Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 4.5 - [02] Combat after Signing Ceremony (Battle) - Milin Krasabi Lagon is taken away

─ ─ Combine the following number of stories in Chapter IV ─

(141) Battle (Battle) Started

(142) Unexpected support

(143) Automaton and the power of the Spirit

(144) Immortal Swordsman

(145) Wizard transformed into a cold-blooded beast

(146) The Witch and the Super Monster Behemoth Descend

(147) Defeat of the Kingdom Brave

Anekdot 147 The Secret to the Birth of Demonic Mitsu

(148) To the Cross Battlefield

(149) Reputation of the Demons

(150) As executioner

(151) Deekichi Absolutely Fatal

─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─ ◇ ─ ─

(141) Battle (Battle) Started

The waiting signing ceremony also received a big load, and in the glass case of the stage provided at the amphitheatre, behind the millin performing the signing ceremony, Largo, held by Margaretta, was alert to his surroundings by reversing all nerves.

But unfortunately, I can't find any sign of such enormous magic as was felt yesterday.

It was only limited to about 2 km around this amphitheater, but by its size, it was Satan who confirmed that there was no great magic in Dantotsu descending on this bokovo, going and going from the Alessandro Fountain to Mount Sieba, where there is also a lab of gemon.

I wonder what the hell you're doing. Are you having trouble getting into the original Demon King's Castle because you forgot something? But there's no room for Largo to worry about that today.

So far, no special reports have come up from everyone in the SS, because of the itching that sums up the Spirit of the Protector, and nothing I have noticed in particular.

Lagon dives into a careless old house near the Amphitheatre so that he can be a kingdom brave at any time. It's just so much to appear as a kingdom brave.

Experience to date suggests that, to the extent of drug-enhancing humans, we can still deal with them as lagons.

However, when the word "bomb" appears behind this word human, the situation will change again.

At this point, what Largo thinks is that Lagon becomes the kingdom brave, wrapped one by one with Lagon, in the junction, and let him do most of it. Other than repeating it, no specific and effective measures have emerged.

But in order to bury as many as 30 drug-enhancing humans one after the other, it would be difficult if they weren't so well-behaved and slowly waiting for me.

Of course, there is no shortage of gestures to make me an ally, such as cyber or margaretta. But if it becomes a turmoil, if the kingdom works so well with the brave and the soldiers, the way it is punished becomes difficult too.

When a biological Cyber Viscount or Margaretta holds back, there is concern that only the opponent will be able to trap him in the junction so well.

If you're bad, around Margaretta and Viscount Cyber's arms, you might fly away with them. Of course, it's better than losing your life. Where my hands flew, if Buell was there, he'd do something about it.

Anyway, we have enough explosives to blow up a single warship.

No matter how immortal Margaretta is, if she eats properly, she can't be intact at all. I just hope the information is well received from Viscount Cyber and he won't be unscrupulous at the soldier level.

I would especially like to ask Alessandro. I don't want a major mental shock to happen, even if I soon find out I'm not human enough to be splattered in front of Millin.

(─ No, isn't the automaton of Gymon frightening to that extent?

Naturally, if you use all of the SS, even if 40 human bombs come out, you can handle about two per person, so it's not enough to be afraid, but the opponent is pretty sure that you see that they have demonic measures in place.

It is likely equipped with a magic gun planted with holy water or a holy sword dripping with holy water. SS must not let such armed men near.

Mitsu discovered that the safe house alone was well equipped. It would probably have been that more than enough was prepared for Ajit, which is the base.

If we held that back, it was that we had considerably less anxiety, but unfortunately the time has already expired.

I've explored the holy water stored in Bokovo, but thank goodness even a small amount is stored in each household, like a constant drug preparation, and there is an amount there in chapels, monasteries, etc. There seemed to be some work going around carrying it, and compared to those places, it was very impossible to wash everything out, such as the holy water that was accumulating less mafia.

The signing ceremony was solemnly continued in a venue where he managed to regain his composure, taking a far-sighted look at the explosion of the building, after escorting himself to Abehalnville and dropping off the crusabi that had rushed him off.

For a while, no one was looking up to the top of the Amphiciata audience, but the venue calmed down over time and the harsh atmosphere returned.

Above the stage, in a glass case, the two delegates stamped the deeds of the two ceremonies, and when Millin and the mayor ritually exchanged the documents each stamped last with each other, the venue was wrapped in great applause.

The national anthem of the kingdom and the republic is followed by a simultaneous anthem of all the participants in the venue. The national anthem of the Republic was previously sung by the Lagons when they were awarded awards and medals, but the Kingdom State is the first song Largo hears.

This should be the end of the program. The simulation of the national anthems of the two countries was concluded, and the moderator once again expressed the success of the signing ceremony to the venue with a magical loudspeaker.

"We have now completed the signing. From now on, the town of Bokovo has gained the power of justice to leave the Republic and each other's external enemies on the basis of this Security Treaty. I would now like to conclude here with the words of His Highness the Millian Rune to all of you once again.

With that voice, the members of the Republic step off the stage. Viscounts and soldiers of cyber followed in the same way.

The signage table provided for the signing is also cleaned out of the glass case, leaving the loudspeaker and millin on the stage where nothing is gone again. Alessandro and Margaretta were firmly on the side in case the city's best building had just been blown up, albeit at a distance earlier, of course.

For some reason, Largo is deposited with Viscount Cyber, who stepped off the stage, watching under the stage with the Ortons.

Yesterday afternoon, the Mayor of Moritz, who managed to attend the signing ceremony in time, whispered to Orton with a sigh of relief as soon as he got off the ground.

"The popularity of His Highness the Millian Rune in the kingdom is better than listening.

"Indeed. He has a brilliant grasp of people's hearts. It doesn't seem like a word to me that you are a candidate for queen while you are born.

"The people of the kingdom seem happier than anything else. Thinking about those days...

The last words were cared not to reach the ears of the Viscounts of Cyber, the King's people, but they seem to have reached Orton's ears, and Orton has nodded many times.

And Millin's voice, which the audience waited for, echoed throughout the venue.

"Gentlemen, this is the first step in our, and the Kingdom's, righteous victory.

At the same time, the applause and cheer just broke.

(─ It is really very popular when you greet the opening meeting.

But there is no doubt that what underpins this popularity is the strong desire for peace, tranquillity and security that all citizens have.

"As most of you gathered here know, the kingdom has been strong on the people for a long time, when it has been really hard. Those uneasy days will never come again, when you will not be healed in the diocese even if you become ill, when bandits will rampant all the way inside the city, when resurrected demon kings and demons will jump and trek, and when evil men and horrible drugs will pollute the country that will turn your lives into darkness!

Voices like 'Yes' and 'Thank you, Your Highness' rise from the guest seat.

The citizens who have gathered at this place of signing the Security Treaty are all listening to Millin with a sense of purpose.

Quite a distance away, but if you look at it with Lago's thousand eyes, few ladies are in tears. Everyone is probably listening to Millin with the same thoughts Erna told Diekici last night. I'm sure Elna, too, must have wept if she'd been here and listened to Milin right now.

No, I probably haven't been able to come here today, and now, many people who are gasping at the bottom of society must have been waiting for this word. For example - like Brandals who came to the coffee shop for help from Ganjin's help cabin in the Wang capital, or like Anya, who kept using drugs against her beloved husband with the thought of straw. His Royal Highness has also learned that throughout his short but travels, the idea that slaves are happy to live as slaves was erroneous, and that the insecurities of the reign make people in those lower capacities feel more difficult. I guess the next word doesn't even come out because it's getting hot in Millin's chest, too.

But the next thing I know, Millin's voice in her mouth, 'And...' doesn't go through the loudspeaker for some reason. It had not restored its silence perfectly, its voice dissipating in the twisting of all the audiences in the venue.

Millin with her neck over her and a strange face. Exactly in this breadth, I guess we can't keep greeting the flesh. So for the first time, the audience also realizes something went wrong.

"What's wrong?

Viscount Cyber turns his face to the host who was nearby. And of course, the host doesn't know what the hell's going on.

"I don't know because it's such a flower garden head! Happy endings don't come that easy in the world!

Full of hate, a woman's voice echoes in the venue.

In Largo's memory, this voice is the voice and dimension of the highly paranoid woman who has visited Yuscario's bedroom.

(─ Was that, after all, the transformed figure of a witch?

The warriors who defend His Highness, laying their hands on their prey at once and standing silently murderous.

Largo, somewhat indiscriminately, was unloaded from Viscount Cyber's hand and stuck under the stage. Plus on the Viscount's feet, he pushes his butt and pushes it in the back. The building of the stage platform was cavity inside, and looking up, the hanakaru and the beard were stuck high inside the stage. Largo spins his thousand eyes in full and looks over the entire siege, but he still can't see the Lord of his voice anywhere.

Soon, however, everyone in the venue was made aware that the voice was not just a threat.

(142) Unexpected support

Bokovo's Amphisciata also appears to be used as a sports tournament and arena, and its entrance gates range from multiple teams in group sports to smaller monsters. Until the venue, even though they are connected by many chains, they seem to be made of rather thick iron, well understood from the outside, in order to bring the monsters.

Heijun, with the applause and cheer of the audience, is probably often strictly open, but at today's event, of course, that door was not even planned to open.

Nonetheless, the entrance gate, which was supposed to open to Kannon to the left and right, fell towards the venue, as if the lightning-struck Oki had fallen, wondering if anyone had heard an unexpected explosion.

Behind the entrance gates, which were accompanied by a sound of ground and opened with dust raised, there are no doubt uninvited guests. Approximately half of the audience were in a position to peek inside the entrance gate, so there is a surprise to see what's lined up inside it.

Because there were more than 30 beastly eyed men lined up with magic guns and swords in their hands just looking at them. Unexpectedly, he stood up and pushed the audience towards the entrance and exit.

Already, the SS, the vampires, and the Spirit were scattered throughout the venue. But I tell them not to move without Largo's orders.

Especially in Yumeika, the ban on actions without orders is strictly enforced, and only a limited number of defensemen are included in the venue.

Church troops and kingdom soldiers left behind by Godfroy, who were hitting defense, are doubly triple guarding the stage where the Millins are. Viscount Cyber, who popped up in that front row, screams to make it all sound like soldiers.

"Never let those different eye colors get close to the stage! And first, let the citizens get away with it! There is a risk of being held hostage. Margaretta, and Alessandro, listen carefully to everyone else. They have an indelible bomb implanted in their bodies. I'm afraid I can't help you. Even if you don't hold back, you're likely to explode if you're incapable of fighting. I can't move anyway. Aim for your legs, and the bombing will only take the citizens away.

To the soldiers in the venue, a homma placed there shouts the same thing.

It would be ready when the human bomb is scattered all the way over there.

Largo checks the bombs that are supposed to be in the drug-enhancing human body, one at a time, from a safe place called under the stage.

If you look only at the size, most must be the bigger bomb that blew up the ship. It doesn't look like there are any individuals with slightly smaller ones, either, due to physical problems. But that's why, if humans explode it at close range, they'll be caught in an explosion, and I'm just sorry.

In any case, as the Viscount told us, the first prerequisite is to miss the audience. If we make the Kingdom Brave appear here, we will be known to our enemies for Operation Connection, and it would be hard if 30 narcotics-enhancing human bombs were to be scattered and exploded by the citizens of the venue.

"Nagari, go to the guest seat and calm the citizens down! I panic if I stay like this. Nanako gave the soldiers an indomitable spirit in turn.

"I get it." "Roger that.

"Bread! Bread! Bread!"

The sound of a magic gun being fired sounded continuously from a drug-fortified human bomb scattered wide beside him from the entrance gate.

The soldiers in the front row have already prepared a thick shield that can handle this, which is perfectly protected.

When the drug warriors found out it was a waste of time, they immediately put it in, scattered only the gluca knife in their hands, and immediately went into a brawl with a bunch of cyber Viscounts. A blunt metal sound of swords bumping into each other everywhere. It would be a decision that Viscount Cyber has no demon tribe under his command. Nothing is pulling out the Holy Sword.

It is best for Viscount Cyber to deal with several drug-enhancing humans on his own, while four or five in the general soldier take on the attack of a united drug warrior. At the Homma level, it looks like it's finally possible to do one on one, but over that front row of fights, the drug fighters eat deep into the defensive battle.

On the other hand, in the required audience, instructions seemed to have been given to the soldiers placed in the venue to evacuate the audience as soon as something happened from the beginning.

There was also the ability of the nagar, and the escape from the entrance and exit had already proceeded in an orderly manner.

But suddenly, the line is pushed back.

(─ What's going on?

If we pursued the cause, a few soldiers with magic guns and drug enhancement humans appeared inside the exit aisle as well.

I was guiding the citizens who tried to escape, the soldiers noticed that too, and my legs stopped.

"The audience won't get away with it either! I need you to watch the show where the royal daughter is killed.

A Mafia soldier appears, hinting at Milin's assassination. Moreover, it is a proclamation that even public executions are to be carried out in the public sphere.

With a shield and a spear, a rushing colour runs in the faces of soldiers unable to move, carrying citizens behind them.

(─ Even though I'm here, will you let me do that! Go, vampires.

On that Largo order, jumping out of a group of citizens to take the shield of a soldier, the vampired men run out in front of the magic gun.

"Pampan," a gunshot sounds, several bullets flying at a time.

Ruptured bullets scattered around and holy water scattered as shields were used to stop them from hitting defenceless citizens in the rear.

The vampires, who give the direct bomb a hooded robe but only a splashy atmosphere of holy water, are frightened and unable to move. Some of them broke their knees under fragments of bullets.

