Two of the deceased who were here, Hayaji and Kagelow, did not appear to be unrelated to the Largo's at all.

Hayaji was the victim of the unsuccessful assassination of the Tao in Unità, which he saw with Chiriko on the rooftop of the Royal Castle the day Largo was first given his nest in the Royal Castle, and he is an executive of an organization of reputable Tao from the citizen, who became an assassination gun twitch in the office of the Wang Capital, where he is now allowed to use it as a maid coffee. And Kagelow, who also appears to be a boy, was now the late brother of the number - named Kagezu - of the Shadow Age of the Kingdom, who is still going through hell to rescue Milin with Largo.

That Kagelow said, the number thing Kagezu also found that Aradia, who was the prime minister, had received a terrible order from the evil god Deanna to exhaust the universe itself by going to the Great Forest of Afar, among the dragon men, to complain and lose him, his brother, and return dreaming that it could be done. In other words, the number seems to believe that Largo appeared as a dragon in the world in order to solve such a great thing.

All of a sudden all sorts of things connected in my head, and where Largo was getting a little panicky, a ghost of uncharacteristic character who had been stuck watching Mitsu for a while finally began to claim something.

"I understand it's a crackling reunion, but is it time for you to remember yourself?

Speaking of which, while the ghosts and Margaretta were still in battle here, the Largos broke in.

I can't help but see the strange face as I glance at the mites, but the intent remains unreadable because of the strange composition of my mind.

"Oh, excuse me. Mr. Margaretta, is this the head of the last enemy, the ghosts?

"Shh, shh. The ghost doesn't belong here with the ghosts.

Dirkichi comes out once in a while, but he doesn't seem to have the usual energy. Well, even though we've come this far, Dirkichi, who hasn't trained at all, must have had a pretty tough time, so there's no choice. No matter how long I stand, I don't have an attitude of resentment that seems to distract me, and I don't get the next word like that. Immediately Margaretta entered the follow-up.

"That's right. He is what serves eternal prison when it comes to cockatoos. He told me earlier how His Royal Highness Milian Rune was doing, and although he hauled the remains of the kingdom brave man so far, when he said that I could not stop going to eternal prison no matter what, my opinion was in conflict because I insisted on putting up my body and stopping it, and I was just about to cross blades.

"The remains of the kingdom brave? Cockatoo, you were headed to the gates of Hell with Mr. Valkyria.

Speaking of which, there's no yellow aura standing up like the ghosts in hell. This is indeed Largo, convinced that he knows how to open a secret door, leading to the eternal prison that Valkyria was saying. But what can I honestly ask him to open that door to Margaretta, who tried to stop her from going to eternal prison, even if she put up her body? Valkyria, the patron saint of eternal prison, who will probably be the only one to hear that order, is no longer in this hell. The appearance is not so different, but the presence that would have been trapped in eternal prison is also not Valkyria, but Serene, the god of the Moon. There's no way to prove it's the same person.

"You know yourself? Valkyria, you mean you too?

"Yes, I saw you on the way...

That's it. Largo clogs his voice. What can I say, I can explain that situation. Is there any way to make you honestly believe that Serene, the goddess of the moon, has been sworn into eternal prison by the evil god Deanna and has been used as a Valkyrian?

Cockatoos heard better that Largo was about to make a decision about one or eight confessions while the other's mind remained unreadable.

"Is that Master Valkyria, who was coming back from the gates of Hell?

When I was cramped with answers, Mitsu, away from the meteor, who was finally clinging to me, broke into the story about whether I had shown the support I had developed in the Lagon era.

"Mr. Cockatoo, I am the one who came out of the Hell Gate with Mr. Valkyria.

"Who the hell are you? Where did you come from?

Surface psychology wandering completely through the mites says, 'Why did you come out, and from there! Stunning like' has come forward too far and I don't know where it is and why it shouldn't come out again.

Many times Mitsu's face is a big picture in surface psychology, and it appears from many angles, but I don't feel like it's all Mitsu. This is because there are things that you may see a luxurious dressy collar that is unlikely to be worn by mites, but the - perhaps a woman who resembles mites looks just a little older than mites, and if you look closely, her hair is deeply green, and her eyelids are gradually changing from light brown to golden, reflecting scenes of herself going inside like a coffin. I knew perfectly well that that was impressive because the strength of the impression, which depends on the back of Cockatoo's brain, is also transmitted to the Largo he sees.

"I say Mitsu, but I followed Master Largo from the ground to this point. And I got lost in purgatory with Lucy and Margaretta here, and then you two were trapped and dropped to the bottom, but I was the only one who barely stayed and opened and revamped the evil of purgatory, and took them to the gates of hell to appear, and judged the devil, and drew them together as sinners with Valkyria, and pulled them around halfway.

When Mitsu started talking, she understood that the woman she knew and Mitsu was someone else, giving her a slightly soothing look. But the look changes into something dangerous as the story progresses. The confusion and anger seemed to have reached its pinnacle after hearing the words' evil of purgatory 'and' judgment '.

"Well, it was someone else's likeness. The color of my eyes, the color of my hair... But it still seemed true what a woman named Lucy over there said. Until the judgment of the Great Demon... But you were doing that to me, and it also extinguishes the significance of the task of maintaining the eternal prison in which we are working so hard. Oh, my God, what are you doing? So the emergency and Valkyria are back. Where is Valkyria now?

"We broke up on the way. When I followed him, he didn't look like it, and I saw four thug dragon men who had followed Lago from the ground on one level to interrupt this mission, engaged with the Four Heavenly Kings named Satori, and at the end of the day, the Four Heavenly Kings named Satori were also exhausted.

It's a stunning cut back here, too. Indeed, Mitsu broke up with Valkyria on the way when he discovered and was stopped by the Sabutlers, and when he followed him, he encountered the scene where the dragon men were being hit by Satori. Satori then exhausted herself because of Mitsu's attack, but she was just watching it - roughly speaking - not lying. Therefore, the impression that Mitsu is hostile to the Raging Dragon Man by referring to Satori the Four Heavenly Kings as "the" creates the impression that he is not hostile to Satori.

And how you judge it is left to this ghost's ability to judge. Didn't you do it? I might confess if I were pressed, but I wouldn't imagine that an undimensioned mite spilled Satori fighting more than one another with four dragon men who supposedly might have lowered Valkyria, etc. Largo and others who know the strength of Satori would still be incredible if they hadn't read that scene from Mitsu's memory.

From all that information, it seems that Satori and the four Dragon Men would have met.

"Hit it off... Still, bringing down the Four Heavens King means quite a strong man. Of course, there are four dragon men coming in here from Hell Gate. What the hell is going on with Hellgate security? So, Valkyria, what if she was engaged by four dragon men?

"No, it's not for me... But those four have also been sent to Hell's Gate in a worn out manner.

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