Soldier Hiakint divinely occupies the scent of a woman who met her fortune that day.

On unlucky days, no matter how hard you try, it's common for things not to go as far as you think.

At that time, I wonder if it's because of my physical condition, or the smell of the woman I met.

That's why I'm twisted today. Because I can't feel the scent that bothers me.

That may be because we are still at some distance now, but still two voices reach our ears slightly.

Sir Leold seemed excited and unable to contain his voice.

"I thought it was about you because I'm talking about a beautiful young woman like the one I know.

"I greeted Viscount Cyber this morning when I disturbed him, but he was going somewhere else this afternoon, and he had just returned. Besides, I'm sure if it was my appearance, it would have always had hair and eye color on it before I said beautiful.

"No, that's rude talk, but it sure is. As unbalanced as you are, no, I compliment you on this. ─ Ah Lovelin, where the hell have you been?

"Were you alone for a long time?

"No, I don't think it's been that long. There's no way I can go that far with my legs with my kids, that's what I thought and I've been looking all around for them, and maybe they kept moving away while I did that.

"Have you talked to anyone who said they saw you take them?

"That's what the hotel employee asked me, and I looked for him, but he wasn't anywhere.

"Let's just go back to the hotel and see if anyone has seen it again.

Again, Hiakint takes a shortcut along the way and returns to his original hotel to catch a different employee.

"Excuse me, I'm a little tempered.

"Have you sat down, sir?

"You think the girl disappeared here?

"That's right. That's a lot of noise already.

"I heard that the kid was downtown and saw a suspicious man take him, so I went up to the announcement.

"Oh, is that so, and you?

"No, I was a little asked, and I'm sorry, because I'm in a hurry.

"So, which area was it around, if possible a little bit here...

"I'm sorry, I didn't know because I told him too. I was taken to a tavern on a Hyotan sign, he said something about it, I'm sorry, because I'm really in a hurry.

When I try to get out, it's not the same as dark hair that looks delicious.

Smelled good. It smells like a sweet woman clinging to a pillow in bed and crying in a good voice.

Hiakint made another small leap in his mind saying, 'I'm twinkling today'.

I pray at the bottom of my heart that if possible that woman is not part of the enemy the witch is after.

If that woman were an enemy operative, the witch would definitely give that woman a blood festival.

I just don't think I can stand around with those thin arms against the rigid-armed men.

According to the information, the witch also says at a glance, he's a muscled honeytrap spy who's been tapped into his technique since he wasn't old enough by Mr. Rod's man.

Sure, being planted on so many upper-balls would be like twisting a baby's hand if it were a normal man.

But I'm not. On the contrary, with my own manipulation, I disparage you to sexual slavery.

With that in mind, the first step is the movement of the toddler girl who brought her into the tavern.

Soon, a woman and Sir Leold will come towards the downtown area.

Before that, we must move the young girl to another safe house.

It's getting dark. Distracted by this darkness, now we need to move it secretly.

When I jumped into the tavern, my husband was just putting his chair back in after cleaning by himself.

"Oh you, you're the one up there. He said he was going upstairs first. I don't want you to bring the kids in. I'm sorry about the rubbing.

"No, you'll be fine in a minute. I'm paying you plenty. Will you shut up a little more? You should check the woman's face. By the way, did you have dark eyes and dark hair?

"No, that's it. Come on, when your people came here before, I was gonna remember it pretty well. If you wake up this evening, suddenly forget something.

What the fuck, this is it as soon as I pay first. Do you want me to run away with half the money?

"Oyaji, that's a different promise. I'm a soul coward who says I'm going to hoist my reward.

"I'm not. I really can't remember what it was like. But what I told your people before is a beauty I rarely see. Dark-eyed brunettes are different. That's out of the bounds of beauty.

"No, that's what I've been thinking, too, but the woman who's coming now isn't. Take a good look and judge me. There is also the possibility that when doing business, it is called a rash.

But there are times when I hide that long black hair.

"But hey, if you have black eyes, brunette hair and a beautiful woman, you'll never forget it.

I fucking laugh when I hear that voice.

I'm still twisted today. She's definitely going to be mine.

Going upstairs with a nibble, my buddies were burning their hands against one of their children.

Hiakint enters the room and orders.

"Come on, we're taking you to the safe house as planned.

"Give it back now and go home to your dad.

"Shut up! 'Cause this time, I'm gonna go with that dad. Your dad's on his way here now.

Again in the barrel, now I'm forced to pack it, and the two of them take that barrel and go out the back door.

All that remained in the room were three assassination classes and two drug-enhancing humans, who had been waiting in this tavern since the beginning, in addition to the one remaining soldier who had gone to the hotel with them.

It is gathered because Sir Leold did not know to what extent he would bring soldiers, so he considers them to be quite capable of opponents in decimals.

But as things stand now, it's pretty overwhelming as a force, because it brings two women and Sir Leold.

Hiakint informed the rest of the indoor members of the situation. No one speaks up, nods quietly and understands.

Well, as long as I carry my daughter out, now I have to let her face through when the woman comes.

