Having communicated with the awakened beard by pulling the three women who have been thrown into eternal prison up into a cage with little prison influence, Krasabi, who understands the situation leading up to this point, is now stuck in words when the beard asks him who he is. Anyway, the way we transformed ourselves and fought witches, and rescue teams to here were formed, said our people were not only scattered, but even the identity of Largo, who had first figured it out when even we came here. Aside from Largo's Divine Dragon, that also means Cross is a Dragon Man and Mitsu is a Superman. Rather than say it is, it would be a 'magic tool for the determination of identity that you can never go wrong', as if it were so adjudicated, but if you expose your true identity here, what the beard believes will collapse from the ground up? I'm not going to tell you the truth right now-- when I think about it, I come up with an excuse for not being able to tell the truth.

"Oh, huh? No, I can't believe it. I'm sorry, but we shouldn't talk to each other about who we are without the Lord's command.

I managed to lie good. Later, if it's a tool like that, when you find out you're a demon, you'll be stuck in a state of distress. If I tell you this, I don't care what my identity is supposed to say then, I'm going to be able to say it.

Is it still because of Largo that this can be said to be a pepper? You always have to work hard with your head, so to speak, a position like Captain Largo SS had made Krasabi grow much more than he did when he worked as a cook during the time of Demon King's Castle.

"Ahh. Oh, right. Speaking of which, neither Mr. Cross nor Mr. Mitsu dared you to say such a thing from yourself because that's the kind of order you had. They just seemed surprised to see you both through. That's what happened.

"Uh, yeah. Yes, actually.

"The Awkward also imagined that Lago, ladies and gentlemen, had been taught and raised as human beings since birth.

"Huh? Why?

"It may be too much to say that some of us shadows have been taught and raised since they were picked up in the shadow shadow shadow shadow shadow, as if they were something special called the shadow shadow shadow species. And Mitsu-sama, who was judged to be a superman, wasn't so surprised. Because I was impressed that when the Dragon Man of Cross found out, I felt surprised to even Lago.

Once again, Shadow Xu can't miss the way she reacts snively like that, just one by one? But I don't know why Mitsu isn't surprised to be called Superman.

"Oh, yeah, that's because... we're all Lago's men, and what we specialize in doing is doing the kind of trick where we can't find out who we are, which means we're normal people, and that's never been broken before.

"Well, is that so? Then that tool must be really amazing. I'm sure the High Priest's judgment was accepted when Krasabi became available to His Highness, too, wasn't it? So the technique is that, to that extent, you can fool me.

Quite an excuse to put it bluntly and hot. I'm not sure if the twitch fits, but if the lizard convinced me, that's what I want the story to be about anyway, Krasabi.

(But I didn't get judgment from the Archbishop. Uh, maybe that's a cross recommendation for the introduction of the Holy Spirit to the kingdom brave.

"Uh, isn't that why Lago is so surprised when he finds out who he is? 'Cause the secret is that the only thing we really know about them is what's really nearby. But when did His Majesty the True King realize that the lizard that His Highness had ever kept was the dragon?

"Huh? The lizard is the dragon? What are you still trying to blur? We know that Lago is a true dragon, and the lizard Lago is a" god angel animal (Familia) "of the dragon. His Highness the Millian Rune admires his Divine Dragon. We know that his name was called Largo by lizards, the" Divine Angel Animal (Familia) "that was lowered, and that through lizards the Divine Dragon was always watched over His Highness the Millian Rune.

"Divine Angel Animal (Familia)"?

I wonder what's going on?

"What is it? Crab rust.

"Well, then, now, or... no. Lizard Largo, no. Where's Largo?

"Yes, the last thing I saw was a coffee shop in Wangdu, but it should probably be safe at the hands of your allies, Buel. Because His Majesty the True King and Sir Leold had been asked to keep you at the side of the Divine Dragon until His Highness the Millian Rune was rescued.

"So you saw Lago the Dragon and Lago the Lizard.

Krasabi is going to say "Master Largo" even if he wears it as "Lizard's". Speaking of Largo in the back of Krasabi's brain, all that comes up is the figure of the lizard master.

"Yes. Master Mitsu held me all the time. What's wrong with you?

"Oh, no, no, nothin '.

Krasabi wonders what's wrong with this. Soon, however, Krasabi recalls that on Milin's journey, Largo, who had left by his side many times, had created his identity with a ring he had received from the descendants of dragon men resembling a half-fish man who said Hayahusa or something.

Really? Using it, Rabbo created his own identity, and he probably asked Yachiyo to meet with the rest of the people, perhaps the true kings.

That means maybe I realized who I was before His Majesty the True King used an invitation judging machine and a do-over.

(That's right. You said Satan joined your people.

From now on, no matter how Lago says he doesn't know the world, the demons around him can't stop taking the humans to places where even the demons can't return, such as eternal prison.

In other words, didn't the demons also admit to eternal prison without accompanying any demon tribe other than Mitsu because there was a guarantee that they would just come back to wipe it out?

Maybe there's an Erigos in there who's supposed to know the whole truth. Satan and I exposed the truth, and maybe even the Demons brought us here because only Mitsu is that immense magic, and he manages to limit himself to the Hell's End to help.

(Not really, but...

"Than that, crunchy. I'm sorry I'm late to notice. Hanakage nostalgic, he had two piercing clothes worn by the deceased as he crossed the gates of hell, in conjunction with the portion of the awkward. I took one out, so I'm sorry it's a simple one, but please use this in time.

"Thank you. All the Hell's widows are wearing these piercing jackets, aren't they? Your word."

Wearing a piercing coat and strapped around his waist, Hanakage just woke up and noticed Milin lying next to him checking his health, trying to shake him up when he knew he seemed okay, and gave up after a while. You've gotten used to your eyes in the meantime, and now you two have tried to speak up to the crab rustlers who are noticing how such a hanakaru looks, but you also lean over the beard, understanding that your voice won't communicate.

Beards also responded to it, suddenly holding their hands when they wondered if they had approached each other, and on top of that, lips on each other are busy for a few seconds, and they are moving fine. I knew they were close, but if the status quo isn't like this, I'm going to blush for an exchange so slutty that I suspect whoever I saw that looked, if that's what they were willing to do.

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