Even though he was becoming slightly more dominant, Viscount Cyber, who was prepared to still have to meet that monster named Satori for a while without the drive of Swuriya, conveys his hasty gratitude to Swuriya, who is running with his footsteps together, as he follows the Lagos who rushed through the next hierarchy first.

"Thank you, Lord Suulia. You didn't abandon us, did you?

"It's not like that.

He seems to think Viscount Cyber has returned for us to follow ourselves, and Swuriya to strike it off in advance.

A complaining voice containing sayingly anger at Viscount Cyber's words is raised from Marici, who runs and follows him as he hears that exchange behind him.

"Abandoning, etc., is outrageous. Lady Swuria took you...


The sudden shout out was that the hurried face is a rounded soulia if the Cyber Viscounts don't want such a humanistic tale to be heard.

Viscount Cyber questions Marici in the form of total disregard for the swuria that comes to such a disillusionment.

"Lord Mariachi, what do you mean? Was Lord Swuriya acquainted with Lord Mariachi?

Of course, that question was quicker than Marici answered, and the hurry-faced swuria caught a pointless extinguishment of fire.

Mariachi is somewhat like a chuck in her mouth, reflecting that what she said earlier is something that makes her position pretty bad.

"What are you talking about, this human being? There's a strong god on my bodyguard who won't come to the gatekeeper.

"Lord Swuriya. I don't know, Marich. I don't know which one of you is Lord Swuria's bodyguard.

The more you talk, the more and more Swuria exposes her horse legs. Mariachi is watching such a swooliya with her mouth open as if it were open.

"What did you say, uh, yeah? ─ ─ How dare you, the peasant, become a nobleman with only your arms and even your head. Yeah.

Swuriya herself, I don't know what the hell she's talking about. I hope I managed to change this place to other topics, but I couldn't erase the words that had already slipped out of my mouth. It's just that I've already admitted what Viscount Cyber said.

"I am honored to keep it in my praise, but does that mean that Lord Marici is still Lord Swuria's bodyguard and that you have been following us on your orders? Even though we parted ways like that, it pains me to take such care of you.

"No... that's not true. Not at all. It just so happens that Mariachi, who happened to be the bodyguard, got lost in the horse pulling the carriage. Oh, yeah. You did it. So, what, you're not coming? I don't know. Nothing special about you. [M]

Anyway, the moment I break up with the Cyber Viscounts, even though I abandoned the fact that I hated humans so much, it is rare that I was now more kind to the Cyber Viscounts that it is extremely badly bated Swuria.

"No, I can't tell you very much to look me in the eye specifically. It was us who tried to trick you into this hell. They took up their familiar own work, even though they were being punished for what they deserved, and they brought them here in the carriage so far. That's all I have to feel obliged to do. This marich says that while I was being flirted with by one of the four kings named Satori, he drove the other three into the next hierarchy with his masculinity. Besides, you rescued me from Satori's hands, too, and brought me here.

So finally, Sulya understood that Mariachi was the only one with Viscount Cyber.

The other three were undiscovered by Satori in some sort of neatness, and while this man was hitting on one, he already seemed to have delivered it in Mariachi illusion to the next tier.

Once wrapped up in the masculine technique of Marici, its effects will continue about until it cuts through this hierarchy. But beyond that, man has an inferior quality annoying evil hell, and further below, an infinite hell/annoying hell spreads. It was said that the hierarchy was packed with dead spirits and evil spirits that were not in other hierarchies, instead of almost no jailbirds. It will not be possible to reach the bottom of the bottom, which leads to eternal prison without being reported to them and not even found by King Jardaba, unless even those who are so familiar with that hierarchy are guided. I can imagine if he could perhaps be discovered by the Necromancer and put a fierce man with evil spirits on the sub-four kingship warcraft that is lent to him by King Jardaba, or if he could be immediately injected into King Jardaba, a quote trampled down and defeated by a rumor giant, and the end of which he would not dare to be hungry and broken by evil spirits and Necromancers.

Not to mention the worry that those troubled young people will first follow from the next hierarchy to the bottom.

"Did you do that, Marich? If it weren't for you, there would still be two wiggly hierarchies underneath, and King Jardaba would be there. I wonder if I can go very far beyond just those humans. Good thing I just went. If Kanryu and I could rendezvous and do something about it, yeah.

"Did Lord Suulia know Lago the Divine Dragon?

Untaken so far every day, Swuriya feels nasty about Viscount Cyber listening to people.

Nevertheless, this is a very self-absorbed species. Though SURIYA reflecting once again that she has slipped her mouth, she does not put it on her complexion as much as she can, where she gently flushes it and tries to just verify her identity for now.

"Well, indirectly. Just what people told me, but Largo is the one who rode the fox earlier and went first?

"It is. That is the only hope that will help His Highness Milian Rune, the next heir to the throne of the kingdom imprisoned in eternal prison.

Again, I don't have to check it out, and I'm convinced that it was the man I was earlier, Swuria. Well, it doesn't seem like it was a mistake to think that the eyesight was two melons on the true dragon when he was younger.

The word 'hope' was also used by Salamandra God. However, I sometimes wonder if the hope of these countries was His Royal Highness the Princess who came to help, but how everyone is so hungry for hope.

When the prospect is raised that it will be a good future, people use the word hope even when they want to do something about it that they can't.

Suulia wonders if the hope that the humans in front of her are now saying is the latter.

"Well, some guy said something like that, but can he do something he can't even do, really? ─ ─ There's not much more going on there right now. I think it's sweet to say to myself that I can't possibly do something about it.

"Yes? Lord Swuriya, what are you talking about?

"Ah? No, no, about this one, to myself.

Swuriya deludes herself when she's about to be asked about the extra twinkle again. I still think it's too early to make them hear the word of Salamandra God. That would give us extra hope.

When it was time for Satori to run a distance that she couldn't catch up so easily with those four, she decided to put everyone's footsteps in a hurry and slow them down to the point of footing.

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