Still, as I instructed beforehand, it is good that I have not stripped my fangs and roared or made my eyes bright red and glowing.

"Are you okay, you hit a stray bullet! When that bullet lands, it begins and fragments fly. Be careful.

Soldiers are concerned about vampires. With the repellence of holy water, you don't think you're feeling any worse.

(─ I can't do this any more, but even if I put out SS, it will end up the same thing -)

In this way, the only way to get the citizens out of the venue is to get the lagon out. Only that entrance and exit must be earned somehow.

Later things will depend on how the opponent comes out, but for now, we need to let Lagon take care of the enemy's demonic countermeasures alone.

(─ If you're looking at a citizen as an audience for a show, why don't you slay him? No, I don't know if you have to.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean they won't be killed by hostages or middlings, or become a spiral of outbursts.

So now we have to do something about this glue state. Lago will let Lagon enter the venue at once, asking Hayami for support.

But two familiar voices echo at that time.

"Spotlightening!" "Redux Devide!

When you think that the light of the great lightning has weakened as it falls, it becomes a small spark and splashes, like the end of a linear fireworks.

It flew to every one of the magic guns held by the drug-enhancing humans who blocked the entrance and exit.

"Huh!" "Chi."

It is the Thousand-Eyed Researcher Pespectiva who is dropping Inasma.

It is Gasparn, who should have been divided in the ruins of the Demon King's Castle, who splits it it fine and spreads a weakened electrical shock over the magic gun so as not to affect the drug-fortified human body.

Looks like they were both diving somewhere in the venue.

(─ Pespectiva and Gasparn, why are you here?

Gasparn, I think Sir Leold asked him to come after him, but did Gasparn ask for Pespectiva, who just thought he was in the king's capital?

Clairvoyant pespectiva is probably a prospect of where the bomb is in drug-enhancing humans.

When you cast a spell over a wand of magic tools, you drop the next lightning bolt. It is also weakened and divided, and electric dust like firepowder flies into the magic gun.

Then everywhere, drug enhancement human screams. That seems impossible to keep having a metal product that keeps charging, even if you're being blunted by drugs.

If it's just spotlighting, I've wiped out the bad guys, and they're about to explode, but all I can say is that they have subtle control with their combined moves, which is brilliant.

(─ But why did you already know about bomb humans?

No way, I listened to Viscount Cyber right now and didn't think of it as the first knitted move. Moreover, the effect is immense, and the shock dust dust dust dust dust dust gun throws out without a single pile of the gun itself erupting or a shock of electricity.

The guns thrown out also charge and erupt for a while, becoming useless. I'm just not happy that the holy water is wiping or smudging out of there, but that would mean there are too many orders.

But some of the drug-fortifying humans scattered through the entrance gates have joined the war with new magic guns.

The drug-fortifying humans who come out fire at the resisting wizard, but even the soldiers turn this around to guard.

Wizard attacks carried out in return far outweighed their attacks. More and more magic guns are dropped from enemy hands.

"Now! Hurry up, citizen.

The vampires are once again resolutely challenging drug-enhancing humans with that voice as a signal. A few of them dragged a barebacked drug warrior out of the exit and contained him.

"Let's go now.

The SS spoke up and the citizens moved out.

To avoid panic, soldiers will guide the citizens, but there are too many spectators.

"Why are you on the human side!

Another witch's voice. Moreover, at the same time as that angry voice, two fireballs fell from the sky.

"Lightningsphere," "Stemtide"

The two wizards used opposing magic but were powerless, and each fireball lands where there are two wizards.

"Somebody put out the fire!

A flame that the Hanakos try to put out using the lead robe they were wearing, but not quite. Isn't it a magic flame?

"Get out of my way! Give me this!"

There you go, sand buckets, guys with buckets of water to sprinkle on.

These facilities seem to be equipped with sandy buckets everywhere as an emergency fire extinguishing facility, as well as a small reservoir with water.

"It's better, come on!

That's exactly what I'm telling you, Tao, that I left Wang Capital a few days ago.

(Tao was here too!

Still, he wrapped the two men in an indelible flame in a junction that they wouldn't find out about this much and stretched them wide upwards, and when they were close to the vacuum, they just sank.

Wizards also seem to be somewhat resistant to flames, never seem to be deadly damage, but they are just down.

Clothes also seem to be of unbeatable material to the flames, not burned out, but the appearance of water immersion full of sand is tragic, transported to the rear and seems to receive the care of the SS. We're having a conversation, so you won't have to take care of Naomi.

(-No, can wizards be treated?

"Well, I managed to help, how about you.

"Dude, don't leave anything out of it.

"Middles are fine, was that a flame emanating from the sword of the wisdom angel guarding the east of Eden - but did you feel it now?

"Sure, that freely manipulates the boundaries - but not Satan.

Apparently, the two of them have missed the use of the junction, but now it is an emergency. Civic evasion has only just begun, and the entrance and exit attacks have not been settled.

(143) Automaton and Spirit Power Modified

I don't know where the hell those balls of flame came from, holding Largo's thousand eyes.

It's troublesome that you're an enemy that can use a cover-up junction, just like Largo. Well, I wonder if you'd like to be dissatisfied only with the hand you use too.

So far, the colour of haste cannot be hidden in Largo for the first time in a battle that cannot be hit by a hand.

(─ Where the hell is the main unit?

Vampires who had been near the entrance and exit for some time, suppressing drug-enhancing human power, but could not continue to gain any more strength as the repellence of scattered holy water drifted around.

Finally, losing the power of drug-enhancing humans, they jump.

And now we have attacked not only the vampires, but also the citizens of the audience, who had arrived at the entrance and exit, with the freed drug-fortifying humans releasing their companions and wielding the holy sword they had hidden.

Once again, if you look at the spectator's foot stopping for the exit, you still haven't been able to escape 20% of the whole thing.

With citizens on their backs, soldiers and Tao's men can't fathom the power of drug warriors very much.

The vampires, who continued to be eroded by jihadist repellence, are already in a glocky state and are no longer on the protected side.

The drug-fortifying human sword that comes pounding on you is the best you can take with each prey.

Though it has had no effect on soldiers or citizens, every time a drug-fortifying man wields his holy sword, plenty of damp holy water flashes like a bump.

Though I'm putting together a leaded robe, to the Vampire SS, I can't deal with these guys.

With Largo's handkerchiefs, the only people they can deal with will be the defensemen, whose battle abilities are indelible, but then they can't fathom the overwhelming power, the drug-enhancing man.

Speaking of chess, I feel like I only have "infantry" with "infantry" not turned over in all rows.

Not to mention around the entrance and exit, from the bullets of magic guns that have been shot many times, all over with seeping holy water.

Even if their opponents don't have the Holy Sword, they can't very well let SS get into here.

Looks like the soldiers in the venue, who can't let the drug-enhancing humans who don't know how tired they are, are showing considerable fatigue.

It's only a matter of time as it is, and this one is more subdued. Rest in peace.

It will be difficult to flip the battlefield even if one of the Lagon's fuzzy kingdom braves is put in here.

If there's anything you can do for Lagon alone, worst of all, do you have to let the kingdom brave take Millin and evacuate from here?

Lurking in an empty house so close to the venue, Lagon is already wearing the armor of the kingdom's brave men and keeping them waiting, along with Hayami, in the information concealment junction.

To catch the Lagon-kingdom brave man over the venue and get him to drop it from there, but that's the last trump card for Lago to have to figure out how to use it.

I can't think about it and get into a war situation, Largo. There were multiple shadows that struck the flanks of narcotics-enhancing humans as they proceeded near the entrance and exit.

(─ Jamon's Automaton Squad!

Drug reinforced humans trying to fight back against automatons who have fallen behind while breaking down their institutions and hit them right away.

But he did not miss it, and the soldiers on his side cut it to the feet of the enemy one after the other, as the first Viscount instructed.

Drug-enhanced humans rolling with their voices up. Seems pretty tight.

A team of five or six Gemon automatons have something like a curved iron pipe in their hands that dares to hit the drug-fortified human body from next to next, and the blow of the cheap holy sword manages to prevent this.

"Who the hell are these people!" The voice of the jealous witch rings with the venue. "That's about it!

A reward for a fireball, even if it falls from the sky.

But as much as I bathed in the fireballs, Jamon's automaton is frightening. And while wearing a fireball, hitting a drug-fortifying human, the enemy runs away better. You think you're dumping the Automatons like pawns, drug enhancement humans, and you don't seem to want to explode without meaning.

But as the fireballs bathed in the body of the automaton also stuck with the lit coltar, there is no indication that it will ever subside. Especially the automaton in the body, which was hit near the gas cylinder, immediately jumps into the reservoir for extinguishing the fire itself and extinguishes it. And now we can't move freely, we're starting to eliminate the drug-enhancing humans. Apparently the Automatons are the toughest of all in this venue.

(─ Well, you just have to literally stop.

After realizing it, Largo finally orders Yumeika to activate the Footrest Squad of the Spirit. Enemy movements abruptly burst as defensemen and others with the ability to stain the disease used their abilities toward the legs of drug-fortified humans.

It improved so that the war situation could be seen differently, and near the entrance and exit almost stood in enemy control.

"Citizens flee now!

A soldier holding in screams. But the roaring witch's voice denies it.

"Let it be!

In the field, by the ability of the Most Spirit, a giant flamethrower fell from the sky on one of the drug-fortified humans who had been left pompous behind, apparently losing his temper to fight, jumping from his surroundings without enemy allies. Of course, we have a big explosion in seconds.

Then, the just trembling drug-fortified human resumed the fight through his bodily malaise - pain. But thanks to the Spirit, the enemy's movements have become quite dull, and the number of soldiers that have ever had to take many, many more, to strengthen the drug, has clearly decreased, and those that have been hurt or exhausted, can afford to turn backwards.

Even so, I also feel the threat of an explosion that I have witnessed, and it does not change that the stomach can be stabbed, but that it is in a struggle for one step at a time.

But the introduction of the Spirit, unfortunately, was too late to realize.

We've already begun to show fatigue, teasing soldiers through multiple defensive battles, and three drug-enhancing humans have arrived at the foot of the stage, right up to that point. The strong on our side, including the Viscount, are at the forefront. I stuck to the stage and didn't see how long it would take me to come up.

Above the stage, of course, Millin and Margaretta, who protect it, and Alessandro, guard intact and perfectly sticky.

But Largo, through his thousand eyes, felt Alessandro's impatience. That would be due to my current discomfort with my body.

As a lagon, I know Lago who has experience when he first moves. The discomfort with the fact that there are no swords where I tried to grab them, things that are not yet out of the sheath if done carefully, etc., are unconsciously slightly off the subtleties.

In the case of the lagon, it took a considerable amount of time to synchronize it with Margaretta's senses, due to the difference in stature at one turn and the difference between the body of the woman and that of the man.

If it hadn't been for the adjustments at Platoshire Yard, Mirin might not have been able to help either then.

Yes, the first time I wore armor as a lagon, I pulled out my sword and fought. At that time in the raid in the king's capital.

When I exchanged my sword with a drug enhancer, when I got the feeling of my body that I was slowly grasping, the body technique inherited from Margaretta was able to make full use of it.

Until then, you can't shake it, you're off target attack. It was a series of weird things like flying but out of center of gravity on the landing.

Alessandro feels the discomfort close to it. In his case, Gymon would be making it in conjunction with the original Alessandro to some extent, but even so, even the length and thickness of his fingers would not be the same in different dimensions. Lagons or parts of a slightly larger automaton must have been connected together and made into a burnt blade.

I would hope that Alessandromaton's body, if possible, will be able to cope adequately with such battles, combining the same agility as Lagon and its sturdiness.

The only salvation is that if you look at the Automaton squad's facial flashes, the old model using gas cylinders inside is a lot bigger in physique, and what seems to be available for Alessandromatons would be about the No. 12 = Lagon system.

Margaretta says.

"May His Highness never leave this place."

Alessandro also speaks out forcefully.

"Milin, I'll protect you!


One leaves Millin, and two pop out of the glass case. Alessandro ran out the back door, but Margaretta jumped straight out of the hole that was on top of the cylindrical case and stood on top of the case, two meters too high, on a thin glass wall. In a sense, it can be said that Margaretta's unique departure, a superman with a better sense of balance, is lighter than Shadow's.

Normally, he would have followed Millin and missed it outside the venue, but Margaretta was vigilant around him, including definitely over the sky. Are you worried about the flaming attack of the witch earlier?

Largo noticed then too, but not paying that one out of the sky now must mean he's thinking of other ways to kill Milin.

"Dear Margaretta, I will close the ceiling!

From the ground, Margaretta jumps off the wall of the case onto the stage as the man who had earlier moderated gives out a blue wand and screams.

When the MC man waves the blue wand and says something, something like a round lid rises from behind in the stage and closes over the glass case. This isn't glass, it looks like it's made of thin metal. I know it was prepared in rainy weather, but this reassures me for a moment against an attack from the sky.

(─ I see. It's called the loudspeaker system here, and you can use magic tools around it because this guy is a magician?

By the time they are ready, the enemy has reached the foot of the stage. Margaretta stuck in front of the glass case, pulling out a thin, thin sword that was on her hips, not the devil's twin spears she carried.

(144) Immortal Swordsman

Meanwhile, two human bombs easily jump up one after the other, such as on a stage of about two metres, without any foot pain or anything.

But Margaret couldn't have easily forgiven it. Using the cutting tip, cut the tendon of the foot, and with the belly of the knife to be returned, strike the mucus slightly. Drugs fortified humans who just don't attach to the stage, hit harder and fall to the ground.

