Diekichi was entrusted by Satan with the crucifix pasteboard that Lagon was wearing just before heading for the Lilith crusade. Since then, Deekichi, who has aspired to be a magician, albeit poorly done once in the past, is interested in the library metal he has deposited. Because ever since I lowered it from my neck, I felt the knowledge I had never known sprang up from somewhere on my own when words came out that I didn't know I was listening to around me or stories with backgrounds.

That's for Lagon, knowledge copied from Sir Leold's library, but for a long time Lagon used it as his knowledge database, so Library Metal itself seemed to improve its affinity with Lagon's brains made to resemble the human brain.

When you lack knowledge in your head and the thought you tried to search for connects well with library metal, the knowledge you need flows into your head.

Of all the times I've encountered that, I know a little bit about how that knowledge comes in, and I'm free to use the information stored in the library metal.

And now that the library metal can read out of my head to some extent, I was able to reach the consciousness that Satan wanted to convey to Largo while watching Margaretta and Satan fight. But in the first step of that message, I wonder how strongly you felt about fighting Lilith now to free Margaretta. Before I read the message, the regret of failing to protect Margaretta's cross from the attack of the evil spirits of hell pours in painfully first.

Satan's message to Largo, entrusted, followed, but the one to Margaretta was Satan's stronger consciousness than it came up with. But it was only if Deekichi had touched that strong thought that she was fortunate to have been able to reinvigorate Margaretta by successfully explaining how Satan had been thinking about Margaretta when she nearly despaired of regret by exposing her own impudence towards Satan.

After telling Margaretta how to shake herself in the future, Dirkichi delved further into the information entrusted to Library Metal as she sidelined her statement of intent for something else and the futile persuasion of the watchman Cockatoo to let Margaretta give up going to eternal prison.

So what Satan was trying to tell me was the natural truth if I tried to make it Dirkichi, that Largo was not a demon tribe.

And like the humans around us say, Largo is definitely trying to teach that he is a goddragon. Indeed, Largo's birth was the castle of the demon king of Galenos, and Dora, the mother of Largo, undoubtedly dwelt the seed of the demon king Galenos. But because Dora was a dragon man, the Largo that could have been done in the meantime was to be given life as a dragon that should not be in the world.

But before Largo woke up completely in his eggs, with the power given to him by Satan's wearing Madante Planta collar, he even took away the knowledge he had to be born as a Divine Dragon. Thus Largo, despite being a Divine Dragon, was presumed to be a Demonic, a mistake coming from the lack of knowledge of the cook Euda, who took him out to the royal castle. And it was said that the true Largo is a heart-tender Divine Dragon that inherits what it is today, the true dragon, that is, the heart of the present Salamandra God.

That's unmistakable because I clairvoyantly collared the egg on the cradle that was beside the Demon King's seat long after it was laid off by letting Euda cook it. But Satan's concern is whether there is a way to make Largo drink the whole thing, which he doesn't think he remembers around. As a matter of fact, there is nothing to prove the fact that Dora, who is not here right now, was a dragon woman.

Approximately who can believe that a dragon woman likes to have children with demons?

Ahead, he was sent to eternal prison, and even if his spirit collapsed without his life being exhausted, he knew there was endless suffering waiting to continue causing him physical and psychological distress. The human Dirkichi, who could not live for so long, could not know very well what the pain was, and Dora's actions were not considered very conceivable in common sense as well as in humans.

So no matter how Satan looked at Largo from before his birth, he thought it would be quite difficult to make him believe that birth without his memory returning, Satan's feelings hissing through to Dirkichi.

(Well, telling him the truth might be so much trouble if he didn't have the evidence. I don't think there's anyone in person who says so much about the dragon or the dragon. The only thing that proved it was that His Majesty the True King didn't do the magic tool of an absolutely unmistakable identity detector.

Dirkichi remembers hearing from someone that it determined that it was a Divine Dragon about Largo.

(Why should I swallow it? Is that because he's Galenos' son and he thinks of himself as a demon? I don't remember anything at all. If I did, I wouldn't think I'd really take what others have to say.

In human senses, what we do not know is that if we were educated in an honest early childhood, we would normally believe in it without any doubt. Even if that was false knowledge, it's normal to assume that if it's imprinted all the way from birth. Diekichi understood that that was what it was, especially as regards human identity. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, I assume so if I'm taught to be humble for nothing, and if I can be taught that I am the most honorable God in the country, I won't believe it and doubt it. They say it's the beast without intelligence that doesn't. He tells lizards you're a bird, but he doesn't try to fly, and on the contrary, he says he remembers to fly one day even if he keeps saying he's a lizard to a bird. But an intelligent Largo doesn't even remember being a dragon. Even birds are said to believe that they are their parents for the first time in their lives. Just like that, wouldn't it be natural to assume that if you were taught from around you that you are a dragon, or a Divine Dragon? Then why... Satan didn't seem to have the answer to that question.

And from now on, Satan continues that in the eternal prison to which Lago is headed, Dora, Lago's mother, who necessarily disappeared from the Castle of the Demon King, should be imprisoned. When Largo could see Dora and in case she got her first milk, Largo was also trying to wake up as a Divine Dragon and tell her that she would gain full power.

(What do you think? That woman named Dora, why did you think to bring the dragon into the world? That's for sure what Oyaji said about the biggest contraindication in the world. I don't know what kind of tease a dragon woman will make of the demon child, but the dragon will be born out. Among them, I feel like I've heard that when the demon king seeds the dragon man of the female lineage, the true dragon, who used to be the Salamandra god of Tai Ancient times, will be born with the same level of the god dragon. Even if that's all wrong, it's like saying something about the highest level of code that the dragon, who became the Salamandra God, decided to commit in this universe.

Though that goes around in my head, my advice and knowledge of it doesn't flow in well from library metal.

Diekici then questioned Largo's suspicious attitude from his secret about Largo's birth. It is the most important major issue that concerns not only our own advancement, but also the future of this universe as well.

(Right. Did they do that Galenos? Saya inherited it, which means that the dragon Largo was called a sacred fountain repellent. No, I'm a demon in the first place, so it's natural that Holy Springs doesn't work. Well, Dora is a dragon man, and Satan seems to trust him blindly, but his opponent is the Demon King. I prefer to suffer human beings to rice three times, being drowned in my immense power or something. If a guy like that gets something with such great power as my kid...? No. Is there only one reason I want to get it? Is it different that Largo is hiding his lineage knowing he's a demon or that he can't believe it? You could be drowning in your own power. How can we help His Highness and take him back to this world with all these rescue teams while the dragon Largo awakens to the power of Homma? Is Largo here because he thinks he can do it?

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