As yet, we have not reached the rescue of Mitsu and Lovelin by Viscount Cyber, but Largo was finally calm.

In the midst of the incident of the abduction of Lovelin, one of the hundredth eyes caused the problem of discovering a Lovelin-like child but telling him to keep an eye on the room, even after Lovelin was taken out, to keep an eye on the room in extensions.

As a measure of this, I was wearing a re-look at communication, but it turns out, in fact, that there are more limits to the ability of the hundredth eye than to the problem of communication.

I can say the same thing in Largo, but just being slapped on the scales doesn't know where they're calling from.

Likewise, although each eye, at its own discretion, is not indissoluble in tracking down and going what is instructed to be viewed with conditional reflexes, it seems difficult to read the subtle changes in conditions to be observed and for the individual eyes to make an autonomous determination on the spot to report.

In such a case, it is necessary for the hundredth eye of the main unit to determine the situation through that eye.

Until I found out where Lovelin was, I thought it wouldn't matter if I left it to Mitsu, so I asked Yume to reduce the number of hundredths of eyes, because I had made shifting adjustments such as having the new preventer cover it, so I put a load on Mitsu, even though it was in pretty harsh condition.

Weaponry using holy water, the weakness of Whipley, has been found to be ready on the mafia side, beginning with the mite to give it away.

I just know, the anonymous holy sword immersed in holy water and the bullet of a magic gun enclosing holy water were also ready for that lair.

In short, you are convinced that there is a demonic tribe on the side of the kingdom.

Doing so, from the lair where Mitsu was supposed to be captured, Hatch went to Lagon and brought home a bipedal snake baby.

Just in case, Yume may be asked to come to Lagon, but the baby remains completely asleep.

According to Yumeka, there is not anything abnormal, but that she will just be tired and asleep, so she decides not to force her to wake up.

Because the news came in that the Mafia-like Soldiers were about to dive into the large warship boarded by the Viscounts there.

I have noticed this, one of the spirits that Largo has brought from Japan, one of the guardians who is becoming a servant of the itchy.

The first report came in that he moved out of the defenseman who had returned from the restaurant where he entertained Yuscario and had him watch the hiding place he was lurking in.

When I followed him, he went out to the harbor, and this is the second report I've been communicating jointly with the guards who were on guard around him.

In fact, the defensemen, with their own method of communication called the cursory network, will keep us informed of the number of seats and the situation in detail

They smoke. If you use that cigarette to make the smoke rise, it will convey simple content until it rises to the sky. They say it works in the middle of the night, or even in rainy weather.

It includes acts of mass violence, malicious groups starting to move, anomalies, powerful magic activation, and dangerous occurrences to dignitaries under observation.

If you don't know the details, move to the guard and listen to the contents.

Spirits who are unaware of the spread of space, such as distance, height, and length, don't need time to travel, so they don't even need to travel if they're just going to tell the truth, but they don't know who's talking or where without looking at their faces, so they travel faster.

Yumeka can't keep an eye on the cursor network all the time, so multiple people detect it over the sky, check the situation in some cases, and then come to Yumei to let her know.

Yumeka passed this information on to Lagon, so I ask him not to stand in the way of the inexorable range so that he can delay the intrusion as much as possible.

When I tried to get into the dark of the ship, I thought it might be okay to threaten it like it was haunted.

In the harbor, if you stand in the way of something as conspicuous as Kiriichi Bay, people you don't know will make a scene when there are demons.

It is disturbing that the Mafia side is preparing to anticipate the existence of the Demonic Nation, but it is still too early for the King's people and ruling class to recognize it.

If I could, I'd let the mafia think it was a struggle to get over it, before she was sure, too, and I'd control it.

In that sense, Largo intends to keep his hands off the ship as long as he can, and for when it becomes difficult, he will rush Lagon and Naomi to the ship.

Be aware that this undercover unit may also be equipped with special anti-demonic equipment. Most of my SS companions, like crab and mites, can't set a line against holy water.

Of course, there must have been Viscount Cyber soldiers and escorts on the ship, and only half fishmongers, so if they struggled and were in danger to the prince, they were going to help shady.

As Largo worried, the injured had already been carried off the ship one after the other.

This is important and Largo stops at the Naomis who tried to jump in.

"Wait, something's wrong.

I saw a scratch with a thousand eyes of Largo, and it's all about occupation: Soldier, affiliation: Mafia,.

Turns out it was the soldiers under Viscount Cyber or the crew of the ship that was carrying them out.

No, you didn't have enough hands, you were even driven out to the port cargo boy, and I saw a familiar face in it.

(-That, aren't these two brothers and sisters that Mitsu and Buell came into contact with today at lunch, who got their memories?

Somehow, here, he just works as a cargo boy.

I guess my sister or Elna stopped serving in the tavern as a female wage who also prostitutes.

Dirkichi is a troubled one, but if he will reunite with her and change his mind, I want that to happen soon and the three of us will be happy.

Perhaps Jamon doesn't want Deekichi to be convicted either. He's still a cute apprentice, even if he's bad at it.

Now, the Soldiers, who tried to sneak into the ship, apparently suffered various accidents before or after entering the ship, with their obscene abilities, 'distress' and 'misadventure', which the two Spirits of the Protector of Man, who followed them from their lair or waited for them in the harbor, suffered major inactivity injuries.

Naomi has checked and reported to the officials that they are being taken out by the crew.

It is pitiful to say that the soldier trained for work activities fell into the winter sea one after the other when he tried to climb the rope onto the ship.

