When Salé returned from the beach opposite Demon King's Castle to the labs all over the back mountain of Sheba, taking the Geimons Automaton troops, several Quadraples wipleys, including Nagari and Heiji, who came to see Geimon but were absent, and suddenly Astleto disappeared and couldn't move, were on their way around Lovelin.

But suddenly he sees Jamon coming out following Sale, who appeared in the room, and Samael's possessed Lovelin advances in and speaks out.

"Oh, I've been waiting, Jamon. It's been a long time.

When I heard that voice, I thought it wasn't the voice I gave Lovelin, and Jamon had something to pin on.

"You... Oh, my God! I thought it was a two-legged snake on an automaton that made me look like the Milian Rune I made the other day, what a samael. Me went all the way to the beach where the Demon King Castle was originally located to find Yu. Yu was coming this way. Oh, my God, I'm so wrong.

"What, hi? When did you say you were looking for me? What are you doing?

But I just said a word or two, and Jamon shuts up about what an old fashioned way Samael talks about it.

Indeed, Samael lived in a time when the Salamandra God was called True Dragon on this earth to unite every corner of the earth, and it is certain that there were still only a few of its original individuals, such as humans. In those days, dinosaurs also walked wide across the earth, and there was no such thing as a monster as my warm-blooded beast.

Nevertheless, to say that it remains so far as words are concerned is to bitterly complain that it may be too accommodating, Gymon.

"It 's-- but no matter how long it's been out of breath in the old days, the way you talk is too old. It would be nice to talk more like this.

"Whatever, you are the first Salamandra God's self, and every now and then the clouds spin, the depression and the mistletoe. I can talk as much as I can now. How dare you!

Samael began to speak unscrupulous words about what he was mistaken for.

"I don't know where I've been learning" Arinsu "on" Gozal, "etc., but it's windy and awesome now. Even after my predecessor Salamandra, God, retired, I've been talking this way for tens of thousands of years. There's no such thing as four or five. Me, every time Yu comes down to the human world, I just want to see him because he's getting worse and worse by telling me about the Red Devil and so on.

"Hmm, is that right? I also wondered if I was going to brag about the success of that research. Look. Homunculus said something about it.

Finally, Samael talked normally. I wonder if I can do it, but that's good. I can't put it in my mouth right now because it could get into depth, and I'm just showing off my research results, Jamon.

"Oh, yeah. Then there are a few, but for now it's this girl who stays here.

Introduce the little Lovelin and irreplaceable girl in front of the Automaton Squad, who had been relocating.

"My name is No. 14. Dear Samael, it is an honor to write in your eyes.

"Whoa, is this the doll? I guess there's a cold-blooded beast inside.

"No, Master Samael. I'm just an automaton built to work in autonomous mode. So everything you think and move can be done by your own will.

When asked so far, Samael, possessed by a two-legged snake lurking in it, actually leaks his surprise voice, although it would be a strange diagram to surprise Lovelin Automaton, who is about the same age.

"Ho ho, this is-- I see, Gemon, this is the homunculus that turns you into the human species you're after. It's a big deal.

I thought I'd get a little ass on it or look skeptical, but to Samael, who is so receptive and amazed, Jamon feels slightly lacking.

"Oh, my God, that's a clap. If you wonder if Homma suspects this is a doll or something, look, don't give it a clairvoyant, it's funny. Make it all.

We pride ourselves on which creatures - especially special cloths that achieve human and indistinct skin, or crop leather, or eyes, nails, teeth, etc. - are very first-class works of art, one by one, as if they were going to grow every day.

It is only natural that you should praise them for observing them more closely.

"No, I know that. Well, I think I've figured it out, but I'm now descending into this red two-legged snake body and living in a decorated automaton. Sure, this is just a human creation, no matter who sees it.

If you ask me so, yes. Samael's present body - it was itself a work of Jamon's own body.

Already, it would be after observing every corner what I was put on.

"Oh, it was. You already made the latest automaton. That's why you did it. Not much. How comfortable is he riding?

"So-so or something. No, that's a rude story. It's a big deal. Besides, by connecting my vision to this guy's vision, instead of looking straight out myself, I'm talking about this body really being transformed like my body - into a human being, of course, but like that body - it moves me. But what kind of things do you think - 14, talking to yourself like people? Hmm. I did see your failures in the creation of new species that Me and True Dragon went to Tai, and I thought all of them were dubious or something, but you really did it. So if that's what you're saying, don't create something that we're wrong with, but you're free to think and program your personality -- what did you say -- so you can do it?

Yes, it was. Actually, Jamon himself completely forgot there, but his ultimate goal didn't end here.

But what I just thought would take years longer than it took to reach this zone is overstating that it has undergone an innovative change overnight - catching up with it.

Although the progress brought about by Largo is significant, the realisation of Homuncrus through this technological innovation was in no way the goal that Jamon himself was aiming for.

If I hadn't met Samael, whom I used to be familiar with today, and been pointed out about it, I might have been intoxicated by the evolution of this technology and spent hundreds of years losing sight of my goals. But when he said such a mess, Jamon, who thought it was time to retire and one of his disgusts, accidentally turned to another important story as he knew it.

"Uh, no, I can't. I mean, if we haven't reached that area yet, shall we? Actually, I didn't make this doll the perfect thing so far, Mee.

"Oh, my God! Do you think more people have emerged who can do such things than you? Blue is better than blue. Is that your apprentice? The passage of time is a terrible thing to make.

"No, that's not it, either. Well, it's easy to talk to, but listen. No. Well, what are you talking about? Go upstairs, number 14, please.

With that said, Jamon invited only Samael to his own study upstairs.

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