"Even so. We all admire you as such.

"It is. Lago is the first dragon born in tens of thousands of years, sent to the lower realm to solve the problem of the moon, so that the dragon man of the Great Forest of Afar can hear my wishes and defeat the resentful evil god Deanna.

"Huh? Then you told me about the crisis in the universe.

Swuriya remembers. Salamandra, God's. 'I've been watching. The story begins when the woman of Ninja, who secretly protects the king of a nation, learns the secret and meets the woman of the dragon man whom she spoke earlier to tell the crisis of the universe'. The result is that handsome man who looks like a true dragon and is either a stranger or a singularity.

"Daiyuan? Maybe so. But that Dayuan is that witch Aladia. Already regarded as Lago by destiny, to my knowledge Aradia, as the use of the Moon's invader Evil Divine Deana from the underworld, the use of witchcraft that attempted to decay church forces spreading across the earth and deprive the human race of hope from the world. I am a proxy for the God of the Moon conspiracy, which is denigrating everything in this world and finally also trying to oust the Salamandra God.

"Seems so. I was surprised to hear about them earlier. For that, I feel like I owe it to this hell.

"Yes, I've seen one of those scales all the way up here.

I didn't feel any major anomalies on the road that Suuriya walked with the Diekichis, but maybe just when the Divine Dragon moves it will bolt out of Hell. I'm also curious about its content, but if you're detecting Hell's anomalies first, it's convenient not to have to explain everything.

"Then the story is quick. Just go after him.

Kanryu, who took his steps ahead, is SURIYA, who wants to meet and talk to him as soon as possible. A ghost with a piece of godliness has stopped and interrupted the attempt to move quickly.

"Dear SURIYA at times. The number is right, we also had something to catch on as we walked through hell to this point.

"Being caught? Even the first time you guys came in, something strange happened to you?

If you try it as a soulya that has come the same way, I am interested in the anomalies that the unfamiliar dragons noticed and didn't see for themselves. I got drawn to the story.

"Yes, I've worked here at the Hell Gate since I was a lifetime -- a child -- and a person called Takamura was still passing through from the ground, so Takamura often told me how this one was doing.


Suulia was tempted for a moment to hear that she had been taught from her early childhood by Takamura, the second plunger, who was considered a natural enemy by everyone in her, no, Hell's inhabitants. But without wishing to do so, the ghost continues to talk.

"Yes, from then on, things may be a lot different that we can't do with the passage of time, but there are a few things I'm really not convinced of.

"Of course it's changed since the time Takamura arrived. Well, why don't you ask me what it's like?

"The weirdest thing that seems to me may no longer be in your ears, but... It's an act of silence.

"No, listen. Heh.

But if that had been done intentionally, it is as important as hell turning upside down.

What about the survival of the Gate, and the Great Demon will not be able to decide to keep it.

"In this hell, what used to be a way of atoning for sins in just one hierarchy has now changed to atone for various sins a little bit in each hierarchy, hasn't it?

"Seems so. Somehow, the magician Bafomet has managed to rationalize the neighborhood and changed it. I think Enma appreciates it to a certain extent. Unlike murdering people in the human world by soiling their hands, there are bad guys out there who taste mental pain with social measures or push them into a situation where they can't help but kill themselves. I don't know if I can handle that.

"That's good, but I don't think even the demons can manage such things as how many people are appropriate in the hierarchy all over for that matter.

"Maybe so, because I've seen it over here for a long time in what order, so I think it's possible to subtract that amount.

"It is. It's what makes the neighborhood hard to understand, and I wonder if maybe it's intentional.

Sayuriya can't hide her frustration when she's smart enough to talk.

"What are you trying to say? I wonder what would happen if that happened.

"Actually, while I'm here, should I say graduation from each of those hierarchies? In the terminology I was hearing, I saw the fact that silence was being inhibited.

That's what matters. I would have liked you to come to a conclusion soon. It is SURIA. But whose instructions are those that matter the most?

"Do what? Who does that?"

"Apparently, there was something about this ruler of hell named King Jardaba being made reluctant by the ghosts who swore allegiance to themselves.

"Why would you do that? What's wrong with doing that?

One breath, the ghost became an even calmer talking. It's not a weird way to talk, but it's not because of preconceived notions, or because of what happened to Takamura.

"From here it's our imagination, isn't it to keep here something that can be immediately reincarnated with light punishment?

But that insight goes both to the idea of Salamandra God and to his own perception.

"I see... So we're on the ground, and we're getting a little less humans. You're seeing something, aren't you? Ghost, you look pretty smart.

"It's an honor to keep it in compliment. Because I still have a pretty good reputation locally as a god of academic achievement.

"I see. You mean brilliant talent over hard workers.

Besides, I also freely manipulate the power of the Spirit that gave those guys who were forcing that Satori opponent to struggle earlier with the power of reversal just a little ear slapping. If as a ghost you don't have to worry about running out of energy, then being in hell is hard to put in the corner and Swuria wraps her tongue around.

"No. ─ And one more thing. I have no idea what this is for, but I cared to persevere in trying to hurt the bad guy's body on Narita Road. But if you ask me what it's for, I don't have one answer for you right now."

Stripping the deceased naked and weighing his sins with the weight of his clothes, because the only thing that can be inferred from the private lust that he wore in his lifetime, such as the imposition on his surroundings, other than what he cannot take with him like family possessions and assets, is the clothes he wore when he died.

Since the birth of Hell, the family of the Great Demon King, who is by the River Midway, has taken on that role.

All I had to do in those days was rip my clothes off, but now she says she eats too much skin and even meat. I hear, however, that it is limited only to those who have done evil deeds on earth.

"Okay. I'll ask you that, too.

Quite a long story. But at this rate, meteors may also be gathering a variety of information. What concerns me is one meteor rich in starboard. First of all, Sulya thought that all of those information had to be gathered to make a decision. In that case, it is a slight change of policy.

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