Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: The Compendium of Restructuring iv Forever Prison: Krasabi

(353) Prison Crab

(358) Prison and Madante Planta

(363) Reviving Memories

(368) Secret Talk

(373) erased memory

(378) Greatest Contraindications

(384) Top Secrets

(389) The identity of the Lord

(394) Disappointment and hope

(402) Save everyone.

This series of reveals--

With Milin, who lost her mind wearing Madante Planta's collar, some time after being thrown into a makeshift cell in eternal prison, the waking crusade worried without swallowing the situation in which she was placed, and realizing that the place was an eternal prison because of the presence of the demonic Kato and so on. That suddenly brings back enclosed memories of Madante Planta's collar and the interference of eternal prison.

Thanks to this, I understood that I was being indulged here thanks to the Madante Planta collar Millin was wearing.

It is at the same time a memory that Dora, who is supposed to be Lago's mother, is a dragon man, thereby reaching the conclusion that Lago is the forbidden Divine Dragon, the first born in tens of thousands of years.

And the shadows that were cast into it, and Serene, the moon god, were lifted up into the makeshift cell to help them out of prison, and their presence here convinced them that Largo was coming to help them.

(353) Prison Crab

In the dark darkness, Krasabi wakes up.

(That? Why are you naked? ─ Besides, what people look like. ─?

It is in true darkness without a single light around it, but it is still almost visible around itself as dim in the clathabies, the demons.

If we wanted to take a closer look, we could also ask to some extent what was happening behind the obstacle, or in a place a little further away and lost in the dark, with farsightedness and clairvoyance, also known as the Ten Mile Eye.

It was Milin who discovered it right next to him before checking such surroundings.

Krasabi desperately remembers what happened to him.

Yes, it is true that at the Amphitheatre I was impatient and fought with Mitsu to become a demonic figure, but I was defeated by a witch without strength.

(At that time, I was turning to the Devil Clan. Uh, I can't believe you rose your identity in front of everyone. This is the end of the SS.

Although it had been noticed that the witch had a ghost, a demon clan around the royal family, this would hardly lead her back to her work as a replacement for Her Royal Highness Milian Rune, whom she had been able to get along with. With Euda, who I helped because of this, I made all the dreams of cooking again and living slowly, and the breeding shed job I was supposed to gain by letting Millin escape to Bokovo City until Margaretta scolded me, all by myself.

(Yes, I do, but... and even Mitsu is a Demon Clan, which could mean that Cross and Lagon are really different, but Euda is all Demons, too?

If Largo found out, it would be a big eyeball. It's not just me, there's no limit to the likelihood of me firing with Mitsu. That flame-burned lagon collapsed, and Largo lost his mind because of it. But Mitsu, who was coming back to that venue, had been contacting me from an alchemist who made that lagon-like automaton called Gymon to tell me it wasn't a big deal.

If so, it is also possible that Largo has already recovered. And am I here as a result of Largo's abandonment?

(Then why is His Highness here?

Often, I close my eyes to the failure of publishing that I am a demon tribe and try to remember even more about what happened after that.

The painful hand I was hit at that time was not lethal, and there were signs that I could wake up and still manage to move a little.

I still noticed right in the middle of the fight because Millin called me by my name right next door. Krasabi recalls.

"I put it on the crust, 'cause you said holy water and even water taken from that poisonous spider and stuff!

He then also had a voice that seemed to belong to Viscount Cyber, who kept fighting from the venue.

"Yes, if the crustaceans were hit with holy water, they should be gone by now without appearance. Mitsu is still there, too.

It would be the effect of Madante Planta's collar that the crusade was able to withstand the holy water. After that, we all heard an out-of-the-box interaction, whether we weren't scared or not. And extreme is that tongue of Milin.

"The man named Lagon helped me, a stranger who didn't even know the princess, from the chimps of the city!" When I heard that, I thought that the crusade was still warm in Millin's head, like a flower garden. Because I already know who Lagon is as a kingdom brave man, I don't think it's supposed to be a 'stranger'. But the flower garden then passes through full bloom and startles all of the venues, including the crab. "The reason for that was to make sure this town didn't have a bad reputation. Besides, Krasabi, in my place, put up his body and made my life many times. Do you ever have such a demon clan? What if, in case they were born into a demon clan, it's not the demon clan we know about! My beloved demon clan!

When I heard Millin's tongue like that, I was surprised at the propagation of Millin's flower garden when I heard the audience in the audience that was supposed to be witnessing the turning of the claws and mites whispering, "That's right," "This is the work of the witch," "The witch must be doing it to discredit the dragon man," and so on, and the memories of the tears that were not supposed to be in me from the head of the claws - the liquid that came out of my eyes - came back to me.

(Yes, I did. Everyone thought the witch had transformed them with the magic of the curse, not by exposing their nature to the appearance of the demon clan.

Afterwards, I was probably put to sleep with Milin, so I don't know what development it's been since, but I'd appreciate it if only Milin thought so.

But even during such an interaction with the witch, Krasabi checked out the damaged parts of his own body, desperately asking what was going on around him for a chance to regenerate his death. But I really know what magic is left of me, and everyone in the Lord, Lagon and Mitsu, who is the source of that magic, is down. It was too unfavourable an environment to fight, and all Krasabi could do to squeeze the last force and let Millin escape was run and run.

It is the last utterance of Krasabi that I put on Yachiyo to make us incarnate ourselves trying to escape there. Crab couldn't even use the wipline then.

Needless to say, Yachiyo's ability is transformation. Transform yourself and Millin so they don't know who they were, and then just take Millin's pull-out dress away and run away dressed like they're both the same. While the witch was eating, I thought if I ran away to Viscount Cyber or Margaretta - but it was sweet.

Memories are interrupted where they were captured together and put to sleep by some kind of medication.

(So, where the hell are we?

I have no idea. Millin in that pull-out dress next door is losing her mind.

After all, we both don't know which is your highness, so I guess it's something like the place of detention that Aradia brought us here for now.

I don't know why you didn't kill him on the spot, but first of all, you haven't extinguished yourself, and your Highness is safe without getting one scratch for now.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

I was going to speak out, but it's like talking where there's no air, and it doesn't sound like I thought it would.

And I can't seem to breathe, can't breathe, etc.

I find this somewhat indescribable discomfort, but this degree of discomfort was not enough to say if I tried it as a Demon clan crunch.

Actually, I kept it to Largo, but the discomfort when he put that bracelet on was outrageous, and compared to that, there's a difference between being hungry with a blade and being stabbed by a mosquito.

If you say it in humans, are you saying that you are so snashly drunk hangover that you don't remember yesterday that you are put on a ship that sailed against a storm and hung upside down? Still, it would have been a hundred times more than that mood.

It would not have been very bearable if it had not been for Largo to provide us with a good source of energy, blood, as a replenishment of the magic we were sucked together.

Until I didn't have to drink Largo's blood to be able to bear it, the sense of decadence, loneliness and spiciness and - roughly never before have I felt the crunchiness I was born as a demon before, and still can't disappear even though I'm about to disappear, but that horrible feeling of spiciness that lasted forever did not disappear.

Moreover, until that feeling disappeared, the bracelet was not likely to be taken from the arm like an iron shackle that fitted in disappointingly, but it is strange because when the feeling was easier, it was again as flexible as a band of rubber.

(If you go into a place called eternal prison, it must be like that. No, I'm sorry to upset you, but if that happens...)

If that happened, then only then would Largo, the Lord who is always gentle with Krasabi and most dependable in this universe, not come very far to help either. Anyway, even if it's a demon god, it's a place where they say you can never leave once you're put in there.

