Mitsu is convinced.

I'm sure Dirkichi will come back to see this woman.

The two of them, who reopened not too long ago, are making sure of each other's love that won't change a year standing upstairs in that tavern.

"After that, he was forced by a friendly wizard to disciple him, but he didn't bud, and it just dawned by hand, and he jumped out wanting to use his own bad habits. But he said it was because he wanted to raise a flag with a doll that was so precise that he mistakenly thought of it as a human being that he wanted the world to recognize his master's amazing skills and make them useful. But after the invasion noise of the Demon King's Army, he said he couldn't afford to make enough money to let the street arts pluck depression. So I even went to an approximate territory. Because of this, he said it was hard to turn it down and betray a master who seemed like a real jerk. That's why I can't go home until the wizard can admit it.

"You believe that word isn't a lie, do you?

Erna nodded small. Meanwhile, she hasn't told Dirkichi about herself. He said he sent Deekichi out because he would talk to him if he could do his job to his satisfaction.

Mitsu decided to tell Largo everything Erna had told him to put on one handrail guard.

"Lord, I have another favor to ask of you.


"Can't you cure this Elna's, your brother's illness?

"The doctor also forsakes, an incurable disease with no medication or cure? Then blood healing won't cure you. Buell made it for me, unless I use it with medicines synthesized from kelo fruit.

Buell gets furious when he hears that.

"What will the devil do with sympathy for the unfortunate human being, whichever way he helps the human being? Besides, this medicine is extremely valuable, which Samidina has been getting with all her dying power. It's not like giving me such a worthless human being.

He says.

"I'm in trouble." Largo is a plate pinch of mites and buels, and he seems worried about what to do. "Sorry, wait a minute.

Speaking of which, Largo hung up on Mitsu for a while.

If it was the usual Largo, if it were to heal with blood healing, it would have pointed Naomi right at me.

When the organization grows bigger, it gradually seems that all kinds of opinions come out in this way and that Largo's ideals are so easily harder to realize.

Mitsu chewed his umbilical cord at the inability to use the force he applied, even though it was the tissue of Largo, who gradually gained strength.

While I waited, I couldn't help but stand still, so I greeted my brother, Ares, who said he was ill.

Ares is put to sleep behind the door of the closed one.

Mitsu, at first glance, found it to be hallucinogenic.

Halun's difficulty, said to be unexplained, is a wind and earth disease specific to North Haln, in which the skin of the whole body becomes sclerotic and dies from inability to move within a year of onset.

It's pretty advanced, and even with really magical powers, I don't know if it'll heal.

The onset was about a year ago, at the beginning of this year, when I came out to Boko.

Then it was so strange that he was still alive because he couldn't hold hands, and the medicine couldn't hold up anything satisfactory, and he was left alone.

"I'm sorry.

Ares doesn't seem to have the power to turn his face here as soon as he's asleep, though I know the mites are coming in.

At that time, on the bed where Ares lay, I thought a black hole had been drilled, and from there, around the face of the lion, the five legs of the goat grew radially, a figure of the demonic realm to see.


Erna sees the look of it and slips out too much of her horror hips.

That, of course, was the true figure of Buell, the Great President of the Devil.

"My name is Buell. It is said to be the devil and the great governor of hell.

"Why would the devil be here? Have you finally brought us to hell?

"It's Reaper's job to take people to hell. Don't you know what demons do to humans?

"We hear it is the devil who brings disaster and misfortune. Please forgive me. We suffer so much happiness in its wake that we have no more.

"Listen carefully, human woman. ─ ─ If that's the case, your demons are misperceived. The devil fulfills one wish of itself in exchange for what the devil wants, such as the soul of a man, and so on.

"I've heard that story too. And the temptation was taught in the church that it was something that corrupted humans.

"Maybe so. But sometimes the devil is more useful to you than God. What do you say, woman of man, are you not willing to make a deal with the devil?

"Could it... could it eat our souls?

"I have not craved my soul. I'm going to trade your past for your future.

"Or the past and the future!

"In other words, if I offer you your past, I will give you your future.

"What does that mean, duh?

"I will have all the memories of the village where you were born and raised. And people from that village will forget that there was a human being named you. Instead, you can bring back a healthy body and a clean heart from today, when you first came to this town. What do we do? There would have been a number of hard things to do until you were born and traveled from that village, but some of them must have been fun. If I say it is good to lose all the memories, I will take them all, and they will help me as I please.

"Can you go back to being a healthy brother a year ago?

