Again, when I went out to Yapan to visit Michissane, the first time I went to Yapan, it was a hot spring in the mountains.

Today, the sea turtles and the large Ao Dai Shaw came to grab the hot water. In Largo's memory, I just want this place to be immersed in monkeys and deer.

I follow my memory from the last time I came to Krasgordo and fly to the company.

"Oh, is it Mr. Teramoto?

Unlike before, he called Michissane, speaking to a little uncle like a spiritual temple man, who was busy around the company.

"No, do you think this is the Dragon King? Hey, I thought you called me a classic. Come on.

This is not a temple, so they call these people the norm. That said, it means that it may be different again in approximation because it is called differently depending on the place where it is served and the Lord's Book and many other places. Anyway, because he is a lizard unfamiliar to Yapan, Yume and this scripture are exaggerated that he is the Dragon King of the Dragon God. It's going to be a long story, so don't you dare deny it. Please take care of it.

"Do you know Mr. Michisane? You would know if you told me Largo was here.

Norse's uncle was polite and slow in his explanation, but when he returns to the company to get Largo's name out, Michisane flies in an instant outside the birdhouse.

"Dear Yakuza! Even if I didn't have to ask you to go far enough, if you had told Yume, I would have flown away in an instant like this.

"Yeah, that's okay. I got into my pulse and it was refreshing. Yume may be slowing down on the Holy Springs right now.

That said, Michissane finds herself about 30 degrees diagonally and starts talking like a solitary with a slightly deleterious face.

"Really, in the hot springs. Nice, a young man and a woman tailing themselves in a hiccup spa inn.

"Don't imagine it weird. I'm healing my tired body in Holy Springs. Explain it a long time, but because of my unreliability, I let a lot of things happen.

"Really, I don't rely, well, in the beginning, it's called fast or something. So have you tasted Yume yet?

"How can you talk like that? There was a little war.

"Can you give birth to a heir in that fight? No, Yumeka is a spirit, so her reproductive abilities...

I came to visit Yuscario one day, a weird woman - who turned out to be that witch - with such delusional abilities.

Is this what happens when you live in an abstinent place like yours for a long time? Or was there a lot of that drooling about politics and relationships, like witches did, that Michisane was involved in her lifetime? In Largo's memory, sexual perceptions of these times seemed rather obnoxious, unlike modern times.

"Don't let the story leap. The real battle was with a witch who couldn't help it. Get involved in it. That's why I'm in the middle of healing.

"Was that so? It could be Yume. That would be a shame.

"I think that comment is a little different.

With that said, I took a peek at whether Mitsu & Yume is a lot, and the mites are warming up tightly on the hot springs.

Her face is fine and her cheeks are stained, and she looks like she has no heart or one more cup size up. Pretty colorful painting.

He seems to be touching it himself to confirm it, but he wonders if it would be Mitsu's body. Is it okay for girls to touch each other?

"Did that make you feel better? Something urgent.

"Yeah, actually, I heard someone I know from Mr. Michissane who was going to work in hell.

When Michissane was alive, and it's a story in the capital before it was flown to this land, so I guess it's going to be pretty old. I thought about it for a second, but still seemed to remember right away, hammering and nodding.

"Ah, that's Lord Takamura, isn't it? You were more cordial with my father than I was, but my father told me that when the court closed in the evening while working in the court at noon, he was going to hell again early after eating the evening meal. What you taught me about being a good Japanese singer - but unfortunately, that person fell ill a long time ago and was ascended.

"What about the Spirit?

"It seems that temporarily I have ventured into the wrath of the emperor through my use of the continent and was flushed to the island of Oki near here, but I was pardoned before this Mitisane was born, and by the time I was mindful, I was sifted in power in the court for a long time, so I didn't seem to be a grudging spirit or anything. He seems to have been gracious to the Emperor even after he fell ill. Perhaps we will still continue to help the devil, no, we will not necessarily. However, in any case, you are no longer in this world.

What a shame Michissane didn't help Largo. If you think about it, it's Michisane's lifetime story, so I don't think it was possible to expect to see her.

"Well, I wish you'd taken Samidina.

"I just don't know what to do instead, but the last time you asked me to look for it, I looked for something from the East. When I heard from him, he asked me to call him at any time. I have spoken with you now, so I think you will come soon.

"Well, that was just a social dictionary.

At those moments,

"We're going in!

"Oh, rumor has it, it's Masakato.

(─ Wah, are you sure you're here?

"Who are you, Nanban lizard, trying to make a fool of the land of Yapan? My name is General Masakato of Japan. Those who guard the east of this island nation of Yapan. Coming from your continent in the past, you've been played good by a monster named Satan. I had no choice but to grasp his weakness, and I lent him a secret detective, but now the lizard came without sexual punishment. You've got enough to make fun of. Fix it there! Three. If you turn around and say you're sorry, don't just save your life.

