"I know how it went. Then, to sort it out, it's the ghosts that Margaretta did that are stretching here, and these wrapped necromancers teased that Satan tried to seal Lilith up with a Madante Planta collar, making a failed move - or something. And it looks like Alessandro, but it's an automaton, and the contents actually contain a lagon. This was successfully sealed by Satan for every evil spirit Lilith. Well, there's nothing more to be done around here, but only Satan, who's fallen, is falling because of the shock of a broken demon nucleus and probably out of energy, right?

Margaretta, who had heard everything, also nodded, so that's roughly the place to be. Margaretta adds, referring to the two deceased.

"That's right. So, the deceased there originally lived in the King's Capital, and he put his cuts in Alessandro, who was not well, and I just confirmed that Alessandro was willing to go to eternal prison with us.

"Of course, I woke up, too. Whatever happens, I'll give you a statement.

Kagelow also made a powerful statement of intent, even if he didn't have to be old enough to say that if he lived, he wouldn't have to waste his life at such a young height.

But the meaning of saying that ordinary people - although in this case human deceased - will probably be held in eternal prison seems difficult to comprehend easily.

Largo ghosted his heart and thought he had to say a word.

"I'm glad you both feel like it, but the place of eternal prison is not that easy. Besides, the two of you deceased, from what I've seen, don't seem to have any scratches on your body anywhere, which is why I don't think I can even take you all to purgatory on earth. Then you may wander all the way through hell like this, or you may end up in eternal prison if you do poorly. Is that all right with you?

Though I had thought of it as a saying, Margaretta introduced me first, and at my uncle's age, a former citizen of the King's Capital suddenly bites me.

"Isn't it too much to say that you can't do anything to your God's ass? God gives us hope. You know what church people say then?" Let's go back the way we'll be able to hope rather than look for reasons why we can't, "he said. What are you gonna do when you're at the top of something that you can't do? If I give up, I'll treat you.

"What kind of mouth does this sound like to Lago the Dragon, Hayaji!

Margaretta whispered to my uncle.

"No, let me tell you. Hey, I heard from you earlier that you're an eternal prison with no accommodation, no rampage, no dreams, no hope. Master Kanryu, you're me! I want a accommodating god who's as big of a heart as Tao and takes what we can't do badly.

Largo does not miss hearing that the name of someone he knows was woven into the words.

"Mr. Tao? Could you say Mr. Hayaji, Tao's men, was killed by Unitota the other day?

"Why, you're just a god. Have you seen me?

"Yes, I kind of went through before your funeral or something. But actually, I, I know Mr. Tao. I respect you a lot. That's a good one, right?

"Ooh, you know what I'm talking about. That's right. Mr. Tao is my great benefactor. No, you know Mr. Tao. And you say you respect me? Forgive me for saying such things to such a good god. I haven't known how to say things for a long time. They're going to tell me that idiots don't get better when they're dead.

"No, he said he was very sorry to hear about you. He said he was as good a man as Mr. Tao.

"I'm in trouble, God told me so much.

I'm not talking about an oversized old lady, but Hayaji gets sloppy.

"But I know exactly what you're saying. And I also feel like I can somehow see that you were able to cheer up the depressed Alessandro. Please be with me. You will be sure to help the rescue team.

"There is, I have to.

Then the next thing I had refrained from was Kagelow.

"Dear God Dragon Largo, I'm not saying it in a half-baked way either. My sister Kagezu knew only one witch Aladia's ambitions, so she escaped the kingdom with her life to do something about it, renamed and partied in the Republic, to the Great Forest of Afar where there were dragon men. I was attacked there by a god beast who guarded the forest and died with my party companions, but my sister finally didn't come to the post-mortem world. I'm sure he was able to meet the Dragon Man and convey his wish to save the world. The evil god of the moon, Deanna's plan, to exhaust this universe itself, to do something about it.

What surprised me when I heard that was all the living things from the ground.

"Oh, my God! That means Kagelow. You're from the Republic, brother of Lord Numbers. Are you there?

"Right! Mr. Number said you were the brother who died in the Afar Forest.

"Did you both know my sister, too?

"I know, too, Mr. Number.

"That's right. As you know, I'm getting close right now. You went to hell with me alive, and you've come this far with me.

"Get out of the way. If the number goes off, if I fly away from here, I'll be right where I can see you.

"My sister...

All of a sudden, Kagelow got upset and stuffed his words.

"Okay, you go too. Mr. Hayaji is right, we'll think later. No, do something about it. Anyway, I'll rendezvous with the numbers first. If you give up, you'll be punished, won't you, Mr. Hayaji?

"Oh? ─ Ooh!

But I can't hide my surprise that Deanna, the evil god of the dark curtain moon who has appeared so far, had the purpose of exhausting the world, Largo, but I can't put it on my face right now.

If it was all about transforming this hell for that reason and keeping a good soul on earth from reincarnating in circles, weren't you talking about doing something about Deanna, the evil god who kicked Serene, the goddess of the moon, out and is currently sitting on the moon, not about the problem of the moon that the number revealed to me when she came into hell so that she could also be active when she was a woman's moon object?

If so, it is likely that the Divine Dragon that the number thinks was born in this world by asking the Dragon Man - that is, what he expects from himself - was a desire to shatter the wickedness of Deanna, such an evil god, and to normalize all this hell and earth. No, if you mean to invite God to do something about the Evil God, you'll be pretty much sure on that line. But there's no such thing as a dragon in this world, let alone a god dragon - just because I asked those tiny dragon men - can't be born that conveniently.

(Speaking of which, a story I've heard from Gymon before, I've imagined it might be as bad as getting out of the ethics committee, but multiplying the dragon man with the demon tribe could produce a dragon. No, which dragon man likes to have demonic children?

That's not a level issue that Takamura pushed on herself, saying that if there seems to be something strange going on in hell, I want it right - and so on, and it's no longer a matter of talking about the extent to which Largo himself pays for the firepowder that comes down.

Such a big story - not very much, but about the residual force left by the misguided Ingredient Demons and Galenos, Largo was about to hold his head if he wasn't the kind of opponent his teeth would stand.

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