Leaving Platoshire field, when Erna relied on the moonlight, fortunately the bee squad was still active. If you look closely, it looks like a monster hunting activity, not beekeeping.

Dozens of men of similar or stopping stature to the soldier-style who have just arrived are aligned with what is said to be prey and magic guns in their hands.

There were about 10 women before that, and the woman at the far end turned to her face when she noticed Elna running over.

This is such a visit of time that I speak first from Erna.

"Good evening, Mr. Nine.

"Oh, Elna. So late to work again?

"Yes, I'm a sudden customer, can you come?

"Uh, now we're going monster hunting. Well, then, I'm not used to it, but I'll let the others out. Yeah, well, 0123, are you free?

I wondered where I had spoken, and one appeared out of the woods on the road Erna had called.

"Yes, Dear Trio Nine. It's okay."

"Then I'll leave this girl to Elna. I will send the details of the job via a wipline. Oh, I'll just set up the trap.


What Erna called Nine was the woman who went around the course with her today. Older enough to have completely missed the marriageable age a little if you live in a village, but you are still as beautiful as any other woman here, and in a city like Bokovo, there were few women at this age who were about work and were alone. If you're a whore, you're probably building a fortune.

(I guess that's just rude.

My daughter, on the other hand, who was called 0123, is of course a super beautiful man who won't take a pull on Nine, although she will be around the same age as Elna. Besides, unlike the ladies who greeted me today, 'Trio', who have Caddy's experience, he's a modest quiet looking type to look at.

In that regard, I feel somewhat like a mite, but the color of my hair and eyes is normal, or because I have blue eyes with blonde hair, maybe not even a relative.

But where are they usually? If you call it, it will come out of the shade around it.

Mostly, a fellow mite means he's a demon associate. We may be hiding in an area that is immeasurable in humans, as we have come here ourselves.

"Excuse me, at this hour.

"No, my lord. My favorite is telling you not to have a crude phase.

"It's the devil's Buell..."

Erna, who accidentally runs her mouth, swallows words along the way.

"That's right. The Great Lord said no to the treatment of Ares proposed by Mitsu so that he could use that important medicine.

It still was, Elna thought.

I remember talking about myself, blurring at the mites. I'm not sure why I even talked so deeply then, but at that time, where there's no one Mitsu, I also feel like I remember him saying that.

One defenseman watching over Deekichi who took out the automaton -, can the medicine synthesized from the fruit of the uka be used for humans and so on -, the Lord's ideal -.

Although blurry, Elna also found out more or less the story.

I just don't know if the Lord is the devil or what, but I keep this story in my chest because it's horrible to hear.

"Besides, I'm sorry you're unfamiliar with it. Uh, 0123?

"Yes, because we are all called by number.

"Does that mean there are more than 100 people?

"That's right. Didn't you hear? There are about six thousand of them. I'm a little dispatched all over the place right now and it's down, but I'm still here for the most part.

(Where is this place?

But I didn't feel like it would be a good idea to go into that story too much, and I didn't hear anything more.

"Excuse me. I'm late.

"No, I was just explaining Restino Crucica right now. I didn't know Krusicaa to stretch and shrink, and now that it's over, it was just fine.

"Is this interesting, stretching and shrinking? I didn't know people who weren't magicians could use magic tools like this.

"Right, of humans-- no, it's been a long time since I've been in town. If time goes by, it's something that will change so unknowingly.

"But some things shouldn't be changed.

"Right. So this is how I got to the end of the North like this.

"Thank you all for waiting. Let me serve as caddy today, it's 0123. I haven't been able to be much, so I can only do as much to find a booka and green position and course and a rear shawl, thank you. So can you tell me your names first?

The first old man named the wizard.

"I'm shermany.

Tall soldier style next, with leather armor on.

"This one's called a midfender.

Even shorter but disappointed, the soldier opened his mouth for the first time. It's a very quiet, low voice.

"I'm blocking, get to know me.

At the end of the day, Gallic's grandfather, seems most silent.

"It's Wilhelm.

"My name is Erna. This is also the first time I have been open at night, so let me put you on support when something happens.

"It doesn't matter. Quite a few of them are impossible.

"Then hurry up, let me turn it around.

"Now, please go to the course.