"Masakato! What a rude thing to say to your stall if you have just listened in silence. This one will be left to dragon god.

"Uh, hey, hey...

"Don't say anything stupid. Speaking of dragon gods, aren't they the great gods of Yamatano Orochi, who merged with me? If you are truly a dragon god, then fight me.

The name Yamatano Orochi made Largo sound familiar. It's definitely a monster in the myth of a country that lived in the previous life of Largo.

When I was little, I guess they asked me repeatedly. I remember why very well. I'm somewhere wondering what to compare, but in the sense that I don't have that comparable object, I feel like a monster that's not quite as great in history. He's the one who pisses off guys like this and goes home, and Satan does a hell of a lot of things too. But just because this amazing monster had bad minutes too, how about lending a secret detective to look for weaknesses?

Well, I want to get nothing going here. I didn't plan on seeing this guy.

"Uh, I'm not here to do that. Stay close. I don't have time for this today.

"Say what. If you're a dragon man, use the Thousand Eyes that only dragon gods hold in their evidence to spot the truth over a thousand years and answer my eight questions. What do you say? You can do it.

I don't know about the dragon god, but Chiriko would have it, so I wouldn't have to crush Michisane's face.

I don't know if over a millennium of time is the ability I have on a thousand eyes, but if there are about eight of them, I might be able to foresee the answer from this Masakato superficial psychology.

"Good. I don't have time to fight. You can win or lose, so get it done early.

"Well, you're ready. Firstly, the number of Yamatano Orochi heads.

No, if that's the case, I've heard it in a long time ago. I don't even use a thousand eyes.

"Eight, and eight tails.

"Hmm. This was too easy a problem because of the name Yamatano Orochi. Then what is the name of the hero who exorcised Yamatano Orochi?

"It's susano onomikoto, isn't it?

"Ugh! Do you really have a thousand eyes for knowing Susanoo?

I wonder if you know, if you're asking questions to try, but this one also comes out for real.

"I just knew.

"Oh my God!

"Nothing. Nothing. So, there's more.

Now I thought carefully and asked Masakato and the next question.

"Where did that Susanoo come from and where did he defeat Yamatano Orochi?

"They kicked me out of the high heavens, in the land of clouds.

This is also a range of knowledge.

"I see you're looking forward to it, or it's a service issue. What is the name of the princess who changed her appearance to Kushi, whom Susanoo married to try to help.

Whoa, this is hard. I found an old couple crying in the river or something. After that, she turned into a princess of Inada.

"Was it Princess Kitanada Hime?

"Hmm, this either gave too many tips or it was natural to hit it. Then what was the cowardly method used by Susano Onomikoto when exorcising Yamatano Orochi?

"At the eight gates, I left eight strong liquors, and when I let them drink and sleep, I slaughtered them.

It's a cowardly hand. For once God, I wonder if you wanted me to fight square and square.

Sure, it's a myth, so I guess that's a great spectacle, but I guess the lesson is that humans still have wisdom and that's what matters.

"That's something I, Yamatano Orochi himself, can barely remember, but how did you figure that out? Do you really have something called a thousand eyes?

"Uh, that's the most famous story there is.

"What did you say?

"Nothing. Nothing, nothing else.

"So from the slashed Yamatano Orochi, the name of the sword that came out.

"Amano Murakuru's sword.

No, is that your real name? I heard there were two names, but that was after the anecdote that Yamato Takel's honor snagged down the grass that was set on fire, right?

"Ooh. That's your last problem, then. What's the alias for that sword?

"That's eight. Grasshopper sword.

"Okay - you're... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're a dragon god.

Masakato falling into. I suddenly got weird talking from the middle of nowhere.

"What's the matter, you're suddenly getting weirder and weirder talking.

"Wow, it's a country monkey in the East, so all you can do is talk in a coarse way.

"Then why was that a normal way of talking earlier?

"That's what Yamatano Orochi talks about. Now I think I'm going to have a bad time. Usually, it's better to hang around.

"You don't have to be scared, if you'll be one of us.

"Oh, Dragon God, you can talk. Well, while you're a monster like me, you're not allowed to be one of God's people, so please know that you're a child of the stall.

Suddenly he comes out poorly, and yet he looks big, Yamatano Orochi version of Masakato.

"Say what! This Michisane is what fits as the housekeeper's head of the stall.

"What the fuck. Is this weak guy, who can only do this discipline, going against this Masakato?

"Oh my God! If this brain muscle is a child of yours, the character of the stall will be corrupted!

"Here, don't break up with me! I'm important to my people, so I won't be one of them if we fight.

"Eh, what is that?

We reconcile the two, and the conversation goes on.

"So, the stall came here suddenly, what was it for?

"Uh, I don't know, I actually got a lot going on.

I think I can finally talk about that.

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