(358) Prison and Madante Planta

I've always been very helpful.

Krasabi looked at the Demonic Kato and apparently realized his predicament, so how come Krasabi doesn't have the pain of a prison?

Krasabi doesn't know what the situation is at all anyway.

I would probably think Milin was the same, but I had no choice but to shake His Highness's shoulder because there was nothing I could do, and still no sign of realizing it at all, so I slapped him on the cheek thoughtfully. It is, of course, for you to wake up and get information that you know something.

(Nevertheless, it would be outrageous if a maid length rimle saw a place like this.

It was only half a day that Krasabi met Riml in person, mostly just the knowledge I heard from Denim and Olga, who were maids with His Royal Highness, but the rigour was felt even in the short time leading up to the departure incorporated into the inspection team. The admiration for the royal family and the ferocity of instruction thereon may be said to be muscular.

But in spite of the behavior that I put through such a blame for the crunch, there is no sign that Millin will wake up.

Is he really alive? I put my ear close to my face to check my breathing, and that was so uncomfortable, I put my ear against my chest and listened to my heart beat.

I can barely hear my breath. I mean, the one called Bug's Breath. Thanks for the pulse, too, I can see you only hit really small. Can human life activities be maintained to this extent?

However, Krasabi, the Demon Nation, also finds that the function of the entire body acts as something with life. He didn't look pale, and he didn't seem particularly ill.

That's when I suddenly noticed something.

I don't have the Madante Planta collar that the Lord gave me in my own hands.

This is the collar of Madante Planta, who has endured that intense discomfort but has cherished it as the first one received by the Lord. I didn't say it was because I was searching around my feet or anything, but it was dim, and I didn't see it at all.

(You didn't drop it. That?)

I notice something round behind my butt. If you look at it, it's... it's yo-yo. It is a proposal by Mitsu to replace the string part with stretched metal, which Largo distributed as a protective weapon for SS. I was also given one piece of crunch, but I didn't think I could use the same one in public as SS, and I wouldn't have had a chance to take advantage of it, but I still couldn't jacket the second lowered one from Largo, so I should have wrapped it around my neck with metal strings stretched out, pendanted and dripped from my neck, but when I was even thrown in here, did it come off my neck? I'm not wearing anything, but I decided to keep it around my neck again. Apparently, this stretching metal of yo-yo is likely to move freely as long as it is in direct contact.

Now it's a collar I can't find, but I didn't even try to tighten it so hard that I wasn't going to be able to take it at all for just a while after I got Largo's blood and had a disgusting time, as if it was rubber until now when I put it on concession from Largo.

Furthermore, at the same time as the attachment, the crust flutters in the worst possible mood, and as a result of energy replenishment with Largo's blood - after sucking so much blood that I have replaced all the magic in my body with everything from Largo - suddenly its hardness and cramping is gone that I can remove it as if it were a thick rubber ring. So did Largo, apparently, but when he thought he had sucked all the energy out of the wearer, he said the collar could be removed because he thought he had finished the role.

It's just Largo or in my case, I could still move even if I sucked it away. I couldn't measure whether that was due to the lack of capacity of this collar or the specifications that I couldn't inhale any more if I inhaled it all the way through.

And when he calmly checked, Krasabi noticed that he was only put in two of the artificially made bins.

They're both sitting in cages, so to speak, lifted from the ground.

And there is something on the ground that is falling sparsely.

It was, or people, and some could tell at a glance that they weren't people again.

Many look like they said something about a hungry ghost or a dead person.

(Maybe this is hell?

And wherever you look, there's no such thing as a jailguard ghost - a ghost who organizes and directs the so-called hell.

He is a deceased who may not be so polite, everywhere, but all things are subjected to so-called reproach bitterness in all places as far as he can see.

Find something in it that a glimmer of suffering exaggerates. No, it seems better that you still have a lot of energy left over.

Others are very painful, even if they say so. I mean, although it still keeps suffering, doesn't it feel like it's already got the energy to go around?

And once you look closely at something that stands out and moves in its exaggeration, it looks something familiar. Yes, I've only seen my face a few times at Demon King's Castle, but I didn't even name the Krasabi, which was just the lower work of those who don't mind, definitely an external demon tribe that was coming in and out of the outside.

And, yes, he...

Krasabi remembers. In the sea near the ruins of the Demon King's Castle, where Largo was attacked for the first time at Pinpoint, he activated the last ability of the Demon Clan, and is a detached Demon Kato who tried to drag all of Largo's undine children into an eternal prison where they would never be able to return once they had fallen. At that time he looked like a great mukade, but now he is close to the human form when he was coming to Demon King Castle.

(Why is he here? Is this hell? No, there can't be a demon falling into the same hell as a human being.

In conclusion, the answer would be one if Krasabi hadn't made a 'demonic difference', and if that were true, Krasabi would have trembled at the horror, and it would have stopped and his teeth would likely make a beep, but it couldn't even be heard as a sound in his own body.

(Maybe you couldn't keep the Lord, so you broke your vows and sent him here?

No, if that's the case, Mitsu should be sent with us. Or it's no surprise that there's all the SS.

Nonetheless, it doesn't make any sense to think that Millin is the only one we're with. But there was only one answer when it came to the Demonic Cato being sent as it was.

That's the scariest place to affirm. Yes, eternal prison.

(Ahem, there it is.

At the same time I noticed the collar of Madante Planta. I've discovered it in places where it would or shouldn't be the most. No, it is the most unlikely place, so even though it is so familiar, you may say that you did not notice it because you did not see it.

Why did His Highness...?

If you put on a collar like that, it would be very unbearable for humans, and if you can't replenish your magic for that confrontation - then you can't keep it very sane. I reached out to him if I didn't take it, but I stuck it up, didn't even extend it, it was as if Krasabi had just worn it.

(No, no doubt this is, yes, in the midst of still depriving His Highness of his magic, which means His Highness must have just worn this collar.

(363) Reviving Memories

Thank you.

Memories of the past that somehow are good now. I don't think Krasabi and Satan have ever known each other, but...?

So is this memory a sealed memory? That's why I was suddenly reminded, and the mystery deepened, and next time...

Mirin may or may not have worn this bracelet, but is he in a state of loss because of it?

And then I'm in the middle of continuing to suck energy, so I guess I can't take it off the milin right now.

In Largo's case, I thought you said it took a lot of time until it could be removed. I can't even move my body when it's being sucked out in the first place. Normally, they say you should lose consciousness and solidify like Millin does. In other words, if it is a demon, it becomes a state of sealing. Humans should have both energy of vitality and magic, but that capacity is not a lot, and they should be able to suck it right away.

I'm wondering if Krasabi was okay because he mistaken his magic for Largo's magic and this collar for the same one. Largo used to wear and remove this collar so well that each time, as a collar without eyes, he would have tried to discern himself solely by the nature of his magic. Thanks to that, you wouldn't have shown me the real power to suck magic out of Krasabi. Since I only received magic supplementation from Lago's blood all the time from the state close to my tease, and because Lago's source of magic is that blood, I am satisfied that I have already sucked enough out of here at a time when that is the only thing I can detect from the crab (?) Wasn't it because I did, or was full of that kind of energy? Thinking about it, there are a lot of things.

But I'm not going to take Millin's bracelet as long as I live.

Could this be...

Something went wrong and the collar itself hasn't moved. That's all I could think about. One of the reasons why Millin isn't going to stick around at all.

At that time, without any foretaste or context, Krasabi suddenly remembers what happened at Demon King Castle. It feels like the memories I forgot suddenly came back from the memories.

