Krasabi felt like he had been watching for a long time the acts of the two shadows that seemed too shameful to be carried out in public, even though they were lost in the dark, but the actual time flowed was not long. It would have been as long as I broke my fingers and counted until my lips combined and left.

Although it was an act that seemed too obscene for the girls to perform, it was felt by Krasabi as though it was not an act that was very much filled with passion. For my clairvoyant self, even this distance in this darkness clearly showed the expression of both of us, so it seemed more like a ritual or a move.

Now the hanakagi turned back towards the crab rust and pressed his cheekbone and talked to him, just like the previous beard. The two of them still had one hand together, and I don't think that's going to force me to do that, but I feel like I was purchasing an ear discipline somewhere that when I finally feel like a human being is in danger, my libido increases from the preservation instinct of the species.

But I knew right away that I didn't have to worry about that.

"I showed you something ugly. Since it was dark, I wondered if I could see the crab, and I heard from my beard what I had done so far in the secret of the silent teaching of Shadow Shadow Shadow. But even if you didn't do that, you had this way of talking. I can't speak out, so I thought I'd have to rely on that move.

Even though I don't seem to have spoken from either one of you, I'm surprised that it's all a mouthful of crab and beard exchanges until apparently just now, as if Hanakaru also knew.

"You're telling me that during that moment, you and Mr. Beard told him everything we talked about?

Soon the beard will also put his face on the opposite cheek, adding an explanation to the act now, just like the hanakaru.

The beard was away until just before that, so I could somehow see that what Hanakaru and Krasabi talked about was also conveyed with a one-handed movement that was connected.

Earlier, the whole time, it seems like there is no such thing as girly shame about working age, although it is a beard that knows very well that it is all seen in the eyes of the crusty.

"For example, when you're imprisoned, even in front of the enemy, you make it look like an act of affection between a woman who's stuck in the wings, and you communicate a will that you can't be made to hear around - so to speak - an eye-catching move. Suppose it is possible to use your lips and hands and make it a normal speed conversation to communicate more than a minute of information in about one breath. What's more, Shadow Xu may also wander around each other's bodies and secrets so that if something around them wants to turn away or, conversely, if they like it, they can be blinded by the act and communicated for a little longer, but it's only a limited act of deception, so I didn't show it to you earlier.

I didn't have to know that much detail, but I knew how it would feel to be considered a weird relationship if I didn't explain it.

"That 's-- that's amazing.

"No, it was Master Krasabi who surprised the awkward. Until I heard from the beards, I didn't think the crab was more eye-catching than the awkward ones. That's Superman. We'll continue to rely on him.

"Yes. Nice to meet you.

Krasabi bows with his face away from the hanakaru. Then for a while, they also settle down in communication with each other, Krasabi asks.

"I wonder what that woman should do, by the way.

"Valkyria, no. You're Serene, the goddess of the moon.

"Are you still really God?

When I say God, Salamandra, like God, we shine in the Giragic Sky, and we are extremely bad at its dignity for Whipley, but here we are a woman who is bigger than the Shadows, but more than the Giragira. Looking only at you in your sleep, you don't look like you've beaten the lagon, but you still look like a woman of your age who's not like Satan with a solid core.

"Yes, apparently so. It seems you have been sworn allegiance to this eternal prison by a faction that says it currently controls this hell, King Jardaba, and made to do something like the patron saint of this place under the name Valkyria.

"Yes. I've heard more or less from Mr. Beard, but then you're glad you're already one of us.

"I don't know if I can say companion, but it seems good to think of you as someone in a position with His Highness the Millian Rune who must save you. Hi, it seems like the evil god Deanna, who drove Master Serene out of the moon, was all behind it and was currently twisting the system of hell to stop a decent soul from giving birth to a redemption in hell on earth.

What in hell were you trying to inhibit the birth of a decent soul on earth? When I hear that, I feel comfortable with massive expanses of gut-bent things like the mafia and Unitota. But it's hard to understand who's doing it for what. Wouldn't it be as good as a bad taste demon to do that and be happy to see humans in trouble? Besides, if you're a demon, you don't like anything like strangling yourself with such seriousness, even if it's Astleto.

Straighter, you should prefer a screaming means of torture.

"Why would anybody benefit from doing something like that?

"We don't know until that happens, but it's obviously like that was being done. By the time the awkwards were brought here, Master Serene had been leaked that His Highness Milian Rune had been sent here with the same intent if it had been at the hands of Aladia, the breathtaking witch of the evil god Deana.

It is King Jardaba who controls hell, but also behind it is a mastermind named Deanna, the evil god who expelled the goddess of the moon in the past. Anyway, I see a horrible structure that involves the entire universe. Crusade to know that turning Aradia over to the enemy meant turning those guys over to the enemy.

"So doing that witch means eventually you have to deal with those amazing guys, like that evil god Deanna or King Jardaba?

For a moment, Krasabi originally held it in Largo, reminiscent of the image of a 'no demon tribe who is gentle in heart, but does not like to fight, and blood flows,' and finds that reflexively impossible, but now reckons that Largo is the rebirth of the Divine Dragon that unites the earth. Actually, you must be hiding abilities you just don't know and can't imagine. That's why we're on our way here, and we're all following you, believe me.

A voice comes from a hanakaru, as it holds it back.

"According to Serene, God of the Moon, this is an important part of this universe. You specifically said that God Salamandra had sent Lago to solve that great problem. Otherwise, the universe's rationale, Proverbs, could not have missed such an anomaly. There would have been great fluctuations, and the reaction to make an unborn being a deceased because he wanted to stop by should have appeared visibly.

No, I know Krasabi. Largo was born into the world after Dora, the evil demonic woman, fell in love with Galenos the Demon King, invading the highest contraindications in the universe.

(No! Master Dora is not some kind of bad witch. That's what Satan said. 'Dora's never trying to do anything reckless, for this universe, no, Salamandra. I insisted it was something I really needed for God. Satan believed it.

I can vividly recall coming back like I did yesterday. One thing I can be sure of in that memory is that Satan, who gave me so much confidential information every time, is someone I trust. Almost all of the demons who were in the castle of their own thought of Dora as a bad woman to some extent, who wandered off in love with Galenos. It is not hard to imagine that until then the demonic women who were in the rear palace of the demon king Galenos were the sarcastic flush of Dora's offer and thought that they had been chased through the rear palace since the advent of Dora and were no longer loved at all.

It is more convincing to think that Galenos banished the Lady Demons of the Back Palace in order to gauge Dora's secrets from the rest of us in a demonic society where each other's leg pulls are everyday tea meals. That's how you hid it and kept the secret of the birth of the dragon.

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