"Right. Anyone will notice, won't they? Exactly. If I find out, I'll have to erase your memory. Why I had to do such a horrible thing didn't even tell me the details, but Dora insisted that I was never trying to do anything reckless, for this universe, no, Salamandra. It's what I really need for God. I believed that. In fact, I've never heard of Galenos, but he's the Demon King. You don't know that, do you? If the Demon King seeds, he will not give birth to a little dragonfly. That a true dragon will be born that True Dragon was really afraid of. I think I'm ready.


Of course, Krasabi nodded that it would be.

"But this is how those two fight, and now Galenos tells me to eat Dora. I don't know if there's anything behind that, either. If you lose your memory after this too, you just carried your stuff without knowing anything. No, if you forget that, there's never going to be a time when you and the Dora are going to be taken to a horrible place.

Hearing that, the crunch of a heart that shouldn't subside a little. Otherwise I am full of wanting to throw out this heavy load and run away and go home.

But Satan had already spoken to me, a place dedicated to Astleto deep underground - the shelter - was in sight.

"That's right. I don't know. Then what Euda said. Do I have to tell you that I helped you with this against the Demon King Galenos?

"That's right. So you better not have any memories, right? ─ ─ Come on, we're here. Let me in here. I know I may be a little sick in this room, but I hardly think it bothers me if I put it in with Dora you're holding right now. I guess I'm a little lonely.

Crassy, who stuck his neck in a bit and was instructed to confirm, peeks in test-wise, as he was told, but hardly seems to have any problems.

"It's okay. I mean, really touch Kang a little bit, or... that much.

"Right, good. I knew it was what I was thinking.

"But is it okay if I cook for you tonight?

So I hope you don't mind my favorite Euda eating your eyeballs. How Euda has one piece of this story, and I'm not happy that Krasabi is responsible for that one stick, even if I understood it.

"Absolutely. Because it won't taste very good before, he said that Euda would judge the meat of a monster he had never served for dinner this evening. That's why I put a similar-sized ring on that monster's carcass. I'm sure we'll line up at the table with that, too.


Krasabi, as Satan instructed, quietly laid Dora's body almost in the middle of the place where the domed Satan told him to 'shelter'.

Confirm the orientation of the face with clairvoyance so that Dora is not at all bitter at that time. Or so it seemed, the face of the woman in it was undisputed, and there was no doubt about that person, 9032, a fellow Whipley, who was always with Krasabi to help with Euda.

Look at the surprised face. Satan perceives the situation.

"You saw it. Well, you wipleys have Dora's clairvoyance, but it's not. Dora is just two melons with one of your people, her, who comes to Euda every once in a while to help cook. But you don't have to know why. Anyway, because it's not Whipley you brought in now.


Krasabi thinks. It's nothing strange in this Demon King's Castle that it looks like someone else. In the first place, the Devil Nation is rare to have a figure that has been conceded from heaven and ancestors. I'm just following it because I express my own demonic form, or because it's dictated that way by race. Moreover, where human style and other tentative appearances are good, it is not uncommon to imitate the appearance of others.

Besides, I thought you said earlier that Euda had 9032 doing another job right now.

Now Satan and Krasabi's work is over. For a while Satan closes his eyes slightly away from the shelter and has a clear ear style.

Apparently, he was trying to see if Dora could be sensed from the outside.

"Okay, now you're perfect.

Then, towards the crusade back to earth, to the last word Satan uttered is the lost memory of the crusade.

I feel like we've gotten along because of this, it's sad that I won't have memories with Satan that I can be as close to as my thoughtful sister, but the light-mouthed crusty won't be able to hold such a big secret and keep quiet, etc., if I don't get him to do this. Until such a serious matter, I was sure Satan must not have told Euda. If I don't have my memories sealed, I'm sure my heart will flake.

"Then please.

"Yeah. Then if I trap your memories, I'll seal them in the deepest rear of the nucleus, that I was here with you, too. This is my demon nucleus, and it won't come back unless it's broken. Now you forgive me for saying yes, right?

"Oh, just one last thing, okay?


"I'll forget about it anyway, so I'd like to hear what bothered me.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything.

"─ I'm talking about getting in, is he an old lover who made Madante Planta's stuff earlier?

"Ah! No, I'm not!

Suddenly it went out loud. That's a response to a situation where, from Krasabi's experience, he obviously possessed a graphic star.

"Really? Because it seemed so good.

"Totally, totally. It's silly - no -" Krasabi points out that it doesn't look like much. "Good thing, then I'll tell you more, because it's really top secret information. ─ ─ I wasn't a wizard then, I was a dragon. His name was Lucifer. All the dragons were neither male nor female. It was an amphoteric organism. Wizards basically still do. It's just that I'm really limited to being a living wizard from then on. I wonder if it has both sexes. So it's not like I like anything or anything, but maybe it's like," I'm in love with that guy (man), "to put it humanly. We all did. Samael was against him with his mouth, but I think he liked him.


"No, it's this way. Besides, I have an important person (Ami) who I care about as a woman right now. You know, I was burning up a confrontation earlier, but I'm talking about Euda.

"What! Really? - No? No, I have no idea.

"What, I thought you were arguing. All right, then, Euda's fine with girls, so you admit it. Even so, will this memory disappear? Me, too.

"Ha, you did. Then don't hesitate to..."

"You know what? Well, that's good. That's about as good a stakeout as I am. Oh, and I'll just tell you one last thing when I forget. I've been worried about him for a while now, like the one we've talked about many times - the one who created the eternal prison. Even if I say so from you, I'll be the imaginary lord. His name was True Dragon, and he was too good to be the Salamandra God that currently shines in the sky. Now it's all. Well, I'll do the trick, then.

When he said that, Satan cast a spell with a cane on the crustacean.

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