Yes, that was back when Krasabi used to teach Euda how to cook.

The rumor was that the story of the legacy egg of Galenos, the Demon King, had been secretly passed down under the water, not publicly for some reason, and that it was not a time to know if it was better to keep quiet to celebrate on your pee. Moreover, after this, the inheritance from the demon Erigos to become the champion of the earth - that is, the delicate timing at which the fact became public for the first time in the castle, when the prophecy that Largo would hatch on the last day of the Saturnarian Festival - would echo throughout the castle of the Demon King.

By the time I said dinner preparations were about to begin, Krasabi was deliberately summoned by Euda to a place where the popular "Hitoshi" - in this case perhaps it should be called the Demonic Mind - was not there, folded in and cut out for a favor.

"Look, crunchy. I want no one to know what I'm asking you to do. I'd appreciate it if you could forget that you helped me with this. [M] If you accidentally talk about it, you'll be tired of not only us asking for it, but even you being instructed to help.

"Fine. Yuda taught me so many things that I was a little pissed off and punished. But you shouldn't bother Yuda because your mouth is lighter, so I'll cast a spell that I'll forget after I help you.

"You have such a convenient thing. There would be a prison in the basement, wouldn't there? Actually, I just want the woman in there to be transported to another prison.

"What. Is that all this is about? I wish I could ask a guard like that, but the same wipley is doing it. ─ ─ I mean, we're not very close.

"Oh, those kids just asked 9032 to take their seats off for a bit. You can't ask someone you don't trust. Just take him out somehow, in the meantime, please. The man should be in the deepest part of the cell, and the great demon Erigos should be standing in front of him. And there's another person I know who says Lucy, so can you follow what that person says later and carry the prisoner in it?

"Okay. Let me handle it.

Krasabi takes action as they say. Going to an underground cell at a specified time, there was a woman, as I was told.

"It's crusty. Thank you for always helping me with Euda.

Lucy seems to know a lot about Krasabi indirectly, and is called out first to tell a secret story.

Somehow, Krasabi senses that it's a job where you have to lurk your voice. But I don't know to whom it's a secret story.

The next thing I knew, standing in front of the cell, I was about to meet Erigos, the vicinity of Galenos the Demon King, and I thought I shouldn't be pissed off with the detours, and I panicked and lay my eyes down and plumped my head.

Then an unexpected voice hangs.

"It's good, I'm going without courtesy. It must be kept secret that this world is here.

Crusabi, who could not understand why he said such a thing, inadvertently asked for Lucy's expression, which was next door.

Then she still snorts in silence.

(I mean, shut up and obey.

That's what I thought, Krasabi, still nodded with his face down.

"Whatever you say.

"It's all in secret. Then I want you to take out the woman who's falling in it and carry it with you, Sata-- No, at Lucy's behest.

It was just as I asked Euda.

In an earlier reply, Krasabi, whose secretly said meaning stood in his mouth and also stepped unnecessary, entered the prison where the lock had already been removed when he nodded like a ninja, holding up a prisoner who did look more like a female's body, wrapped around his body with a black cloth cut.


This prisoner, who thinks he's heavy, is unusual because of the clarity of the wipley that makes him a monster. Well, I kind of figured out why I was called in.

Since it seems neat and unconscious, I have found that it is not a demonic tribe that is producing excessive weight with its own magic, but this weight would not be very human.

I thought it might belong to another giant beast. But it's not such a futile atmosphere.

As for the woman named Lucy, whom she invites, Krasabi proceeded with a female prisoner to the lower level of Demon King's Castle, which she had never been in before.

Erigos seemed to plan to only hang out that far, and in the dark, Krasabi dives to the bottom of the darkness with Lucy alone while descending the stone stairs.

Of course when I say darkness, it just seems dim before dawn to Krasabi.

But I couldn't even step off my feet in my first place and fall towards Lucy, so I saw through the prisoner I was holding and also looked at my feet.

But only in one place, there's something I can't really see. It was shaped like a circle. I knew it was a collar right from the other body parts.

Something you can't foresee with your clairvoyance - perhaps something special made by powerful magic.

Krasabi hates to study by birth, and I'm not sure about those difficult things, but I know there are several kinds of things called collars.

That's the first knowledge I was taught when I asked the question because Euda wears a beautiful gold collar.

What Euda was wearing is said to be the collar of his guardian, and he has the ability to protect what he wears from the outside enemy.

On the other hand, he said that these kinds of things that can be soaked in prisoners and slaves are often endowed with abilities such as obedience or sealing. To avoid escape or resistance, of course.

(368) Secret Talk

Thank you for always reading.

Is it the record of True Dragon and Satan building eternal prison? A lot of stories come out. Looks like it's still going on.

"That's enough, when you get here. ─ ─ Even if you open your mouth.

Lucy speaks kindly to me.

She, too, seems to have kept her mouth shut as long as she could in response to what Erigos said earlier.

After all, with two women, Girls Talk is a must.

"Thank you. I call it crunchy.

"I know. What Euda often hears.

Yes, I was just greeted from the other side.

"How far do you carry it?

"All the way down here, I made another cell. I don't think it's a prison. It's a special room. Do you have a hard mouth?

"It's okay. I also told Euda that I would cast an obsolete spell when this was over, so...

"You are. Your Capa will lose a lot of magic, won't it? I really don't have to go that far. Then I'll do you some special magic when I get out of here. The one I call Petite Mada. Well said, my specialty. It only sucks away certain memories and seals them. If they put that collar on you and you might remember when it lost its effect, but that can't be in the world, so it's definitely the way to go.

Lucy then put on the spell she had planned for me when the work was finished as she put it and back in front of the castle's cookery.

What Krasabi remembered was the memories sealed at that time. Lucy revealed that - no, then she came to pick up Judah from Satan, who is now mixed up with this rescue team - that Satan, and she told me in detail what she was going to do. And Krasabi also understood that now was the time when Lucy wore that collar, which was supposed to be 'That can't be in the world', and that it had lost its effect.

And as it brings back that memory, it's still clear that the truth about where you are right now is something you can't go wrong with.

Satan, who had since been named Lucy, finally cut out a story that touches the core of Krasabi.

"You told me after this that you would seal all those memories, so I'll tell you as clearly as I can. First of all, what you have now, it's a dragon woman who I put on my Madante Planta collar and couldn't use all my abilities. Madante Planta's collar is a cursed collar that sucks all the energy out of its body and makes it impossible to use its power. It's my specialty. Those who can do the same will probably no longer be on this earth. And if they put this collar on, in the words you know... you've heard of eternal prison, haven't you? I feel the same way when I'm in it.

Just hearing the name Eternal Prison, Krasabi, whose spine was run cold, spoke unexpectedly.

This - maybe a woman - that I have is sleeping in my arms right now, experiencing such a different dimension of pain.

"Eh! I don't know..."

"─ It should be. Until all the energy is sucked out. Normally, by then, my consciousness may be flying and I don't know. It's harder than dying in prison, isn't it? I don't know, of course I've never wanted to go in there before, but I've actually always liked one person. At the time, he was able to make the same thing, but... when I said experiment, or made something like that for another purpose, something else came in that I had no intention of doing, and I went inside to help it, and I hurried to throw something in by mistake.

"Uh, if you do that!

"Of course, it seems like a lot has happened to me since I couldn't get out. Well, in the end, I managed to save him, too. But originally, just before that, I used a lot of energy to make Madante Planta's stuff, so it seemed really hard enough to actually rip my soul apart.

"─ That's what the person said.

