That's when Hiakint tried to force his fingers on the soft button.

"Wait." Then one of the assassination classes, the assassination blade Kittaran pinches his mouth. "It would be a hassle if you were doing such a long thing and getting stepped in by one of these guys.

As much as a soldier like that, he's not even an enemy of Hiakint. With all this strength in place, I don't think it's enough to attack dozens of people.

Because I was almost so intoxicated by my own world, I felt like I was being praised for messing with my little girl's milk, like a lad on a platter, and Hiaquint pounded his tongue so he couldn't hear me.

The dismay of Hiaquint, who suddenly deposited it, is never small when the shady desire to jerk that beautiful face around, make sure it gets tough with stimulation, and enjoy the pleasure and shame that overflows from it.

But in the mafia ruled by power relations, the assassination blade Kittaran is Soldier Hiakint's immediate boss.

Hiakint leaves his heart in two stuck fruits and hives his hands together.

Even if this mission is determined to be my own extraction, I can't disobey my boss's orders.

Moreover, to be precise, it is obvious from the blush in this room that Hiakint's right to exploit is limited to the period between the arrival of the young girl Lovelin here.

Hiakint's voice in this place, lined up by three assassination classes, was equal to none in the rigorous mafia organization of upward and downward relations.

"Assassination Blade Kittaran, what do we do now?

Assassination Fist Nagrel asks while polishing one of her favorite gauntlets with a luxurious looking cloth, without even raising her face.

I am often asked how dissatisfied I am that I thought a stronger enemy was coming here.

The assassination class - it's just the three of us now - seems like rumors aren't the only things that are said to be battle fanatics.

"It would be prerequisite to take these guys to Azito first, no, to some safe house.

Hiaquint was in a hurry.

If this woman is taken somewhere else, it will surely be harder for me to get my hands on her than it is now.

The other humans here barely know the subtle value of this woman.

Torture may pointlessly crush this beauty and flesh.

(That's not a waste of time.

"But this woman, she's such a dark-eyed brunette, she wants to hang out.

With that said, a fighter-like stature assassination gun skechiller approached me, grabbing Mitsu's shoulder from in front of Hiakint and attracting him, suddenly kissing him snugly.

I can see him nasty by the side and forcing his own tongue into it.

It's just like beauty and the beast that makes a small, non-breasted, luxurious mite squash with a skechiller about half the size of a head over a hiaquint,

Mitsu's face was fixed almost with the ceiling facing and ravaged with seemingly soft pink lips.

(Yes, this was the one with the worst femininity in the place.

Mitsu, from behind, is caught in a disappointingly tied rope by a drug-fortifying human, or is afraid that harm will be done not only to himself, but also to Sir Leold and his daughter, who says Lovelin, without resisting with her eyes closed and standing still.

The appearance also excited Hiaquint's twisted mind.


"What's the matter, did you even get bitten?

It was like I told a hostile woman it was because she would do something stupid, and the assassination blade Kittaran told her to mock her.

(Suck it!)

Hiakint praises Mitsu for his resistance.

Still, he still doesn't let his lips off the mite, he seems to feel good for a while and indulge in the depths of the stubborn lips of the poor girl who distorts her beautiful face.

Speaking of mites, they probably couldn't stand to keep their sleep solution stored in their mouths, whether it belonged to them or came from a skechiller. In any case, some kind of liquid that might seem to pass through the throat of the mite, stirring Hiaquint's jealousy.

I guess these scumbags of an assassination gun scumbag are just what everyone knows.

I thought I told you earlier that I couldn't be stubborn, but nearly a minute two of my assassination classes are waiting without complaining.

With the anxiety of being indiscriminately abused of his possessions, Hiakint was about to reach the apex, while at the same time he was close to losing sight of himself to a paranoid - for example, a lady who had a physical relationship but only opened her mind to herself on the surface, in order to mentally disparage her - addiction stopped the mite's throat movement.

As soon as the two lips left, I was surprised that Mitsu's tongue was also pulled out of Skechiller's mouth into my eyes.

Mitsu, too, thinks he was accepting Skechiller's nasty hot basse at all, the shock of not being small tightens Hiaquint's chest so tightly.

Finally, an assassination gun skeleton away from Mitsu opened his mouth with a satisfied face.

