Yasko continued his residency at Zaknen's house, where he was young enough to become the deputy secretary of the king's capital guard.

It was placed there in the first place, in order to stop the witches who came out of the King's Capital during Operation Hideaway, to organize a project called Operation Shockeye Rescue, which was made up, and to buy time by the hands of the men brought in by the witches.

In other words, as SS, there was no particular reason to stay in this house, but there didn't seem to be enough work to urgently have to pay for this house, so even if there were more and more work to be done for the wild, if Zaknen had to do it during the sleeping days or the night he was out, he would have stayed put.

Yasko's work in this house is enough for Zachnen to prepare and feed a meal for both morning and noon at dawn when he returns from an overnight takeover with the Secretary, to take a nap until evening, and to have a chat with him for a while while while while we have dinner prepared when he wakes up. Finally, I also prepare another lunch for dinner, but lately I have been sweating for an hour before work to say that I ate too much good food, and I have been cleaning myself up and then going to work a little faster for dinner. It was routine for Yasko to have another night meal during this time.

Zaknen has no annual leave because of the title Deputy Secretary. Instead - even though it seems to be because there is a takeover and there is no significant difference in working hours - there are three shifts. In contrast, the general guard takes two shifts, and he also takes time off so that there is no need to rotate. It seems that depending on the time it ends, it can also be rolled out to the town at night, and when Yasko began to reside here, at a rate of once a week, he invited the ─ men of the same hours of service to start swallowing in the morning, and it was also customary for him to do it until noon and sleep as deputy secretary. However, three weeks after Yasko's arrival, there were no more gatherings.

That's what Yasko feels as if his over-drinking subordinates have touched Yasko's body serving him with a booming momentum, and his older subordinates have persisted in asking him how far he is going with Yasko so that he no longer invites him to serve at home that is likely to come off the hook.

From then on, there was always a gentle and serene time flowing to the quiet table, where the time of the two daily meals, Yasko and Zaknen, would only be told about the state of control of the city without any deflection.

But that day, Zachnen, nervous during dinner chatter, cuts out like it's hard to say.

"Lord Yasko. We truly appreciate you making a very tasty meal like this every day.

"What are you talking about? Something I don't know about right or left in a land I'm unfamiliar with, like me, is eating me only doing things around my husband this way, because my husband keeps the security of Wang Capital Night in good stead every day and he's getting paid. I let you live here, and it's just me who feeds you every day - and it's me who must be thankful.

Of course, but Yasko doesn't actually need food.

Of course, if you eat it, you can use it as a human being, no more than as an energy as a demon, that is, as a survival energy if you convert it into magic.

However, if it does not work more than a human being, and if we harness the natural true power of Whipley and the nature that is equipped for Yasko, those stored magic powers will also be diminished with tremendous momentum.

So if you have an urgent request from Ronoweh or something like that and you have to use the powers of the Demons, then of course the magic accumulated with that is not enough, so you are rushing to refill the magic water produced from the Magic Water Generator, or even if it is not, you are usually donating extra energy in a relationship of friendship, other than Zaknen's - an adult - cultivated in the coffee shop days, from someone you know in the genre called Sefre.

Well, just for the record, it is not red under that energy, but less careful to have it supplied in white.

But if you're eating here, even if you say you're letting me sleep in this house for the price of labor, because the cost of food for two people is originally twisted out of Zachnen's lesser salary, no matter how different it is from the setting of a woman of common sense who came out of the countryside, I figured I'd have to pay only the lowest courtesy, as a Yasko, which is the best acknowledgment.

"No, no, no, Yasko. I think it's a big waste of time wasting how clever it is to let things just be like maids without pay in places like my own. It may be a land of incompatible water, but it is now in a state of solemnity. If you have the opportunity to attend a castle, a ball held by each nobleman, etc., you will surely have a chest ache, unless you are truly sorry, because you are tying yourself to such an ancient house, even though you may be caught in the eyes of a local nobleman's succession or a majestic farmer or a majestic.

Well, even though a wipley that does preserve the body of an adult is no longer solemnly held in the present kingdom, if you go out dressed up in so-called balls, social circles, etc., you will certainly gather the gaze of the men.

But then, if it turns out that it's just a marriage you're dating and they want you to inherit it it, that's a little out of the standard when we're demons.

Already firmly, I was born a heir to my righteous wife, and still have extra energy, so if you want a clean second or third as the person to handle it, that's a welcome story for the Yaskos, but if you're talking about wanting a successor or daughter who inherited that beauty, I'd like to give you a break. Like Natsumi, "I want to have your baby" and so on in the killing complaint of the matter means that Yasko, as a demon, can say as much as he wants, but hard work and guts alone won't give him a new life.

More than that, this guy named Zaknen doesn't know what he's so reluctant about, but he doesn't touch a finger on Yasko.

I wonder if it's even been some trauma to this guy that I set him the same age as my sister that he's just in the country, but that doesn't mean he was now reading Saba over two years old.

If so, because this is what we talked about, Yasko decides to do it with just a little water.

"With that being said, I don't seem to be very interested in Uzukura like me, and I'm sure Master Zakunen is serious, but - instead of getting his hands on it - wouldn't you tell me one of those colorful stories here?

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Even after I let you live with me this way, when I was in the hot tub, just when I woke up from my hypnotic sleep and saw a sheet of towel, or when I splashed oil on my clothes during my meal schedule, you happened to rush back to where I had taken it off - and even then you went into your room or went out - you never saw me with weird eyes. That still means your sister and I are the same age, and we don't feel that way about such an older opponent, do we?

Yasko does that in the funny half, so not once or twice.

After pumping water and warming it up in a bucket, and bathing in the water with it, I always wandered around with one towel should have done it at a time close to Zachnen getting out of his nap, and since he doesn't come back for an hour or so saying he'll run as soon as he sees him like that, I've also tried many times not to bother pretending to get dressed slowly in the kitchen like he's soiled his clothes, but still doesn't seem to come with Muramura because I think there's more to Kanye Isoba at this young age.

"That's outrageous. I was very rude if that's how it seemed to me. If you have stopped that appearance at the edge of your eyes already - it is not the year of such a feast, but you are no longer there, and what you say - you were running to the processing of your feelings.

I see. Does that mean I was running around processing my body "over there" instead of processing my feelings?

If that's the case, push one more and Yasko will figure it out.

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