0123 stares at the poster with the shape and distance of the course affixed next to the counter and the position of the flag in the green, blinking twice, getting to work exactly the first time it's supposed to be, such as getting the shawls and sand that are placed and the bags with water in them one at a time. Did they get the details of the job they said they were going to send with something called a wipline?

(After all, isn't this girl human?

But from Erna's eyes, I can't find an element that's not human anywhere, called Nine and 0123.

Standing on the tea ground, the moonlight alone can see the course open this way. But just when we get into the woodland tree shadow or something, I don't think we can all see it in Erna's eyes.

0123 describes the length and shape of the course well and also points in the direction of the green.

Then he took the shawl out of the bag and handed it to each other with the tee, carefully breathing and polishing one at a time.

"I'm glad, Gol for so long - Platoshal. Besides, two young beautiful Caddies.

"320 yards, I don't see the flag, so I don't know what a niyapin is just for the info right now.

"I'm not here.

Erna doesn't know what you're talking about. I remember when I turned in the daytime, on a course of 200 yards or less, it was called a niyapin to put me in the goal zone at once and compete for the distance to Bouca.

"So 01--I don't know about Hifumi because it's hard to call her.

"Thank you. I don't mind.

"But I thought it had changed to Krusicaa, but I didn't expect to be around with a caddy of demonic daughters, whose human daughters keep Platoshire.

When I hear that word, I run murderous to the complexion of 0123, called Hifumi, and I know it because of this darkness, when I think the yellow flame glistened in my eyes, I fly back a few meters to get up.

"Uh, don't worry about it. We do harm to humans. We have no taste in demons.

"Hmm, I know you're submissive to that person, so Shermany has a light mouth even though I just went around comms trying to deceive you now.

"Are you gods?

"We did? Heh heh heh, we are dragon men from the Afar Great Forest in the Great Lift Grand Canyon.

"What we do with the Demons is the work of the brave men of man. Don't you seem to be interested in Pratochar for fun tonight?

"Yes, thank you.

Listening to that voice, I can see the tension releasing from Hifumi's face, which was only marginally left. All four seemed to be able to confirm that there was no hostility, and Hifumi broke the arrangement. At the same time, Elna moved and even held her breath, the thread of tension on the spot slowly loosened. Especially when two silent people were letting themselves kill Hifumi.

Oh, my God, Elna's in a hell of a place. First of all, it doesn't come as much surprise that Mitsu's companion, who thought he was the devil's servant, is the devil tribe.

But four old men here now say they're dragon men. There are five of those dreamy species in front of me, and I want to enjoy Pratochar quite well with dragon men and demons.

(But is it true?

Sure, it's called standing there, it's called a suspicious atmosphere. It's never just that, but it's hard for Elna to believe that these four are all dragon men.

There are many things that I have seen of the devil clan. Bokovo didn't even have what he saw in the queue. But I've never even heard of seeing a dragon man from a priest tile in a borderline diocese.

But the question was quickly broken. Shortly after the order of the four, a skinny old man named Wilhelm, who became the top batter, didn't even take a stand with a stretched crucica, just twirling around and making a noise like Keane, and Schaal instantly lost sight of it. The remaining three raise their voices and Hifumi slaps their hands.

"Nice on, brilliant.

(Oh, is that true? How do you know you rode it when you don't even see the green?)

But there are demons and dragon men, and it looks like they've definitely confirmed Schaal got on board.

"No. There are 2 yards to Bouca.

"All right, the chance Wilhelm left me, I'll take it.

With that said, four people one-on-one Sharr after another.

"Me, I'll come back and help my brother.

This will put an end to the half soon. No. On the contrary, wouldn't all 10 holes be over? We must rush to prepare meals and baths.

"Well, that's nice to meet you.

Hearing the voice behind her, Erna called back to the office.

"Ares, come on, hurry up. It'll all be over soon.

"I knew it. You can't do it because you don't see so much in this darkness.

"No, I'm not, but let's hurry anyway. Because I cook meals. Ares and I need a bath.

"Uh, good. I forgot, but I'm off tomorrow, and I keep the bath water because I think you should come in, too. It may have cooled a little, but I think it'll warm up soon. It's leftover water, but it's this time of year, so you won't be complaining about just letting it in.

"Right, then hurry up.

We also have magic tools to light the fire here, so we can cook and bathe early. We should be able to make it somehow. But Erna did. Anyway, I've only used the cooking area twice today, day and night.

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