I feel rusty when my hair feels better. But in old times, were there many Madante Planta collars like Satan and wizards who could make the same thing?

And I wonder why he's gone now. Crusty people who don't know anything about a wizard named Shiyuji just snap their necks.

"Harder than that, I knew creatures would always die, but the moment of accepting that death is the hardest. I don't know if that's the limit you can't get over as a creature, or if you don't want to get over it. In jail, I don't know how that feels, or should I say it's pain, but it goes on and on and on and on. Still won't die? I guess that's why they say it's better to die. But in fact, the only person who came back from that experience...

If I didn't go through everything myself, my mouth also got a little loose on the blank satan pretending like I didn't know.

"But from what I've been in once, how can you help me out?

"You can't have a system of eternal prison right now, I'm sure. He said he made it so he couldn't do it the other way around. That's what I heard. But what that person made in the experiment, when I said it, was just a container that made the collar of the Madante Planta into space and had the same function, so I don't think it would have been a problem to jump inside and throw out someone who was falling in there while I was conscious.

"How did that person get out afterwards?

Krasabi only asks me how it would help if I were thrown into a place like that.

"Uh, well, like I was about to say, when you put that collar on, you said you'd feel the same way you went to jail. There's a limit to how much you can suck in a container the size of this collar. If you exceed that limit and the collar stops functioning, then you can crawl out with a strong sense of consciousness as you endure it, even if you have the pain of being sucked away again when energy comes from your natural undoing power.

"How much energy can you suck away from that?

"It makes a collar, - I can set it up, for example. If I fail to do so and set the capacity of that Madante Planta collar much smaller than the other person's level, it's only a hard time until it's full. It's just not normal, so you'd better think about it until the magic and vitality of the person you've been put on is gone.

That much I heard revealed one question on my head. Satan's commentary is only about half understandable, as it seems to be quite a bit of a mess. The crusty question that cannot be considered so elaborately is simple.

"Huh? Don't we demons get wiped out when all our magic is gone? Doesn't that mean there are no demons in eternal prison?

"Oh, I don't know how I regulate eternal prison because I didn't make it, but the collar I make reads and makes the other's capa beforehand. I can't cope with something like the gradual gushing of energy out of my body pulse, like the royal family, but I wonder if the system is autonomously doing that kind of regulation. And I've always thought I'd taste the pain.

(373) erased memory

Well, Krasabi had one unknown commentary, but it turns out that demons can also be thrown into eternal prison. Who made such a terrible thing?

If it weren't for how intensely you wanted to punish someone who was so nasty, you wouldn't have had to make a terrible place to go that far. But I think this collar, which can do the same thing, is such a nasty thing if you ask me.

"That sounds difficult. Well, if you misregulate it, they just put this collar on you.

"Yes, it will disappear. Back in the day, when I put the Overcapa collar on a human, I even remembered it and destroyed it in the first place.

"Oh, if I break it, will you go back?

Then I guess I should rush to break it if I can put it on. However, a cheap countermeasure that only needs to be broken while it is being sucked away is declared null and void.

"Sort of. But I can't take it while I'm sucking it off, so it was after they sucked it off and got laid. Once you suck it all out, it's easy to get it off. That said, the person who was normally sucked of all energy at that time should be unconscious, so I can't take it without someone else. That would make it easier to destroy them.

"But how did you get such an excess...

"Ah, well. It was royalty to say who it was. That would have happened if I made it bigger to suck it off and let it sleep again, even if my strength came back for a while. Ha, but, you know, that's why I knitted it out. That's what I said earlier. Petite mada is.

That's the name of the technique he said Krasabi would call me not to recall this one thing after this. Somehow I'm not relieved to think that some of the 'Madante Planta' is used. However, the information that energy and memory can be similarly sucked and trapped was not a pinch of rust at the moment.

"Were you okay with the guy who jumped in on the experiment earlier? You know, like... you don't remember?

"Dehe. I don't know if I have any thoughts around it, or if he's nice, or if he's going to take care of things up to now, but when you make the same thing, you think extra twist about what you do. I mean, in that case, 'It's dangerous if you suck it all out'? I'm not conscious. I wonder if it's his magical qualities.

"So you didn't originally suck it all out, did you?

"It's the same procedure. It's weird."

Krasabi is somewhat understandable. It tastes better than anyone else when Euda cooks. I know that there is one labor and two labors there because of the effort that has been put into thinking about the eater. Specifically when cooking fish, they separate themselves from bones, pull out every single bone, and in some cases finely crush the small bone with a blade from the thin body. I had seen some tough vegetables and other dishes with water in front of them, and more, very devilish cooking methods I couldn't think of.

"No, I kind of get it. You're a good one.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure there are people out there. Even once he tried to do something with his magical tools, it used to happen that such a safety device worked, and even though I was doing magic, it wasn't as good as I thought. You're unconscious. So, I didn't think you were going to go in there on your own. That's not going to happen. But if I sucked his memory away, I might start working on that collar with the same kind of safety device as nature.

But Krasabi's interest was more in what would happen to our demonic clan, which originally created itself with the energy of magic, if all its magic was sucked out by its collar, or by its technique. It is the iron rule of the devil clan that if the magic is lost, it will be extinguished. Satan, in the application of that technology, is trying to suck away or seal his memory later, so I could naturally take it personally that I could be treated with care.

"I'll seal it up to my memories... But it's still a pretty hard move. Well, if you make a mistake and they follow you like that...

"Well, he's a human royal, to say the least. I don't know if it would be the royal family of the North Hall in this country, because it seems to be at a very high level. Still your best balls, maybe half of Quadraple? I wouldn't know if it was when it was going to come with magic, but I wouldn't make that mistake, so it's okay.

No, no, you mustn't taste the uselessness and degree of crunch. I think the Wipley Magic Retention Average is roughly about 25 in light of the standard of having a common human being as one, but Krasabi has never reached one third of it no matter how many times it is measured. Once, when the supply of magic from the Demon Vessel lagged a little or the Demon King used it heavily for other things, it dropped to at least a little over twice the human average.

"No, I don't have ten times as much magic as a normal human being, and it's a good place to fall.

I think ten times has made it look pretty good, but still, speaking of Satan, rumor is that he is the individual with the largest magic retention in the world, and neither 7 nor 10 would make a big difference.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, that might suck, Dehe. But you don't have to worry about that. Yuda said she noticed you and cooked well.

What a deceptive Satan to slap his brainy lightly with his left hand fist, tongue out and say 'To De' a statement that hits someone else's complex directly. But the praise that followed was the best for Krasabi.

Yes. Isn't it 'If there's a demon to throw away, there's a demon to pick up'? Even if you're retarded, have a bad attitude, a bad mouth, and have little magic, you make up for it with love and effort. Euda loves it because that's what she understands.

"Uh, really? Glad to hear it. I'm still the type to do it. No, sir.

Satan's unsettling demeanor exposes him to a bad mouth. Speaking of Satan, Galenos' Guest Care Stick. Truth be told, it is a treatment on the cloud, just like Erigos. Yeah, well, I didn't think I was a good person to talk to. But the area is flushed. My PR was then flushed as well. I don't think so, but I wonder if Satan is baking his own yakimochi through that just human Euda. Of course, I think I'm younger, prettier and better looking at my body line, but when it comes to Satan, the Great Wizard also uses the art of immortality. That's what you should be able to look like for both men and women - and that's supposed to be such a solid piece of information purchased from fellow rumorers. If you want to do it, there's no way that its ability to transform can be crusty that only possesses proper magic.

Yet for Yuda's year, Satan, who is a little ripe, looks better as old as Lucy.

