On the second floor of the coffee shop, a dozen people gathered in Kurtiza's words that a monster had appeared, enter the coffee shop and a few people signal by invitation that the brandle that had gone up came up to Kurtiza. I could hear men and women whispering in small voices at Kurtiza, who sneaked up the stone stairs again.

"Hey, because I showed you my cosplay, Yu-san said you weren't dressed that well, but you're just a helmet like that?

"No, it's sudden, I can only borrow this from someone I know. But that witch in Erna looks so cute, she's lovely.

"That's enough. Don't keep saying that to me.

It's the sweet voice of Erna that Krutiza has never heard before.

"Wouldn't you rather have a room, after all? In a kitchen like this...

"No, you can't. Your brother's in the next room, but you're gonna find out what Yu-san's doing. The walls between this room and this room are thin.

"Bye, Erna. Are you telling me we're gonna do this here? Whatever it takes, it's impotent.

"But when I got down a little while ago, it looked like Kurtiza was asleep downstairs, and I'd go about before everyone woke up?

"Hey, it's time to get brighter out there, and if anyone wakes up, I'm in trouble.

"What, you think you can talk to me?

"Yes, no, it's not like that, but Elna and I are getting older, and Ares won't allow it. Besides, I think something just happened down there."

"Don't say anything weird anymore, I'm gonna wake up feeling good. Here, hold me tighter."

Kurtiza can see herself getting red at the same time as her face catches on.

It is the voice of Erna, though she is invisible to her face, who was looking like a witch, and her opponent is a monster shaped helmet with a frightening appearance that freezes at a glance, but Erna calls it Yu, and it is an expression of affection no matter how she hears it being exchanged between them. When I first saw it, I felt like that helmet looked higher, and my body remembered quite a bit of it, but when I calmed down, it was Chef Yu's size. Besides, the two of them are still in that place, a momentum that seems likely to start a love sympathy that others shouldn't see.

Krutiza didn't seem to be the only one who felt it, and Brandle and Zato invited all the people who had been coming into the coffee shop, including Krutiza, out of the store in a hurry. At least four to five people, including Kurtiza, who went up the stairs seem to have heard the scenes of the two meets.

Quietly exiting the front door so that everyone could not be noticed anyway, Kurtiza was disputed in the middle of the street.

"Hey, don't take us to that place.

"That's Erna, isn't it? I don't really go to the store, but it's the store owner, right?

For one thing, Krutiza, complained of the evil of the one that had coincided with Elna's Marquis scene, can only be spoiled to ask.

The next question to come, of course, is the man.

"Was it Elna's guy who wore the weird thing?

"Is that Ares coming out dressed like a butler? You got a slightly different voice.

"Yeah, you must be Elna's brother who just said Ares.

"Hey, you listen too closely.

"Oh, that's someone I've been in lately who's very good at cooking. It's Yu-san. I don't think anyone's ever seen his face in the kitchen."

"I'm sure that wearer is eggy.

"But what is it, Kurtiza? There was something on the coffee shop couch.

"Uh, that's different. I made it. It's been almost a month since the store reopened, so Elna wants to make a coffee in the middle of nowhere.

When I heard that much, I summed up the upside of things for everyone Brandle was gathering around.

"Guys, you're right to ask. Hi, Kurtiza fell asleep, and she thought the Ernas' disguise was a bachemont.

Brandle is not saying that it was an encounter between Erna and Yu-san. Of course, it's natural because the monster noise has nothing to do with Erna's socialization.

Kurtiza knows about Erna because she lived next door, but she didn't think she was the type to let him in without him. Because Kurtiza knew that his sick brother Ares had been unable to get a step out of the house the whole time. One day, Ares got better enough to work, and then she said that the two of us would work in manual labor, but the next day she suddenly paid the house to leave. And after a while, he suddenly showed up in Bokovo and hung out with Bannader and his daughter, who had previously worked with him, to work in a coffee shop he had taken over in Wang Capital.

Kurchiza puts on this story that she wanted to cut off from her previous life because she felt it was time to work in a whorehouse. At that time, if the water didn't fit, I was thinking well enough that I should go back and work in a slightly lower level whorehouse.

But now I feel alive to this job. All of a sudden, each of the waitress members I work for is working hard with the dream of going to the region and running a similar store.

So I think about keeping my eyes closed for as long as Erna's fire play, Cruziza. And I'm happy to be able to confirm that this coffee shop is loved by this city, where everyone gathered when I changed my blood and popped up. Kurtiza thought of it as a good harvest of this failure.

"Why, don't you surprise me when I'm busy in the morning.

"Let's have another drink!

The men dispersed as they left a throwaway dialogue saying it was something.

There's still something I'm not convinced about Kurtiza, but the voice of what I confirmed with these ears, though he was wearing that horrible helmet, does belong to Yu, who also takes his alias as as a kitchen magician in a coffee shop.

Suddenly, Kurtiza went in again, opening the front door to rest quietly on the couch.

You were weak on too much, the tight sound of the front door sounds loud.

"Who? Are you a customer?

Bad, Krutiza is in a hurry when Erna finds out.

"Oh, oh, good morning. Elna? I fell asleep downstairs. I've been out for a little while now, getting some morning air.

"Really? I'm going to the market with Yu-san now. Maybe it'll be a little late, but please let's all do the morning support.

"Because I generally keep it in the kitchen if I want to eat. And I'm going to borrow your luggage.

At the end of the day it was my uncle's voice. I'm sure the two of them wouldn't be so wrong about Kurchiza's idea of going to the market and sticking around somewhere like an obscure inn with that cosplay.

Something put a sheet on my big bag and I can see my uncle walking down the stairs to my backyard. I guess I'm going to put that disgusting helmet on my luggage. I looked strange and thought I'd ask what that was, but I decided not to.

(I still owe Elna a lot, so let's just say I take a big look at all this.

If Erna came down and was a witch fit, it would have to go in again, so it was Kurchiza wearing a futon and pretending to sleep again.

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