There was a drug enhancer trying to jump over such a Margaretta dealing with the two of them and hit Millin.

But Alessandro interrupts in front of the case, and with every sword he pretends to put down, he crashes into a drug-enhancing human being. In an attempt to kill the momentum that jumped in, Automaton's full force propelled him into excess, and both drug-enhancing humans, the two of them rolled down to the ground.


Millin screams. Largo sounded like he felt a very distant distance from his brother that he never wanted to leave again.

But Milin's sad voice echoes unusually in Largo, who knows who Alessandro is.

(─ Of course, this automaton will not be revived in person unless you return safely to the Wang Capital.

Alessandro, who fell to the ground with him, jumped a drug-reinforced human falling like a covered scab, using his legs and using a bar throwing procedure.

A kicked up drug-fortifying human being, with the full force of an automaton, not thinking about adding or subtracting, flies to the front of the entrance gate where he came in, but was fortunate to barely land safely with that superhuman strength. If it had been a bad hit, it could have exploded in a state of incapacity.

It is said that only the three of us have advanced to the stage, that we have abandoned the two of them and pawned them, and that they have survived that battle and been attacked by Millin. You will definitely see that their physique seems to jump through and be sturdy among the drug enhancement humans, and they are quite a user.

To keep this guy away from me anymore, and this too, Alessandro fills in between at once at the full speed of the automaton. Of course, the enemy won't stop there. Swing your sword up again and kick the ground towards Alessandro.

Soon the distance between the two shrunk, and the sword and sword were superimposed with a high metal sound.

Alessandro, whose sense of power makes room for his behavior, should not have taken away the discomfort of subtly different body sizes.

Originally, Alessandro's strength was less than or equal to Yosel High, and his automatoned body is sturdy, but it shouldn't change until he can keep it alive. It becomes a collision of natural power and power, but Alessandro, who has been training for a long time as a swordsman, had a minute's advantage.

But during the antagonistic battle, Alessandro's sword reaches his opponent's steep point. Alessandro still couldn't control this body and its power. Narcotics enhancement humans who close their eyes with the notion.


The distance to the milin, to the stage is too close.

Alessandro tried to leave once, but I thought it would still involve the stage and explode, pushing it inside the entrance gate.

Big explosion with loud acoustics...

The distance from Alessandro was too close to make it possible to tie the line.

I didn't think the automaton of Gymon would break that easily, and sometimes I couldn't do it, and I didn't want to let my enemies know the secrets of the junction before there was one human bomb countermeasure.

Alessandro gets bounced off, rolls out to the field and stops.

With explosions and blasts at close range, Alessandro rose, despite being swept away, more than the drug-fortified man he'd thrown away earlier.

What surprises me more than anyone right now would be Alessandro himself, taking that explosion with him and not even hurting.

I'll check my body, but it's perfectly intact while I see all those explosions.

Only Millin and some audiences could see the whole thing.

"Alessandro! Are you..."

Millin screamed loudly. Because of the joy of being safe and the confusion that Alessandro is intact.

More than anyone else, Alessandro is the only reaction, if you know it, to a person who is vulnerable.

On the other hand, the citizens who learned of Alessandro's safety applauded him for saying, "That's Alessandro, the immortal swordsman."

Last year, a parade against the immortal Alessandro must have been heard in this land of Bokovo, where fame took place in the king's capital.

Now in Amphitheatre Field, the battle between dozens of swords is taking place at a backward pace.

He was a drug-fortifying human who didn't seem to show much fatigue due to his medicinal effects, but the ability of the Spirit made him handy.

Most of these soldiers waited for the evacuation of the citizens, but they couldn't stop, and they couldn't hide the colour of fatigue in the never-ending battle, but they were energized by Alessandro's good fight.

Now push. Push. Push. I thought the mood would make the war better, but the explosion inside the entrance gate made you think you couldn't hide, and suddenly, from behind the entrance gate, nearly 20 more new troops emerge.

All beasts.

Recently, Alessandro, who, despite being caught in the explosion of a human bomb, felt no injuries at all and no roughly painful pain, puzzles, yet throws himself into a new war against his enemies.

Equally perplexed, Millin had no words for just dropping off that Alessandro bravery.

Moreover, from among the newly popped beasts, two single large beasts flew out, shouting out and running out of the group.

"Margaretta, I'm ready Noda!

Each of the soldiers who surrounded the stage many times and were on guard was no longer exhausted. Through that siege, two beasts finally attack from the rear.

"Please here, Hanakaru, Beard.

Hearing the instructions given, Shadow Xu, who was supposed to be lurking, takes to the stage, leaving Margaretta to them to jump off.

Finally, Margaretta unleashed her demonic spear.

After I saw the explosion earlier. You don't think there's any guarantee that any of them are not bombed, even though they're beasts, Margaretta, who carefully pushes the opponent back off the stage.

From a thousand glances, the Beasts don't seem to have a bomb on them.

Margaretta won't lose with that much handiness, but if I could tell you, the battle must have been a lot fatigue.

Unfortunately, I don't have the means to tell Margaretta that right now.

(─ I'm sorry, Margaretta.

More than that, it was making noise on the stage.

The Shadows seem to be finally trying to get Millin off the stage, but now he says the case won't open.

"Moderator, the door won't open!

"That's not supposed to happen? Earlier, when Alessandro came out, it was supposed to be open normally."

That's the venue manager. I take a good look at this situation. With that said, the moderator runs up and tries to open the door, but it doesn't even seem frightening.

"There seems to be nothing abnormal about the door itself.

The colour of perplexity gradually spreads to the face of the host, who is exhausting his various hands.

"Sure - I won't open it! Funny, I don't think so."

"Your Highness, won't you open it from the inside?

They're getting locked from the inside, but Milin tries to do the trick that apparently she doesn't.

"No! I'm not even scared. It's not even locked.

This anomaly, neither Alessandro nor Margaretta seem to be able to afford to come back on stage very much.

This is all I have left. Largo also hurried out of the bottom of the stage, and as he took to the stage, Millin shouted in surprise.

"Largo! It's not safe here. Run quickly, no, hide somewhere!

(─ You can't do that.

But I try to physically knock on the door with my nails, but I don't even think the door is completely integrated with the case.


"No, there's nothing I can do about it with your nails.

Sure, even with Largo's claws, the doors are bare, not just glass walls or frightening. The only thing that scrapes is just the surface of the glass case, and the nails don't go in more than some depth.

Milin's perception of her nails was to that extent, but from behind, she looked at it with faces like, "This guy's got something pretty good."

(─ What's going on, I can't believe I can't break these nails!

If you spot that state with a thousand eyes, there's nothing about it, it's the physical junction.

I subtly overlap the case and the junction is stretched. Well, the witch can tie the line, too.

I remember what Gymon was saying when I visited Gymon's lab and asked him about the gas cylinder. "But no one can make an opinion of Lucy's strength or his face.

Think of it, I was the first one to be able to put a bond together when Yuscario taught me, 'Like Lucy, I wish I could control my power or create a bond. from the word'.

What Lucy can do would be to think that this witch can get out, too.

Just from Largo, it's a lot of tension, partly outside the case, or through a thick glass case, where the junction holds the case and the door in place, like a wedge.

Like Largo, on the surface, or inside of it, I wonder if you can't do the finesse of subtly sticking it.

If you look at this sloppy way of tension, the more the witch's ability to tie the line is questioned. That means Largo should probably be able to destroy this junction.

Just like Satan's junction at Demon King's Castle, it's a perfect way to put the same form of junction on this junction and inflate it. If this fixed junction is weaker than Largo's, it must start flying.

But if we break this like we broke Satan's junction at Demon King Castle, we'll crack the glass case together. If we put this junction on the inside of the case, and if we take Millin out of there, it will be exposed that there are also people here who are capable of breaking or tensioning the junction. If the enemy can choose between a flaming attack and a physical attack like a magic gun, the latter is, of course, easier for Largo. Even if you try to tie the line to Millin and let him escape, you better not give him information that this one will tie the line beforehand, because the heat of the fallen flames could hurt Millin.

(145) Wizard transformed into a cold-blooded beast with modification

Millin was trapped in a glass case. Witches also had the ability to tie the line.

(─ But if we don't destroy our enemies, we won't be safe anywhere. If you can't get out right now, let's go further outside the Witch's Boundary and keep a strong Boundary.

Until Lagon finally comes out to help, we need to keep our defensive abilities by the junction, which is our last hand. Above the enemy's boundaries, if you just double-cross the boundaries, their existence should not be noticed unless you are also a thousand-eyed user there.

If you can see that, even if you are going to use it secretly until now, it will be well known. Until the critical moment, the only way to protect it here, Largo decides to be ready.

(─ Millin, be patient in here for a moment.

The moderator seems to have run to get some tools, but it won't be worth it. The two Shadow Bullions also seem to have consolidated their determination to protect Millin in this state.

Largo gets out in front of the glass case on the stage and puts up a thousand eyed antenna in all directions, but of course there's still no sign of a witch nearby.

Possibilities would be, just like Astleto, fixing the transfer gate over the sky, entering and exiting the moment from another place there and letting the flames go.

Before, Jamon said, "That witch is good at using flames and freely manipulating heat. 'I recall he said,' but this time he is said to be bringing out even more secret weapons.

At that time Yume informed me that a drug warrior being held up at the exit of the audience was about to blow himself up.

"If you think it's been weird since just now, the whole drug-fortifying human thing is about to hurt itself by giving up on the automaton you're holding back. The soldier I noticed is stopping me, but I won't hold it.

"What, guys, stop the fleeing citizens.

Instead of vampires, the Gemon Automatons were pushing their legs against each other, holding back drug-enhancing humans.

Needless to say, Hanako, who was guiding citizens to kill at the entrance and exit on the scene, is pushing back the pushing audience.

Still, when the distance to the citizens was too close, sticking a gluca knife to their own bodies, the soldiers just escaped, too.

(─ Now)

Wrap soldiers and the citizens around them in a bond. I'm sorry, but for the first moment of the explosion, the glitch is flying, only while everyone is closing their eyes.

The big explosion that happens again, near the entrance and exit, there will be no traces. As a result, the heavenly dispensation or the power of the explosion did not depend on the audience, but succeeded in making it look like it had just completely destroyed the entrance and exit -.

But now there is no longer an escape route, and discouragement and confusion spreads among the citizens.

Neither does Largo see a way to miss the citizens without using the abilities of the Demons. For one thing, I'm even thinking about blowing up a part of Amphiciata's audience with a drug booster human bomb and connecting it outside.

In that case, it's a call from Jamon. You don't have to check this beating. I can tell it's Jamon. The last time I was called, I asked for some calls in the same pattern.

Though there is distance, I exposed myself to Largo earlier in front of the crowd, worried about responding or not in this state, but at last it is the thought of dealing with a human bomb, in an octagonal battle situation, both here and in straw.

On this occasion, if he is inside this venue, he may have something to propose.

Upon confirmation, Jamon was near the two wizards who lay with No. 14, who were not fit for battle.

Put an information concealment junction around your mouth and be careful not to let the voices you speak out leak. It's not just Milin, it's even Shadowy.

"Mr. Gymon, what's wrong?

Even if we do this far, there's nothing we can do about it, just that we're hearing this voice around him.

"Lagon. Me coming to the signing ceremony right now, I don't know if Yu or Largo are here, but my fellow wizards say so. Anything. I've seen Largo before, but he's so different."

"It's not different! That figure is definitely my master, Lago!

From behind, Pespectiva, lying in the audience on the bench, is desperate to argue. I don't remember making him a disciple, but I have face-to-face knowledge with him, so I can't deceive him if he sees me at this distance.

"Shut up and do it, I'm talking to you, kid. Stop fooling around. Pez's bonbong.

Thanks, I feel like Jamon is my brother, or that I know Jamon, who is the parent of James Spectiva.

Listening to him, I have the impression that it was Pespectiva who grew up in the old familiar house of Gymon.

"No, I'm pretty sure Largo... Is that the lizard voice on the stage?

(─ Uh, we've traveled together, even Gasparn.

"Yes, yes, I get it. I'm Largo. So, what's going on? Mr. Pespectiva."

"Again, did Master Largo come and do it? It's been awhile. You were definitely the one who helped us earlier. Thank you. Now, with Master Largo's help, this difficulty can be solved immediately.

What Pespectiva told me about the shawl was the suggestion that instead of wrapping the protector in the junction, we should wrap the dangerous material.

"That means that what Mr. Pespectiva says is that if you wrap all the implanted bombs around any tangle in your body, there will be no damage around you, even if you stab them more and more often and a human bomb explodes. By wrapping it in a junction, if it doesn't explode even after stabbing a stomach, it's just like a drug-enhancing human being. So you're saying.

"That's Largo Dominion Master, quick to understand out of your eyes into your nose. This is exactly what you said about your immediate excellence, unlike the old body of Mount Sieba.

(─ Why didn't you notice that?

Originally, all narcotics enhancement human numbers and positions are held back, you just need to keep a clear view of the bomb in turn and carefully tie the line.

Apart from being in battle and moving around and being numerous, I see no obstacle to bridging.

"Done. Jamon, tell Pespectiva and let everyone know later."

"Let me leave that to you, Master Dominion. Even though I don't know it, please forgive me for being with you for a long time and only greeting you as a toy animal. Also, you've helped me this time, and - no, you've helped me this time, I really appreciate it.

This voice is Gasparn. Some of the words this time may be referring to the case of half-fishers and bananas, but that would be mutual.

"No, I'm sorry that this is the one who faked who I am. But I'm such an unreliable lizard.