Largo remembers that "other than accidents and illnesses, discomfort, fatigue, depression, panic, isolation, suspicious ghosts, distress, frustration, bankruptcy, mistakes, fallacies, accidents, odds, misadventures, troubles, etc.," taught us the ability to prevent people from becoming obnoxious.

When I heard it, I knew it wasn't something I was going to be able to fight, but that I would use great power especially in protecting it, not as an advantage I would grant to my allies, but as a disadvantage I would be given to my enemies.

Therefore, I will often review the contents, consult with Yumeka, and plan to organize a support team for the foothold.

When you use the Spirit, there are a lot of things to think about.

From the front, on the other hand, Largo noticed that a soldier with three drug-reinforced humans was reaching the indoor pool area on board the ship with a prince among his advantages while leaving the sailors and the Gourmen's men boarding from cyber territory unnoticed.

"Where is the prince!

A soldier leading a drug-fortifying human went into the prince's room and shouted.

"If you think there's any noise up there, you're in Gilman's town, the one who kidnapped the prince, aren't you?

"Oh sure. Of all these people involved in the kidnapping of the Viscount Cyber, they look just like the eyes of the guy who was offended by the drug that his arms stood up.

There was Sabutler, who was always there to protect the prince, and the face of the nostalgic Gourmen.

"Two opponents. Do it! Don't scratch the prince.

"I'll be here, too.

There is another fisherman and a half to protect the prince immersed in the pool.

The feeling of a slightly feminine voice is Hamatilda.

Soldier fired his magic gun at Sabutler.

Goormen defeats the table that was there and hides himself, but Sabutler turns toward the pool as he spreads his right palm.

At that moment, as the water protrudes like a hose in front of his palm, it takes the shape of a single stick, and Sabutler flies the bullet that flew in with it.

"This guy doesn't have a gun! I can do it with your power, no!

The usual prey, a gluca knife, strikes each of the three drug-enhancing humans.

"Nura, that's sweet!

When he said so, Sabutler pretended to have a large chunk of water that looked like a stick.

Now that's like a whip, and I wonder if the ahead has stretched many times, I punch the drug-enhancing human face that's been attacking me.

Unexpectedly, Sabutler grabbed his neck with his left hand and lifted it up as he moved in an instant to the tip of the drug-reinforced human eye and nose where his forward leg would stop.

And I tried to run to the prince, throwing as much as I wanted at the other one.

Drug-enhanced humans thrown had already lost their identities, bumping into each other like objects and rolling them together.

The other day, the drug-enhancing human who jumped out toward the gourmet man was frightened for a moment when he was thrown a table by the gourmet man, but he strikes over it again.

As the shaken prey attempted to strike a bare-handed gourmet, a discharge of water flew from behind the gourmet onto its drug-fortified human face.

"I'm here, too. Didn't you hear me?

Hamatilda is slightly overwhelmed by Sabutler taking charge of herself.

The discharge, released like its belly, was more intense than the table thrown earlier, and faster than the speed at which the arrows flew.

Eyelid closure reflex not in time, heavily drained drug fortified humans lose sight and their legs stop, turning up and raising a voice that looks painful.


At the time of whether or not the voice could be heard, this time with more momentum, an unusual stream of water poured from above into the open mouth.

Drug fortified humans, unable to even shut their mouths, were poured tons of water all the way to their stomachs at once, swelling their bellies, breaking their knees and falling back, stopping moving as they were.

"Strong. - Exactly. Not human.

"Master Sabutler is a legendary warrior who plays a guiding role in our country.

"Little hatred is an old story already, its Hamachilda is the fourth consecutive active champion at the Gilman Women's Stream Martial Arts Games.

"Really? Then I wonder if they showed me moves I can hardly see.

"No, it's still a naive thing to say.

Goormen can't hide his surprise.

Soon to be powerless of the three drug-fortifying humans, Soldier tried to get away with the shittiness, but quickly suppressed and perceived by the moving Sabutler.

I jumped in there, just as impressed by Viscount Cyber's soldiers on the ship's security and Gourmen's men when they saw what was going on inside.

Immediately, we carry the drug enhancement man on a stretcher.

"So, what's the situation up there?

"Yes, other than what came in here, I saw a lot of unprepared and unfamiliar things, and when I entered the ship, I hit him in the head, and some of them fell down the stairs, and some of them fell into the sea before diving into the ship. Most of the stuff got hurt there and I couldn't move, and this one carried it out with a stretcher or something. Uh, no. We've had too many people, so we're helping the cargo handling people in the port. I just counted about 30 people.

"Oh, my God. They're a forged soldier in the organization, but you're saying they did it all!

I scream without concealing my surprise at the result as Soldier is struck with a rope.

"Shut up! We didn't do it, we destroyed ourselves. Hi. How was this one with all the guys like no big deal?

"No, you're right. They were just toothless people.

"This monster!

the voice at the end. Soldier was beaten and quieted by soldiers.

"All right, then.

"Yes, indeed. We have kept four intruders.

"Hey, you should keep those three wrapped up in chains. The same type of retrofitted humans that were captured in the realm certainly even tore down the cage of a simple prison in Thornan's quarters.

"Huh? Are these guys called drug enhancement humans?

"Well, does that have a name?

Largo, who watched the whole thing, reflected that he had misjudged Gilman's Sabutler.

After all, there is an obvious difference between humans and beastmen.

I understood that if I were to be a super first-class warrior among them, like Margaretta and the brave Godfrey, who say in humans, no, under certain circumstances, it was something that demonstrated more ability than that.

With such strong protection, there may have been nothing to worry about.

Largo was again hoarse and asked about the red two-legged snake sleeping by the lagon.

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