Margaretta, who had regained her energy, but cared for her body, which had just come to an end with Alessandro, Deekichi asks.

"But how's Mr. Margaretta doing? What? As far as fighting ghosts earlier, you don't look well.

But the look on Margaretta's face seems to blow that worry away.

"It's okay. My body is somewhat sticky and disgusting, but refreshing as it is after exercising just fine. By the way, what the hell was I allowed to do until you guys got here?

"Uh, around... Mr. Lucy did what he saw with clairvoyance while he was here, but he didn't know because Wye didn't have that power.

Dirkichi, who had heard stories from Satan, knew what the evil spirit Lilith had been doing with Margaretta's body, thinly. But he did not have the means to tell the Virgin and Margaretta from the high calling church, and tried to escape, so hard to say, but Margaretta and Kagelow, who had no knowledge of her life, pinched her mouth.

"Mr. Margaretta. I've been in this hierarchy for a while, but this hierarchy...

Kagelow explains what Satan said was not strange if it was the sexuality of the evil spirit Lilith, who said that in this hierarchy the deceased was immersed in colour lust and what ugly acts were perpetrated between the deceased and others.

Kagelow was supposed to be a minor, but his life here seemed to be long, and he was so familiar with adult circumstances. Dikichi and Hayaji, who were familiar with Margaretta's qualities and reputation in the kingdom, have been listening silently for some time on the side, but finally can't wait to break it into stories.

"Hey Kagelow, what are you talking about!

"That's right. Speaking of Margaretta, to the best of our knowledge, you were the most pure and holy flower and caller to bloom in the cathedral within the Kingdom Castle.

Everyone cared that Margaretta would haunt their mind in terrible shock if they found out she was being used for such things, but Margaretta, who had been silent for a while, said one word without asking about the complexion around her worrying.

"─ Yes, you're no different from what you were doing on the ground. That evil spirit...

"Mr. Margaretta, you...

When Dirkichi heard it, he mumbled at Margaretta's previous life, perceiving that there was a shadow part that enclosed Lilith.

But Margaretta doesn't willingly do that.

I thought I'd regained my earlier bright expression again, and this is how I cut it out by turning to Dirkichi.

"Well, there's something I need to check here right now. Diekichi stays like this, and even in this state where Master Alessandro can no longer enter the war, does it change his feelings to help His Highness the Millian Rune?

Deekichi's feelings, questioned, were somewhat complicated, but did not envelop it and reveal it. Of course, when you try to move from this hierarchy to the next, it's nothing different than what you told Alessandro. Usually it is Deekichi in the body who leaves me out of my mouth and hides my heart and talks, but somehow after entering this hierarchy, I remembered the strange feeling of being able to talk about everything with honesty.

It was a mouthful three inches after birth when Diekichi, who had been in vagrant life with his uncertain, unscrupulous father and two, had managed to cultivate as a means of protecting himself, but in order to sift his power enough, he had to constantly dismiss his own righteous heart and live deceptively.

In that sense, Dirkichi had self-control that could be the true opposite of a well-informed ordinary person, so he doesn't even realize for himself that the original Dirkichi, who emerges in this area where his own nature appears unremitting, is an amazingly decent person completely different from his usual.

And now it was the enthusiasm for Alessandro, who became so honest that Dirkichi began to speak for real, walking the hard road together into hell and becoming an ally.

"I know you can't make a big deal out of it. But don't take Alessandro. Even in such a much-looking state. Satan, too. You can't leave me there. Heh. Mr. Margaretta, I told you I'd be your shield until I told you I was going to take that luggage too, but don't let them do it until the end.

Interpretation, I'm not sure about my arm. As for Deekichi's will, but if I go there without that Divine Dragon Largo, my will to go to eternal prison, which I may not be able to return to permanently, is not a daring word.

Margaretta, who seemed to know Dikichi's reputation thinly, but Margaretta, the natural Virgin of Vegetables, took it without saying anything to doubt whether she had spotted the heart of such Dikichi.

"Okay. I heard you were ready. Then I will ask the others. Now His Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom is trapped in eternal prison, and perhaps it is impossible for you, in your own power, to return to this world. That's why we came. When you hear the hard work the Dirkichi and the others have done so far, it's not very much, but even if it's Lago the Divine Dragon, it would be a tricky move to get so far with a bunch of biological humans. I've heard from Tao, Orton and Viscount Cyber who know that one on the ground as well, but they don't seem to be the kind of people who get abandoned and advanced along the way. If that's the case, unless you're lucky enough, it's hard to think that you'll be caught up here any minute. But I'm hesitant to wait for you there, and I don't know what His Highness the Millian Rune might be seeing. I'm just going to get ahead of us before it's irrevocable, but what are you guys going to do?

I didn't put my hair in the response and Hayaji ate just waiting.

"Of course I'll let you go. He has been a King of the North Hurn since his birth. Even if you lose your life, it doesn't change your guts. It's been a long time since that happened, North Haln, but I'm proud to be a King's people. The will of the immortal warrior Alessandro, the patron saint of the kingdom, will be firmly taken over.

He was a kagelow who had fallen behind in his representations, but began to speak to squeeze them out of his heart.

"I'll go, too. No, let me go! Master Alessandro, knowing the secrets of his birth, nevertheless tried to pave the way, literally, with all his own. So I remembered. Why did I die? [M] What did you risk your life for? With my sister, I totally forgot that even if they chased the kingdom for a while, they were going to save the world with all of us. Please take me! I'm pretty good at the next hierarchy, not all of it. Now there is no King Jardaba, so even though it's no big deal, I can also show you how to get to the bottom of the bottom so that you can't be found by evil spirits or anything else.

Kagelow is said to have broken himself once in this area because of his greed, but Deekichi also well understood that his eyes were burning in the sense of justice he had brought together in the first place.

Margaretta answers satisfactorily when she hears each other's feelings.

"Thanks, guys. Yes, let us save Your Highness, the kingdom, and the world.

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