"You said nothing, from your side to deceive the enemy. I know that much. Then I'm glad you don't have to worry about beating me up.

"Yes, fully!

"Then please keep up the good work about Your Highness.

Why is Millin's story coming out here? Because he can't move, and Largo is by Milin, I don't know if it's Hayahusa, but I feel like I put it differently.

Soon Gasparn's voice echoes into the venue. Apparently, the wand you have can serve as a loudspeaker. A clever wizard.

"Gentlemen of the soldiers, it's Gasparn. Now our fellow Great Wizard has set the line on all the bombs. Stab them in the face long enough.

"Thanks! Guys, you heard me, I don't need to be shy anymore!

This is what happened to Viscount Cyber, who flew his neck simultaneously with a final amputation of two drug-fortified humans who were swording together. At that moment both bodies are paralyzed with bicun once their bodies are large. The bomb in my body exploded.

Even though Viscount Cyber, it's just a sigh of relief. You seem pretty tired of shrinking nerves in previous fights.

Almost at the same time, Margaretta also holds one beast man. I hope you realize, like a human bomb, that you don't get cramps and realize that the beast man doesn't have a bomb implanted in him.

I don't see any fatigue in Margaretta, but this one was just as a helper knife, and a few new beastmen were rushing to reinforce me right away.

"Bounded by a bomb? What wizard are you talking about? Yeah, for a while, you guys, keep your mouths shut!

When I thought I heard that voice, no lightning came from the clouds, purple rays were let by the Gasparns wizards.

Gasparn and Pespectiva are then transformed into cold-blooded beasts, similar to crocodiles and iguanas, respectively.

Citizens who were around raised their voices of surprise, and even from the stage they could see how it was, and Milin was waving her head at its terrible power.

"As I saw in the story. She's a terrible witch."

Does a story mean the one that turns a prince into a frog or a swan with a curse?

Jamon stays put for some reason. I could only seem to have a conversation in a language that people don't understand, but I found Largo complaining.

"â €œâ € â €œâ € (what the hell).

"διλιι ρ ± Δ ÷ ÷ (Good shame. That guy, just don't).

"Really, you're doing a hell of a job.

"Gà ¢Â ¢MOà ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â ¢Â  ¢Â  ¢Â  ¢Â   ¢Â                   Oh, well, your lord...

I wonder why their conversation isn't as gloomy as it feels from Millin.

But that didn't stop the witch's anger.

(146) The Witch and the Super Monster Behemoth descend with modification

"It's already a last resort if this happens! Come on, Moss!

If it's an acoustic facility for microphones and speakers, a loud voice sounds all over the venue, with howling likely in. At the same time, the clouds that were above swirl, and a great shadow descends from its center.

(─ What is this?

Besides, that comes down from the clouds, as if on an elevator. Finally, Las Boss is here.

Along with the sounds of the landing, the giant monster known as Behemoth stepped down.

Those who have long noses are not elephants when it comes to elephants, they resemble kaba, but they are not. Dare I say, a monster of such magnitude that it occupies roughly a quarter of this venue, comparable to an elephant and a kabba, but also to that Leviathan.

(─ But weren't there any elephants or giraffes?

Not if you're complaining about that.

Moreover, he carries a single woman, one hand at a time, with a great sword that rises slightly, and a wand held by a wizard, on top of it, presumably a head.

The woman herself carried a tremendous amount of magic, even from a horrible bracelet that was attached to her left arm.

(─ Definitely! That's Aladia the Witch.

Behemoth sweeps up the soldiers and a dozen mafias looking up at the monsters that have stepped down with their long noses, regardless of their enemies or allies.

And there was no exchange, and the brooms were scattered like dead leaves.


"Oh, the witch is angry."

Margaretta and I were crossing swords, a mafia boss-like beast man shouts a frightened voice.

For a mafia, a witch may be considered to be something like a mastermind, not a caution stick. It's no longer a mafia, but a world of Unitota. It had become a witch's grudge and a struggle against the royal family of the kingdom.

And the monster, from where he wanted to get off, now starts walking towards the stage.

Drug-enhanced humans and soldiers fleeing not to be trampled on by that huge foot.

This is not a level that mankind can fathom, no matter how much. If you think so, you are the first Largo to feel that you are a demon and not a human being, as you are very thankful.

The entrance and exit have already been blocked, and the remaining citizens will probably still have more than 60% of the original? If you look at the rash on your face, most solid adults will have an old woman or a certain social position, albeit some young children, even though they have begun to be discerned.

In the eyes of all of them, this enormous monster was reflected, and the colour of unseen despair floated in its face.

It came down from the clouds because it was so immensely violent.

Its magnitude, its presence alone, is the fierce force of vicious power that everyone is forced to submit to.

To that tyrannical appearance, everyone who ever fought mightily - regardless of enemies or allies - had to admire and stare.

Trembling or even groaning at the presence of overwhelming power. I slipped my hips while standing, just equal to that situation.

Even Largo can only hold his breath and blink at its presence, which is more gigantic and vicious than the Titans.

And at the end of Largo's gaze was the head of the enemy, who finally showed himself.

But it is not the man on the kingdom's side who is watching over that with a stronger possibility. of the mafia, but also the reaction of the Beastmen executives is more intense.

In preparation for this signing ceremony, if you think about it, this witch has produced a holy sword that breaks down the demonic clan and a new magic gun that breaks the line that might be tensioned, bringing out a fiery, manipulative sword that is said to be outrageous, even if it modifies a drug-reinforced human being so tough that even a man standing there on his arm will not be his opponent, into a mortal bomb and let the Gasparns wizard speak.

Plus, as the last trump card, I was hiding these monsters. Not so much. He wants to cut off this marking ceremonial overturning. No, he wants to cut off Millin's annihilation in public view. How much resentment on earth do you have?

What Largo knows is that this witch was the prime minister raised from her predecessors' king doctors in the kingdom, and after that, knowing repeatedly that there were no signs that True King's sister could inherit the throne, using her marriage to Sir Leold as bait to force her hand to the throne to become the predecessors' king of the Yang and to set aside the rules of the Holy Springs, the power of the nation follows a path of apoptosis.

Furthermore, the Church's aid refused, contradicting the quote and letting the king have a child. It was also a matter of failure, finally driving him to self-harm, during which time the reign of the country was greatly disrupted, and the life of the people was in chaos.

Witches buy more grievances from the kingdom, or from royals and subordinates, and there seems to be little connection between the kingdom and this one.

Still, what is the resentment that swirls over the psychological surface of this woman? dissatisfaction that my desires were not met.


{Even Ioan, a pub testant, has beheaded and proceeded to achieve my ambition...}

It's full of my obsessive thoughts for no reason.

Buell, who was watching with me, talks to me.

"I see. That was, indeed, a witch named Aradia, who was the prime minister of the diaspora.

"Does Buell know?

"Of course. When this Buell was summoned by the Demon King, it was still a time when that thing, as prime minister, had given him a wide margin in the kingdom.

"You know something?

"Well, he was the culprit who laid down bad government and decayed the country to give whatever he wanted to the king at the time. At the time, while the national territory fell apart, I didn't even want such a country back then.

"Right, how could he resent the kingdom so much?

"Didn't it all go the way I wanted, around the one?

"With that? You're going this far?

"My lord, did you know that Astleto was summoned long after this Buell, and that he has not seen his face, but that Astleto 'is supposed to know the past and the future and to be familiar with all disciplines, teaching the knowledge hidden in those who summoned him'? I have plenty of that knowledge. I was talking to him one day and he taught me that in the past, he had been married as the wife of a man because it was disastrous that she was too self-sufficient for a wizard. The name was Herodias at that time, trying to force the husband to have a country, and it didn't seem to work. Moreover, because that woman, that marriage, received criticism from a famous saint, imprisoned that saint and finally decapitated her, which also seemed to be in Astleto's memory as a rare evil girl. She's such a woman, so I wonder if she'll even get this far around him.

"I wonder why such a thing came to be criticized by a saint, you know what?

"Apparently, the man you married was already in a marital relationship with another woman, or you had a husband yourself, the so-called plundered marriage.

I don't know much about it, but the story is somewhat similar to that of the predecessor Queen Yang, who took away Sir Leold, who was the pardon of His Majesty the True King. Just as Largo wanted to help a bipedal snake baby, he put his shoulder in a similarly situated predecessor queen, or maybe through a predecessor queen, he wanted to realize his unfulfilled ambitions. I also feel like I know what it feels like, but it was witch selfishness and Largo's thoughts on bipedal snakes were a help to people. From the information I have now, I don't even see any room for a witch to have an affidavit.

But no, it seemed to me that Millin's neck was only rolling away from her torso and over a silver basin in the future painted by a grudging witch.

(─ This guy is uglier and more dangerous than any guy I've ever met!

The object of that fear, the grudging witch, had a grin that she thought she had already won, and looked down at Millin trapped in the glass case.

From now on, the prey is pierced by beasts who nod their tongues with the confidence that they can cook in any way they want. This cut the trump card, it would be the nature of the witch.

I think Largo has more horrible sexual roots than the great monster in front of him, the little woman who rode on top of it, not as conspicuous as the decorations.

And Largo was overwhelmed by that mass of resentment. Even in the memory of my previous life, I would never have confronted such paranoia.

Yes, that's what this woman deserves. If you ask Largo to tell you exactly, you can even think of her as a paranoid witch.

When the witch stopped Behemoth from walking, eventually all the movement and sound of the venue stopped.

Everyone was stifling their bodies and holding their silent breath before an overwhelming force of enemies that wouldn't even wake Viscount Cyber or Margaretta up to speak up and go towards them.

Everything on the spot can only look up to its enormity.

The truth would be that if he turned his attention to himself, he would still be unable to move poorly, even though he would have full chest anxiety about what the hell to do.

Inside the venue, where there was no longer any movement, the silence followed where only Behemoth's exhaling breath could be heard.

A few centimetres of weed could even hear the wind swinging, utterly silent...

But then, while no one moved and no one spoke, the voice of the boy, still small, echoed the venue.

"Hey, kingdom brave, what about dragon jars?

What children seem to hold dear to their breasts is a heroic book made up by Buell.

Perhaps the child must be one of the children who listened to Yume's readings in the square this morning and got me the book "Brave Men's Squad Dragon Jar".

There was a pure obsession there that believed and did not doubt the existence of a powerful thing that would not abandon what would go the straight path of openness and justice, said to be an ally of justice in the world.

The adults around him, silent, rush to block the child's mouth. I was just wondering what I would do if that word of a child touched that enormous scale of malice.

But when I heard it, Largo finally returned it to me. More than Behemoth's anomaly, he was overwhelmed by the witch's less black ambitions, as if he woke up suddenly from a state of self-loss.

(─ Yes, now is the time for Lagon's, no, kingdom brave men.

(147) With Defeat Amendment for Kingdom Brave

In order to defeat Moss, who appeared with the witch, Lago finally makes an appearance of the Lagon-Kingdom Brave.

Hayami, can we go?

"Waiting all the way up there. Lord."

Lagon, who had already waited, had placed his physical boundaries on top of wearing armor and had been caught by Hayami over the venue.

Finally, it is the departure of the kingdom's brave men.

In a natural fall, he landed next to Largo, who is on stage.

"Dear Kingdom Brave!

To Millin, who was leaning towards despair, he returned to energy at best, and Hanakage and Beard, who were in front of the case, gave up their seats in the lead, turning beside the glass case, both since the raid by His Highness.

Largo, who was at the edge critical in front of the stage, remained at the feet of the kingdom brave, somewhat off-center.

I would have liked to have Green, Blue played by Quorre or Crenai and the three of us appeared with Forrest, Marine, but unfortunately, under all this spreading of holy water, we are not going to put them on the line.

Already this one, but it's also a great idea to be able to tie the line. The appearance of the Kingdom Brave is no longer in the state of showing all the hands of this last trump card.

If you can't deal with someone with this, you just have to take Millin and get away with the SS at a glance. ─ ─ but in that case, where do you mean to flee?

The only way to survive is to defeat these people here, in Largo and in the kingdom.

"Lightning Sword/Lightning Blade!

When I asked Dwarf's Mesopota to build me a weapon for Cross, it was a spotlighting, kingdom brave version that I secretly had made into this mock-up sword with an additional order.

It was not quite the turn of the kingdom brave during the trip, and it was finally the first release in Japan.


"This guy, where did he come from!

The lightning sword unleashed hit Behemoth and those beneath his face, but it could not be fatal. The enemy is too big and only a fraction of it can be targeted.

But unlike the main lightning sword, this spotlightning can be released as many times as the magic of Largo continues.

Angry Behemoth breathed a breath of great momentum into Lagon. The blisters also fly in, probably letting them contain holy water.

To much momentum, Largo was about to be skipped too, but he put his nails on the stage and pulled himself back to do it so that he could do it, in fact, tie the line with the Lagon.

It is the shadow beacons who forgot. The two light-hearted men, just like a paper blizzard, were also knocked out of consciousness by a rear yard.

I want to run Naomi, but there are already as many splashes of holy water around here as there were earlier, and both bodies are full of holy water.

(─ There seems to be nothing else in life, let's have patience. Sorry!)

First, let's shut this great monster up. The confrontation with the witch follows.

But I can't aim it from a stage of about two meters. You need to attack your head from the top in order to hold back.

"High Jump & Writing Blade! Continuous hitting!"

Jump and slap the lightin blade from the top. One hit, but later it started back. Again.

Jumped. When this one sets up, the witch puts up a partial junction. If you put the junction across, it would be because you can't attack from Behemoth.