"No, I just hit the sharp edge of my teeth. But if you want to move it, you'd better gather it together where you took that girl.

"Really? I think it's harder to get away with it separately.

There are more than one safe house, so that's what we call a regular path. If you can't escape with the hostages, hesitate to try to escape.

"No, you can't expose not many safe houses everywhere to your enemies.

"Well, that makes sense, too.

"First of all, just this woman, suppose I take her over there?

Apparently Hiakint wasn't the only one who heard the assassination gun skechiller say while he could.

The assassination blade Kittaran gently stabbed the nail.

"Thanks for letting me take you, I'm worried about how far you're going to go. Before I crack the mouth of the talker, I think I've cracked the other mouths. --Hiakint of what that means, you weren't this woman after all.

When I try to answer, the emotions I've had will blow up and I'm about to speak up.

A moment when I swallowed my spit gave rise to a weird time in my reply.

"─, yes, the owner of the store says no. The name seems to be the same mite though.

"Well, whatever you do, they'll complain, but still, like before, if it's too much and even suicide, I'm sorry about the witch.

"I know. Cute, I'll make sure that's a habit.

Though I think I'll let that happen, the power relationship in the organization has made the future, in which Mitsu is first and foremost the food for Skechiller's passion, almost immobile.

To escape the thought, Hiakint deliberately switches consciousness to another topic.

(Is that right and you're really going to insist that this woman, that girl, is lost?

As Hiaquint said, watching Sir Leold drown doesn't look like a very bloody connection, the love he puts on the stray he first meets.

Something there, immeasurable lies and deception, all I could think was hidden.

But all this humiliation and personal danger, why would this woman cover Sir Leold or that girl?

Actually, this daughter, who looks young, but is older than thoughts, or could be a child born of being offended and conceived by Sir Leold at a hard-working age out of common sense.

If you're a real child, you don't know what it's like to put up your body and try to help.

Big breasts on this fine body are also convincing if you think they belong to the mother who had the child.

You don't look like you gave birth as long as you look at your hips, but if you can strip naked and even find it on the pregnancy line, it's bingo.

"Then I'll go. I have to keep an eye on her, too. This woman, too, might crack her mouth if she gave it to her in front of her daughter.

Only this woman is an irresistible super delicacy that you'll never get again if you let her go here anyway.

"I see, I just can't stay here long, anyway. All I'm saying is that we're not going, and whoa, we're going too. In any case, you can't walk around the city with one woman tied up.

This is Hiakint's show of how good she is at kidnapping and blackmailing women.

To the best of my knowledge, keep quiet, including the most effective causes.

"Look, woman, if you run away, you think this father and that girl's life will be gone. Besides, you catch me again, and I'm gonna pour molten copper into your important part of the story, which I gang-raped with more ottoes than I'm here. You got it!

As I thought, for a woman of this age who had no great skill, Mitsu nodded quietly when she heard her dull threats.

It must be making you look temperamental, but under invisible clothes, you must be getting goosebumps on your white spine and shaking your forehead so much that your piss is about to drip naturally.

"Then untie the rope, put on a hiakint and an assassination gun skechiller, a drug enhancement human, and go first.

At the behest of the assassination blade Kittaran, he barely left with the woman, but from the time he left the tavern, the assassination gun Skeiler turned his hand around Mitsu's shoulder and remained stuck tight.

As it stands, as soon as we get to the safe house, they may take us into the right room and give us a quick taste of the unnaturally irregular and prominent nakedness of the mites first.

In such a moody mood, when we left the tavern and walked to Hitotsuji, we heard a doozy noise in the upstairs room where we thought we were.

I looked back and wondered what was going on. That's when I knew clearly in the moonlight that a drug-enhancing human was blown through a wooden window.

"Hostile attack.

With all those faces, the most physically robust drug-enhancing human was easily jumped off-site, no doubt thinking how powerful an enemy appeared.

So far, there's never been anyone like that in this mess.

At least not until His Highness's troops come into this town.

"Let's go! You hold this guy and run. Hiakint, this drug enhancer is pre-remodeled, it can't be stopped by so many opponents.

When the assassination gun Skechiller screamed faintly, the drug-fortified human ran out with the mite aside.

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