers and the merchants there.

As a matter of fact, the mite skirt must be long, not for ease of movement. Previously, when I stood around against a ton of autos wearing something shorter and easier to move, I was told by the lagon that I had a spinning kick that I couldn't put on a skirt with foot moves unless it was about time when I was outside.

However, I prefer the one with the silhouette line below from the waist that doesn't need to be added.

This is because the upper body is designed not to be underbusted to make the bust lift stand out, so if you don't just tighten it around the waist, it will look like a puffy system.

Listen near the tavern and visit your husband's home.

But the owner of the tavern, always after noon and it also seemed to sleep late, had no choice but to let Kuole break in as Kamal, transform and awaken him with pillows, and hear him out with the art of charm.

The mites watch what happens while observing with clairvoyance from the outside.

"Good morning, Master.

"Oh, my God, I'm still sleepy. - Oh, that's you. It was bought in our store before, from the Republic, even though they looked bad.

"You remembered.

"No, we all remember because it's unusual for a young delicacy superior egg like you to be in business. Some of them were waiting to see if they'd come around next.

"That's troublesome. But I need you to tell me something today.

"What? If you want me to introduce you to you on the patron, why don't you give me a taste?

"Shit! ─ It's not like that. If you work like that, you'll get your back finger pretty bad. I'm pretty loud right now, and I was wondering if you might know anything about it.

"Right. I know where a woman from a house that's eaten up lives, like a woman who comes to us or works in a whorehouse through the street.

"Yeah, well, that's the place.

My father at the tavern told me about two of those places.

One is near a luxury whorehouse on the outskirts of downtown, where well-earned women, certain patrons, etc. seem to rent a house and live.

The other place was where a woman came to find a whore in the street of an An Whorehouse or a man who would pay a woman in a tavern or buy her.

It's inside what's called downtown.

Of course, what Deekichi is likely to go to would be a woman who lives in a place like the latter. That's all I ask, I thought this guy had no use anymore, but because of his state of fascination, if he did, he'd follow me around.

"Are you sure you don't want to have patrons? I have a good man. I'll introduce you.

"Fine. Because it's not just for money that I'm in business.

"Well, Avanture is the one. I wonder if it's some lady. Well, then, just once in a while, you'll have to show your face to our store. Because there are quite a few good customers in and out.

Quite persistent, so I can see the mites and take away my consciousness and quiet them down.

Just around there, I stepped in.

"Come on, what do we do now?

"Well, it's a hassle to ask one person at a time, and I don't know if I'm telling the truth.

"Fishing with money?

"You'll be suspicious. It's also a sign of reputation.

"Then with Krenai's Special Attack...

"This isn't efficient, is it? Because I have to breathe blood back one by one. It's still easier to charm, but you're with me. Even if the three of us split up, I think we've got about a hundred people living here all the time, and some of them seem to have a bunch of women like that living in the house.

"So what do you do?

"Mitsu, can you have an earthquake?

"Eh, there's nothing I can't do about that, though.

"You don't have to be such a big one. Bit of a surprise to everyone. So you can't look for a hysterical woman then because I scream 'deekichi' where everyone pops up? You can read people's minds a little bit, can't you?

"I see. If you're the woman who reacted to that word, you mean you know that man.

Mitsu, searching for an affordable underground cavity and attenuating his forces, psychically rocked its inner walls, felt a punch up like an earthquake of the direct underneath type, from inside the building: 'It's an earthquake!' I heard voices from all over and people jumped out.

Mitsu is impressed that the intelligence technique that I just said has a day long in Krenai, but the truth is, I can't afford that.

Among the women who rushed out that there was an earthquake, once they looked around outside to make sure they weren't so important, aiming for a relaxing moment, Krenai said, 'Deekichi!' I shouted.

My heart is upset when I hear that, and I find one woman whose behavior has obviously changed.

If you read your mind, you'd say, "Deekychi, could it be that Deekychi? 'That was what I said.

I'm never younger when I was a woman, but not above denim.

It looks like a good year to be having a child or not, but I'm tired of life and have a done atmosphere, so if you think about it and subtract it, it might be about the same age as three things Mitsu.

He looked around at the one with a voice, gave up because he couldn't seem to find the shadow, and tried to return to the house where he came out.

Inform the scattered Quorre and Klenai of the target woman.

Klenai changed her appearance to Kamal so that she didn't know where her voice came from, and she can't move because she's away, but Kuole's location is relatively close to that woman.

When I was worried about what to do, Quorre approached me one step faster and called out.

"Hey, you.


"Yes, you could be the one who works in the tavern, where the downtown hippo mark is on the sign.

Hinton's Mark is a tavern that I asked earlier, upstairs is a vague inn, and that says Quorre has been brought into the mafia men.

Coincidentally, the woman I'm surprised at now seems to be the one who's paying a woman over there.

When Quorre was brought into the store before, she seemed to remember her face.

"Maybe they used to take you upstairs.

"Oh no, did you remember?

"Do you forget? It's been a while since I heard your rumor. From us, I thought he didn't like it when he did business in the store without saying no, but he called in rumors and got more customers, right? But then you're not coming, and the guys who stocked up on Moya used it on us pretty good, so I might have to thank you.

I guess the reason I don't hide my body or what I'm selling while I'm paying women is because I think of Quole as my peer.

It is not hard to imagine that Quorre, a super beautiful adult, was treated as the subject of sauce and its taverns in a nest of drunken men who would even buy women's salaries of this magnitude.

"Yes, I was, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, but he seemed like a scary guy, so, no, no, they took him.

"For that, you were right down those men. You ran away? We're gonna run, right? That's right. I'm sure they're already dead, because it looks like they were worse, world-wide Dark Organization people than the Unitota guys in the guest story.

Quorre, who didn't think her movements were so checked, keeps up the conversation with the woman as she talks.

"Yeah, I got away with it while I was trying to figure out who to do it from.

"Master said there was a tough fight over there after that, didn't he? In the end, they all sank into the ocean and died. I thought you were the reason for that. You said there was a woman in the shadow of the case.

"That's not true. I don't know, but we seemed to get along. That's what he said.

"Really? But when people say that, some believe, be careful. Looks like our bad guys have been asking about you lately, Master. I was wondering what kind of woman she was in and out of.


That must be the mafia, Mitsu intuited so.

That's what I thought, too.

But my husband didn't say that.

Is it simply because you didn't ask, or maybe the mafia was stopping you?

Even in a state of fascination, I was persistently invited by the men of the mafia to ask me quite strongly about Quore, and I wonder if I have also been promised a reward at the time of discovery.

This definitely doesn't nail my husband again later, I have to stab him with a needle for blood sucking.

If you let me try it, it might have been a little triggered chatter, but it's something with unexpected results.

"Thanks for letting me know. Actually, I wanted you to tell me something else.

"What? A good payer, a quick customer? Rich merchant that'll take you?

"Yeah, I didn't. Do you know a street performer named Deekichi?

As soon as I spoke of the name Dirkichi, the woman's face became tight.

"What! I don't know, such a person!

Obviously upset.

When Mitsu reads his mind, he says, 'This is the woman that Deekichi tricked you into? Or...'

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