In other words, they will be defended because they will stand. Now swing big, jump.

"Shrimp High Jump Writing Blade!

If I could only see the cutting edge of the sword at the moment of firing, I would never have been defended. The Witch's kingdom landed on Bethemos in time.

─ ─ But it was definitely a good idea, but this one doesn't mean the enemy's attack can't be sent. At the moment of one shot, he was blown to the nose of Behemoth.

As it is, I didn't know how far I would fly, so I create my own boundaries in the direction of being immediately flown. I bumped into him as much as I wanted, but he couldn't leave 50 meters and flip.

(─ Yes. You don't have to go out of your way to jump or anything, you just have to make an affordable height table in the junction to attack.

Moving around with it as a foundation and attacking more and more, looking with a thousand eyes at the junction made convex higher than Behemoth.

This can also be defended in a witch-side junction if the aim is seen through, so while moving around, it also causes Hayami to use his abilities from above and rotate his body at high speeds.

It can only be achieved with the body of an automaton without a triple tube and the body technique of a superhuman Margaretta.

"Fast spinning/lightin blade disturbance hit!

Angry with repeated attacks, Moss waves his nose, a long and powerful weapon, full of strength to resist.

I just shook it up. From Moss' nose tip, I drilled a hole three times in a row towards the roots. He growls painfully and wields his head.


But now, just a small hole all over Behemoth's body doesn't even make it a big stop. Of course it's a far cry from defeating.

Plus, it's too big to know where they think it's a steeple.

If you crush your eyes, it will be as this one thinks it is to some extent, but rambling like crazy will also hinder the safety of the audience. The first thing you need to do is make it immobile.

Turning the maneuver, Lagon descends to the ground and runs into the middle of Behemoth's four legs. Completely enemy sight.

And he punches in like a machine gun as he turns the continuously fired lighting blade to subtly tremble.

"Writinblade! Tornado hitting!

In an attempt to trample the lagon on the ground, Moss' feet were struck out in turn, as he raised his forelegs and nearly rammed.


Out of balance, the giant leaned, and I was finally able to stop that movement. Now if you can't make any more moves, you can't attack.

Insert the sword into one eye and tap into the maximum output, at the base of the nose on the last finish.

"Writinblade Maximum!!"

Perhaps an intense electrical shock should have been transmitted through the optic nerve to the small brain in the head, as well as to another brain that would be in the body.

A witch who goes down to the ground without even groaning, from a behemoth who slams her knees. I'm no longer breathing.

"I did it -!" "Bravo!

The soldiers on my side are cheering me and the citizens are applauding me. Of course Millin is thrilled.

Lagon pulled his sword out of Behemoth's eyes, fearing a direct attack from the witch, and flew over the stage and in front of Millin's glass case. But it would still be quick to break the line between this case and the witch.

Finally, to the mastermind of the enemy who appeared in front of him, Lagon asks by name.

"Alatya the Witch, you're the mastermind of the mafia!

Who the hell are you? You're the one who's been interrupting all my plans! -What about the sword and armor?

It was the armor that the witch noticed. Let's just name it.

"I am the brave man of the kingdom, Thunder..."

"O brave man of the kingdom! Legendary brave men who, when you attacked me in the king's capital, did not leave me alone.

To this point, Milin, who has been watching what happens in silence for so long, suddenly cuts the weir off, and doesn't even let Lagon say '─ call me'.

"I see, there were still hidden balls like you. ─ ─ That voice doesn't sound like a eucalyptus.

Were you still paranoid about that? I want to do all the seeding in front of the public, but let me tell you something because it doesn't even seem like such a slow thing.

More than that, there's something I'd like to follow.

"Your real name would be Herodias! Thousands of years ago, not only did I behead Ioan the Pubtestant, who admonished your shameful plunder marriage, but I subverted him by instigating an earlier king to recreate his treacherous marriage, tormenting many king citizens over the years. Even so, the sin of using the mafia to discredit the kingdom is unforgivable for the resentment that the plan did not achieve. Repent your sins and go to hell on this occasion.

After hearing the words, Aradia the witch turned bright red and behaved suspiciously.

Around, not only the soldiers, but even the Mafia beasts, "Ioan the Pubtestant," and "Herodias? Largo found out she was whispering," You're a rare bad girl. "I see, Largo did not know, but was the notoriety of a woman named Herodias so blasted?

"How dare you embarrass me red! All right, you'll be a demon, too! You know what this is? It is a blazing sword with Sopia, the wisdom angel who guards its eastern entrance in order to preserve the paradise of God. With this sacred flame, you demon things, return to ashes and smoke!

Looks like it was this guy's black history I don't want him to know about. Even bigger fireballs than we've ever seen are struck out of flaming swords one after another. And without a cut, he flew towards the kingdom brave.

Behind you is Millin's trapped glass case. If this indelible flame clings to the case, the milin inside is steamed.

The legendary Sacred Sword is a forged sword, but Largo's bond was stretched, so he chopped off one fireball after the other that attacked him.

It became a razor sword. It was sharper than any sword, and even if it were a fireball, it went all in two as if it had been cut watermelon with a knife.

But the fireball, even if divided into two parts, is entangled in the sword of the kingdom brave, or stuck in the armor of the brave.

"Huh? This!

"Ah, haha, that took. The flames of God burn all that is on their way to the end."

But with such a thing, Jamon's automaton is not even frightening.

Still, more and more fireballs are unleashed, without even flaking, no more and more numerous than before. That's when Largo realizes.


It was too late when I thought it was gone. Something called junction can't defend heat.

Of course, it's not what happens to the automaton made by Jamon with the heat of the flames, but the bad news is something else wrapped up in that junction.

The legendary sword with a flame all over it, at its high temperature, the surface of the bronze with the low material melting point of the sword, housed within the junction, had already melted in drool.

(─ Bad, copper accumulates in the form of junctions)

I broke the line. At the same time, the armor of the legendary brave man burns all at once and turns black, gradually becoming white ash and collapsing. Leather, which had already been heated to its limits, was burned up with air by the unwinding of the junction.

As has already been verified, the flames have no effect at all on the automatons made by Giemon and cannot even bake a single hair, but from where the full-face mets disappeared because of it, the faces of brave men who did not even burn were revealed.


The first thing I noticed was Orton watching that fight from the audience.

When Tao heard the voice, Viscount Cyber shouted at the kingdom brave with a surprised look.

"Lagon, Lord..."

"Was the Kingdom Brave a Lagon!

From inside the glass case in the back, no face has been seen, but Millin speaks.

"Lagon, did you give me a dragon jar book in the city?

"It's okay, Millin. I will protect you.

When I tried to say 'I'll give it to you', I suddenly almost stopped breathing, Largo darkening in front of me.

Left in the flames unleashed by the witch, Lagon is at the forefront and falls to the stage.

To be pushed by it, Largo fell toward the ground two meters below, with his head obscured.

"King Brave, even Largo! What's wrong with you!

Millin's voice sounds unusually far away.

(─ What's going on, this body? Am I a demon after all?

Even though Buell used to say that the Demons had flame tolerance, is this flame still not a normal flame?

The wizards also said this was' a flame emanating from the sword of the wisdom angel guarding the east of Eden '. I mean, it's a holy flame.

Does it gradually erode one's body, which is a demonic people, even if it holds the line to shrink the repellence of holy water?

I remember the words Euskalio called me the day I was just born, the day I decided to wake up and be a pet in the King's Capital.

'Were you okay? Drink the holy water of the Ganima Springs, which is to burn itself to the ground for the Demons.

Pespectiva said in the pit.

"I discovered you with a great pulse, and I called you here.

When Krasabi discovered herself...

"What are you talking about? The Lord was the only demon that came out of that castle.

Even though it was the first time I had seen Tayuma in Yapan, I found that she was not a lizard for free.

'I will not speak just lizards, nor will I obey the Holy Spirit. Not to mention that you are accustomed to even having demonic bugs, and that you are housed in a path (tao)...'

And myself, whose boundaries were stretched, whose scripts were readable, whose pulses were free to move, who could fly through the sky, and who had the ability of a thousand eyes.

Is that why you cannot resist the flames of God?

At the very least, the destruction of the junction that surrounds Millin... no. I can't help it. No, all my stretched ties disappear.

Though I have to get up here. Even though we have to work hard here.

Sorry, Millin.


With psycholeptic communications, Largo's consciousness was interrupted while the voices of crunchy and mites rang far.

Anekdot 147 Demonic Mitsu Birth Secrets With Fix

Mitsu was at Demon King Castle, Kamar, who sucked blood when Dora, the dragon man, was cuddling with the Demon King.

I needed blood to lay eggs. Mitsu, who sucked Dragon Man's blood, loses his mind after an amazing magic influx into his body.

The consciousness is returning, and in the hazy, Mitsu realizes that he is being put to sleep in the place where the two of them have held each other until now.

"It looks just like Dora everywhere I look except where my belly is swollen.

"Right. It's like you're looking at yourself, but... I don't like it. I guess when I get pregnant too, I get this kind of body.

"The Shikako one, despite Kamar's body, is full of breathing Dora's blood to survive.

"No, if you'd just let it go like that, magic would have exploded in your body and you'd be dead. This is how you live because you turn into a demonic woman on a whim.

"Nevertheless, it is astonishing to be alive by inhaling Dragon Man's blood. Sometimes Kamal wonders how many children he will have.

"Right. It may vary from one species to another, but it is said that about 100 more will be delivered by the sperm of males already housed in the body.

"Will those 200 be born with the same power of this female?

"That would be amazing. Isn't it enough to create an army of demon kings in one place?

"It's arguably a shortage of numbers to make it into an army, but if you do have all this magic, it's comparable to 13 wins. That would be interesting if there were 100 of them.

"It's just that not every child born has the same magic. That's right. That child is sucking my blood, so while she is egg raw, she will also be able to breastfeed if she looks like this. Why don't you give this daughter's breasts the ability to convert magic with your power? That way, anything born and breastfed from this daughter should be able to wake up like our children and exert their natural power.

"That's right. It seems difficult, but let's try it.

In a hazy consciousness, listening to such a story, he was still unable to move freely, and many times he poured a different feeling from the hands of the Demon King into the area around Mitsu's chest.

Mitsu tells the story later, but the Demon King's Castle at the time could not work 24 hours a day because there was only human underwork that had been taken, and because it was inefficient to beat the devil to death if he pissed him off, etc., the demon workforce was required.

Because of their magic consumption and time limitations, the demons of use became faithful servants in place of this, and they wanted to perform rituals of demonic conversion on creatures that would also be (with a lot of magic retention territory) and create a number of them, but they could hardly (and the Undeine tribe was also the subject of that experiment) come across good material.

At one point, as part of a plan to increase his companionship, Galenos the Demon King succeeded in recalling a demon named Cloning.

A demon with the ability to produce 100 clones from a single demon clan, but its life span is short for a week, and its ability can only be used once.

"Dear Sir. Sounds like you're obsessed with her tits.

"Say what. I thought you told me to do it. Besides, she looks just like this girl Dora.

"I'm still jealous. Same thing later. Just do the same to me, too.

"You know this isn't what you're doing. I'll touch you more lovingly.

"By the way, you. What happened to cloning?

"No, no. I haven't decided anything yet. But like you said, it would be nice if all the fine warriors were born from this girl, but if there was a falling out, it would also be lacking in working downstairs.

"Then why don't you just add more of that daughter.

"I see. I don't know what kind of child you're going to have. If it's the same 100, does that mean 100 exactly the same as this girl would be more thankful?

"No, you don't. If you let this pregnant daughter have another 100 and 100 children at a time, you will have 10,000 demons. Even with somewhat irregular abilities, if that's all the Demon Nation can do, you can have a true Demon King's army. All you have to do is take control of this country for my child, who will be born now with it.

"A whole human country? Funny. None of the demons who did that would have done it before. That's funny, Dora.

Thus Galenos the Demon King was reborn Mitsu, who absorbed the blood of Largo's mother, as the Demonic Whipley.

Then, while still pregnant, she made 100 clones of mites to have children (the next generation, inertia), and 10,000 kamar wipleys were born, but not a single high-performance wipley like mites.

That was due to the fact that cloning used 100 unfertilized sperm stored in the body as clones' lungs. Though 100 mites were born as demons with similar figures in cloning techniques, clones made from cells that did not have mites' DNA could not withstand their magic retention abilities and perished all at the same time as childbirth.

Whipley, the first to receive milk from the mites at birth, was said to have the natural power of awakening Whipley.

But there are 10,000 wipleys who have lost their biological mother. No matter how much Mitsu's magic retention, she can't milk all her newborns.

I put the babies waiting to be feathered as blubber in some pots, and in that pot the mites squeezed their milk every day, but the amount decreases little by little.

If the quantity of milk was small, the whole pot would not be cut off, and there would be a difference in awakening, but the quantity of milk could not be produced in all 10,000 units.

I saw that I couldn't get a drop out of the last pot, and on several occasions Dora shared her own blood and saliva with me.

Lost enough milk, many Whipleys are said to be unable, the birth of the Convenience Store Demon Clan.

Before awakening, he left the traits of receiving dragon man's blood on his body as a result of the crass rust, and had a nature sprouted by his power, which also produced peculiarities that were irregular in his ability.

But there's nothing to know about Dora's blood.

(148) Cross battlefield modified

After his special training with Mitsu, Cross returned to the royal castle, the more he thought about it, the less he could stay or stand.

(Mitsu is ready to smash balls)

But Cross's mission is to guard the True King. Just before the signing ceremony, there was a circular for everyone but Bokovo, from Largo to the rest of the group, including Cross and Ronoway, to Natsumi in Astleto and Taduka.

