Descending on the red two-legged serpent Lovelin, Jamoel, who came to Jamoen's lab to get an automaton for himself, because he cares about humans to wander around in this world, including the early, dramatically evolved automaton rigging he met, brought Jamoe into the single second floor.

Shortly before, the Toddler Demon clan, who said that he had dealt with Samael after his descent, would leave the babies with the grown-up demon daughters and go after greeting them that they must hurry back. Samael dropping this off looked heartless or lonely.

"Didn't you want to preach to me? I'm here because I asked you to do me a favor, and you want me to talk to you before I do?

Though the cute girl's style has made the way she talks decently easier to hear, her squeaky voice and speaking samael, quite uncomfortable from the looks of it, is fluttering with her legs together in the center of the sofa for two.

"Well listen. What's the hurry? ─ ─ At first, I thought he was a great magician.

"That guy?"

Again, I suspect you were not so interested in the technological evolution of the automaton, but it seemed necessary to tell Samael that the current ground was becoming a lot of things on top of that.

"I've been talking about this for a while now, the guy who put his hand in Me's automaton and made me evolve superbly. I was starting to talk about that. Uh, the magician Chiu... You know the wizard, too, don't you? Speaking of dragons who abandoned their own pulse, they went to the ground because they had a research mind.

"Hmm, you did. However much, I know about the end of the road that our Dragons followed. Besides, the wizard was born in a time when I was alive too - that is, before the Harmagedon with that true dragon.

Maybe I know and deserve it. But to him, it seems to have reminded him of a less than happy story. Samael's tone is rough, not because he explained what he knows.

"Don't. A magician can use magic, but he's only good at scripting parts of magic tools that contain spells. Humans can study and use magic all the time, but this field is generally the most logical head job among wizards and magicians, even among humans, and they say it's the highest job in magical relationships.

"That means you were. In the first place, you needed a long spell for every startup, and you figured out how it worked on a magic tool that was a single feature, which made it dramatically more functional, didn't you?

"Well Me, in the process of studying to make this automaton, I also learned quite a bit about that path, which I really needed to do, but no matter how the originator or whatever, it's never professional.

"Instead of studying, the system itself, you invented it.

It is common sense among the wizard companions who know what happened at the time that there would be nothing they do not know, but it is the story before and after True Dragon became the Salamandra God that made the technology available to the world, so to come earlier and mouth it as if you know Samael well around it, come no surprise, Gymon.

"Yeah. But you know Yu does pretty well, too.

"Didn't I tell you something I taught you before? Even when it comes down to it, I study the technological advances in the lower realm every time.

The descent caused volcanic eruptions, floods and monster outbursts, annoying the world and wondering if it was just an immediate ascension, but remembering to learn to tunnel with all the upliftment was just wrapped around Samael and his tongue, which was a first-class product as a researcher of dragons.

"What. I thought you were just doing things that annoyed people, so I didn't know what to do. So, once, I made a hugely made automaton, and I didn't think about talking and loving things like the 14 that I just did. I thought it would make me physically competitive to say one way or the other, and I made it with a focus on you, and at the time I made it, of course, I was with the other automatons here. I couldn't even assume that I would think for myself. That said, it's a solid gatai in itself, and I've incorporated all the mechanical ones at the same level as this No. 14. I got it, talked like a human being, thought about it, and there's a superhuman swordsman who can fight even more amazing than the human swordsmen who are there. When I first met her again, I was so surprised that she seemed to lose her back. ─ ─ Well, to say that, it's not a good pin for you.

Getting that far, Samael, though in Lovelin, understood Jamon's intentions from his old relationship with the work of the year, even though he did not understand the magic tools or the details of the automaton.

"In short, I'd like to say that the magician could have done something that even Jamon under heaven could not have done.

The attitude that it's already a pain in the ass to be heard for a long time is that I'd kick up a chair if it weren't for the poor girl, but this is where Samael, who was a senior in dragon society at all, keeps going with much patience, Jamon.

Anyway, everything you want to say starts here.

"Well, I might as well put it briefly, but you don't think Mee spent tens of thousands of years researching it, do you? Easier, of just a few days - I don't know the truth, but it took me so long to do it. So, if Me is going to be the descendant of this amazing, studying genius magician, haha, haha...

"Out of the question, did you do it human?

Gemon feels his hips broken when he was put in quite a tiny penetration. This is where it matters, but in fact, I got a hesitant gap between what should be called a Divine Dragon, or a peculiar one.

Nevertheless, I don't think it's the same thing to call Largo a dragon here, Gymon.

"Well hurry up. That's more of a surprise story. I don't know if I'd be surprised if I told you earlier, but... anyway, he did it because he had the ability to be peculiar.

"I see. I don't know your surprise. But there have been examples of this in the past. As for the part of the other world that Samael made with True Dragon, that is, hell and eternal prison, I think we were both amateurs and taught by you, but it took a lot of spells - scripts - or parts of it that applied something like that. But even once I made it, years later, I forget its contents. It was very difficult for our amateurs to read and interpret the script again. So in future generations, True Dragon, who became the Salamandra God, said he had found a peculiar person who was good at that and had quite a few hands on it by saying he couldn't do it to that dead word. It is true that itself has long been spoiled and should have allowed almost every script in the eternal prison system to be recreated into itself.

Well, the word 'human' appeared earlier because the singularity would have been human if it had been correct. Jamon slightly reflects on whether it wasn't a bogged down cling.

But you're not in this world all the time, but Samael, who is somewhat familiar with where he gets that kind of information, smelled like he had a convenient source somewhere.

"Did you hear about that a long time ago? Well, that may have happened in the past, but that's sort of the thing, if you say you're used to scripting. So yeah. But I didn't write it from scratch again, but it leads to what I just said.

That's right. I told this amateur so much because I wanted to tell her that the current Homunculus fix is not that easy.

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