"Let's promise.

"Okay, please!

Ares, lying flat in sickness, lifts his head, lying powerless until now, so as to block those Elna words without getting lost.

"Ugh, no... no! Elna, you're gonna forget about Deekychi!

It's hard to hear, but I can see you saying that desperately.

"I don't mind. If your brother is going to get better, I will also ask Mr. Diekichi to love you the next time he is reborn.


Ares is roaring in tears with spiciness as she has been dying.

"Go ahead, Master Devil Buell. I'll give you our memories.

"Got it.

"Sorry, Elner, uh-huh.

When Buell confirmed the words, he opened the mouth of a small medicine bottle and poured it into the mouth of Ares, who lay down.

Erna weeps as she looks at Ares' entire body, which starts to blur and shine, making sure she goes back to her more and more beautiful body.

Whether it was from my sorrow for the memory I would lose or my brother's joy at being healthy, it was not known if Mitsu peeked into my heart.

"Oh, there's a little left.

When Buell peeked into the medicine bottle and now sprinkled its contents from Elna's head, and Elna began to glow in the same way, she suddenly returned to the daughter of a farmer who looked older than Mitsu and looked healthier, and to a girl her age as a hard-on Mitsu, although tanned.

"It's the last finish, Quorre, do it.

When Quorre nodded without saying anything, he first wore it over Ares' body lying down and inserted a needle into his neck muscle.

Elna waits for her turn, closing her eyes and praying.

After a while, Quorre stood in front of Erna and stuck the needle in the same way.

When you two regained consciousness. There's nobody in the room but Erna and Ares.



We looked at each other and called each other names.

The transformation of each other's appearance in front of us proves that what happened earlier is not a dream.

"Ever since I came out, I remember...

"Yeah, as I traded with the devil earlier, I can't remember anything from before that.

"As the devil said, have we also forgotten about ourselves, the birthplace thing that we were involved in before we came here?

"Yeah, I guess that's the deal with the devil.

You can hear Buell in two heads there at the same time.

"If we talk about this approximately, this contract will be the one we never had, and you will return to that hellish life again. Still, that's when your memories won't come back. However, just as my sister granted only one wish to heal the disease for her brother, I did not completely erase the memory that my brother wanted to leave for my sister only one. It's the memory of a man my sister kept thinking about. No matter how much that is, I can't remember what Elna tries to remember. But if the other man opens his love to you from the bottom of his heart, only Erna's thoughts on the man will come back.

It seemed to me that Elna, who no longer had previous memories of who it was, was very grateful for what the devil had done, though she had not pinned it.

At this stage, it must only be remembered that we have reunited and loved each other in this city as one of the businesses of the body that has been getting worse every day.

"Thank you.

"There is no mercy for the devil. I took away the memories of you two, so I just did what I wanted for you.

That makes my voice disappear.

As they pray to God, the two offer their gratitude to the devil who is gone.

"Thank you, Lord.

Mitsu tells Largo as soon as possible the thanks for getting his wish fulfilled.

"Huh? I'm glad about that.

"Of course, it's perfect! But how could you remember those two?

"Look, because Mitsu said so. Viscount Cyber has been looking into Lagon and Mitsu and questioning them. So really, you wanted to make a brother who abandoned the village somewhere. But that's a huge hassle. That's why I wanted to borrow that brother's past. In exchange for something demonic, you say you'll do something good.

"Yes. I also have a saying about that.

"That's why Buell convinced me too. Because it helps us undercover. Then again, I said that I didn't have to experiment with humans even though it was a drug I made because of it.

Was it a human experiment?

"Of course, I trusted that what Buell made would be okay. If the pills fail, you should give Hatsuna, who is in the king's capital, a return of time, as he had previously given Nanako remotely and his indomitable spirit to Undine, and if it was a moment or so before he took it, he could go back to it, like he did when he was in Platoshire.

"I see, Lord, it's amazing after all. I can't believe I thought of all that in a flash and convinced Master Buell to come this way.

"Well, I thought Buell would do it. But I'm glad it worked. Now the villages of Erna went to Yume.

To Yume?

"Forget about the faces of Erna and the others in her spirit, and the brunette brothers, Lagon and Mitsu, who were there, are going to remind the people in her realm to remember. So that you can forget about Dirkichi. He'll be fine in a minute.

"Heh, that's a great power.

"Hey, I don't think you can even wake up to an earthquake like a mite.

Uh, were you watching?

Kuole and Krenai then flew to the tavern master again to manipulate their memories.

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