"This time, the Mafia doesn't know where they're going. Don't leave each person's quarters. The rest of the group shall take the king's capital, and the cross shall not depart from the true king. This doesn't change if we, the members fighting in Bokovo, are in dangerous condition.

Lord, Largo's orders are absolute to the Crosses. This doesn't change anything about summoning demons or 13 generals either.

But the other person is a witch. The Mafia's troops under its command said they have prepared countermeasures that envisage the Demon Nation again, up to the means of a despicable human bomb. Besides, enemies who know their palms are scattered this way because of troubles since last night are even afraid to roll out their backs.

But as Largo put it, as the giants went for the king's capital, and warships shelled the port of Moritz, when and by other means, there is not necessarily no new fireman going up against the king's capital or the true king. I couldn't protect His Majesty the True King then. Then Cross can't fulfill the responsibility of keeping this place. And I don't just want to see the consequences of losing my people for that.

Cross is troubling. Is there any way to use SS One's fraudulent abilities to get to Bokovo myself? I wonder if there is any way to help the Lord's, Mitsu's, and everyone who is fighting.

Lago, who swore that Mitsu was their biological parent, or their parents, and that they would defend themselves with their own souls, and his companion, Krasabi, who lifted themselves to the spot where this day falls, to Bokovo, are also fighting with their lives at stake.

(His Majesty the True King also protects, and yet we all have no way to help?

Cross took out a cellular Astleto user demon that was given to him by Astleto for a time of need.


"What's the matter, Cross, you miss me already, give me a little means of communication, this is why women are so bad"

"Please return to the King's Capital immediately. Holy look is GOOD!

"What, exactly?

I feel that Astleto is often referred to as the way he cares more about Astleto after he has beaten himself very much.

It's strange to watch as if a young teenager creates a fait accompli that two people are a couple by pretending that they don't care even though they actually care about the woman under their nose and, conversely, overlapping words and actions that the other person cares about them.

(Is it also Lorikon's temper, such as the habit of a good old man and his suspicion of me looking like an appearance girl?

And offered to see His Majesty the True King. Crosses can no longer be worshipped without offering to look at them, but these offers are important for meals.

"Sire True King, I really need you to go.

"What's the matter, Cross, by now in the middle of a signing ceremony in Bokovo, even though it's now or now time to wait for the news of its successful conclusion to be brought about by Ghunkandri.

"It seems like that mess is probably a lot going on right now.

"What the hell! Is that information from His Majesty the King Brave?

"No, I have my own information: - Your Majesty, gather all the Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow Shadow to come and defend yourself with a few more soldiers. Of course I will always protect you, Your Majesty.

"But how..."

"Let us use God's way. There is God's way, opened in the battle against the giants ahead, although we cannot annoy God's hand in the original dispute between men. Let me use this.

"Are you sure?

"But I won't tell you this on the church side.

Come on, True King's trip has been decided. Cross will never be a workplace waiver because he will only accompany this.

Shortly afterwards, Astleto, who used to follow, turned into the figure of Ishtal God, said, "The way of God? Appear to open."

To its divine appearance, including His Majesty the True King, the gathered shadow beacons and hard-mouthed Kingsguards kneel in prayer.

"When you see the divine depths in a man's body, you may be blinded, so can you close your eyes firmly"

Exactly, sometimes you have to go back the way Astleto was, so you have to make a fine designation and close your eyes, just in case Cross takes off his larger holy coat and blocks Astleto - now Ishtal's appearance from everyone's sight once and for all.

There is a limit to the back length of the cross, and the tip of Astleto's head may be sticking out a little, but everyone seems to have kept their good marks and kept their eyes closed tight, so let's do it. Soon Astleto's path opened, and when he returned to Ishtal's appearance, we all proceeded to walk to the fixed gate set in Bokovo.

Cross, which opens in front of him and takes the exit of Bokovo, searches for the location of the mites.

No matter how much I went down Astleto's path, I don't think I got to Bokovo sooner than Mitsu, who desperately flew home after that hellish special training and didn't take a rest.

It would be a good place to stick around or something. The reaction of the inter-ethnic communication showed that Mitsu was in the same place as the rest of us.

(Along with Hanako and Cuore. They are members of the amphitheater that became today's venue, so Mitsu is with the venue, and Krasabi is with them.

Cross wraps a line of true kings in junction and flies through the air.

Not only the true king, but also the soldiers who refrained behind him and the shadow beards who are kneeling, seem very uncomfortable.

"Cross, is this an invisible magic carpet?

"Yes, it is.

Well, let's get that settled.

We proceeded to the vicinity of the venue at low altitude so as not to be noticeable, crossing the critical height of the audience, trying to enter the venue from the air but not allowed in.

I'll go up a little bit, but it's the same. The junctions are bumping into each other, there is a sense of specificity.

(Eh, this is the junction the witch put up?

"What's wrong, Cross? Let's get down there quickly.

"That's what can't go any further than here. The witch seems to be wrapping up the entire venue and putting the line together, and now no one, no one, can get out of there, and of course we can't go in there either.

"What? Even though Milin is there.

Indeed, he enters the glass case right there on stage and watches the fight worryingly.

At the end of that line of sight is Largo. You always seem to be asleep, but that won't happen during this fight. You're fainting. Besides, the lagon was also down on the stage.

Something burnt and ashed sticks around my clothes. Fire or some kind of fever burned the armor of the brave man in the leather kingdom, which means he was also torn apart.

Inside they were screaming just like the witch had won.

"Now, there are no more disturbers, and I will join them, so let the rest of them...

Cyber screams in response to this.

"Say what! This one doesn't hesitate, as long as it doesn't have a bomb!

There was an on-site broadcast, next to an old man in a big lizard, crocodile and tuxedo, if you think it's somewhere, looking like a mite screaming at a cane.

"No! It's Mitsu, Viscount Cyber, soldiers, the kingdom brave man has fallen and now the junction is not protecting the bomb. It explodes!

"Oh my God!

A hurry runs on the soldier's face. It's like we've been fighting against someone stronger than ourselves for quite some time now so we don't explode.

And the victorious laughter of an evil shadow, possibly a witch, directly beside the central giant monster of the venue bleeding and falling.

"Ha-ha-ha!" And now of the streamed on-site broadcast, he is annoyed in response to Mitsu's words. "Mitsu?

"Have you fallen with the kingdom brave? Cross, what does that mean?

Of course I don't know what's going on with the cross I just got here.

"Sire True King, I can't believe that. I'll contact my buddies now.

What's going on, Mitsu?

Is that a cross? Why is True King with you? How did you get here?

'Cause you're worried. I told the true king I couldn't, and he followed me.

Not now, it's not safe. I know the Lord is okay, but he's burned in the flames of God and now he's unconscious. We were only getting orders from the Lord. We are in a state of confusion, especially the crusade can no longer be stopped.

I can't believe that's where Cross is.

"What do you mean, the Lord did it?

"When I followed, I was in the midst of a battle between a monster called the giant Behemoth, who was already falling there, and the Lagon of the Kingdom Brave Style, so I was at everyone in the SS. There was Mr. Gymon here, and when Lagon fell from the fire of God, Mr. Gymon said, The junction passes through the fever, so the blood in the lungs may have evaporated. When the automaton used to run on a gas cylinder, it was dangerous when the cylinder was heated, so I had adequate heat resistance measures, but said that they hadn't been taken since it became a blood system.

"Why, then, have you fallen not only to the kingdom brave, but also to Lago?

"It seems that all the damage done by Lagon will be passed on to Lago because he is synchronizing his senses. This was the first time Lago had suffered damage because he had always been protected by that scale and junction. It's the first damage I've ever taken in my life, and I think I'm losing my mind right now. Actually, I tried to pop right up on my head, too, Mr. Gymon, but you stopped that and gave us a detailed explanation.

Good. So it's no big deal.

"Probably, and then the crab rushed up, and she was right upside down. So the witch told me not to let anything get in the way, and then she joined the line.

Then stop the rust.

I can't do this anymore. It's okay, I set the line for Lago. Besides, I can't even forgive her!


Mitsu, what are you talking about? Give it to everyone's mother.

(149) Demons' Reputation Modified

I don't know what to do with Yume.

Largo, the tower has fallen.

To where the kingdom brave had fallen, Krasabi, who had returned in the figure of Kamar, turned straight into a human figure when he saw the lagon fall in the air and the lago fall off the stage.

"This! Crawling through demons, witches of animals! What did you do to my lord?

"What are you! You don't have to come in the way anymore!

Now when the witch waves her sword again, the flame of God flies toward the Krasabi. But in an instant, a black flame wrapped the crust, swallowing even the flame of God.

The witch, on the other hand, waves the wand in the other hand.

(Is that, like, connecting the whole venue?

Although the eye of Yumeka is not a thousand eyelids with clairvoyant vision, there are also things that are invisible to a person's eyes, such as the junction.

In the flames, the crustaceans turn to the original figure of the Whipley, a man with bat feathers removed. The dress turned into a deep-red fur-toned leotard, with bright red hair and even skin all over the body. No, if you look at bat feathers growing hairs too, maybe that's not leotard, but crusty outer skin.

Keep it up, Krasabi beating up on the witch.

The witch is confronted with a sword and a cane, but completely overwhelmed by its anger and momentum. Whenever he paid bare hands, the sword sounded high metal throughout the venue. Witches tie their boundaries to themselves when they let go of their swords. The sword struck the crust as it spun around, beginning alone.

(I have to go help!

But without Largo's orders, I endure endurance that I should never be self-inflicted here because I am strictly ordered not to do anything of my own accord.

I knew that Largo was not dead. I don't know what caused it, but it's like a heartfelt shock, and I just lost my mind. Now Buell is trying to make Largo's allowance, but he seems to be very distressed about whether it won't work out as a human de. Of course, the itching around the stage may not be exercisable without disappearing.

(First of all, I need to let everyone in the SS know just how safe your stall is.

In the audience with SS, Mitsu was seen. A wizard named Jamon or somehow by the two big cold-blooded beasts. Yume that moves instantly and materializes next to the mites.

"No, we both know that, Krasabi.

Without having to teach, the mites had already heard from Gymon why Largo had fallen.

But you can't help but run wild, and if you don't fight, you'll be destroyed by that gigantic power witch. Such a sense of impatience is driving them.

"No, Cross is bringing His Majesty the True King out of the junction.

Looking in the direction of looking up, indeed, a small group has stopped in the air. I guess the middle-aged lady staring worryingly at you is His Majesty the True King.

The girl with the big cross in the lead, though totally deluded around, is the same demon tribe as the Krasabi and the others. A cross would mean that kid.

Indeed, it is the king's body, and he has come to many places.

"What should I do? I am forbidden by Master Largo to act on my own without order.

"Neither do we. Especially since they were removed from today's line, such as me.

"Huh? Do you have a lead like Mr. Mitsu?

(I didn't know that. You didn't want Mitsu in this fight.

"I was sent to the king's capital, worried that the Lord would not be able to fight because of fear of the repellence of holy water, which the enemy had prepared today. But I've already overcome it and come back - I was going to.

In his special training with Cross, Mitsu said he had learned the moves of triple bonding in order to perfectly protect Mitsu himself from the holy sword and holy water. And the other thing, they also found the big trick of connecting to all the holy water splashes.

"If you can do that, why didn't you stretch the human bomb junction on your behalf?

It might be an amateur idea, but if you think about putting a line on all the splashes, it should be easy.

"That's because if you use your abilities on it, you won't be able to put up a triple kingdom with yourself. Now I want to beat the crap out of him, too!

That's right. When you release it, like the earlier crab rust, Mitsu puts a triple junction on himself and jumps up into the air. A witch who had left Krasabi to the spinning sword to watch, noticed that the mite was coming into battle.

"Again, you too!

Now for the mites, they emit a bright white flame from the wand.

Mitsu, like Krasabi, burns up with a black flame himself, and the flame emitted envelops the junction, but integrates with it. Even God's flames don't seem to break the mites' boundaries. And the same mite that makes you a bat person.

Unlike crusty, they are black. Becoming a black silky skinned bat human, Mitsu doesn't look like a leotard like crusty. He looked like a bare human being, painted black and colored powder.

And fly towards the witch.

(What am I supposed to do without the orders of the stall?

The witch, as if conscious, left the crunch to the sword that attacked her as she rotated, as she left it to the beasts and to the gathering fields of drug-fortifying humans.

But the mite is psychic, knocking the sword off the ground.

"I won't forgive you anymore! Ready, witch Aladia!

"You're the ones who won't let you get away with it anymore. You will die in this kingdom. Come more, Behemoths!

That said, it's smaller than what's falling, but it still doesn't turn into a giant monster, with Moss breaking through the ground to the two of you.

"Pao!" "Pao pao!

The behemoth that appears makes an attack that just blows out the holy water. Mitsu unexpectedly bounded and dodged over the sky, but Norgaard's crusade did not take it for granted.

Is Krasabi invincible even though he's a demon? And Yumeka gazes.

Meanwhile, while the splash splashes through the venue, the fellow whipleys in the audience who can't tie the line look very painful, though hooded.

"Are you okay? Hanako."

"Oh, Yumeka, I kept this from Mr. Buell to give it to Lagon or Mitsu just in time. It's just that he can only hit one shot. Master Largo was rushing Buell to finish, a weapon called a rail gun.


Immediately Yume flew by the mite. To give the rail gun to Mitsu.

So far already, if they expose themselves to the demonic tribe, it won't affect a lot of people if about one girl in the witch look of Yapan flies.