"Yeah, that sounds... okay? And I hope you're not surprised from here. Never let that dragon man drop out loud or surprised.


(378) Greatest Contraindications

Erigos, near the Demon King's side, was already in the Girls Talk while diving deep into the basement of Demon King's Castle in the work of making it a marvellous secret, a crusade that I felt had already been asked such a surprising story, or a story I should not have heard.

But I listen with the certainty that Satan, who suddenly changed the tone of his voice, is going to start a story that you really shouldn't and shouldn't remember from here.

"Actually, the name of the person you're walking with right now is Dora. Yes, anyone in this Demon King's Castle knows, I think there are rumors going on right now about making him Galenos' beloved princess, but the mother who laid Galenos's legacy, no, the mother who laid that egg, is the mother.

Crassabies calling themselves fallen demons who do think it's okay to do this from day to day with energetic weather, but also things on the clouds, were so surprised that they seemed to fly.

"What! Why is that so obvious to me? - No, are you there?

I only reworded the end of the phrase, but of course against the pet princess of Galenos the Demon King, 'such is' also an NG word.

But that also made me understand this weight. When it comes to dragon men, it is consciousness that makes them lighter than clouds, but it is natural that they have more weight than beasts based on super-dozen giant monsters.

"I don't even know that. Anyway, last night, Galenos and Dora had a big fight after dinner. Dora, who came here under certain circumstances and abandoned her original powers, couldn't resist Galenos and lost her mind when I was called. And Galenos said he'd be eating at dinner this evening. Order Euda, the diner you've always helped me with.

"Eat what?

"Of course, if Yuda refused to allow herself to dismantle the Dragon Man, she would have let me wear a curse collar. But Euda, who always watched us eat together, cried so much that she could do it, she decided to talk to Erigos and eat it and hide it somewhere else.

I heard rumors, so I knew more or less about Galenos' personality. Krasabi has something to catch him in his current state. But I didn't know exactly what it was, so I gave it a nod for now.

"─ So this is how you're carrying it right now.

They say in human society couples fight don't even eat Momoiro lizards, but if it's a couple fight between the Demons and the Dragons, they won't even eat a belly-grabbing monster.

"That's right. I asked Astleto to create a dedicated place deep beneath this basement because I had to camouflage it so that I could not see the presence of Dora, even if I could explore it out of Galenos' sight by mistake, and with Galenos' ability. Of course I don't know what Astleto made it for. Erigos just instructed me to make a place like that and I did it. It makes the so-called shelter in the basement a temporary, eternal prison space.

"Forever is that! Mr. Satan...?

"Actually, I know a little bit about eternal prison, but as I put it out for you earlier, that and the magic used in my moves Madante Planta collar are originally the same thing.


"So, I'll skip explaining why that's happening because it's going to be so long, but if it stays the way it is, I'll have to feel bitter again when I naturally accumulate energy of life and magic in my Dora. The best way to avoid that is to take your collar, but then I fear that Galenos will notice me if Dora's bioenergy comes back to life. So in the future, I want to reflect that I wish Galenos hadn't regretted killing Dora, or at least keep Dora hidden in it until that successor egg is covered. If you saw the baby's face, you might change your mind about Galenos.

"But... why would they go in there?"

"Actually, I think the real eternal prison is the same, but the two systems between that Madante Planta collar and each other are incompatible. If we put the two together, part of the system of eternal prison, or at least a good extent around its collar, will come off the influence of prison. At the same time, that collar stops its ability. I mean, even if I wear it, it's the same as if I didn't wear it. But when you look at it from the outside, it might just seem like the eternal prison and its collar are working. Even so, no one else has seen that, so I don't know if I'm going to experiment with it now. In any case, Dora can hide it, and if she's in the shelter of eternal prison, it won't be hard to wear that collar.

The word 'else' bothered me slightly, but at that time Krasabi, in the back of a blitz only about the fact that it was the pet princess of Galenos holding herself to Satan, and the mother who had already given birth to her succession, another dong-pulling information that was caught around the back of her throat filled her head, and she couldn't stop mouthing it.

Yes, that must have stuck in my head because Satan had come earlier to talk about it many times, but I didn't really want to hear the name of that place again.

"Huh. Wait a minute, please. I'm not sure about that kind of difficulty, but wasn't that a contraindication that we Demons should never have done? The children of Galenos and Dora...

It is assumed that there shall be no children between the dragon man and the devil tribe. That's a story that is limited to demonic males - but the truth is, there is no difference between female and male demons. I'm just talking about acting that way because I'm determined to be either a female or a male in that tribe. But the wizard is similar, and Satan and others are often seen in men, so the crusade I met in this woman named Lucy quickly came to my notice. And for reproduction by the devil tribes, because the devil tribes cannot create something called eggs alone, another very special method - a sorcery ritual - is used, which is also similar to the ritual of summons.

Meanwhile, in order for the Demon Nation to be a child with other intelligent creatures, the only way to do so is to seed the other female. Moreover, it is assumed that we cannot have children only with humans. It's not a decision, it's a natural dish. So when rumors broke that the pet princess of Galenos the Demon King was human, everyone thought it wasn't to be a child. So everyone was skeptical the other day when rumors broke out that Dora had laid eggs that would be the legacy of Galenos. Human beings don't have children. And if you're a common beast man, you don't produce eggs.

If you think of connections as calculations, because if humans are +1, the Demons are -1. It is said that the beast man may be considered to be +2 of man and beast. So the Krasabi and the devils were taught that if the beasts and the devils were connected, they would remain 1 as beasts and the beasts would be born, and in the devils and humans they would become 0 and nothing would be born.

Then Dora was one of the few, it was plausible that she was an egg-laying beast man, but at that time no one suggested the possibility that she was a dragon man. For it is that no one should ever go.

But Satan in front of me, he says all the same. That the mother who laid the eggs of Galenos' succession was a dragon man. Krasabi seemed to have a tremendous heart that was not in the Demon's chest.

(384) Top Secrets

"Right. Anyone will notice, won't they? Exactly. If I find out, I'll have to erase your memory. Why I had to do such a horrible thing didn't even tell me the details, but Dora insisted that I was never trying to do anything reckless, for this universe, no, Salamandra. It's what I really need for God. I believed that. In fact, I've never heard of Galenos, but he's the Demon King. You don't know that, do you? If the Demon King seeds, he will not give birth to a little dragonfly. That a true dragon will be born that True Dragon was really afraid of. I think I'm ready.


Of course, Krasabi nodded that it would be.

"But this is how those two fight, and now Galenos tells me to eat Dora. I don't know if there's anything behind that, either. If you lose your memory after this too, you just carried your stuff without knowing anything. No, if you forget that, there's never going to be a time when you and the Dora are going to be taken to a horrible place.

Hearing that, the crunch of a heart that shouldn't subside a little. Otherwise I am full of wanting to throw out this heavy load and run away and go home.

But Satan had already spoken to me, a place dedicated to Astleto deep underground - the shelter - was in sight.

"That's right. I don't know. Then what Euda said. Do I have to tell you that I helped you with this against the Demon King Galenos?

"That's right. So you better not have any memories, right? ─ ─ Come on, we're here. Let me in here. I know I may be a little sick in this room, but I hardly think it bothers me if I put it in with Dora you're holding right now. I guess I'm a little lonely.

Crassy, who stuck his neck in a bit and was instructed to confirm, peeks in test-wise, as he was told, but hardly seems to have any problems.

"It's okay. I mean, really touch Kang a little bit, or... that much.

"Right, good. I knew it was what I was thinking.