Hiaquint needs to be on the ground floor where Sir Leold and the others are coming and see how his husband reacts.

As he left the room again to go downstairs, another Soldier Christon began to come out with him and cry.

"Hey, I haven't felt like someone's been watching me since I got that kid out of the barrel.

"I guess so, because even though it's still early, it's rare to have kids in a place like this.

In the first place, if they hadn't seen it, they wouldn't be able to pull Sir Leold in so far.

This time, I managed to use the hotel employees well to guide me this far, but if I heard it in this neighborhood and there was no sign of it, I might not get to this store.

"Ever since that kid started groping, I shouldn't feel like someone's looking out for me. Hey, that's still the case.

"Why, a cowardly blow.

When working evil, anyone can be annoyed by the blame of their conscience.

It's usually just violent shakedowns, and if the other guy is a man, something he doesn't want to half-kill, like committing or hurting a woman or an old man, he suddenly blows in cowardice.

In this case, it may be a hindsight to the fact that he took a child.

I decided to let that one be in the same room as the three assassination classes serving as superiors and take them down with me in case they didn't get solemnized.

As I go down the stairs, I just hear the door open and coming in.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you.

I hear a woman saying that. It is not the sound of entering the tavern.

After all, apparently, that woman's never been here before.

Never been in or out of a place like this was more likely to be someone else than maybe the woman who specializes in the honey trap that the witch is talking about.

Hi, it seems my husband was just in the back kitchen.

"Heh.," he replied unfathomably, nearly leaving with a wipe of his hand on his forehead. The hiakints descending from the stairs are just in the shape of a rendezvous and follow behind and walk to the surface. "There you are. The store isn't open yet."

Before I can finish saying that, the voice of a man near the entrance goes up to scream.

"Couldn't you bring a little kid?

Definitely Sir Leold.

My husband sees the visitor, but I can't confirm his face from just where Hiakint is.

The master of the tavern turns this way and shakes his head. It's a signal that a woman doesn't recognize you.

As long as we figure that out, it'll be over here later. Again, today, Hiakint ecstatic when he is the best twisted.

It means I can finally reach for that beauty and the chest that I want to suck on.

He walks out with Christon, pushes his husband forward and checks his face again.

Definitely Sir Leold and that fascinating lady from earlier. It's just the two of us.

Unexpectedly, I commanded whoever was about to drown.

"Come here.

"You know a girl named Lovelin!

"I'll know when you get here. That woman is coming with me. - What's your name, by the way?

"I say mitsu. Are you sure you're upstairs?

Definitely. It's still the woman who brought that kid to the harbor, Mitsu.

But the woman, in this tavern, was brought into the three men of the mafia, and taken in her hand, apart from her technician Mitsu.

"I'm telling you I'll know if you come.

On the other side, you should have no choice but to follow me in silence.

Hiakint does not flutter and continues to the stairs, the footsteps follow from behind.

Probably pinch the two of them, and Christon should be following.

To be afraid on the way, and not to allow him to escape.

Going upstairs, I opened the door to the room where my buddy was, and I pulled them in, and behind me Christon shut the door.

"Where's my daughter, Lovelin? Didn't the kid bring you here?

"Noisy. Keep him quiet.

As the drug-fortifying humans instantly turned behind them, they tried to tie them up with the wilderness rope they had.

We're both going to try to resist for a moment, but Hiaquint bulks.

"I don't care what happens to the kid!

Two people who can rope quietly, staring at each other with a repentant face.

Together with his hands, Mitsu clearly found that when a rope was roped under a large bust, the volume of clothing was squeezed just there and even bigger than he thought.

"What are you guys doing here?

Then to Sir Leold, who has a loud voice, let the monkeys mock and quiet down.

"For now, women..., like mites. Let me ask you something.

"About what?

"First you, are you starting to come here?

"That's right. What does that mean?"

"It's this way you're asking! Whose kid is that? You're not your kid, are you?

"Isn't there such a big boy? That child is lost in this city, far from his parents, in the custody of Sir Leold.

"Lie to me! How cute is it to keep a stray? You must be this man's daughter!


Sir Leold shakes his head. Drug reinforcement from behind. A human tightened the rope and quieted it.

"I'm not asking you! ─ Come on, what do you think?

"No. Really, that kid is a kid who came off the hook with his parents, or from some discrete village.

"Right. If you don't want to be honest with me, you can ask that body.

Hiakint's hand stretches out to the two hills of mites he's been waiting for, no, two little melons.

Again, it's the texture I thought it would be. Well-tightened young skin, its plump breasts are no exception. Never too soft, rebelling with moderate elasticity in the palm of the hand rubbing with force.

A woman who can't back down any further because of the tightening of the rope behind her - Mitsu - glitters with a hateful face, but sees its clean face distort again, Hiakint immersed in joy.

And I searched for a smaller nipple, good thing I didn't wear stiff underwear, like a noble woman.

Hiakint tries not to pick it up and twist it up in order to inflict further pain and shame.

Just as temperamental, Mitsu opened her mouth about to raise her voice when she did that.

(--Yes, you look good.

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