"Welcome, you holy swords and magic gun ammunition!

The voice was called by the witches to the mafias fighting in the field. Drug enhancement humans and beasts throw out the holy sword they were grasping and release bullets from the spare gunshot wounds.

Apart from being engaged with the Krasabi, Moss sucked it up with his nose. Holy swords and bullets sucked into the nose gush and erupt them to the point where the long nose swells round. Soon after, holy swords and bullets flew towards Krasabi.

The crusty flying around with bat feathers was moving low to the right and left, but when the crusty avoided it, it happened to burst into the human bomb behind it and exploded heavily. Fortunately, no allies were nearby, and other drug-fortified humans flew away and detonated were avoided, but the most recent crunch was also blown away, and the holy sword smashed and scattered. That was the aim of the witch.

"It took you, come on, Behemoths!

When two behemoths breathe out momentum there, splashes of holy water and pieces of holy sword swirl within the junction and begin to storm in the junction's ceiling.

Shit, it's Mitsu who's blue. After I finish handing over the rail gun, I tell Mitsu once again to detect the upset.

"This will not only destroy the Demons, but also the citizens who, like a storm, will be devastated within the contiguity, attacked by shards of the Holy Sword, and were soldiers and spectators.

In Yumeka, Mitsu's heart was lifted. There is no special ability like Largo, but Yumeka, the spirit, can read simple superficial psychology thinly. Mitsu was wondering if he would help the citizens. But now is not the time to be worried.

"Use knitted moves in special training with Cross.

The fact that you spoke of your resolve would mean that you were quite prepared. Moreover, the subject is all shards of the Holy Sword.

Suddenly pieces of the Holy Sword fall to the ground from Storm when Mitsu thinks he's opened his limbs to a large letter and wings to full opening.

Mitsu sets up a rail gun aimed at the whole of Behe Moss to avoid any further damage.

"Behemoth, that black one!

Once again, Moss' Holy Sword Blowout attack strikes the defenseless Mitsu.

But the holy sword bounces back in front of the mites, who are completely unbound in an attempt to fire a rail gun. Mitsu was surprised, too. The junction is stretched.

"Mitsu, you're dying!

The girl in front of His Majesty the True King, Cross screams.

(Well, that kid can tie the line, too.

"Cross, get out of the way, I need to shoot him now!

"You fool! You!

At the same time as the junction disappeared, the rail gun glowed white and fired a single beam. The lightning of the kingdom brave is an uncomparable glow.

Bigger holes in the head of the moss to the larger ones, and pierced light puts even bigger holes in the ground. Behemoth takes it out of the hole.


But the attack had also reached Mitsu. The holy sword toward the mites melted, and the holy water evaporated, but the holy sword, slightly upward, fell out of power.

The sacred sword immersed in many holy waters blurs the body, and the bat feathers are filled with holes and fall to the ground. Whipley's life is dying.

Mitsu, who has exhausted his magic to the point, returns to being a person.

(If you leave it like this, the mites will disappear! Don't erase the mites that your stall tried to protect until you took them off the front.

Yes, I felt Yume.

(Dear stall, forgive me for taking my liberty!

Yumeka, who was told not to act unsolicited, is possessed and can only avoid vanishing. But I can't leave this body anymore. It means the extinction of the mites from the world.


Sure, Millin and I were first on stage, from where Viscount Cyber left off, screaming the name of Mitsu as we fought.

Even when I saw him, I thought it would be amazing to see that he could still speak to humans. I am not aware of mites right now. But Yume's consciousness is clear, and he knows exactly what's going on around him. Now, I still haven't fully integrated with Mitsu's body, but with all due respect, I lifted just ahead from my elbow.

(Sign that he's alive)

Viscount Cyber looks happy to see that.

Meanwhile, Krasabi is also magically jumped to the attack of Behemoth spraying holy water from the elephant's nose.

I was just hit by a glass case on the stage and fell next to the lagon on the stage.


Millin screams. Like Viscount Cyber worries about crusade.

"Again, these guys, you were a demon.

Milin objected to the witch's crush.

"No, there's no way the Krasabi is a Demon! She protected me with her life.

"Mitsu can't even be a demon. Then your men are murdered without one left!

Viscount Cyber screams. I guess you're talking about the soldier who took Mitsu away last night.

"You must have transformed it! The witch knows the story of turning the prince into a frog with a curse! You turned those two wizards into cold-blooded beasts.

I know if the two cold-blooded beasts in that audience were originally wizards. But more than that, I can see the depth of trust in them on the part of the Millins, the humans involved in the crunch and mites. The soldiers also said, 'Right!' "Has it been magically changed," and so on. And Viscount Cyber screams.

"That's right! They are dragon men, both crusty and cross. Who would believe what you say?

Krasabi and Cross, the girl with that true king is the Dragon Man? That's a problem statement, whatever it takes. If it were a Dragon Nation that is said to be behind Afar's Great Forest, the Dragon People's Cooperative would be officially complaining about a patent infringement.

Besides, it's a big problem to decide on the Virgin and not just a girl named Cross who is deluding everything around her, but the Dragon Man up to the crap rust if you do it, pointing out the language to the demons.

"Oh, what are you guys talking about? Because in this woman's holy water, the one who named herself the kingdom brave was burned with the flames of God.

When the witch says so, one of the courageous soldiers speaks out from the guest seat.

"Such a high fever, even I'm going to die!

"That's right, Homma's right.

"Besides, the Demons should have fire resistance. I know it by investigating it during the Demon King's Island attack.

Margaretta, a female warrior who had always been by His Highness, followed.

"Yes! You sprayed it on the crust, 'cause you said holy water and so on, even the water you took from that poisonous spider and so on!

Does Millin know where she stands or has no way of being scared at all.

"Yes, if the crustaceans were hit with holy water, they should be gone by now without appearance. Mitsu is still there, too.

Viscount Cyber is also calm. But this credibility, which they, who are truly demons, have shown in front of them, even to the demonic turns, tells the true story of how much they have done for humans so far.

But when I heard that, the witch hung up.

"You guys are crazy!

"You're the one who's doing it. Where does someone believe what a villain like you says!

Following Viscount Cyber, Grandpa shouts out of the audience. He seems to be a man named Tao from Wang Du.

"I've never heard of demons taking sides with humans before. I don't believe in drunkenness! Mitsu is a sweet, sweet girl. Lagon is a fine young man who truly stands up in arms, but who has a strong sense of justice and cannot be flattered about those in need. The Demons are the exact opposite of each other. You scoundrels call you demons!

"That's right, Tao is right, these two are medal holders, whose deeds are also highly appreciated in our Republic and hardly even the people get them. Don't make mistakes with the Demons or anything.

That's what Orton shouts when he was right next to the mayor on the republican side at first.

"That's right! The man named Lagon helped me, a stranger who didn't even know the princess, from the chimps of the city! The reason for that was to make sure this town didn't have a bad reputation. Besides, Krasabi, in my place, put up his body and made my life many times. Do you ever have such a demon clan? What if, in case they were born into a demon clan, it's not the demon clan we know about! My beloved demon clan!

I listened to Millin, and the audience I was looking at turning in front of began to whisper, "That's right," "This is a witch's work," "The witch must be doing it to discredit the dragon man," etc.

"Yeah, I'm lost! How can you all not know that the devils are fooling you? ─ ─ You can fool me otherwise. ─ But why me? That's enough! Prepare yourself because I'll take that well-spoken mouth off every torso of your head so you can never say anything again.

The witch ascended over the stage.

We put a domed junction around the stage. And I stood on top of it.

(150) Corrected as executioner

Diekici had been abducted in a witch's den since he was brought back from Erna's. I'm still fluttering now.

In the process of being taken away, a giant, thin Hill-like user demon stuck to Dirkichi's mouth and couldn't even talk. When he returns to the lair, he is taken before the witch, and in that room there is a beast man hissing whom he has never seen.

(These guys, they shouldn't have been here before they escaped.

When she saw the witch's face, Aradia extended her left arm toward Deekichi, and when she wondered if the chain had flown from her disgusting bracelet, she wrapped it around Deekichi's neck and dragged it out right in front of her.

"Really, it's just a lot of trouble. I told you not to reduce the number of human beings, but the next thing you know, you went to get a woman named Mitsu, and all but one of the top executives in the assassination class got hit by Viscount Cyber. Besides, Gilman's prince said he had caught all of them, and I wish I could have them withdrawn from the safe house immediately, but the withdrawal operation I taught him because of it, he couldn't do it at all, and roughly 100 soldiers were captured. Really, almost everything but the people who were in Azit! I can't fight this, so while I was taking the rest of the Mafia beasts and soldiers to my home country, a little guy like you escaped.

With less sesame seeds, I wondered if we would no longer be attacking the signing ceremony, but he said he had gathered the last powerful members, the Beasts, who should have been scattered all over a distant southern country overnight.

"Ugh, uh-"

"Shut up, if they listen to you, it's sticking because I shouldn't accidentally fool you again. Stay put. Even if it's not as helpful as you, tomorrow I'm a folk grass from the kingdom, so I have a job for you to do. A great sin in heaven.

"Ugh, uh-"

Stop it, I've already committed a great crime, but I've been running away for over a year, and I can't see it on the asker's sticker outside of Baron Gongod's territory. If His Royal Highness is coming, commits a major crime under heaven, etc. on the international stage called the signing ceremony, he will become an inquisitor throughout the world for the future. No, leaving the kingdom before then is no good either. If you suck, you can't even fail that plan and get side-by-side with the Beasts and hit them in the neck.

"You're really loud, that's what we've already decided! Until then, sleep in jail and dream of a woman! I'm supposed to get some interesting news from all over the country in the morning.

At the tip of Dirkichi's nose, Dirkichi's consciousness was pruned when he wondered if a small amount of peach fog had leaked out of the wand the witch had extended.

When I realized, there was no hill on my mouth. He was chained to one of his legs, tied upside down and in a cell.

The consciousness returned because it began to be removed from its chains with gossogoths and with some hand. I don't know what magical effect that would make it possible, but the power of the witch is overwhelming for Dirkichi, who is just a human being. When I wonder if they had the ankle that was once made into the universe, they put it in the bright spot. And I was thrown out, but the stadium -- no, I've been here before -- this landscape is from Boko's Amphitheatre, and it's in the field.

And the place where I was rolled was built in the middle of it, on a stage that also had more than the back length of a person. Not sure if it was because it was hung upside down or because it was sleeping with peachy fog, but my head is still fluttering somewhere.


From a distance, I could definitely hear myself calling my name.

Looking ahead of that voice, it was quite a distance and only seemed as small as a bean grain, but it was definitely Oyaji - the original master, Jamon.

It's been a long time since I've been told to break the gate and leave that lab to see Jamon's face and listen to his voice.

Then, what did I do? In the first place, when it came to the reason for being broke, it came out of that desire to bring out the automaton of Gymon to the world.

At first, this witch was interested in a system of moving things with the energy of a gas cylinder made by Jamon. The desire to sell just that started me having an interaction with the thought of straw. Later, he pushed off his master's opposition to continue his technical offering to witches, and even after being broken, he has been used in good ways, such as installing magic tools that use gas cylinders.

Dirkichi turns away unexpectedly.

(Very not in a position to face that guy.

Here, the only thing that didn't bring my master's made automaton was the least salvation for me.

Right next door, there's a big, clear glass case like you've never seen.

Inside is the poorest living doll Dirkichi has ever seen.

I've never actually seen it, but from the stories I've heard so far from so many people, I've pinned on who that is at a glance.

(This is Her Royal Highness Princess Milian Rune.

For the rest of my life, the treasure of the kingdom, which I thought I would probably never even see, is at a distance of less than a meter apart from one glass, but also on a platform the same height as myself.

My sincere apologies to my beloved Erna, but a woman is so divine, so sweet, so elegant and beautiful that she doubts her eyes.

Even the ladies in the upscale whorehouse I have seen so far, and only the village girls, women's salaries and chills I have seen at such a distance, but through glass windows, have never been this much.

I get the urge to try and make the same thing with this hand once, as an automaton, but now was not the time to think about it.

Next to that case, a woman about the same age and dressed similarly, no, the demon of a woman with bat feathers off, and she was rolling in a mess.

Scratchy, but this woman also has an excellent face. The body is also strung up with leotard things that a bright red fur-like circus bender can wear, just hiding an important part. No, I'm not sure about the demon, but maybe this fur itself is the self-skin of this demon.

I think I still have breath, but I guess I got hit pretty badly by a witch. I cramped and found myself dying.

"What are you going to let him do!

Fighting the furthest from the stage, wearing lightweight armor, a human man screaming. Probably the captain of a unit that has protected this highness.

"It's an execution. I'm sending a pretty princess to heaven."

"Don't. - Get Millin out of here."

"Shut up, you guys, and watch.

Perhaps a young man, pushed back into a juncture strewn around this stage with the power of a witch, is bounced further with Moss' nose and hit by a wall. But he's not dead. Even though the armor is about leather armor, it's tough as an automaton.

If you see what I call Milin about His Highness, that would be Alessandro, His Highness's brother, known as the Immortal Swordsman. It's as tough as rumors say.

"Let go of Millin, it will have nothing to do with that child!

Isn't it His Majesty the True King of Lillian Rune who is floating in the air with a few of his comrades? When I entered the Duke of Hahnnan's mansion in construction, I had seen a portrait. Next to it was a toddler about three years old, but the child grew up in this glass case to Her Royal Highness the Princess.

The fact that you're not getting any closer from there probably means that the witch is letting this whole amphiciata stretch its boundaries so that you can't come in.