"But is it okay if I cook for you tonight?

So I hope you don't mind my favorite Euda eating your eyeballs. How Euda has one piece of this story, and I'm not happy that Krasabi is responsible for that one stick, even if I understood it.

"Absolutely. Because it won't taste very good before, he said that Euda would judge the meat of a monster he had never served for dinner this evening. That's why I put a similar-sized ring on that monster's carcass. I'm sure we'll line up at the table with that, too.


Krasabi, as Satan instructed, quietly laid Dora's body almost in the middle of the place where the domed Satan told him to 'shelter'.

Confirm the orientation of the face with clairvoyance so that Dora is not at all bitter at that time. Or so it seemed, the face of the woman in it was undisputed, and there was no doubt about that person, 9032, a fellow Whipley, who was always with Krasabi to help with Euda.

Look at the surprised face. Satan perceives the situation.

"You saw it. Well, you wipleys have Dora's clairvoyance, but it's not. Dora is just two melons with one of your people, her, who comes to Euda every once in a while to help cook. But you don't have to know why. Anyway, because it's not Whipley you brought in now.


Krasabi thinks. It's nothing strange in this Demon King's Castle that it looks like someone else. In the first place, the Devil Nation is rare to have a figure that has been conceded from heaven and ancestors. I'm just following it because I express my own demonic form, or because it's dictated that way by race. Moreover, where human style and other tentative appearances are good, it is not uncommon to imitate the appearance of others.

Besides, I thought you said earlier that Euda had 9032 doing another job right now.

Now Satan and Krasabi's work is over. For a while Satan closes his eyes slightly away from the shelter and has a clear ear style.

Apparently, he was trying to see if Dora could be sensed from the outside.

"Okay, now you're perfect.

Then, towards the crusade back to earth, to the last word Satan uttered is the lost memory of the crusade.

I feel like we've gotten along because of this, it's sad that I won't have memories with Satan that I can be as close to as my thoughtful sister, but the light-mouthed crusty won't be able to hold such a big secret and keep quiet, etc., if I don't get him to do this. Until such a serious matter, I was sure Satan must not have told Euda. If I don't have my memories sealed, I'm sure my heart will flake.

"Then please.

"Yeah. Then if I trap your memories, I'll seal them in the deepest rear of the nucleus, that I was here with you, too. This is my demon nucleus, and it won't come back unless it's broken. Now you forgive me for saying yes, right?

"Oh, just one last thing, okay?


"I'll forget about it anyway, so I'd like to hear what bothered me.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything.

"─ I'm talking about getting in, is he an old lover who made Madante Planta's stuff earlier?

"Ah! No, I'm not!

Suddenly it went out loud. That's a response to a situation where, from Krasabi's experience, he obviously possessed a graphic star.

"Really? Because it seemed so good.

"Totally, totally. It's silly - no -" Krasabi points out that it doesn't look like much. "Good thing, then I'll tell you more, because it's really top secret information. ─ ─ I wasn't a wizard then, I was a dragon. His name was Lucifer. All the dragons were neither male nor female. It was an amphoteric organism. Wizards basically still do. It's just that I'm really limited to being a living wizard from then on. I wonder if it has both sexes. So it's not like I like anything or anything, but maybe it's like," I'm in love with that guy (man), "to put it humanly. We all did. Samael was against him with his mouth, but I think he liked him.


"No, it's this way. Besides, I have an important person (Ami) who I care about as a woman right now. You know, I was burning up a confrontation earlier, but I'm talking about Euda.

"What! Really? - No? No, I have no idea.

"What, I thought you were arguing. All right, then, Euda's fine with girls, so you admit it. Even so, will this memory disappear? Me, too.

"Ha, you did. Then don't hesitate to..."

"You know what? Well, that's good. That's about as good a stakeout as I am. Oh, and I'll just tell you one last thing when I forget. I've been worried about him for a while now, like the one we've talked about many times - the one who created the eternal prison. Even if I say so from you, I'll be the imaginary lord. His name was True Dragon, and he was too good to be the Salamandra God that currently shines in the sky. Now it's all. Well, I'll do the trick, then.

When he said that, Satan cast a spell with a cane on the crustacean.

(389) The identity of the Lord

Sorry for being slightly fine-grained to post every day for sure. Even with this content, I always appreciate you reading it. Krasabi, whose memory of conversation with Satan has returned, has allowed him to calmly judge his surroundings.

Even Krasabi, who found Largo, assumes from circumstantial evidence that Largo is a dragon born between Dora and Galenos. But the real Dora and Galenos inheritance should have been stabbed by Margaretta in the stomach. Krasabi even found the Dora he carried at that time, but fulfill it. Is Dora really Largo's mother?

Yes, it was.

The fact that I remembered so vividly must still mean that I was thrown into eternal prison.

Yes, in those days, we never dreamed that Mitsu was our own grandmother, 0032, and we believed that it was the same fallen station of 9,000 as ourselves.

Yes. Mitsu, a grandmother, is just a great yuan made a demon out of Kamal in the first place. The fact that it was two melons with Dora means that I feel that there is something special about it, Krasabi.

(But I can't believe you were captain of the 100th squad.

Nevertheless, I can say that I was fortunate enough to have remembered the relationship between the collar of Madante Planta and the eternal prison that Satan taught me then at a time like this.

But that's it. Krasabi is unlikely to be able to do anything more.

(Is that it? But I've heard that we demons can't move a finger once they're in a place called eternal prison.

Was that just something called an urban legend? Somehow, nobody's ever been there and come back, so I can't even be sure if that's true.

I'm not very happy, but the Demons who came in here with sanity reminded me that I might be the first.

(Ah well. With the favor of being around this collar, maybe the pain is cancelled, so I can move.

That said, even if I wanted to fly, my body wouldn't float, and I don't seem to be able to produce any more Whipley-specific powers than I slapped Millin on the cheek earlier.

Apparently, the only thing that can be used with a wipley-like ability is limited to this clairvoyant ability.

In other words, the power that affects the outside world can only be used to the extent of human beings.

However, clairvoyance does not work in a place called outside this dome.

I had no choice but to look inside this dome from corner to corner.

The size is just the size that made that amphitheater two turns smaller, so to speak, like it took away the audience seats.

It turns out there the prisoner is rolling gobbly and in roughly less than 100 numbers.

Plus there's a big hole just around the center. And deep down in that hole, there's a big wooden box. No, crusty to discover there's a coffin.

(I wonder what this is?

It is a coffin that people are likely to put in three of them. Of course Krasabi clairvoyant it.


I raised my voice not much of a surprise, but of course I don't sound like that in this space.

Yes, it was Mitsu in there - no, she looked just like Mitsu.

Yes, with Satan at that time, I carried him deep underground in the Castle of the Demon King, yes, Dora.

Of course. Dora knew she'd be sent to eternal prison.

I can only assume so. If a dragon woman gives birth to a demonic child, the human element is erased by the demonic species and a dragon is born. Anyone who is a dragon or demon knows that.

(Wait a minute? Dora was the one who gave birth to the Lord I love. You mean it was the Lord who was born, in violation of this universe's greatest contraindication. Then the Lord is not a demon.

Krasabi realizes the identity of the heir Euda took to the royal castle he headlines, and is dismayed that he realizes it.

(It was. That's why the Lord is so kind. Because the Lord hasn't drawn the blood of the Demon Clan. Oh, no. All my friends have been receiving the Lord's blood as energy.