"Oh yes, when you have this child, you have hope that the King's people will not want it. That's what you touch.

"If you want to do it, do me a favor.

"Don't say it from above. Of course, if I get rid of this girl, you'll cook well, too.

"A woman named you...

In such a contention, a girl stands before His Majesty the True King with her pure white holy coat spread out her hand before the King. Margaretta is also a beautiful Virgin, but something like that little version.

I feel a strong hostility towards witches. Is it a young agent on the church side?

"Deakichi, be.

When the witch said that, she didn't even wait for Dirkichi to leave, and the glass case was shattered as the junction seemed to have been liberated. Fragments fly, but glass fragments wrapping royal ones appear to be small and shattered and unharmed, even when splashed shards are bumped. Just to keep it out of your eyes, Deekichi waits for you to cover your face with both hands to subside.

But the woman of the fallen demon suddenly rises and pushes down his Highness.

"Krasabi, what are you doing?

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. Yachiyo!"

Perhaps the demonic woman waited for the moment when the kingdom was defeated.

A demon spread its feathers from the stage, but I guess there was no power left to fly. In the moment of being cushioned and falling, and rolling in a gobble, was there any trick, His Highness' clothes undressed and spread, and he is subjected to two more rolled over.

And I took a breath, and two women jumped out from under my covered clothes. What a demonic woman you ever thought you were and Her Royal Highness the Princess would be two town daughters and pop out.

It's not the same outfit, but I can only see the side of it, which I just don't know from Her Royal Highness the Princess, but I can't tell which one is which.

(They're both transformed?

Ahead of the two of them running, there are Margaretta and Alessandro separately, but they are both surrounded by multiple beasts and drug-enhancing humans, unable to move.

Of course there are witch junctions around the stage, two people who can't help themselves by hitting that invisible wall.

Viscount Cyber, far away, Margaretta tries to get close, but the beast man and the human bomb blocked it.

"I won't let you get away with it!

When the witch flew in and the chain was released from her bracelet, she captured and drew two people running apart, spraying that peachy mist, they both lost their minds.

"What? No, which is the princess? Yeah, let's get both of us fucked up dead!

As the witch pulled up the chain that captured them, they rolled over the stage as if they had pulled up the caught fish with a fishing rod.

Then he stabbed the wand he had onto the stage, and when he cast a spell at something, he changed shape and turned into a giant executing device, a truncating platform. Two necks can be fastened, a giant blade can be dropped from the top and slashed off at the same time.

"Dear Aradia, I don't think this is...

"Deekichi, get up and put your daughter on the headstand, and with your hand, the people of this kingdom, putting your daughter's neck on the headstand will cut off all hope for the people of the country. I kept a dogworm like you to this day just to put her neck on that table! Come on, come on!"

(151) Deakichi Absolutely Fatal Fixed Available

"Stop it, stop it already, Aradia!

Outside the juncture, from the closest to the stage, His Royal Highness the Prince overlooks and shouts at the place where Diekici became the executioner.

"What are you doing! Get your daughter's neck up on the decapitator.

"But this man...

Dirkichi couldn't do it very well. In contrast to the fact that the witch thought it would be effective to make him do it, there is no way that we could turn down the life of His Highness Milian Rune, the King's people, at our hands, according to the hopes of all the people.

"I'm just a daughter! You don't deserve anything alive or dead. I don't know any spiciness. The trouble is I was born after everything, and I've lived in happiness all my life, my daughter in the flower garden in my head.

What the witch is saying, maybe it's not wrong. But Diekici knew full well how much the King's people overlapped themselves and their descendants' futures and were enthusiastic about His Highness as if he had left this happiness wanting.

"But this man has hope for everyone in the kingdom. I know. How important it is to the people that they have travelled all these cities and that the country is prosperous and more secure. Are you happy?

"What a fool. Compared to that boring thing, this witch Aladia's, the grudge she recruits... That's enough! If you're such a useless arm, I'll chop it off with you!

Say it quickly, or the witch goes down the stage. Margaretta tries to attack the junction around the stage, which she finds to have been solved, but is inhibited by multiple beasts.

Then again, that chain was released from the witch's wand.

He looks like a princess left unconscious, with one of his two daughters and a chain tangled in Deekichi's wrist, dragged into the truncating table, and the clasp plate pinches both Deekichi's arms as well.

"No - please don't -. With this hand, I still have something to do.

More than that, there was also a Hill-like demon stuck in his mouth, and he could no longer speak.

If I lose my hand, I can't work on my dick's automaton, or hug my beloved Erna.

"I'll give you a break with just my arms. How sweet of me. Thank you very much.

That said, the witch unties the chains that were connected to Dikichi and Milin and wraps them around herself.

I thought I could get away with this, but the clasp plate on the truncating table no longer catches my hand disappointingly and lets go. My hands are pinched where there are no holes. I thought maybe if His Highness's neck were that little head, it would fall out, but he seems completely out of his mind, and he doesn't look like he can get away with it very much off his neck.

"Stop! Aladeer!!"

As the entire venue watches what happens, the sad screams of His Majesty the True King echo vainly from outside the venue.

As if to grin such a cry, the witch who jumped before the stage had Hulbert, where she had taken it from.

When you move it down, something like a clasp that was securing the huge blade on the truncating table comes off making a rattling noise. At the same time, the truncated blade, whose crossing would be twice the length of a person's back, has gained momentum from a fairly high position, leaving it to its weight.

(No more -!

But at that moment, a great impact was transmitted through the clasp plate to the truncating table, and the sound of metal destruction echoed. Some big shadow flew towards the blade about the size of each person and smashed it.

If you look at the one it popped up, it's quite a distance away, but there you are the nostalgic faces, the powerful automatons who were in the lab of Jamon.

And he was thrown, and it was nobody else who folded the blade, the former master of Deekichi, the world's best alchemist known as Jamon behind Chiba, the man.

"Muggle (oh, uncle no.

Jamon supported the rest of the broken blade and turned to Dirkichi and said this with a little laugh.

"You really have a lot of work to do, even if you break the gate, I'll still make you go this far with the extra effort. If I keep doing that, I'll tell you how to die.

Geimon made himself look like a shell to help Dirkichi, who was about to be slashed off his wrist, and let a few automatons of his own proud power throw him this far.

Jamon slapped the rest of the broken blade with his supporting hands and threw it under the stage.

Finally with that leg, he kicks and breaks the board where Millin and Deekichi's arms are fixed. Deakichi finally liberated. I peeled off the hill on my mouth and screamed.

"Thank you!

Diekichi can help one person who seems to be Milin out of the headstand and lie next to the other, still seemingly Milin's town daughter.

But there was no way the witch could have shut up and missed that.

"Jamon, even you -! Deakichi, you're going to die!

The witch fires three shots in a row at Deekichi with the magic gun she took out.

"Oh, it's dangerous!

The bullet shot through the shoulder and neck of a covered Jamon.


It wasn't the power of a regular magic gun. Jamon's body dances in the air with the momentum of being shot out. Jamon bleeds out a lot of blood as it is and falls under the stage. Dirkichi jumped, too.

"Chi! Kill them all already! Behemoth!


Behemoth roars and rises with his hind legs. At the same time, an unfamiliar voice echoed through the venue.

"Aradia! You don't look so great.

"That voice! Lucifer!"

It is a shadow that looks down directly below the witch, from a higher position than His Majesty the True King. It's just that Dirkichi looked familiar to that face.

I won't forget, Jamon gave me 12 and 13, it's Lucy the Wizard.

"I don't like that name. - Oh, come on. My loved ones took a beating and managed to burn to death in the building. Oh, what is this?

Lucy is bewildered by the junction strewn across the venue.

After all, even the best wizards in the world cannot cross the other's boundaries.

"Ha ha! Even you can't get inside the bond I put up. You knew, that no strong man would be allowed within the boundaries of others.

"Well, even if it's my bond, I know I can't get in without disarming it. But, you know, some people broke my bond and came in.

"The wizard with the best magic in the world, the one who left even the alias of Satan the devil behind!

"Either way, right? Your reputation is getting worse. So I figured it out, you know, the junction, not breaking it. Break it."

At the same time as that voice, the invisible junction made a noise with the mistletoe, smashing and scattering with the broken sound of the glass at that moment.

(Well, is this Lucy who Satan is said to be the most powerful demon in the world!

The extinction of the junction turned out to be Satan's descent right in front of Deekichi, by Jamon.

"Doh, why not?

"I won't tell you. I thought about it, too. Think about that, too, with a bad head." Slightly approaching, Satan speaks to the critically ill Gymon. "Oops, what are you doing?

What a voice. Even though Jamon is seriously wounded dying, he is angry and stares at Deekichi for not being a little more caring.

"Oh, isn't it too late? Anyway, right now, we're gonna tie the line to a bomber.

"Okay, I was on my way here. I could have put it up for you then, because there's no way to let you know I put it up again." That said, Lucy spoke in a magical voice that echoed throughout the venue. "Uh, now that we've tied the line on the human bomb, now, you can do whatever you want, soldier.

Having said that, no one could pepper the talk of the woman said to be Satan, but Viscount Cyber, without straying, when he cut down the drug-fortifying man, confirmed the enemies that the ones around him would cramp and sink again, just like before.

"Satan, thank you only for today, I'll thank you.

On the other hand, Margaretta says so, cutting off two beasts at a time. The soldiers, in their voice, were enlivened by reaffirming that Satan was on their side.

"Stop it, if you thank me, I'll do it for three days.

And even out of the audience, a bunch of automatons pop up and head for the Beast Man. Viscount Cyber also relentlessly stabbed one mortal bomb after another.

"We still have Behemoth here! Go!"


Leviathan appears from outside the venue.

Witches, Lucy, and His Majesty the True King, who was in the air, come off a great deal from around the stage.

"Another doll from Jamon? I've been doing a lot of research on that. Go, demon.

The user demon attaches to Leviathan, but nothing changes, and when Leviathan waved, the paid user demon disappeared in the air.

"What the hell are you doing? Aren't you stupid?

"What now, why isn't it working? When I say shutdown, aren't we supposed to stop? A bunch of demons have been saying that all along in their ears.

"Ah well. Technology hasn't stalled forever. They say it's a second walk.

"What? Isn't that progressive?

"It's late, you are.

"Besides, Leviathan doesn't even possess it, he's moving unchanging?

"Independent mode, my brains in.

It didn't take long for the leftover Behemoth to eat Leviathan's "Straight to Tang Bamboo Cracking Chop" and get in two straight and out of breath.

"Yes! If this happens, give me Behemoth's last fart.

"What is this...?

First knocked down by kingdom braves, from around the lower half of Moss, who fell and lay low, a great momentum erupted of red-brown gas. Along with the tremendous smell, my vision goes to zero.

Only the witch quickly stood beside the girls on stage as all covered their noses and mouths and the movement stopped.

"I'll kill you myself already." Thoughtfully, Hulbert begins. "This is!

No gas, jump up into the air and Satan says.

"So... study that you're not the only one who can bond. Ever since I got down here, the princesses and the Night's brave men are in my bond. And with your power, my bond cannot be broken. This is a power battle.

"Satan! So you're gonna win? Even if I can't break the line, I don't..."

When I wondered if the witch had acted in such a way as to hold down the junction, the junction wrapped in milin, crusty, and lagon could disappear with the two wrapped together.

"What did you do?

"Ha-ha-ha, did you forget who I was? I have the power to send anything I touch to that place at any time. Even in your union..."

Ha ha, and keep laughing, the witch disappears like smoke.

"Don't run away!

Satan also disappeared from the spot.

At the foot of the stage, Deekichi remains seated holding Jamon. A girl-shaped automaton rushed over worryingly, the first time I saw Dirkichi.

"Monsieur Gymon!

"Oh number 14, or there's only one. Perhaps now Largo is unconscious and falling. It's supposed to be synchronizing the spirit with the Lagon, so it's supposed to have a shitty effect on the Lago. Maybe he won't be conscious for more than a month. But when you do, there's no doubt that Largo will go to eternal prison. At that time, if you ask Samael, he might just tell you how to get there. Heh.

"Okay. Jamon, I will be sure to tell you.

"Oyaji, don't talk anymore!

"No, that's not how it is-- hey.

There, the Automatons came with Alessandro.

"You're the wizard who woke me up. Tell me, I, I...

"You're not human, you can say it well. Forgive me. For more information, ask this girl - number 14.

"True, I would have been dead by now. But even with that power, Millin was taken away.

"Meet Largo. It will definitely bring you back to a decent, human Alessandro. And Mirin... Your Highness will be with you.

"Is that true? Lord Wizard, thank you!

Alessandro runs up to the stage. On stage where no one is anymore, His Majesty the True King should have stepped down.


"Uncle, that's enough. Shut up and rest. I'll be right with the doctor.

"What side do you mean you're a dick?" No, the doctor does. Yes. ─ ─ You were born with the ability to round people up, and one day I was going to eat more of Me, but I couldn't do it, but at the end of the day, I could fool you. I'm satisfied.

"About what, Oyaji.

"You know what I mean. That Mee cared about you like a son." I mean, I guess you're saying that until now, you didn't make Deekichi understand that. And Jamon continues, holding Deekichi's hand. "Your hands are important, don't try to be a wizard. Use that clever hand, yeah. Be a doll maker. Forget about your bad abilities. Seriously, seriously. You gotta work hard.

"Uncle! Don't die, Oyaji!

"No more, Hugh, no more, give me that. There was too much blood.

That happened, and Jamon lost consciousness. I took my wrist but had no pulse and the warmth was gone already.

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