I feel like I've noticed something worse than the fact that my spine is getting cold and I'm in eternal jail. I mean, then who have you served and whose blood you've been breathing and living? That's not just me. The same is true of the mites that were sucking that blood directly from the lagon every day to further grow that transferred blood and give it to everyone. And no one is aware of that fact.

Krasabi remembers when he met Largo.

(Did the Lord know the secret of his birth?

No, what I don't think is coming back to the back of Krasabi's brain.

For example, Largo, who didn't know he was a demon and was surprised to hear that Whipley was a vampire. I didn't even know there was blood in the Demon Clan, and Largo felt that I was even the heir to the Demon King. Instead of being able to counter the repellence of Holy Springs, Largo dives into the jihad itself and takes the Holy Spirit as his servant...

Why didn't you notice it from the beginning? That makes me wonder more.

Yes, Largo was the first dragon to manifest itself in the world in tens of thousands of years, undoubtedly spawned from the demon king's seeded eggs, but at the same time did not take over the pieces of the demonic lineage.

Once again, Krasabi takes a serious look at Largo's collar, which is solidified while wrapped around Millin's arm.

But this collar was originally worn by Satan, who knew who Largo was.

In other words, it was mounted knowing that there was a real, and infinitely close, dragon vein in Largo's body. To enclose it requires infinite capacity in this collar itself. But realistically, it's impossible to make a small collar like this have that ability, so even if it's just the energy that was filling Largo's body when it was installed, it's something that sucked all of that away at once and made Largo have enough capacity to sleep for a while.

And this collar, which was worn long after Largo woke up, must have probably always been full with the energy he sucked out of Largo. So I wonder if the crust, which at best has only about 10 times as much magic retention as humans, would not have vanished, even if it had been applied in a state of magic depletion.

No, it still seems a little bit likely that this guy will suck the magic out of it.

I guess I used up all my magic in the battle with the witch and with no blood replenishment from Largo, it was the original magic power of Krasabi that naturally came back to me, so every time it accumulated in my body, it was sucked away by the collar of Madante Planta that I had made it all into a bracelet.

In the meantime, I'm pretty sure I thought I was out of energy and completely unconscious, like Millin is now.

Still, why didn't we achieve the natural end, or extinction, of the demonic tribe that completely lost its magic powers? I don't even know that by Krasabi, but somehow I feel like it's because Largo was protecting me.

(You just don't have any basis for that, do you?

I mean, instead of feeling it, maybe Krasabi just wants it to be.

However, the bracelet, which once sucked all of its energy out, should have been loose so that it could be removed freely, as it was when it was wrapped around a largo.

So I guess that means that there was some trigger and I don't know anything about it. Mirin mounted it on me, or someone switched it from crusty to mirin.

And Millin, with all its raw and only a few magic powers, sucks roots in the collar of Madante Planta for Largo, which has this enormous capacity.

But a normal human being, the bioenergy that would be depleted in an instant would also have been a fraction or maybe a dozen of His Majesty the True King in Milin's body, which drew the blood of the royal family to adulthood, but there would have been an enormous amount of bioenergy hidden compared to the average human being. It must have taken some time to pull that out.

And from here on out, it's just a great imagination of crusade, but while it was being sucked away, of course, Milin was probably out of her mind, but at that moment, crusade followed her around, thinking that she had been thrown into what could be considered this eternal prison.

(394) Disappointment and hope

The collar of Madante Planta, stuck disappointingly in Millin's arm, has also been easily understood by the crusaders for the reason that it cannot be removed.

Otherwise, there's no way I can wait this long and take my bracelet from Millin.

In other words, I think this bracelet must have completely stopped its function halfway through the process of sucking off the Millin's energy.

(I'm sure, as Satan said, neither this bracelet nor this area around it is performing its original function.

But even if I know that much, I have no idea what to do with Krasabi.

By and large, we don't even know where we were thrown in from, and we wonder why we are not the only ones being dropped on the ground in this dome, but placed in a cage like the "basket" suspended from the sky.

Hi, some demons and the likes of the deceased, including Kato directly beneath this, seem to be relieving the suffering inflicted from prison by interference with the collar of Madante Planta, which was put on the milin, far more than the prisoner who is a little further away. Besides, although it is only the impression of crusty, this cage where we are seems easier on each step than the deceased who are stuck on the ground. I'm just not sure if that's the performance of this cage, or just the power of the collar. In any case, while Krasabi feels slightly uncomfortable, as long as he is with Milin in this cage, he is likely to remain sane and continue his future consideration.

Well, if you change your mind, there's milin here. And there's also Dora, the mother who gave birth to Largo.

(Besides, there are also people. You found the Lord. It's not too rough, is it?

That means maybe, but I don't think we can ever say there's a chance that Largo will come here.

Yes. Most importantly, Largo will come here. No. Didn't we already see the possibility that we might be able to come here and save ourselves and return to our original world?

(Yes, the Lord, whom I love, is the Divine Dragon who unifies the reason on earth.

The only concern is that you may not be aware of the truth.

I see a verse where Satan said that he was fitted with the overly large Madante Planta collar of the Capa that would also take away the other person's memory, but also lost the wisdom of saying that he was the Divine Dragon that he was supposed to have in the first place, as well as all the memories that accompanied it.

It also seemed likely that he did not even know the fact that his mother was being held in this eternal prison.

If there's anything close to Largo that already knows what happened to Erigos and Satan...

We haven't found Erigos yet, and even Satan...

No. Not at all. Largo has no connection to Satan. Am I not seeing Satan when I helped Euda in Abehalnville?

And then I told him to go help that Euda, and Milin and I actually went to help him, and when I found out that I was being brought here...

(─ No, I can't. There's no way anyone can tell there are two of them here.

Because we're not supposed to meet any of the conditions for being thrown in here. Who will suspect that you are here?

(Really, how did they get here...?

That way, when I tried to give it all up for a while, I suddenly heard talk from nowhere.

"Look, the prison door is already open!

"Are you okay, this. Isn't it Master Valkyria?

"But this kingdom is a testament to those who undoubtedly broke their vows of imprisonment. That must mean that Lord Valkyria's vow of allegiance to this eternal prison, in which he is serving, has been broken and the prison sentence has been confirmed.

"I can't believe it. Valkyria, why are you so loyal? ─ ─ So who's going to respond to this prison when something like an automaton like the one that just showed up is sent in and busted?

"That said, there is no stopping what has been sent in this way in our hands either. Look, I'm no longer referring to the number of people in here who are going to jail.

"Then we'll put it in like this already.

"You don't seem to have any other way.

Hi. I heard that voice. The source is not the wall. It's from a rift that opened up in space. In a dark prison, even though a rift appeared to be formed and the outside was bright, - I guess it was a jailhouse move - and the outside light didn't leak out of it, so I didn't immediately notice.

What makes this area connected to the outside is apparently not the boundaries that Krasabi thinks are walls, but the contacts with different spaces, so to speak, that are completely uninformable.

The rift slowly increased its spread, and something spherical was pushed in that was smaller than the cage containing the crust, etc., around the lid.

(It's a bond.

It is translucent and visible, but I could sense that it was the same for the crusade that I could also connect with.

I wonder if that landed fluffy and quiet, like a chavon ball, it still cracks like that, although it didn't even make the sound of a pussy, as if it were a chavon ball.

Three women fell out of it. One of them didn't look familiar at all, but looking at the other two faces, Krasabi is stunned.

(Eh, these two.

Yes, definitely.

Together with Milin, they were the two shadow bearers who had been guarding Milin's neighborhood for no time since he left as a visiting team from Wang Du.

(Er, what's your name? - Yes! Hanakaru and Beard.

The two faces hardly ever came out to the surface, but once the man who tried to poison them with a mouth transfer in the boat met him shortly after he had mistakenly measured his mouth transfer to Krasabi and died, and when he jumped into the room he was fainting with his highness inside, while the faces were hidden in shadow clothes, but Krasabi was clairvoyantly confirming the two faces he was reporting to the Godfroys with the unleashed ninjas when he went to Bokovo's reconnaissance and came back.

The fact that they're here, at least we can only assume that they're here to help Millin. That's their only mission.

I do remember that even during the battle at Amphitheatre, when Krasabi came back to the venue, he was blown away by Behemoth's nose and rolled over at the edge of the field.

If it was their temperament and loyalty, it seemed no wonder they volunteered to go rescue them, even if it was a horrible place called eternal prison, to dispel that lapse.

Krasabi opens the outlook wide.

(Could it be the Lord who told you to keep quiet about the reckless thoughts of such a girl? No, absolutely not.

Krasabi is 100% confident here. I can see how they were sent here, but also captured for some reason, and forcibly sent.

The voice outside earlier...

"I am serving you, this pledge of allegiance to eternal prison must have been broken and the prison sentence confirmed"

That probably means this woman who doesn't know who broke her vows and was sent here because of it. The two men thrown into the same conjuncture are considered to have interrupted and were brought in for the same crime for trying to help this woman who is to be taken in a confiscation.

And while all three seem to be losing their minds, they soon began to suffer by scratching their chests, even though they were unconscious due to the function of this eternal prison.

(We have to do something to help! But how do I...?

(402) Save everyone.

There is no crusade. Think with a twist of wisdom. When I was in Demon King's Castle before, things like using my head were only when I taught to cook.

Still, as Euda taught me, all I had to do was remember it and faithfully execute it.

Even out on the battlefield, it was the work of the Ronowes, the elites, and the crosses within their companions, and I was just the job of putting all of my companions together.

But since it was in Largo, Krasabi has often used his head. That is because Largo was unknown to the world.

Besides, he wasn't a soldier in the big army, because he even behaved on Largo's behalf. Though with the help of Largo, the brains that were not were always in full rotation.

So even in these circumstances, the crusade stopped panicking. I used to be able to think and judge my situation.

If Krasabi had been here as he was when he attacked the King's Capital, he might have panicked and self-destructed.

And the clutterless crusty realizes the only useful tool he has and grips it in front of his chest.

(Yeah, maybe this.

The first time I looked around here, I remembered that I was lowering the yo-yo from my neck, the only piece of crab I discovered.

Wasn't this originally equipped with the ability to take enemy prey or tie up arms and bodies as a protective movement?

If we manage to bring them into this cage with it, we should be somewhat free from the suffering of eternal prison.

Krasabi rose to the edge of the basket and tried to stretch it to the ground to make sure the yo-yo was moving.

Apparently, as long as the crust touches the stretched metal string, I can make sure it moves like it supported on the ground.

At the end of the yo-yo stretched at that time, Kato, who seems to be halving his suffering from earlier, has tried to jump in desperate shape.

I rush back the yo-yo and again beat the yo-yo to Kato's brain temper with full force.

Not as destructive as it was when it was a wipley, but just as a metal yo-yo was slapped between the brows, the opponent also seemed to have only human-like shock resistance and energy left, blowing bubbles and hitting more and more and passing out.

(You want to help anyone. Do you know that there's less suffering in this?

Come to think of it, you're moving freely by yourself in this area, so it's probably natural to think that if you get here, you can handle it. Whatever it is, Krasabi retrieves the two of them quickly. He was currently only as powerless as a normal human being, but fortunately, Shadow Xu's two should be referred to as a work pattern or he could have pulled it up easier than he thought using the weight of the crab because he was small and light. Of course, Yo-Yo's abilities are very helpful. This is where the trouble comes from. I wondered if a woman wearing something like a kimono taller than Krasabi would not go up just because she used her weight, no matter how she saw it. In some cases, you may be dropped under a cage.

Besides, listening to the ghosts who didn't look - but probably manage this place - earlier, they even sounded like guardians of this prison, like they were bosses because of what they knew, no atmosphere. Do we need to put such a thing at such a risk and force it that far to help? However, the two people who put them in the cage are already relieved of their suffering. The women who have been left behind are undoubtedly going to suffer badly. Crassy thinks...

(What would the Lord do? And how could he have been thrown into this place?

The ghosts must have broken their loyalty to the prison, the voices from the outside said.

I imagine Krasabi wonders what that means. This is definitely an eternal prison. And it's probably true that the Shadows jumped in here without ordering Millin to help them.

Suffering there, she must have tried to bring in Largo, Krasabi's favorite, and his companions, who are trying to come and help, not just these two shadows?

My favorite Largo... Forgive the half-fishers who have ever attacked, once with Hayahusa on his side, who even targeted his life as an enemy, and the day before the signing ceremony, Largo, who saved the mother of the chief of the giant clan who had attacked him in an attempt to invade the kingdom, was said to have been called the Divine Dragon - no, his qualities were discerned and worshipped.

Before meeting with Krasabi, Largo met with the Holy Ghost Gnome of Ganima and was awarded the title of Officer, followed by recognition as the Dominion Master. In the sea, he was also recognized by Undine as a Dominion Master, and in the land of Yapan, he was also raised with the Dragon God by the Spirit of Yumekaka. When Milin, who had embarked on the journey, was on Bokovo, he was telling a story that Sir Leold had told me. He said the Dominion Master of the Holy Spirit was the title offered to the king in the dragon, True Dragon, long before man was born.

When the red two-legged snake was born, Largo tried to take him abroad to say he felt sorry for him to be killed, a strange woman who would be exposed, Largo who rescued the captive half-fish man, Largo who persuaded Buell to quell the difficult illness of Erna's brother Ares and his giant mother, to help Euskalio, who stood in distress suspected of being the mastermind of their actions, to save the people of the kingdom in food distress, and Largo, who provided the grain that had been taken, and the meat of the monsters. Above all, we changed our minds so that we could coexist with humans by teaching our demons to use another creature - Mitsubachi - to live safely in this world. Such a presence cannot be the head of the demon clan. Doesn't it do anything but God?

Even if you can't see things like yourself, you can see Largo's greatness as a dragon, his virtuosity, his kindness.

(He must have challenged you as an enemy and opened his heart to the Lord by discussing it!

That's what I thought. The crusty mind was decided. He said he could help that woman, too.

Anyway, I wrap the yo-yo around the neck of a woman who's falling over me, wondering if I can pull it up with all my weight.

And as I thought, I felt a lot of weight when I tried to wake up my body.

But after what happened to your body, what happened? Much lighter than a hanakaru or a beard, no, it's as easy as pulling something weightless, you can pull it up this way.

It seems to be a lie that it was so heavy at first.

What I noticed by hand was that it didn't weigh at all. Apparently, something like a kimono worn by the woman is floating her in the universe.

I may say that the crusty that is handing it over feels like it is pulling a tampon of cotton wool.

All three of them had managed to recover and lay in a cage. In the basket, which was already wide for both of us, it can be said that it has become narrow there. But as long as the three of them realize it and wake up physically, it's not as cramped as it is yet.

The last woman I helped also fumbled, her previous spicy appearance is no longer like a lie, she calms down and now sleeps in peace rather than losing her mind.

(Good. Let him rest for a while.

There was plenty of room in Krasabi's mind right now. Besides, there's something I can do in this. The next goal is to rescue Dora. Krasabi waited for the Shadows to wake up as he worked out the plan.

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